BEquinox 2014 – Mythos - Los Angeles League of Arts


BEquinox 2014 – Mythos - Los Angeles League of Arts
Bikes: Bring you bikes and cruise around the
BEfore You Go
BEquinox asks participants who and what they would READ THIS GUIDE!!! Know it, Understand
Ice and firewood will be sold
like to “BE” as the embodiment of mind, body and
it, BE it.
BEquinox 2015 – Imagine
spirit with the passing of each Vernal Equinox. This
four day, three night event will be held beginning at
noon Thursday, March 19th thru noon Sunday, March
22nd at Joshua Tree Lake Campground in Joshua
Tree, California. Step through the looking glass and
“Imagine” just one more time yourself created
fantasy. You find you have the power, creativity, and
verve to make great things happen in a world entirely
of your making. Join us Saturday night as we burn
our community art piece
1. BEfore you Go
2. BE Prepared –
What to Bring
3. What NOT to Bring
4. Camping
5. Gate Hours
6. Early Arrival
7. Ticketing & Entry
8. Pets: Sorry!
9. BE an Enable
10. BE Safe
11. Getting Help
12. Fire Policy
13. Sound Policy
14. Lasers at the
15. Kids: Bring ‘Em!
16. Photography: BE
17. Mutant Vehicles
18. Effigy: EarthStar
19. Leave No Trace
20. Exodus: Get
Outta Here!
21. Getting There
22. Local Resources
on Thursday, 4pm – 6pm; Friday, 10am – 12pm &
By participating in BEquinox, understand that you are
4pm – 6pm; Saturday, 10am – 12pm & 4pm – 6pm;
taking responsibility for your own safety, comfort and
Sunday 10am – 12pm. Ice will be $3/bag, cubes only.
well being during this event. By attending BEquinox,
Firewood is $7/bundle.
you voluntarily assume the risk of serious injuries, not
Etcetera: Anything else you may need to keep you
so serious injuries, or possibly death.
happy during a weekend campout in Joshua Tree
Weather in Joshua Tree during BEquinox can be in
You: Bring your positive attitude, open mind,
the upper 80s during the day and low 40s-30s at
common sense and general awesomeness!
night. BE prepared for the cold! The campground can
experience very high winds, so plans accordingly!
What NOT to Bring
BEquinox is a LEAVE NO TRACE event. We not only
Firearms, Rockets, Explosives, Etc –
clean up after ourselves, we leave things cleaner
The campground has a fence to protect you from
than we found them.
the zombie apocalypse. No need to arm yourself
BEquinox is an all ages, pet-free event.
Pets – Please leave your pets at home!
All local, state and federal laws apply.
- Glass – a serious impediment to our Leave No
Trace Principle. Cans are preferred
BE Prepared – What to Bring
- Illegal substances of any kind
Food: Bring Enough food to keep you satisfied for
- Bad Vibes – You are responsible for your
the entire weekend
experience, so participate and enjoy yourself!
Water: Stay hydrated. Bring 1.5 gallons of water per - Vending – Vending of any kind is not allowed.
person per day. Alcohol is not water. Bring a drinking
container. There are water faucets onsite that you
can use.
BEquinox is just a tiny Burning Man…there will be
Protection: Bring a shelter and protection from the
cold, wind, fire…there will be portas…you know
sun, wind, rain, cold and other elements (clothes,
were hoping for those…there will be no
bedding, sunscreen, condoms)
First Aid Kit and Personal Items: Pack a first aid kit showers…you wanna bathe, ya better BEring it. You
wanna eat/drink?...ya better BEring it. There is no
and personal items like TP, medications, soap,
vending except for Ice and wood. Pack it in…pack it
aspirin, insulin, inhalers, and contact lenses.
out. This is a leave no trace event.
Garbage Bags & Ashtrays: Bring garbage bags &
portable ashtrays & pack our your trash when you
you can stake in the open camping area. Yes,
you can bring RVs and park in the open camping
Fire Extinguisher: Plan on playing with fire? Bring
There will be no hook ups or dumping in the
an extinguisher.
area. Open camping is first come,
Flashlights: Don’t lose your way! Bring flashlights
first serve.
and batteries to light your path
Theme Camps will be placed. Please do not camp Earthstar will burn at 9pmish Saturday night weather
No tickets are required for kids 13 and younger
in Theme Camp flagged areas.
permitting. Effigy may also burn Friday night if there
Participants under 18 years old must be
There will be Port-O-Potties provided
is the potential for weather problems on Saturday.
accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
There is potable water onsite. Don’t forget to bring
Sunday – March 22nd: All participants except for
Once you are past the Gate, stop, get out of your
organizers, DPW, and LNT must be off property by
vehicle, stretch your legs, and hug a Greeter. They
Serving Alcohol: As this is an all age event, please
know everything!
be aware of the minors while serving alcohol. Please
There are no ins/outs. Once you leave the event,
BEquinox’ site, Joshua Tree Campgrounds is
do not serve anyone under the age of 21!
you cannot return
privately owned and operated by our friends and
Joshua Tree Lake: Do not go swimming in the lake.
IF YOU MISS GATE HOURS ON THURSDAY OR trusted partners. Comply with any reasonable request
Even though it seems like a good idea, trust us, it
FRIDAY, WAIT UNTIL MORNING FOR THE GATE that law enforcement, your organizers, your hosts, or
their employees make of you. Failure to do so is
Watch your Children: This is an all age event. Take
grounds for removal from BEquinox and that’s way
responsibility for your children and keep tabs on
less of a good time.
Abide by all relevant local, state, and federal laws. If
Keep Port-O-Potties Clean: Don’t moop the potty. If
you see law enforcement officers, be friendly.
it doesn’t come out of your body, it doesn’t go in the
BEquinox cooperates with all local, county, state, and
Early Arrival
potty. Take your wet wipes, tampons, etc. with you
federal officials.
Theme camps, art placement and certain volunteers
and dispose of them at your own camp.
This is a pet free event.
may be eligible for early arrival, pending approval.
Respect the neighbors: There are permanent
If you are not approved for early arrival please do
residents living on the campground. Please respect
Pets: Sorry!
not arrive early!
their privacy and their homes.
With the specific exception of ADA Qualified
De-Moop: Dispose of any Matter Out of Place at your
assistance dogs, pets are NOT allowed at BEquinox.
Ticketing & Entry
own camp.
Your pet will be turned away at the gate and you
You must print out your ticket and confirmation that
On-Site Showers & Bathrooms: The Joshua Tree
won’t be admitted until you are pet less.
Campground showers will be closed for the event. If was emailed to you when you purchased your ticket,
and bring that and your Photo ID to the event. This
you plan to bathe, please bring your supplies...just
BE an Enabler
email confirmation contains the event Hold Harmless
like Burning Man.
and awesome people, have lots of
Failure to bring these necessities will result in a
BEquinox at the same time? We
way less of a good time.
can help! Sign up for a volunteer shift during the
Event and become a BEquinox Enabler!
Gate Hours
No ticket? No entry. No exceptions.
Just stop by the Volunteer Resource Team table
Thursday – March 19th: 12:00 noon – 11:59pm
If you purchased multiple tickets, print multiple Hold
located at office across from RV site #207 and they
(midnight); Gate closes at midnight.
Harmless Agreements.
will get you set up with a Shift.
Friday – March 20th: 8:00am – 11:59pm (midnight);
Everyone must have a signed agreement.
Gate closes at midnight.
There will be absolutely no ticket sales at the
Saturday – March 21st: 8:00am – 8:00pm; Gate
Gate…as in Zero.
closes at 8pm and will remain closed for the rest of There is no will-call at the Gate. Print and bring your
the event.
Getting Help
BE Safe
call for additional personnel, medical support and
help mediate any disputes.
MEDICS: The Medical Team can help you with
physical and medical issues and more. If you need
help, please ask a ranger to call the medical team, or
stop by the medic tent located in RV space #217.
LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT: Please respond and
cooperate with local law officers if they arrive at the
BE AWARE: Be aware of your surroundings at all
DRIVE SLOWLY: When entering and exiting the
Fire Policy
campground, keep your speed down to 5mph
Fire is an integral part of our Burner community. They
FOLLOW ALL POSTED SIGNS: We posted them so following information and guidelines are designed to
that you can follow them
promote the safe use of Burn Barrels, Fire
WRISTBAND: Keep your wristband on at all
Performance Art, Burnable Art, and Flame Effects
times. Do not alter your wristband in any way and
including Poofers and Fire Sculpture.
do not remove it during the event. Please be
The integrity of BEquinox heavily relies on having a
prepared to show your band if asked by a BEquinox
safe relationship with fire. Working with, handling,
Enabler or Ranger. If you notice someone without a
and dealing with fire should never be taken lightly.
wristband, please report the individual to a Ranger or Please cooperate with Fire Safety Leads, Rangers,
a BEquinox Enabler with a radio.
Event Leads, Camp Placement, the Art Team and the
community at large with working with fire. We do not
Keep on the look for creepy crawlies that may be
want to limit creative expression, but strive to keep
hiding under your gear
our participants safe.
KNOW YOUR BOUNDERIES: Be clear and firm with Never manage a burn barrel, perform with fire, ignite
others about your boundaries and personal limits
burnable art, or operate flame effects while
RESPECT BOUNDERIES: Respect the boundaries
of other participants
BURN BARRELS: Campfires must be in a metal
ASK FIRST: Ask before touching anyone anywhere,
container with a fire grate. Keep barrels a safe
at anytime
distance from shade structures, tents, vehicles, and
PERSONAL LIGHTING: It’s dark at night. Keep a
neighbors. Have a camp plan for quickly
light on you at night so you don’t injure yourself and
extinguishing in the event of high winds. Please
so other don’t injure you.
cooperate with Rangers and Event Leads if
requested to put out, move, or alter you burn barrel in
FIRE PERFORMANCE ARTS: This includes poi,
staff, fans, whips/ropes, fire breathing, fire eating and
any fire toy. Fire dancing only in the designated area.
Do not perform in general camping areas, by static or
burnable art unless authorized to do so (i.e. conclave
before Earthstar burns). If unsure where to safely
perform fire; check with Camp Placement Crew,
Rangers, or even organizers. You must sign the
waiver and obtain a wristband from Ed or the Lead
FAST member on duty before being allowed to light
up. (Ed may be found at Tiki Fuckos or have
someone with a walkie ask for the Lead FAST
member on duty). Not finding camp organizers does
not give you the go ahead to light up. Please
cooperate with Rangers and Event Leads if
requested to extinguish fire toys. Bring fuel to the
designated fuel station. BEquinox fire performers
should be capable and safe each time they light up.
Performers should not attempt fire performance
under the influence of any judgment or reaction
impairing substance. Before each use, the performer
will thoroughly inspect each tool to insure that all
parts are in good condition and stable. Insure all nuts,
screws, and wires are tight and secure. Grips and
handles should be thoroughly checked for security.
Wear only fire-appropriate clothing, we recommend
cottons, silks, leathers, hemps, or aramid fibers.
Additionaly be aware of any cosmetic or hair product
that may be flammable. Safely spin off excess fuel in
designated spin off area.
FIRE SAFETY: Equipment: Intentional extinguishing
can be managed with a safety towel of damp cloth,
flame treated cloth, or high heat material. Guards:
Guards provide audience containment duties,
keeping audience away from fuel station and spinout
zones. Spotters/Safeties: There should be at least
one Spotter/Safety ready to meet fire emergency
needs per 2 fire acts. Multi-performer routines count
as one act, but a maximum of 5 performers per
Spotter/Safety is allowed. Spotter/Safeties are in
charge of fire safety including emergent and
intentional wick extinguishing. Spotter/Safeties
should be well aware of the various aspects of fire
performance. Spotters/Safeties should be dressed
with the same care as a Performer and should have a
safety towel/duvetyn at all time. All Spotter/Safeties
and Guards should have an extinguisher available to
them. Only Spot/Safety someone or something if you
feel comfortable with the equipment, the person, your
safety skills, and the situation. Keep your safety towel
in your hands during the Performer’s entire spin. Stay
standing or crouched, ready to act. A single second
can make a lot of difference to someone one fire.
FUELING: Personal fuel should be brought to the fuel
station at time of arrival. Absolutely no smoking or
open flame within 50 feet of the designated dip
station. Always seal fuel containers and dip buckets
when not in use. Spin off excess fuel, in the
designated spin off area, free from expected foot
traffic and far from ignition sources, before
Each performer is expected to ensure they have their
own spotter. Do not assume current spotter will do it.
Do not spin fire without a safety.
If you do anything with fire, please be prepared to
safety for at least 30 minutes.
If you will be using non-standard equipment,
performing unusual tricks, or fire breathing, have a
safety that has the knowledge and experience to
provide skilled safetying for you.
If you would like to perform in the fire conclave before
the Effigy burns, meet Ed in the Fire Spinning area
on Saturday at 7pm/
The BEquinox FAST (Fire Art Safety Team) request
that all Theme Camps, Art Cars, Fire Spinners,
Artists, and individuals store all your excess fuels
(gasoline, white gas, propane, kerosene) in our fuel
depot located in Valhalla (the effigy area) (see map).
We ask that you clearly identify your tanks, cans, or
other approved for fuel containers with your first and
last name in permanent marker.
The Fuel Depot will be open between 8:00pm and
8:30pm, and again from 1:30am to 2:00am nightly.
The Fuel Depot can also be opened upon request by
contacting a FAST team member through the
Volunteer Resource Team Desk.
● The exact TIME of the disturbance. (Vague reports
will result in ineffective action). Please report
problems when they happen, although reports filed
the next day can be useful with persistent problem
We will not take action on issues of taste, content, or
what is art.
As a community, we need to work together to
keep sound at desirable levels. This means that
everyone involved is personally responsible for
how they affect everyone else's experience. If
The following rules make up our basic sound policy:
neighbor believes your sound is too loud,
~ All large scale sound equipment must be registered
you must work with them to find an acceptable
prior to the event as a theme camp, art installation or
Please protect the safety and success of
art car.
by complying with all sound
~ If you are bringing musical instruments, please be
respectful of your neighbors.
~ Neighbors should talk to one another when sound
Lasers at the event:
becomes problem and try to resolve the issue
Man a ranger working the Man
through direct communication.
burn was blinded in one eye and their other eye was
~ A maximum power amplification of 300 watts is
damaged by a handheld laser used in an
permitted, producing sound amplification not to
exceed 70 decibels, when measured at 20 feet from irresponsible manner by an unknown participant. For
this reason we ask that handheld lasers not be used
the source.
~ Bass travels, but not between the hours of midnight in any capacity at this year’s Bequinox regional burn.
and 10am, during which all sub-woofers should be
turned off.
Kids: Bring ‘Em!
Sound Complaints:
BEquinox is a family event that welcomes
If you believe your neighbor's sound is too loud and participants of all ages. People under 18 years of age
you are not able to effectively negotiate a solution,
must be accompanied by a 21+ parent or guardian,
you may report this to a Sound Squad Member or to
both at entry and at all times during the event!
a Black Rock Ranger.
You are responsible for the welfare of minors in your
Sound Squad HQ is located next to Rangers HQ,
care. You should know where your children are and
both will have signage and will be noted on the map be aware that A FEW activities are adult-specific. At
to locate them easily.
the very least, non-sexual nudity will happen, and it’s
A sound complaint should contain:
your responsibility to determine how much of it your
● The exact SOURCE of the sound. (Vague reports
minors are exposed to.
will result in ineffective action)
Minors 13 years old and under are welcome to join
BEquinox free of charge. Participants 14+ must pay
the full ticket price. Please be aware of who you are
serving when serving alcohol. Please do not serve
Leave No Trace:
Leave No Trace is arguably our most cherished
principle. This means that we must leave the site in
Photography: Proceed with Respect!
better condition than we found it, showing absolutely
BEquinox is a private event and we expect
no evidence of our having been there. Each
participants to approach photography respectfully.
participant must remove all items they brought with
There is no filing without express permission. You
them – including their trash – when they leave the
have ultimate responsibility for your image, and
should ask photographers or videographers how your We also ask that each participant helps clean the full
image will be used.
site by picking up any Matter Out Of Place
(M.O.O.P.) that they encounter during the event.
Smokers, bring a portable ashtray so you don’t have
Mutant Vehicles
to drop your butts on the ground. Please bring trash
Mutant vehicles are a unique type of art that is
welcome to roam BEquinox. If it has a motor and is bags and other waster receptacles to take your trash
and recycling home with you. It’s everyone’s job to
not completely power by human propulsion; it’s
Leave No Trace.
considered a motorized vehicle and therefore must
be registered as a Mutant Vehicle by its owners to be Please remember that it’s not always a long distance
from a little harmless-seeming fun to a MOOP
driven at BEquinox. Owners are responsible for the
disaster – like a water balloon fight, for example!
use and behavior of their vehicle during the event at
negative impact, pick up ANYTHING that
all times, regardless of who drive it. All drivers agree
falls. Following the principles of Leave No Trace at
to only drive in approved areas of the event, to yield
BEquinox is something that makes this community
to pedestrians, bicycles, Rangers, Staff, and Medical
traffic. All drivers must operate vehicles in a safe,
sane, and sober manner. No one is allowed to drive
Exodus: Get Outta Here!
over 5 mph.
BEquinox ends at 2pm Sunday, March 22nd. Be
packed up (including your trash!) and out of the gate
Effigy: Earthstar!
by that time. No exceptions. If you’d like to help us
BEquinox Effigy Burn is the pinnacle of the event; the
leave no trace, volunteer online or at the event.
Saturday night inferno around a large wooden
Adhere to Exodus directions from the Gate/Exodus
sculpture designed and built by a hard-working crew
staff and respect the local community as you depart.
of Effigy volunteers as a tribute to our region’s
This means everything you pack out ends up at your
communal effort. Please honor this art by not
own home. NOT on the side of the road or in private
smoking or using open flames nearby, intentionally
damaging, or burning it. Participants may leave
memories and thoughts on the Effigy (nondestructive).
Getting There
Joshua Tree Lake RV and Campground is located
off (HWY) SR 62 (Twentynine Palms Highway),
heading North on Sunfair Rd.
…From the West: On Hwy 62, at the light at Park
Blvd in Joshua Tree, California; drive 4 miles East;
turn left on Sunfair Rd. …From the East: At Adobe
Road, Twentynine Palms, California; drive 11 miles
West on Hwy 62; turn right on Sunfair Rd. Then…On
Sunfair Rd: Travel North for 5.2 miles on Sunfair Rd.
The Joshua Tree Lake entrance (2601 Sunfair Rd) is
on the right hand side. From Los Angeles, CA: 131
miles – San Bernardino, CA and Valley areas: 77
miles: Head East on the I-10 Freeway towards Palm
Springs. From the I-10 Freeway, merge onto State
Route 62, (also called “Twentynine Palms Highway”)
marked with a large, brown State sign announcing
the “Joshua Tree National Park” exit. Be alert: SR 62
can be easily missed. It is just a few minutes past the
Hwy 111 exit. Drive SR 62 up two large grades,
approximately 35 miles to the community of Joshua
Tree. From Indio, CA: 61 miles; Lake Havasu, AZ:
138 miles; and the Colorado River cities: West on
the I-10 Freeway towards Palm Springs. Take the
Twentynine Palms Highway/SR 62 exit; drive up two
large grades, approximately 35 miles to the
community of Joshua Tree. From Riverside, CA: 82
miles; Orange County; all points South: The 60
Freeway East to the I-10 Freeway East. Follow the
instructions from the Los Angeles area for the
remainder of the trip. From San Diego, CA: 156
miles; Calico, CA: 155 miles I -15 North to Hwy 215
to Route 60 East. Route 60 will merge into I-10
Freeway East. Follow the directions from the Los
Angeles area for the remainder of the trip. From
Local Resources
Victorville, CA: 114 miles; Barstow, CA: 144
DUMPING: Lander’s Landfill: 59200 Winters Rd,
Yucca Valley, CA. 8am – 4:30pm Monday thru
miles; Big Bear, CA: 76 miles and all points
North: South on Highway 247 (aka: Old Woman
RECYCLING CENTER: Venture Recycling Center:
Springs Road) towards Yucca Valley. Turn left at
7308 Hopitrail, Yucca Valley, CA. 760-228-0808
Twentynine Palms Highway/SR 62 and head East 5RV REPAIR: Desert Bound RV: 61056 29 Palms
7 minutes to the community of Joshua Tree. From
Hwy 62, Joshua Tree, CA. 760-366-3500
Las Vegas, NV: 250 miles; Needles, CA: 110
VEHICLE RESOURCES: Hills Towing (24 hour
Emergency Service): 7343 Fox Trail, Yucca Valley,
miles; Laughlin, NV: 130 miles; and all points
CA. 760-365-0621. Auto Zone: 6401 Adobe Ave.,
Northeast: Highway 95 south. Turn right onto the 62
Yucca Valley, CA, 760-367-1138
highway. Head west to Joshua Tree. An alternate
MEDICAL RESOURCES: Hi Desert Medical Center
(faster but complicated): Take Highway 95 south to
& Hospital: 6601 White Feather Rd., Joshua Tree,
the 40 Freeway. Head west and exit Kelbaker Road. CA. 760-366-3711. Avalon Urgent Care: 58471 29
Turn left at Kelbaker (heading south) to Old Highway
Palms Hwy 62, Yucca Valley, CA. 760-365-0851.
66 (“National Trails Highway”). Turn right and head
LEGAL RESOURCES: Bail Hotline Bail Bonds:
Joshua Tree, CA. 760-366-9700.
west to the City of Amboy. Turn left at Amboy Road.
NEARBY STORES: Stater Brothers: 58060 29
Go south for 1 hour to the City of 29 Palms California.
Hwy 62, Yucca Valley, CA. 760-369-4615.
Turn left at Adobe Road. Turn right at Highway 62
Walmart: 57980 29 Palms Hwy 62, Yucca Valley,
(Twentynine Palms Highway). Drive west for 15 miles
CA. 760-365-4615. Walgreens: 58133 29 Palms
to Joshua Tree.
Hwy 62, Yucca Valley, CA. 760-369-4615
BURNING MAN ATTIRE: Funky and Darn Near
New: 55812 29 Palms Hwy 62, Yucca Valley, CA.
PIZZA: Pie for the People: 61740 29 Palms Hwy 62,
Joshua Tree, CA. 760-369-0400 Papa Johns: 57274
29 Palms Hwy 62, Yucca Valley, CA. 760-228-0600.