the Unorganised - labour department
the Unorganised - labour department
GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT Labour Employment Training and Factories Department - Labour Welfare – the Unorganised Workers Social Security Act, 2008 – “Rs.5.00 Lakhs Accident Death Insurance Scheme for Unorganised Workers” – Notification – Issued. LABOUR EMPLOYMENT TRAINING & FACTORIES (Labour-I) DEPARTMENT Date:25.04.2015 Read G.O.Ms.No.10. 1.From the Commissioner of Labour, AP, Hyderabad, Lr.No.F/900/2015, dated:9-3-2015. *** O R D E R: The following notification will be published in the Extraordinary issue of the Andhra Pradesh Gazette, dated: 27.04.2015 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred under sub-section (4) of Section 3 of the Unorganized Workers’ Social Security Act, 2008 (Central Act 33 of 2008), the Government, hereby formulate the following insurance scheme for the Unorganised Workers employed in the State:I. Object of the Scheme: (1) The main objective of the Scheme is to provide relief to the poor families of Workers in the Un-Organised sector in the cases of accident death. (2) As per the All India statistics on Accident Deaths in 2012, the State of Andhra Pradesh (7.6%) occupied fourth position along with Uttarpradesh with Maharastra (15.7%), Madhya Pradesh (9.1.%) and Tamilnadu (8.3%) in top 3 positions. (3) The Accident Death of the Worker results in misery to his poor family casting heavy financial burden due to medical and other expenditure relating to the accident and financial loss due to death of the bread earner. The Central Government have also announced “Pradhanmanthri Bhima Suraksha Yojana” Scheme for Rs.2.00 Lakhs Accident Death Insurance Scheme for the holders of Jan Dhan Yojana Accounts, who are mostly unorganised sector workers. There is every need for implementation of Accident Insurance Scheme for Unorganised Workers and the Insurance amount should be Rs.5.00 Lakhs keeping in view the present day financial needs on medical and other expenditure at the time of accident and education and other needs of the dependent family members. II. Salient features of the Scheme (1) All unorganized workers who are registered with the Andhra Pradesh Unorganised Workers Social Security Board are eligible to become beneficiaries of the Scheme. (2) The Unorganised Workers will be registered as beneficiaries under the scheme On-line through Workers Facilitation Centres or such other means as may be specified by the Commissioner of Labour and the Assistant Labour Officer is the Registering Authority. The registration of the workers shall commence from 1st May 2015. (3) The Unorganised Workers shall open Jan Dhan Yojana Savings Bank Account in any of the Nationalised Banks. He should ensure compliance with the conditions for eligibility for Rs.2.00 Lakhs Accident Insurance scheme under “Pradhanmanthri Bhima Suraksha Yojana” scheme of Government of India. (4) The beneficiary will be eligible for Rs.5.00 Lakhs Accident Death Insurance, out of which Rs.2.00 Lakhs shall be from Central Government Accident Death Insurance Scheme. The balance Rs.3.00 Lakhs will be paid from the Group Insurance Scheme by the State Government. (5) For the first year, the Government will pay the premium for Group Insurance Scheme as an incentive and from the second year onwards, the expenditure will be met from Government of India/ State Government/Board Funds with or without contribution from the insured. THE ANDHRA PRADESH UNORGANISED WORKERS SOCIAL SECURITY SCHEME PRELIMINARY 1. Short title, extent, application and commencement – (1) The scheme may be called the Andhra Pradesh Unorganised Workers Social Security Scheme,2015. (2) It extends to the whole of the State of Andhra Pradesh. (3) It shall apply to all Unorganised Sector Workers in the State. (4) It shall come into force from the date specified by the Government. 