cathedral notice sheet cathedral notice sheet


cathedral notice sheet cathedral notice sheet
3 MAY 2015
Welcome to Leicester Cathedral
If you are new to the Cathedral Community and would like to find out more,
a Welcome Pack is available on Sundays from the Wardens or Sides-people on duty,
or can be requested from the Verger on duty during the week.
The Revd Canon Rosy Fairhurst
will be in residence for the week commencing Sunday 3 May.
If needed please contact her as the ‘duty priest’ on 07535 869 758.
Cathedral Eucharist sung by the Junior Girls and Songmen
Preacher: The Revd Canon Johannes Arens
Schubert in G
Since by man came death Handel
Prelude and Fugue in G (BWV541) J. S. Bach
Choral Evensong sung by the Senior Trebles and Songmen
Responses Rose
Wood in E-flat (No. 2)
Alleluia! Christus surrexit Mawby
Con moto maestoso from Sonata 3 (op. 65) Mendelssohn
Children At Leicester ‘K’athedral
We warmly welcome our children today. CHALK meets in in the Old Song School, in
the Cathedral. We ask that children who regularly attend are brought by their
parents/carer just before the start of the 10.30 service. There will be an extra
opportunity for visiting children to join them early in the service when the Celebrant
indicates. There is a play/books area for supervised small children in the Old Song
School too. The children will return to their parents/carers either before or after the
Eucharistic prayer. For those who do not wish to attend CHALK a supply of books,
crayons and soft toys are available from the sidespeople. Please return these at the
end of the service. For any further assistance, please ask members of the Welcome
Eucharist for the Diocese of Leicester
Piano and Organ Recital in aid of Iraqi Christians in Need
Performed by Carl Bahoshy
Toccata from Suite Gothique Boëllmann
Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier Bach
Final from Symphony No. 1 for Organ Vierne
Ave Maria Schubert
Apparition de l’église éternelle Messiaen
Toccata from Symphony No. 5 for Organ Widor
Sonata quasi una fantasia (‘Moonlight’) in C-sharp minor Beethoven
Ballade No. 1 in G minor (Op. 23) Chopin
Impromptu No.4 in A-flat Schubert
Evening Prayer
Morning Prayer
Eucharist: A Celebration of Wholeness and Healing
Mothers’ Union Eucharist
Cancer Care Prayer Meeting
Choral Evensong sung by the Boys
Responses Mold
Bairstow in E-flat
Risen Lord Rose
Morning Prayer
Eucharist: for Peace and Justice
Evening Prayer
Morning Prayer
Eucharist: for the Unity of the Church
Choral Evensong sung by the Junior Girls and Songmen
Responses Reading
Brewer in D
Ye choirs of New Jerusalem Stanford
Morning Prayer
Eucharist: Watching and Waiting
Evening Prayer
Morning Prayer
Evening Prayer
Cathedral Eucharist sung by the Boys and Songmen
Preacher: The Very Revd David Monteith
Darke in F
O filii et filiæ Cullen
Pæan Oxoniensis Spicer
Choral Evensong sung by the Senior Trebles and Songmen
attended by members of North West Leicester Deanery
Responses Reading
Stanford in C
Greater Love Ireland
March: Crown Imperial Walton
Confessions by appointment with the clergy.
Safeguarding – children, young people and vulnerable adults
Leicester Cathedral is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of
children and vulnerable adults.
Our Independent Person whom children, youth workers and volunteers may talk to if
they wish about any concerns is Marilyn Brooks. She may be contacted via the
Cathedral office or by calling 01530 242 919, or email
Our Child Safeguarding Coordinator is Glenda Barratt. She can be contacted on
07710 677 057, or email
Our Vulnerable Adults Coordinator is Kathleen Rowberry. She can be contacted
via the Cathedral Admin Office c/o 0116 261 5200. Any of our duty clergy will also
be pleased to speak with you about any of these matters.
A copy of Leicester Cathedral’s Safeguarding Policy for Children and our Vulnerable
Adult’s Policy is available on request through the Cathedral office.
Toilets and Ancillary Rooms
These spaces are accessed via the door in St Dunstan’s Chapel normally via the
assistance of one of our staff or authorised volunteers. During ‘normal office hours’
and at other times, our public toilets are available in St Martins House. During
Sunday services, toilets may be available in the Cathedral. Please ask our staff,
wardens or stewards for assistance. Children using any facilities in our backstage
areas must always be accompanied by an authorised adult.
