April 2015 - Lake Chapala Society


April 2015 - Lake Chapala Society
60 years of “People Helping People”
April 2015
The Lake Chapala Society
Highlights of the 2015
LCS Annual General Meeting
The President’s address highlighted key themes:
The LCS strategic plan:
● improving the perception of the LCS in the eyes of
members, the greater Lakeside community, and the Mexican
community, particularly local and state governments by clearly
communicating LCS’s identity and mission;
● optimizing our programs to assure continued relevance;
● re-engineering the LCS campus infrastructure to meet
current and anticipated needs.
LCS’ first external audit has been completed by Grant
Thornton. The successful completion of this “top to bottom”
review of LCS’ financial policies and procedures is critical to
achieve a charitable status and assures members and potential
donors that LCS is being managed according to current best
practices in Mexico.
President White assured members that as we approach
our 60th anniversary as the premier ex-pat organization at
Lakeside, LCS is moving in the right direction by adapting to
change, creating value for our members and preparing to take
the next steps to become a sustainable organization for the next
60 years.
Treasurers’ report:
Though we ended the year with a deficit, an additional
$50,000 pesos was added to the reserve fund. LCS has moved
to an accrual form of accounting. The Financial Report of 2014
was received from the External Auditor and ratified. The same
External Auditors were ratified for the 2015 finacial audit.
Ratification of Membership Categories and Dues
The ratification of one revised membership category and
adding two new membership categories took place:
The associate membership with limited privileges and no
voting rights will be renamed monthly membership. Privileges
and rights would remain the same.
A proposed new membership category called senior members
for those 80 years of age or older would have the same privileges
and rights as regular members, but at reduced annual dues.
A proposed new membership category called student members
would be available to students enrolled at an educational
institution for at least 6 hours of instruction and would have the
same privileges and rights as regular members at a reduced
rate. This category is proposed to encourage Mexican students
to join LCS.
The elimination of multiple member discounts has arrived.
Each member will pay the same rate and there will no longer be
a discount for couple, triple or quadruple memberships. Each
member will have a registered email and receive correspondence
and surveys from LCS. Each member is eligible for a Directory.
A change in the membership dues structure will not result in
increased revenue for LCS. To facilitate this revenue neutral
position the following changes were ratified: regular members
$525 pesos, senior members $500 pesos, monthly membership
$100 pesos per month, and student members $250 pesos
This results in a reduction for single members by $25 pesos.
These changes will promote fairness while maintaining LCS’
financial integrity, improve communication with our members,
and enhance the quality of our demographic data.
Report on Annual Objectives
Update of the annual objectives of the LCS Standing
● Audit Committee – charged with the oversight of the external
audit by Grant Thornton, coordinated the LCS response to
audit findings, developed and coordinated with the treasurer
plans to remedy issues identified by auditor and coordinated
those plans with Grant Thornton to develop a final report with
a clean opinion of LCS finances for 2014.
● Campus Committee – assigned to re-engineer campus
characteristics and building design to accommodate
forecasted requirements for all activities, to determine space,
technological, accessibility, and “green ” requirements,
outdoor space needs and landscape design. This committee
expects to develop a unified campus design for board review
later this year.
● Community Committee: is developing a marketing plan to
reach potential residents, recent arrivals, and those projected
to arrive in the next 5 years. This committee expects to
increase awareness of the value of LCS’ programs to the
Mexican community. New Initiatives include a pending revision
of the web site to be rolled out in mid-April; a new member
orientation; a volunteer training and orientation program to
help our volunteers become better ambassadors for LCS,
its members and the community by improving the volunteer
● Fund Development Committee - New Initiatives are in the
process which include developing programs for annual and
legacy giving and developing plans to recognize donors.
● Program Committee - Has been focusing on future
relevance of programs and services offered by the LCS with
new initiatives. This committee coordinates with Community
Committee on developing new member focus groups develop
future programs, explore ways to support the ESL program.
This committee is also developing a job description for an
Education Director at Wilkes Education Center.
● Finance Committee - implemented financial policies to
strengthen internal controls and ensure financial assets
are managed properly; worked with LCS management to
implement a new financial accounting software package to
streamline accounting practices and operational processes;
participated in the preparation, review and adoption of 2015
budget; and worked with GrantThornton on the first external
audit of LCS financial records.
Continued on back page.
LCS’ New
Meet Rachel McMillen our
Volunteer Coordinator.
Rachel has lived at Lakeside for
five years. Before that, she came
from many locations around the
world including Australia, British
Columbia and London. Rachel
also happens to be the author of
the popular Dan Connor mystery
series. Her third book premiers this summer and she will
be going on a book tour soon!
Rachel's goals for her new position is to be a liaison
for the volunteers and help them make "LCS as good
as it can be". Currently, she is looking for volunteers in
many areas, events, health services, membership, library,
computer classes. Much-needed office volunteers must
have lived here at Lakeside fulltime for a year.
Thank you Rachel, and welcome to the LCS family
of volunteers. You are helping us meet our mission of
people helping people.
Introduction to Spanish
This is a casual class offered for the beginner that
covers the Spanish alphabet, simple vocabulary,
phrases, and other useful information about Lakeside
and Mexican culture.
Classes are held the first Tuesday of the month
and run for three weeks from noon to 1:30 p.m.
Materials are provided and tuition is $175 pesos. For
information, email Peter Donaldson
More Dirt From the Gardens
The garden team accepted a generous gift of a low
handle shovel while planting the comemorative maple
tree marking the anniversary of 70 years of diplomatic
relations between Mexico and Canada. This shovel is
being put to good use already. Thank you to Ben White,
LCS President for the contribution.
We would like to send a shout of appreciation out to
the volunteers who readied the gardens for Viva Mexico.
The gardens provided a fantastic photo opportunity and
it was wonderful seeing the dancers and models posing
throughout the gardens for this remarkable photo shoot.
We rescued a wayward monarch caterpillar recently.
Our friends at Have Hammers build butterfly cages and
save caterpillars from precarious places in the garden.
The volunteer gardeners are learning more about this
endangered species so we can rescue them.
AbueLinda’s Authentic Mexican Cuisine
April classes: Location: Constitucion #3, Ajijic.
Cost: $300 or $350 non-members.
Questions: 766-0955 or email: abuelindascuisine@gmail.com.
Tianguis to Table 1 April, Wednesday, 10am – 12:30 meet at
Salvador’s (Carretera and Revolucion) Registration deadline:
March 31
Mexican Soups, Stews, Salads and Salsas: Pasta Poblano
and Pico de Gallo 2 April, Thursday, 4 – 6 pm. Registration
deadline: March 31
Mexican Specialties: From Veracruz – Pescado a la
Veracruzana April 7, Tuesday, 4 – 6pm Registration deadline:
April 3
Tianguis to Table 8 April, Wednesday, 10am – 12:30 Meet at
Salvador’s (Carretera and Revolucion) Registration deadline:
April 6
Mexican Soups, Stews, Salads and Salsas: Mole Poblano
or Mole Verde 9 April, Thursday, 4 – 6 pm Registration
deadline: April 7
Mexican Specialties: Roasted Pork (from Jalisco) in Torta
Ahogada 14 April, Tuesday, 4 – 6pm Registration deadline:
April 10
Tianguis to Table 15 April, Wed., 10am – 12:30 Meet at
Salvador’s (Carretera and Revolucion) Registration deadline:
April 13
Mexican Soups, Stews, Salads and Salsas: Creamy
Calabaza Soup & Stuffed Calabacita 16 April, Thursday, 4 –
6 pm Registration deadline: April 14
Mexican Specialties: Gorditas and Sopa de Tortilla 21
April, Tuesday, 4 – 6 pm Registration deadline: 17 April
Tianguis to Table 22 April, Wednesday, 10am – 12:30
Meet at Salvador’s (Carretera and Revolucion) Registration
deadline: April 20
Mexican Specialties: From Guerrero – Talla Pescado 23
April, Thursday, 4 – 6 pm Registration deadline: April 20
Mexican Specialties: From Puebla – Sopa de Ajo & Tinga
de Pollo 28 April, Tuesday, 4 – 6pm Registration deadline:
April 24
Tianguis to Table 29 April, Wednesday, 10am – 12:30
Meet at Salvador’s (Carretera and Revolucion) Registration
deadline: April 24
Mexican Specialties: An overview of Mexico’s extensive
culinary culture 30 April, Tuesday, 4 – 6pm Registration
deadline: April 28
If You Have Time, You Can
Make a Difference!
