to the May newsletter


to the May newsletter
Words from the Chair
Recently I had an opportunity to see somewhere else
through a “younger mans’ eyes” when my son and I
travelled to Shanghai for a few days. As he marvelled at
the skyscrapers and teeming masses of happy friendly
Chinese locals going about their daily lives I looked anew
at this city of over 24 million people, all of them in an
area half the size of the Bay of Plenty, and it is a marvel to
appreciate how it all works.
But by day three we were both ready for what we knew
was waiting in Kuaotunu, (no - not just Luke’s Kitchen’s
kumara chips…) - the peace and beauty we all appreciate,
even if we forget occasionally just how fortunate we are
to have it as our doorstep!
Recently we had our successful AGM, my thanks to those
many members of the public whom gave up a morning to
come along and have their say on our village and
neighbourhood. There are many exciting developments
ahead that will enhance some lives, ease others and in
general keep Kuaotunu as we love it. Whilst Shanghai is a
world away once it was the size of little ole Kua and I for
one am in no hurry to head down that rather noisy
consuming road, so instead ask all of you to help, just in
your own way, for us to stay young. Be it an email to me,
letter to TCDC or your MP, a submission on a draft,
pulling a weed from the track side, or a piece of flotsam
from the beach as you stroll through the wealth that is
our life here. In what many people (millions, -tens of
millions even- in shanghai alone) would call paradise.
Then know you are, maybe anonymously, part of a
collective, and it is appreciated by many.
With autumn colours abound
Cheerio, Steve
Tsunami Warnings
At our AGM it became apparent that there is still some
confusion about Tsunami warnings. There is still no
uniform nationwide warning siren but there are some
things that are certain:
- If you feel a strong earthquake that makes it hard to
stand up and/or a weak rolling earthquake that lasts a
minute or more – move to high ground immediately
- If you see a sudden rise or fall in the sea level and/or
hear loud and unusual noises from the sea – move to high
ground immediately
- For distant source Tsunamis we will have some hours
warning and the media (radio and TV) will provide
updates. Your Fire Force are also ready and prepared to
assist and will be warning those in low lying areas with
the Fire Trucks and Volunteer Firefighters. If you have
visitors, perhaps own a B&B, ensure that your guests are
also familiar with this and know where to go. For more
information visit:
Keep safe !
Speed limits / speeding drivers
Also discussed at the AGM were the ongoing
concerns about the speed some drivers, locals
& visitors alike, think appropriate in and around
our village. Especially on the long straight
between the tennis courts and Kingfisher Way
which is all in the 50km/h zone a lot of drivers
go much faster. Other areas of concern are on the
western end of Kuaotunu where the speed limit of
70km/h is often exceeded, making it a dangerous
undertaking turning into SH25 from Hilldale Crescent.
KRRA has recently sent a letter to NZTA asking for the
speed limit to be reduced to 50km/h for the entire
Kuaotunu area, from Hilldale Crescent to the west to
Cemetery Road to the east. We will also meet with NZTA
on site on May and will keep you posted.
Other ideas discussed at the AGM included additional
signs made by local artists and in keeping with the
heritage theme, possibly in form of another wood carving
like the one at the corner to the village centre – this
would hopefully help make people more aware that they
are driving too fast. If you have any other ideas or
suggestions on this subject and how we keep our kids and
ourselves safe on and beside the road – please contact
one of our committee members.
Broadband upgrade
The internet speeds have been at an all-time low over the
summer months. Chorus have advised us however that
the broadband upgrade will be finished by the end of
June and this should ensure faster landline based internet
speeds for most of the Kuaotunu area.
Courtney Table
Over the Easter weekend the Courtney family celebrated
their reunion in our historic hall. Almost 80 people
participated from all around New Zealand and Australia.
The Courtney family, who owned one of the hotels during
the gold rush days, donated a concrete table & bench set
to Kuaotunu. A lot of thought went into the location of
the table and KRRA worked with TCDC and the Courtenay
family. All parties were pleased with the chosen spot at
the end of the reserve near the original site of the old
Kuaotunu Hall
Recently KRRA met with Hall committee members to
discuss developments and to offer our help. Appreciation
was expressed by everyone attending, both Hall
committee members and KRRA members, for the great
progress that has been made in the upkeep and upgrade
of facilities of the hall in recent years, largely due to the
efforts of Doug, Jane and Rebecca as well as the other
committee members along with their helpers in the wider
community. Our village now has a hall that we can all be
very proud of. However a lot of work still needs to be
done. Currently the Hall committee is planning
applications for funding for the restoration of the Hall
floor. The old Kauri boards are by now so thin they cannot
be sanded back any further, so another way of restoring
the historic floor must be found. Another concern are
some piles and bearers under the main room and the hall
committee is awaiting the report from a council engineer.
Some of you might have noticed that the Roll of Honour
has not been in the Hall since late last year –
– this important piece of local history is currently at the
Auckland War Memorial Museum and was assessed by a
restoration specialist. A grant may be available from the
‘Lottery World War One Commemorations, Environment
and Heritage Committee’ and will be applied for. If all
goes well, the Roll of Honour, looking good as new, will
be back in place by the end of the year. Another project is
the 125 year old KFC (Kuaotunu Football Club) Flag, which
is hanging on the back wall of the hall. It is even older
than the Roll of Honour and we hope that an application
to the NZ Rugby Union might result in some funds going
towards it restoration.
As you can see there is a lot of work being done behind
the scenes. Income from weddings, functions and regular
community groups renting the hall all goes towards its
general upkeep and the many ongoing renovation and
maintenance projects.
The planned landscaping of the area at the rear of the hall
is partly covered by grant from Pub Charity.
Thanks as always to all volunteers, including of course all
old and new Hall committee members. And check out the
fabulous website:
The concrete at our boatramp is currently being extended
due to some unexpected funds coming available and
being directed our way. Many thanks to council for this;
it could have easily gone elsewhere.
Many have asked why the already existing footpath
leading from the village bridge to SH25 has been
concreted rather than starting one of the long awaited
footpaths to K-West or Pumpkin Flat. The reason is that
the main footpaths along the road will be done by NZTA.
The small concrete footpath however is on a reserve.
Here also council had some money left over & decided to
spend it in Kuaotunu. 
KRRA website -
Our website is still a work in progress. As our membership
fee is our only income we will offer advertising space to
local businesses to fund ongoing upgrade of our website –
please contact Sheila ( for details.
KRRA Membership
If you wish to become a member or are late with your sub ($ 10.-pp) please make your payment to ‘BNZ Bank’ 020496 0012645-00 account name
Kuaotunu Residents & Ratepayer Association Inc with your name as reference & email/post your details to or PO Box 405
Whitianga 3542.
CONTACT DETAILS: Chair S.Brown Douglas:, Treasurer S.Westley, Secretary A.Brickell: