PCAWA Showjumping Committee Showjumping Day


PCAWA Showjumping Committee Showjumping Day
PCAWA Showjumping Committee
Showjumping Day
(incorporating any Zone Run-offs & part of the Tim Weigall PCAWA SJ Series)
Swan Fields, State Equestrian Centre, Brigadoon
Monday 27th April 2015
Pony Club & PCAWA Open Riders Welcome.
ENTRIES CLOSE 9:00 PM, Tuesday 21st April 2015
ONLINE ENTRIES ONLY - Please enter online at www.globalentriesonline.com.au– Search under Show Jumping
This competition will take place at Swan Valley PC Grounds - please note this is a grass surface.
Ring 2
Age Group
245.3 – AM7
245.3- AM7
273- 2RGP
273- 2RGP
Open & PC
Open & PC
Open & PC Rider 13 years & under. Ponies 14.2h & under.
Open & PC
Ring 1
Age Group
273 – 2RGP
273- 2RGP
273 – 2RGP
Open & PC Rider 25 years & under
Open & Pc Riders 25 years and under
Open & PC Riders 12 to 25 years
$17 per Class (entries on the day attract a $10 late fee)
$15 Ground Service Fee (payable by non EWA - EWA number is required)
Helper Fee $70 (this fee is compulsory for those who do not wish to do a helper duty)
$3.00 per rider First Aid Levy
$2.50 PCAWA SJ Series Levy
Insurance Options for Open Riders:
$100 PCAWA Open Rider Membership
$40 PCAWA Open Competition Rider membership
More Information can be found at http://www.pcawa.com/open_riders
Riders please note that this event carries double points for the “Tim Weigall” SJ Series.
ENTRIES CLOSE 9:00 PM, TUESDAY 21st April 2015
1. Please complete an Online Entry at www.globalentriesonline.com.au. Only if you are unable to complete an
online entry please send your Entry Form with payment to: PCAWA, 303 Cathedral Ave, Brigadoon, 6069 or by
email to showjumping@pcawa.com Entry forms must be correctly completed and full payment must be
received by the closing date. Any mistakes or incomplete information will result in the entry not being
accepted and returned for correction. If you have any queries please contact Jacqui Moon on 9296 1500.
Entries close 9pm Tuesday 21st April 2015.
2. INSURANCE: PCAWA Open Rider Membership is mandatory for any individual who is not a current financial
Riding Member of the PCAWA, regardless of other affiliations and insurances held.
PCAWA Open Rider Membership
For more information or to apply online simply and easily please see the PCAWA Website www.pcawa.com
To apply go to the PCAWA Website and follow link on the Open Rider Insurance Page. A PCAWA insurance
card will be issued and the card number must be completed on all entries. This card must also be produced
upon request by any PCAWA Event Organizing Committee. Please note that this option is only available to
riders over the age of 18 and riders may ride more than one horse under this insurance.
3. A maximum of 3 classes may be competed in per horse/pony per day.
4. The event will be held in accordance with the current Pony Club Australia rules which are available from the
PCAWA website. It is your responsibility to be aware of and comply with the rules. The Organising Committee
reserves the right to alter and amend the program as they see fit.
5. Eligibility to represent a Pony Club in age group classes: To be eligible to represent a Pony Club, the rider
must be a financial member of an Affiliated PCAWA Member Club. The rider must compete in their formal
Pony Club uniform. The Pony Club Membership Card and proof of date of birth must be available to be sighted
on the day of competition.
6. Eligibility for Open Riders: To be eligible to compete in a Section, riders must be aged 18 years and over and
be a PCAWA Open Rider or hold mounted membership with an Affiliated PCAWA Member Club The Open
rider may compete in either hacking attire or neat casual attire in accordance with the PCAWA Gear Checking
7. Helpers must report to the Information desk to sign in for their duty. It is the rider’s responsibility to check
the list of helper duties which will be available with the draw.
8. Draw: The draw will be emailed to all competitors after 5pm Saturday 25th April, 2015. Amendments to the
draw may be made no later than 48 hours before the start of the event. Organisers will attempt to contact
competitors if a change affects them but final responsibility is on the competitor to check the draw on the day
of competition. Whilst every attempt will be made to adhere to the start times in the draw, it is the rider’s
responsibility to be aware via the Marshall/ Gear Checker if an arena is running ahead of schedule.
It is recommended that competitors report to the Marshall/Gear Checker for inspection at least 20 minutes
prior to competing. Riders who do not complete a gear check will incur elimination. Gear check is per PCAWA
9. Catering: Will be provided.
10. All helmets must satisfy the Australian Safety Standards and must have the numbers –3838; or EN 1384 or
ASTN F1163 and must be worn at all times whilst mounted and lunging.
11. Free yards are available at Swan Valley PC Grounds on a first come first served basis. Horses are permitted to
be tied to floats, providing it is safe to do so and the float is attached to a vehicle where the handbrake is on.
Please ensure horses are provided with adequate room, shade and water.
12. Refunds and Scratchings: Entry fees will not be refunded after the closing date of entries unless a medical or
veterinary certificate is produced within 5 days of the completion of the event. In such cases 50% of the entry
fees will be retained by the Organising Committee. Entry fees will be refunded in full for withdrawals before
the closing date, and, for riders on the reserve list who are not offered a start in the competition.
13. Disclaimer of Liability: Neither the Organising Committee, nor the Pony Club Association of WA Inc, accepts
any liability for any accident, loss, damage, injury or illness to horses, owners, grooms, spectators or any other
person or property whatsoever. ALL riders MUST have signed a disclaimer form prior to participation. This is
a condition of insurance.
14. Riders may be changed before the start of competition (class); however, a rider of a horse may not be changed
if another rider has ridden the horse on the day, either in warm-up or in competition. If a rider or horse is
changed the Organising Committee must be advised. The draw position cannot be changed without the
permission of the Organising Committee.
15. Protests and Appeals: These must be in writing and accompanied by a fee of $100 and taken to the Ground
16. Lunging: There is NO lunging in the warm up arena. If you wish to lunge your horse you must do so away from
the main arena so as not to interfere with other competitors. Correct protocol in the warm up arena is
17. Officials and Volunteers: These people are essential in the running of our competitions and events. Please
treat them with respect. Poor sportsmanship, verbal or physical bullying behaviour will not be tolerated. This
may be reported to the relevant authority and disciplinary action will be taken where appropriate.
18. Duty of care: It is your responsibility to promptly report unsafe and or hazardous situations to the Organising
19. Warm up Arena Etiquette:
As there are many horses warming up in a restricted area it is important that all riders have knowledge of
the etiquette required in group riding. This ensures safe riding and achieves harmony in busy areas.
• safety is paramount and a collision should be avoided at all times
• before entering the warm-up area make sure the gateway and immediate track are clear
• riders should pass left shoulder to left shoulder when on the track
• halt should not be on the track
• walk should not be on the track and does not have right of way
• trot has priority over walk
• canter has priority over trot
• when circling, anticipate your return to the track so as to not stop the flow of other riders
• mounting, dismounting and gear adjustment should be done off the track
• consideration should be given to behaviour of other horses in the arena that may upset your horse
• it may be necessary if your horse is upsetting others to leave the area
• if a horse is upsetting the majority, an Official should be sought with a view to requesting that horse’s removal
for safety’s sake
• horses are to be lunged in the designated lungeing arena and the handler must wear an approved safety