Announcements for June 14, 2015
Announcements for June 14, 2015
Welcome to Ladner United Church A Heart for God… in the Heart of the Village Worshipping on the traditional territory of the Tsawwassen “land facing the sea” First Nations June 14, 2015 We are glad that you are here. All are welcome in this place. There is a card on the table in the back of the church to let us know your contact information, or changes to your information, and to request other services. • for more information please go to our website at or be in contact with our minister • the website has a Questions and Answers document and Jim’s sermons are available on it • let the church office know if you require a name tag • If you require offering envelopes (for tax receipts) or wish to sign up for PAR (PreAuthorized Giving), please contact the office • in our faith community we have people who are allergic to strong scents, perfume, melons and peanuts • There is a hearing assistance system available - please ask a host if you need one. COFFEE HOST: F - K Next week: L - P Thank you to everyone who helped with today’s service: If your surname begins with F,G,H,I,J, or K, please come to the kitchen before & after the service to help serve coffee, tea & treats. Thank you! Hosts: David & Pam Simmonite Scripture Reader: Pat Rogers THIS WEEK AT LADNER UNITED CIRCLE DANCE TONIGHT June 14 at 6:45 pm Multipurpose Room Monday June 15 at 9:30 am Kitchen Thursday Coffee Thursday June 18 at 2:00 pm Celebration Centre Leadership Council Meeting Thursday June 18 at 7:00 pm Fireside Room Sandwiches for First United DANCING WITH THE BEARS Please come and experience The Bear's joie de vivre and passion for dance. John and Marina have been teaching Circle Dance for over 30 years. These "grand" parents of West Coast Circle Dance are from California. Added together, they are 150 years old, healthy and vigorous, and eagerly awaiting the next opportunity to dance. Date: Sunday evening, June 14, 2015 Time: Gathering 6:45-7:00pm, Dancing 7:00-9:00pm Place: Ladner United Church multi-purpose room, 4960 48th Avenue in Ladner. Access is the side door on Laidlaw Street (east side of the church). Immediately turn left after you walk in. Dance Facilitators: John and Marina Bear from California (see detailed bio below) Cost: by donation RSVP: or 604-946-0349 Please bring: A water bottle or mug Please wear: Comfortable clothing and soft soled shoes Marina and John Bear have been teaching circle dance and sacred dance for more than thirty years. Since 1987, they have been the organizers and, with others, the teachers at the five day West Coast Circle Dance Camp in California. The Berkeley Circle Dance group the Bears started in 1985 has danced regularly since then, more than a thousand evenings. The Bears have attended dance workshops in North America and Europe, dancing with many well known teachers. Marina has choreographed more than two dozen dances. In the civilian world, the Bears have been writers, teachers, and business people. Marina taught ethics and world religion for many years at Berkeley City College, and now teaches at a Tibetan Buddhist center in San Francisco. John once taught marketing and communication at the University of Iowa. Together or separately they have had more than 35 books published by major publishers on cooking, philosophy, computers, higher education, consumer-ism, and other topics. The Bears live in Berkeley, California, but spend much time in Portland, Oregon near their twin daughters and five grandchildren. Added together, they are 150 years old, healthy and vigorous, and eagerly awaiting the next opportunity to dance. Thank you! “I would like to thank everyone for letting me volunteer at the church, handling the accounts for the Senior Choir and the M & S fund, for the past 50 years. It was a pleasure to help but it’s time to let someone else take over. Thank you to council for the flowers and beautiful gift!” Gezien Brigham Card Sale The craft group will be having a card sale on TODAY, June 14th after the service. This will be the last card sale until the fall. There will be Father's Day and Grad cards as well. The last sale gave us $39.00 to give to the church so we