Learn More - Leadership Canton
Learn More - Leadership Canton
Leadership Canton About the Canton Chamber Your Canton Chamber of Commerce creates and enhances business opportunities within the community in a way that no other organization can! With its broad array of services and products, the chamber meets the unique needs of businesses whether they compete in local or global marketplaces. About Canton The Canton community has it all. A history rich in tradition that blends seamlessly with today’s modern culture to bring you the best that Michigan has to offer. It is a vibrant community with responsive local government and an exceptional quality of life. Canton’s convenient location is desirable for both residents and businesses. Situated between Detroit and Ann Arbor, the community is easily accessible from two major expressways and is just minutes away from Metro Airport. “Strengthening Community Involvement” Canton is truly Michigan’s Community of Vision. For more information: Phone: Email: Website: Facebook: 734.453.4040 Info@LeadershipCanton.com LeadershipCanton.com Facebook.com/LeadershipCanton • wor k together • address c hallenges • seiz e oppor t unities • dev elop f uture solutions Leadership Canton Alumni leave the program with: • A rich network of colleagues • A deep understanding of Canton’s resources, challenges, programs and services • Tools to achieve success in their professional and personal endeavors We give individuals the opportunity to see beyond their own sphere of leadership to a bigger picture that was once beyond their grasp. Participants meet once a month, at various locations in the community, from January - June. Each day-long session addresses a specific topic in the community and most sessions include guest speakers, a tour of area facilities and extensive networking opportunities with other students. Topics explored include: • The Nature of Leadership • An opportunity to take on leadership roles in Canton through boards, commissions and volunteer prospects What can Leadership Canton do for you? Take it from our distinguished alumni: “Leadership Canton was an eyeopening experience. If you want to gain a better understanding of our local community-based organizations, educational institutions, governmental entities and business enterprises there is no better place than through the Leadership Canton program.” - Pat Williams, LC Alumni Canton Township Trustee • Community Development “I have worked my entire career in local government, including a number of years with Canton Township. However, I quickly realized that I had a great deal yet to learn about Canton and Leadership Canton provided that opportunity. It was a great experience and well worth the time and expense.” - Deb Bilbrey-Honsowetz, LC Alumni Director of Canton Leisure Services • Education • Challenges of the Future Business and Economic Development • Health and Human Services • Local, County and State Government • Public Safety and the Justice System “The leadership Canton experience really showed me how one person can make a difference. It opened opportunities that far exceeded my original expectations and built a confidence within myself and my abilities that will serve me for the rest of my life.” - Bartley Patterson, LC Alumni Re/Max Classic