Business hours 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Monday through Saturday, or email
us at CasiNuevoAjijic@gmail.com.
april activities
*Open to the Public ** US Citizens
(S) Sign in required (C) Membership card required
Cruz Roja Sales Table
CRIV Monthly Meeting
IMSS & Immigration Services
Lakeside Insurance Broker
Mon-Fri 10-1
2nd Wed 2-5
Mon+Tues 10-1
Tues+Thur 11-2
Becerra Immigration
Thur 10:30-12:30
Blood Pressure
Fri 10-12
Hearing aid Services (S)
Mon+2nd+4th, Sat 11-4
Ministerio Publico
Wed apr 1+15 10-2
Claravision Optometrist (S)
Thur 9-4
Pharmaceutical Consultantion
4th M10-12
Skin Cancer Screening (S)
2nd + 4th Wed 10-12 :30
US Consulate**
Wed apr 8 10-12 Sign up 10-11:30
Children’s art
Sat 10-12*
Children’s Reading Program
Sat 9-10*
Mon+Wed+Fri 9-10
Intermediate Hatha Yoga
Mon+ Fri 2-3:30, Sat 1-2:30
Line Dancing
Tues+Thur 10-11:15
Video Library additions
Are you traveling north and returning soon? Or
have someone coming to visit? We have been very
fortunate recently in having sufficient couriers to keep
the Video Library current, but now we need your help.
We order them on-line, pre-pay them and have them
delivered to your address of choice.
The Hundred Foot Journey #6873 Helen Mirren
The Judge #6877 Robert Downey, Jr. and Robert
Duvall Drama
Love is Strange #6882 John Lithgow and Alfred
Molina Comedy
Downton Abbey Year Five #6888/89/90
Fargo Year One #6884/85/86/87 Billy Bob Thornton
Crime series
Welcome to the Sticks #6880 French comedy English
Activities News
Beginner’s iPad classes will resume on August 27. For
more information, contact lcsipadclasses@gmail.com.
Thur 10-12
Book & Video
Mon-Sat 10-2
Library of Congress Books**/ Talking Books
Thur 10-12
Mon-Fri 9:30-7, Sat 9:30-1
all Things Tech
Fri 9:30-11:30
Beginners iPad Classes (S)
Thur 10-11:45
Bridge 4 Fun
Tue + Thur 1-5
Conversaciones en Español
Mon 10-12
Discussion Group
Wed 12-1:30
English/Spanish Conversation
Sat 11-12
Everyday Mindfulness
Film Aficionados
Thur 2-4:30
Genealogy Forum
Last Mon 2-4
History Club
Tue apr 14 1:30-4
Mac OS
1st Mon 12-1
Mac User Group
3rd Wed 1-2
Needle Pushers
Tues 10-12
Neill James Lectures
1st + 3rd Tue 2-4
Open Gaming (open to the public from 2)
Mon 1-4*
Philosophy Group
Wed 10:-12
Mon+Fri 12-1:50
TED Learning Seminars
Tues 12-1:20 ends apr 14
Tournament Scrabble
Tues 12-1:50
Have Hammer Workshop Demo
Mon 10-12*
Information Desk
Mon-Sat 10-2
Lakeside aa
Mon +Thur 4:30-5:30
Ninos de Chapala y ajijic
Fri 10-12 Begins apr 17
Open Circle
Sun 10-12:30
SMaRT Recovery
Wed 2:30-4
Mon 7-8:30 pm
TICKET SaLES Monday-Friday 10-12 *
Viva eSun!
In the first full year of operation-2013-2014,
our eSun power array saved LCS a whopping
Good With Your Hands?
Special Events Coordinator Karla Boentgen is looking
for people with a bit of flair to help with fiesta
decorations, greet guests, and collect tickets. We’d love
to have you work with us. Call Karla at 766-0461 for
more information.
IT Position Open
We need an Information technology person to fill
a volunteer staff position. The qualified candidate
must be an LCS member, have experience in building
computers, installing software, trouble-shooting
computer and network problems, and building and
managing networks.
Position requires climbing stairs several times a day.
If you are interested, please contact Robert Katz at
Convert Your Tapes to DVD
Only $50 pesos each tape. Drop them off in the Video
Follow Us on Facebook
Now you can follow us on Facebook. Keep up
on all things LCS - programs, activities, special
events, updates and news. Like us at www.
Board Elections
Upcoming vacancies on the board were unopposed, with
no nominees presented from the floor. The following board
members were appointed by acclimation of the members
present at the AGM:
• Vice President: Cate Howell* (1st term to 2017);
• Treasurer: Michael Searles* (2nd term 2017).
• Lois Cugini * (2nd term 2017);
• Barbara Hildt (1st term 2017);
• Yolanda Martinez(1st term 2017);
• Garry Musgrave (1st term 2017);
•Fred Harland * (2nd term 2017)
Highlights of the 2015
LCS Extraordinary Meeting
Bylaw Revisions to the Constitution
Ratification of the new LCS Mission Statement: The promotion
of the organized participation of the population on the Shore of
Lake Chapala in actions to improve their own living conditions.
This language is required by the Mexican government for The
Lake Chapala Society, A. C. to obtain charitable status. Once
obtained, it will eventually allow U.S. and Canadian citizens
the ability to make tax deductable donations to LCS and be
recognized by their respective governments.
Ratification of the Revision of 9.01.1 as follows: The Board
of Directors is comprised of no less than 9 and no more that
13 voting members in good standing including 4 officers. Non
officers are referred to as Director at Large.
Ratification of the Revision of 9.01.4 as follows: No spouse or
significant other may serve simultaneously as a voting member
on the Board of Directors.
Ratification of the Revision of 9.01.5 as follows: The immediate
past president serves in an advisory capacity to the Board of
Directors without a vote.
Ratification of the addition of 9.04.(j) 5) as follows: The Board
of Directors may permit any Officer or Director at Large to
participate in a regular or special meeting by, or conduct the
meeting through the use of, any means of communication by
which all directors participating may hear each other during the
meeting . A director participating in a meeting by this means is
deemed to be present in person at the meeting.
Ratification of the addition of 11.01.3 as follows: Annual
membership dues may be adjusted annually according to cost
of living (COLA) as set by the Bank of Mexico for the preceding
12 months beginning May 1st of each year at the discretion of
the Board. The rate of increase will be effective the following
January. Any request for an additional dues increase above the
COLA would require approval at an Annual General meeting.
Thursday Film Aficionados
Open to LCS members only. Bring your card.
All films shown in the Sala from 2-4 p.m.
No food. No pets.
April 2 '71 2015 UK
A disoriented young British soldier is separated from his
unit during a riot in Belfast in 1971. Jack O'Connell (Starred
Up) is amazing in this intense drama. My early favorite for the
April 9 The Selfish Giant 2013 UK
A contemporary fable about a 13 year-old and his friend,
both misfits in their own neighborhood. Inspired by an Oscar
Wilde story.
April 16 Salt of the Sea 2008 - Palestine
Sorya, a Brooklyn born Palestinian discovers that her
grandfather's account was frozen in an Israeli bank when he
was exiled in 1948. She is determined to claim what is hers.
April 23 Chinatown 1974 USa
Private eye Jack Nicholson is living in the murky moral
climate of pre-WWII Los Angeles when he's hired by a socialite
(Faye Dunaway) to investigate her husband's infidelity. One of
my top 10 of all time.
April 30- The Drop 2014 USa
Bob Saginowski finds himself at the center of a robbery
gone awry. James Gandolfino's (The Godfather) last movie.
April Bus Trip
The only LCS Bus trip in April LCS will be traveling to the
popular Galerias Mall on Wednesday, April 15th. The bus
will leave from the sculpture in La Floresta at 9:30 a.m.
Join fellow shoppers when they enjoy a day of shopping
at the Galerias Mall which includes stores like Liverpool, Best
Buy, H&M, Sears, and other great stores. The mall is adjacent
to Costco, Super Walmart, Super Mega and Sam’s Club. Also
there are a variety of great restaurants like: The Cheesecake
Factory, PF Changs, Chili’s , Applebee’s, and Outback Steak
House. Something for everyone.
LCS bus trips sell out quickly, so buy your tickets soon in
the LCS service office; cost is $250 pesos for members and
$300 pesos for non-members.
Thanks to Casther Paints
LCS received a generous donation of much-needed
waterrepellent roofing materials from Casther Paints for
the roof of the Service Office.
16 de Septiembre #16-A, Ajijic, Jalisco LCS Main Office: (376) 766-1140
Office, information and other services - Monday-Saturday, 10:00 a.m to 2:00 p.m. Grounds open until 5:00 p.m.
President - Ben White (2016); Vice-President - Cate Howell (2017); Treasurer - Michael Searles (2017); Secretary - Carole Wolff (2016);
Directors: Lois Cugini (2017); Ernest Gabbard (2016); Barbara Hildt (2017); Fred Harland (2015); Yoli Martinez (2017);
Garry Musgrave (2017); Pete Soderman (2016); Immediate Past President: Howard Feldstein.
Executive Director - Terry Vidal
The LCS Newsletter is published monthly. Deadline for submissions is the 17th of the month preceding publication.
Submit all news items to newsletter@lakechapalasociety.com
Note: The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all submissions according to time, space availability and editorial decision.