hope to improve on that this time. Thank you for your support! SUMMER CHOIR Beginning Sunday, June 21 worship will be musically lead by our Summer Choir. This choir is open to anyone who would like to assist in worship until the regular choirs resume their duties in September. Singers are asked to be at the church by 9:30 on Sunday. We will rehearse the hymns to be sung that day, and, if there is time and sufficient numbers, we may sing a simple piece of music as a Choral Offering. Commitment is week by week – come when you are able and willing to sing. Come every Sunday, or one Sunday, or any number of Sundays in between. The choice is yours. Summer Choir will allow us the opportunity to sing a wide variety of hymns – including some that may not be as familiar as others. What a wonderful way to give musical leadership with a minimal time commitment. Come and sing praise to our Creator! For more information please contact our Music Minister, Alan Whitmore at 604-831-5669 or at SEEKING SUMPTUOUS SOUNDS! First United needs donations of a number of hand-held musical and percussion instruments for our Friday morning music program. If you have anything you can donate… ANYTHING from bongos to whistles to gut buckets to castanets, please call Keely at 604-318-5311. THANK YOU! Thanks to the efforts of numerous supporters who contacted the City (including the Strathcona BIA), a shiny new bike rack was installed right at the corner of Hastings and Gore, next to the Church. DID YOU KNOW? In 2013, the average cost to rent a 1-bedroom apartment in Vancouver was $1067. Contact Information On Facebook: search for Ladner United Church Minister Major the Reverend Jim Short CD 604-946-6254 (church) 778-887-6236 (cell) Email: Twitter: @seaforthpadre Music Minister Alan Whitmore 604-831-5669; Secretary Wendy Fraser 604-946-6254 (church); Board Chair Don Ross 604-940-0398; Board Co-Chair Jill Spencer 604-946-9649; M&P Chair Nancy MacLennan 604-946-5972; Prayer Chain Coordinator Olga Froud (604) 940-1078 Leadership Council Church School Welcome to St. Stephen’s United Church, East Delta Sunday June 14th, 2015 Welcome to worship today! *As a courtesy to those who are sensitive to them, please refrain from wearing perfume or cologne during the worship service. Today we welcome Rev. Scott Swanson and thank him for joining us and leading our service today. Scripture reader this week: Glenda Pentland If you are able to join us after the service today we will be going over to Deltaview to lead a short hymn sing with residents in the Ian Paton Spiritual Care Room. Next week as the 3rd Sunday of the month we will focus on the children and all are invited to bring any little ones to church and there will be Sunday School leadership as well as time for continued fellowship after the service with coffee and goodies. The annual Church picnic will be held on June 28 after our last service before the summer break at Marge Paton's farm, 3706-88th St. East Delta. Any time after 3:30 and we will eat about 5pm. Please bring something for the potluck dinner and a lawn chair, coffee and juice will be provided. Bug spray and a light jacket are recommended. Rain or shine and please label any dishes/utensils that you bring. CONGREGATIONAL MEETING: You are invited to stay after service on Sunday, June 28 for a short congregational meeting to vote on the recommendation of the Minister Search Committee. NEED to be in Touch??? Supply Minister: The Reverend Wendy Bily Pastoral Charge Lead Minister: Major the Rev. Jim Short, CD Music Minister: Lee Fraser Youth Program: Marilynn Davis Board Chair: Dewar Harper dewar& Pastoral Charge Secretary: Wendy Fraser 604-946-1746 604-946-6254 604-940-8180 604-524-9805 604-943-1717 604-946-6254 THIS WEEK YOU ARE INVITED TO PRAY FOR: 1. People in our Church whose work is: Hospitality 2. People in our Church who volunteer as: Service Organizations: Lions, Elks, Rebekkah Lodge, Probus, Rotary 3. Ladner and St Stephen’s Ministry: Everyone involved with the Prayer Chain 4. South Delta Christian Community: Pneuma Church 5. Our United Church Neighbours at: Wilson Heights – the Rev Blake Field and Designated Lay Ministry Rosemary Collins 6. In the World: Brazil