2. Definitions – In this scheme, unless the context otherwise requires, (a) “Act” means the Unorganised Workers Social Security Act, 2008. (b) “Beneficiary” means an Unorganised Worker registered under the scheme. (c) “Family” relating to a beneficiary shall be deemed to consist of the beneficiary, his / her spouse , unemployed son, unmarried daughter, widowed daughter if residing with the beneficiary, dependent parents and the widow and children of a deceased son, if any; (d) “Form” means a form annexed to this Scheme. (e) “Fund” means “Andhra Pradesh Unorganised Workers Welfare Fund” constituted under Clause 3 of this Scheme. (f) “Registering Authority” means the Assistant Labour Officer of the area. (g) “Rule” means the Andhra Pradesh Unorganised Workers’ Social Security Rules, 2012. Words and expressions used in this scheme and not defined shall Note: have the same meaning assigned to them in the Unorganised Workers Social Security Act, 2008 and the Rules made there under. 3. Fund: (1) A Fund shall be constituted in the name of “the Andhra Pradesh Unorganised Workers Welfare Fund” by opening an Account in any Public Sector Bank Branch. (2) The Fund shall consist of – (a) A contribution from the insured worker as per the notification by the Government. (b) Contributions by the “Employers” as may be notified by the Government. (c) Grants or Loans from the State Government (d) Financial Assistance by the Central Government (e) Interest on investment in securities, deposits and rent, (f) Donations etc received from an individual or an establishment (g) Any other sum as may be approved by the State Government (3) The Fund shall be applied for the purposes of this scheme. Without prejudice to the generality of powers in this respect, the Fund may be applied in connection with the following activities (a) Cost of administering the scheme. (b) Providing Accident Insurance Scheme and such other benefits as may be notified by the Government from time to time. (c) Such other activities incidental to the objectives of the Scheme. 4. Administrative and Financial Powers of the Commissioner of Labour:(1) The Commissioner of Labour shall operate the Fund Account and release the Premium of Insurance Scheme and all expenditure on contingencies, services and purchase of articles as per the Rules/instructions of the Government in force. (2) The Commissioner of Labour shall also exercise such other administrative and financial powers as may be required for implementation of the Scheme. 5. Registration of Beneficiaries: (1) Beneficiaries shall be registered by the Registering Authority under the Unorganised Workers’ Social Security Act, 2008 On line through Workers Facilitation Centres or in such other manner as may be specified by the Commissioner of Labour. They shall submit Application in Form annexed to this scheme and also furnish other particulars like Aadhar Number, Telephone Number, Bank Account Details as specified by the Commissioner of Labour. The application form may be changed as specified by the Commissioner of Labour, depending on the requirements of the scheme. The beneficiary has to pay user charges for such registration and will be issued an Identity Card under the Act. He will be provided Smart Card based on the particulars furnished by him in due course. 6. Benefits: A Beneficiary registered under the Scheme shall be entitled to Rs.3.00 Lakhs Accident Death Insurance and Rs.2.00 Lakhs Accident Insurance under the Central Government Accidental Death Insurance Scheme Subject to his satisfying the conditions of eligibility. The insurance policy is valid for one year and may be renewed thereafter, as specified by the Commissioner of Labour. 7. Disentitlement for Benefits and Redress of Grievances: (1) A registered unorganised worker who fails to renew his registration within the time specified by the Commissioner of Labour or has attained the age of sixty years, shall cease to be a beneficiary. (2) Any grievance may be addressed to the Registering Authority who shall dispose of within (30) thirty days by way of a speaking order. (3) An appeal may lie before the Commissioner of Labour within (30) thiry days of communication of the decision of the Registering Authority and the decision of the Commissioner of Labour shall be final. 8. (1) Settlement of Claims: The Registering Authority shall process the Claims under the scheme in the manner specified by the Commissioner of Labour. (2) All payments to the Beneficiaries shall be made through Registering Authority only in the manner specified by the Commissioner of Labour. 9. Power to remove difficulties: If any difficulty or doubt arises as to the interpretation of any of the provisions of the Scheme, the decision of the Government shall be final and binding. 