Hearing Loop System
We can provide you with an individual pack for the service that will enable your
hearing aid to pick up sound from our PA system. Please ask a steward for more
Clergy Whereabouts:
The Very Revd David Monteith will be presiding and preaching at Wartnaby at
8.30am and then presiding and preaching at Old Dalby at 10.00am.
The Revd Canon Barry Naylor will be presiding and preaching at the Eucharist at
St. Margaret’s at 11.00am and at St. Nicholas at 6.30pm.
The Revd Canon Alison Adams is away.
Funeral of Susan Granger
This will take place at St. Giles’, Medbourne on Tuesday 5 May 2015 at 12.00pm. All
are welcome to attend.
Congregational Meeting
The coming months are a time to experiment with how best to use the re-ordered
Cathedral. There are lots of questions, including:
Where to normatively position the choir stalls?
Where is it best for the clergy to stand and lead from?
What blocks of seating should we usually set out?
Should we keep the temporary wooden plinth until the next stage of reordering or should we consider removing it now?
 Where should we have coffee after the service?
 Are there changes we need to make to the way we run Sunday in light of more
visitors coming to the Cathedral?
Please send your views to Canon Johannes Arens so that we can collate the range
of opinions. The Dean will hold a congregational meeting in the Cathedral on
Sunday 20 September at 12.00pm following the morning service to hear directly
from you and this will assist Chapter coming to a mind about how best we proceed.
Resurrection Life
The Lent group which met at St Nicholas expressed a desire to explore the
Resurrection and to keep meeting! There will be an opportunity for this to happen
and for anyone else to join us on Thursday 7 May, following Choral Evensong, at
Canon Rosy’s house in a similar format of a simple meal, and a time of meditation and
discussion, ending with compline by about 8.30pm. We also hope to gather round
the Ascension Day service on Thursday 14 May – watch this space.
Canon Rosy Fairhurst
Sunny George Curacy
As those of you at the 10.30am Eucharist last Sunday will know, Sunny George is
going to serve a very unusual curacy in relationship with the Cathedral. Sunny has
been pastoring All Saints Church, which is an Asian language congregation, for several
years, and they have decided to become Anglicans en bloc and been given the church
formerly known as St Gabriel’s in Belgrave. Pastor Sunny has been training for
ordination part-time at The Queens Foundation in Birmingham. He will continue to
pastor his own church as a full-time stipendiary priest and Canon Rosy will be his
training supervisor. The Cathedral will offer Sunny a placement during this time to
help him discover Anglicanism. We hope this will help us understand the growing
diversity and life of our Diocese better.
Canon Rosy Fairhurst
New Bishop of Leicester
There is a public consultation meeting with Caroline Boddington, the Archbishops’
Appointment Secretary, and Edward Chaplin, the Prime Minister’s Appointment
Secretary, as they form a picture of what is needed in a new Bishop of Leicester from
a national perspective. This will take place on Tuesday 19 May from 7.30pm –
9.00pm in the Grand Hall, St Martins House. All are encouraged to attend.
A Prayer for the Process of Choosing a New Bishop of Leicester
Loving God,
in whose hand we are shaped and moulded,
raise up your church in this place, we pray,
and all who serve the Diocese of Leicester.
Anoint your people for service
as you call another to be their Bishop.
Pour out richly your gifts of unity and fellowship,
that we may glorify your name,
grow deeper in your love
and see your kingdom come.
Greyfriars Townscape Heritage Initiative
Leicester City Council and partners have great pleasure in inviting you to the launch
of the Greyfriars Townscape Initiative on Thursday 14 May 2015 which includes an
exhibition covering the historic development of the area. There are hands-on
activities that you get involved in and you can take part in walking tours between
1.00pm – 4.00pm. The launch takes place at The Mill (behind the Boot Room
Restaurant), 27-29 Millstone Lane, Leicester. You can drop in at any time between
12.00pm - 5.00pm. To find out more information about this scheme please contact by
telephone on 0116 454 3034 or by email at and
by looking on the internet at
St Andrew’s May Festival
The annual May Procession around the parish and Mass of Our Lady will take place at
St Andrew’s, Jarrom Street on Monday 12 May at 7.00pm. The Preacher this year
will be Capt. Terry Drummond C.A., The Bishop of Southwark’s Advisor on Urban
and Public Policy. The evening will conclude with a reception in the Community Hall,
to which all are invited. This is an important event in the life of St Andrew’s and
Canon Barry Naylor would value your support. An RSVP would be helpful, but not
essential. To RSVP please contact Canon Barry Naylor by email at or by telephone on 0116 255 0031.
Canon Barry Naylor
Community Committee Elections May 2015
The Community Committee exists to support the Bishop, the Dean and Chapter in
offering a warm welcome and hospitality to all who visit; providing a place of
community, learning, contemplation and quiet reflection. In recent years, this has also
meant providing support for an increasing number of activities as well as fundraising.
The AGM will be held today following today’s 10.30am Service, when those on the
Community Roll will have the opportunity to vote for representatives to stand on the
Community Committee. The following statements are from those seeking election.
Neill Addison
My name is Neill and I have been coming to the Cathedral since May 2014. I was
welcomed into this community and enjoy helping this Cathedral community. I have
made really good friends. I like to help at events when I can. I currently am on the
serving team and am honoured to be able to do this as it has helped shape my faith.
Jane Black
I wish to be re-elected on the Community Committee. I have been Secretary for
three years and although I am standing down from this position I would love to stay
on as an active member of the committee. We have a new and exciting future at the
Cathedral and I wish very much to take part in this.
Ann Reddecliffe
I am actively involved in the Cathedral community, as a warden, a subdeacon and on
the coffee rota. I want to be re-elected to the Community Committee so that I can
continue working to build the Cathedral community. I believe in an inclusive church
where everyone can belong and contribute.
Richard III Orders of Service
These are now available to purchase at the shop inside the Cathedral and via the
internet at come as a set of three,
which include all the services from reinterment week. They cost £12.50 for the set
and there is a £2.50 postage and packaging charge per set for them to be sent via the
Sunday Evening Eucharist at St Nicholas, St Nicholas Circle
As well as serving the regular congregation of St Nicholas, this Eucharist offers an
opportunity for those who are unable to make their Communion on a Sunday
morning to do so in the evening. It is celebrated every Sunday at 6.30pm,
sometimes with music by the St Nicholas Singers. St Nicholas is a member of the
Inclusive Church Network.
Canon Barry Naylor
Building Christian Confidence in a Multi-Faith Society
This course has been designed for Christians of every denomination, particularly
(though not exclusively) for church leaders, or for those who live or work in a multifaith setting and want to learn how to engage with their neighbours of other faiths. It
has recently been re-developed and will tackle issues such as: How to build Christian
confidence in mission, looking at the challenges and opportunities presented by Islam,
Hinduism and Sikhism; the need for churches to reconnect with marginalised groups,
how global issues affect the local situation and gender issues. The normal cost of the
course is £140 but it is FREE to members of the Anglican Diocese of
Leicester. For further information please visit: To book you place on this course, please contact or telephone 0116 273 3459.
Bishop Tim Stevens’ Farewell Service
You are warmly invited to a service in Leicester Cathedral to bid farewell to Bishop
Tim as he retires. This will take place on Saturday 11 July 2015 at 3.00pm, doors
open from 2.00pm followed by a party with music and refreshments in Cathedral
Gardens, concluding at 7.30pm.There are no reserved seats or tickets. Clergy and
readers do not robe. Please let Carol Gibbons know on 0116 261 5326 or by 6 July if you are coming or bringing a group, with
approximate numbers. Parking is recommended at NCP St Nicholas Circle Leicester,
LE1 4LF as none is available at St Martins House. Limited public blue-badge parking is
also available off Applegate. If you would like to make a donation to Bishop Tim’s
farewell gift, please send a cheque payable to LDBF, marked on the reverse ‘Bishop
Tim Retirement’, to Finance Dept, LDBF, St Martins House, 7 Peacock Lane,
Leicester LE1 5PZ.
Desert Island Discs’ with Bishop Tim
On Wednesday 24 June at 7.30pm at Leicester Cathedral, Bishop Tim will be in
conversation with Ben Jackson from BBC Radio Leicester. Come and hear him talk
about his life, ministry and favourite music as he prepares to retire. This is a very
special evening and we hope many people will be able to come. Refreshments are
available from 6.30pm. Entry is free. All are welcome to attend.
Announcement from Canon Barry Naylor
I will be reaching the age of 65 this year and have decided to retire on 30 September.
I have written to the Bishop informing him of this and he has accepted. I have been
Urban Canon since 2002 and have greatly enjoyed, and been fulfilled by, these years
of ministry in the city centre – both blessings and challenges. Thank you for your
support and friendship during these years. There will, of course, be opportunities for
more to be said as the day draws closer. My final services will be at the Cathedral on
Sunday 27 September.
Canon Barry Naylor
Cathedral Parking on Sunday
We have recently reviewed the costs associated with the New Street car park that is
available to members of the congregation on Sunday mornings. Unfortunately the
amount collected does not cover the cost to the Cathedral and we have therefore
revised the weekly payment to £3.00 per vehicle. With this in mind, we are also
introducing a three month pre-paid ticket to the car park. The period will start on 1
April 2015 and run through to 30 June 2015. The cost of the pre-paid card is £30,
which brings the cost of parking each Sunday down to £2.50 per vehicle. To purchase
a ticket, please make your cheque payable to “Leicester Cathedral” and send to Gillian
Aird, Cathedral Admin Office, St Martins House, 7 Peacock Lane, Leicester, LE1 5PZ.
For those wishing to “pay on the day” there will still be a facility to do this, however
at the end of June, the situation will be reviewed and a decision on the financial
viability of the car park will be made.
Leicester Cathedral Walking Group – On the trail of Richard III
As Richard III is featuring so prominently in the Cathedral’s life, it is fitting that the
Walking Group should visit other churches that have a connection to our much
maligned King.
Visit 2/15 – Saturday 16 May 2015 – St Nicholas Church, Stanford upon Avon
Continuing our Richard III theme the second visit and walk of the 2015 season for the
Cathedral Walking Group will be to St Nicholas Church at Stanford upon Avon on
Saturday 16 May 2015. The visit will follow our established pattern of lunch at a
nearby hostelry, The Chequers, High Street, Swinford, near Lutterworth, LE17 6BL
arriving at 12.00 noon for lunch at 12.30pm.
To enable the pub to provide our lunches at 12.30 we have been asked to pre-select
our food from their lunchtime menu, copy available from Mick McQuade.
After lunch we will visit St Nicholas Church at 1.30pm and then enjoy a short walk
lasting about an hour and a half, through the surrounding countryside. On the walk
discover the amazing Percy Pilcher and his contribution to modern day life. Another
little known legend of Leicestershire.
If you would like to join the Cathedral Walking Group please note the date in your
diary and book in with Mick McQuade. The programme of walks for the 2015
season is shown below. The dates and destinations have yet to be confirmed and the
order may change depending upon access to the various churches and to avoiding
06 June - St Peter’s Church, Tilton-on-the-Hill
04 July - St Andrew’s Church, Stoke Dry, Rutland
08 Aug - Saint Nicholas, Lockington
05 Sept - St James, Sutton Cheney
12 Sept – Ride and Stride*
03 Oct - All Saint’s, Thurlaston
* Note the extra walk not in the series, Ride and Stride will take place on 12
To book in or for further details, a copy of the information document or to add your
name to the ‘Future Walks List’, please contact Mick McQuade on 0116 231 3298,
Mobile 07879 675767 or by email to
Please keep in your prayers all the people and events mentioned
in this notice sheet.
We pray for all the members of the Cathedral Community who cannot be with
us today, including all those who will share in this Eucharist by home communion.
We pray for all those who have a heavy burden to bear at this time,
especially for:
Brother Damian SSF - George Dunseth
Ann Hughes - Ella Johnson – Jill Staniforth
Alf Bateman – Sue Granger – Marie-Josee Verheijen
We also pray for all who have recently died,
and for all whose anniversaries fall at this time.
If you have a person you would like to be prayed for by name, please contact:
Diana Belton - 01509 880 557
and they will be included in the prayer list for two weeks.
If you have asked for a person to be included please keep us advised of their
well-being and let us know if you would like them to remain on the prayer list.
Prayer Cell
The Prayer cell is a group of people from the Cathedral community who have
committed to pray for people on a long term basis. They also see it as part of their
ministry to hold specific prayer requests to God e.g. support for job interviews,
hospital appointments, and difficult times. This is a confidential ministry. If you ever
need support from this group please contact Diana Belton T. 01509 880557.
Cathedral Pastoral Care Team
A group of commissioned lay people, working with the clergy, take Holy Communion
out to those who are unwell or who are now unable to attend worship at the
Cathedral. Pastoral visits to hospital, nursing and residential homes, and to people at
home can be arranged for our congregations. Please contact the Revd Canon
Barry Naylor on 0116 261 5371, or Celia Russell-Thorpe c/o the Vergers.
Forthcoming Lunchtime Organ Recitals at Leicester Cathedral
Monday 4 May 2015, 1.00pm
Carl Bahoshy
Organ Recital in aid of the UK registered charity ‘Iraqi Christians In Need’
Listings of all our recitals and others around the country can be found at
Welcome to New Girl Choristers
It seems ages since we held this year’s auditions for the Cathedral Choirs, but the
time has finally arrived for the new singers to start. Today is the first time that the
new Junior Girl Choristers will be with us at the morning Eucharist and so we extend
a very warm welcome to Ruby Orton, Neve Modha, Isobelle Lakin, Edie Richards,
Olivia Burgess, Amber Dakin and Matilda Lakin. Isobelle, Amber and Matilda are from
our DioSing! schools whilst Olivia Burgess has been attending the Saturday morning
sessions that we run for five- to seven-year olds, so it’s good to see the work put
into training the next generation of Choristers coming to fruition.
Full-Time Post for Cathedral Organist Simon Headley
We’re also delighted to announce that Simon Headley is now employed full-time by
Leicester Cathedral as Cathedral Organist and Assistant Director of Music. This has,
in fact, been the case since December of last year, but it is only recently that we have
been able to secure the funding to extend the provision beyond the period leading up
to the reinterment services. I had been going to write that those of you who usually
attend the Cathedral only for services probably wouldn’t have realised, but in fact,
had Simon not been employed full-time over the past months, I would probably also
be in a wooden box six feet under the ground by now (which, I hope, would not have
gone unnoticed!). Simon has been a wonderful colleague since even before I started
as Director of Music and its lovely now to be able to discuss the day-to-day running
of the department and plan for its future in person, rather than by text message,
email, or in snatched conversations in the five minutes before Choristers arrive.
Chris Ouvry-Johns
Cathedral Community Committee:
Chair of the Cathedral Community Committee: David Dewdney
Secretary of the Cathedral Community Committee: Jane Black
The next Community Committee Meeting will be:
Monday 18 May
New volunteers needed
Are you able to help out the Cathedral at services once or twice a month? With
some Sides-people standing down after years of sterling service, we need more
individuals to welcome people to the services, give out the service and notice sheets
and tidy up at the end of services. If that is not for you, how about helping to serve
refreshments after the 10.30am Sunday Eucharist. If you are interested in helping,
please have a word with the Sides-people or those serving the refreshments, then let
me know which role you are interested in. David Dewdney (Chair, Community
Committee) 07901 970557.
Cathedral Community Craft Circle
Please join us every Thursday, from 2.00pm – 4.00pm, for Cathedral Community
Craft Circle in the White Rose Café, St Martins House. This is a social and informal
gathering where you can bring along your knitting, crocheting, or any alternative art
materials that you are working on. All welcome! For enquiries please contact the
Cathedral Office on 0116 261 5200.
Cancer Care Prayer Group
The Cancer Care prayer group meets in St Dunstan’s Chapel every Tuesday at
3.00pm, to light candles and name people with or who have had cancer and have
asked for our prayers. Everyone is welcome to attend. To add a relative or friend to
the list, contact Sue Mason: T: 0116 270 4629, E:
Cathedral Mothers’ Union
The next Cathedral Mothers’ Union meeting will be
at 2.00pm on Tuesday 5 May in St George’s Chapel. The speaker will be Freda
Baum, and there will be craft activities and demonstrations. For further information
on the Cathedral Mothers’ Union, please contact Christine Lee on
T: 0116 263 0959
Notices at Cathedral Sunday Eucharist
If you wish to have a notice included in the 10.30am Sunday Eucharist, please speak to
the Dean, or if he is unavailable the presiding priest, before the start of the service.
Any information which you would like to be included in the weekly notice sheet
should reach Karl McDonnell no later than 9.00am on Wednesday morning.
Karl can be contacted either via email or via telephone on the following contact
points: Email: or Tel: 0116 261 5358.
Contact Details
The Very Reverend David Monteith
The Reverend Canon Barry Naylor
The Reverend Canon Dr Johannes Arens
The Reverend Canon Rosy Fairhurst
The Reverend Canon Paul Hackwood
The Reverend Pete Hobson
The Reverend Canon Alison Adams
Dean of Leicester
Urban Canon and Sub-Dean
Canon Precentor
Canon Chancellor
Canon Residentiary
Acting Canon Missioner
Diocese and Cathedral Social
Responsibility Enabler
St Martins House, 7 Peacock Lane, LE1 5PZ
t: 0116 261 5200