10. Power to amend scheme: The State Government, may by notification in the official Gazette, modify or amend the Scheme for its proper implementation and in the interest of Unorganised Workers. (BY ORDERE AND IN THE NAME OF GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH) G. ANANTHA RAMU SECERETARY TO GOVERNMENT To The Commissioner of Printing, Stationery and Stores Purchase, AP, Hyderabad (with a request to publish the notification and furnish 250 copies to the Government) The Commissioner of Labour, AP, Hyderabad. All Collectors, through the Commissioner of Labour, Hyderabad. The Secretary to Government of India, Ministry of Labour & Employment, Shram shakti Bhavan, New Delhi. The Secretary to Government, Department of Labour & Employment, Government of Tamilnadu, Chennai. Copy to: The Law (B) Department. The Finance (EBS.XII) Department. The TR & B (TR.I) Department. The OSD to M (LETFB & ITIs). The P.S. to Principal Secretary, LET & F Department. The P.A. to Deputy Secretary, LET & F Department. Sf/Sc. //FORWARDED : : BY ORDER// SECTION OFFICER ANNEXURE TO G.O.Ms.No.10, LET & F (LABOUR.I) DEPARTMENT, DATED:25.04.2015 FORM ANDHRA PRADESH STATE SOCIAL SECURITY BOARD FOR UNORGANIZED WORKERS Application for Registration as Unorganized Worker ANDHRA PRADESH UNORGANISED WORKERS SOCIAL SECURITY SCHEME District Category of worker Occupation Home Based Worker/ Self employed worker/ wage workers in unorganised sector / wage workers in unorganised sector not covered in EPFO and ESIC Driving License Number Registration No.(UWIN Number) to be generated (to be filled by Office) 1 2 Application No. Aadhar No. Ration Card No. 3 (Xerox Copy shall be enclosed 5 6 7 8 Full Name of Unorganised Worker Father's Name Mother's Name Date of Birth/Age 10 Caste: 11 Jan Dhan/Bank Account No.: S C ST BC Bank name IFSC Code 12 Mobile No: 13 Status of Health: Minorities satisfactory OCs Branch name 14 Permanent Address: House No./Building No. Street/Road/Lane Area/Locality/Sector Post Office Village/Town/Sector Sub-District District State Pin Code 15 Temporary Address: (if above tick) House No./Building No. Street/Road/Lane Area/Locality/Sector Post Office Viilage/Town/Sector Sub-District District State Pin Code 16 Family Members Details (including self/dependents) Name of the Family Member Age/ Date of Birth Gender (M/F/T) Relationship Average Aadhar to Main Income unorganised No/EID Occupation (Annual) worker category of worker(Home Based Worker/ Self employed worker/ wage workers in unorganised sector / wage worker in Organised Sector not covered in EPFO and ESIC) Are you migrant worker (yes/No) If yes (from other district in the AP state/other state) i ii ii iv v vi vii vii viii ix x 17 Whether included in any of the following schemes. If yes, please indicate appropriate registration/sanction No. Sl. No Name of Beneficiary (self or dependent family member) i ii iii iv v Building & Other Constru ction Workers Board A.P. Labour Welfare Board Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Aam National Swasthya Aadmi Old-age Bima Bima Pension Yojana Yojana Scheme (RSBY) (IGNOAPS) NREGA Any other Scheme (Centre/State) Dwcra (specify scheme name and reg. number) 18 Sl. No Details of Nominees: Name of the Nomin ee Age/ Date of Birth Relation with beneficiary Perce nt age share of nomin ee Aadhar No. Bank A/C details (branch name, ifsc, bank name) i ii iii iv 19 Name of the Family Member(including self) Highest Education Qualifications Skill Training Required S. No i ii Name of children Class Studying School/ college details roll no i ii SELF-CERTIFICATION I do hereby certify that I am an unorganized worker and the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief . Authorisation to share AADHAR Number with UIDAI I do hereby authorise the State Government of Andhra Pradesh and Central Government, sharing of my AADHAR NO. with UIDAI for verification and for publication in the occupation-wise list of unorganised workers as well as for future validation purposes. Enumerator’s stamp and signature with Date Applicant Signature /Thumb Print with Date Date and Time of Enumeration Name of Enumerator (Internet operator/Mee seva operator/wfc) Mobile No. of Enumerator