16.04.15 - St. Joseph`s National School


16.04.15 - St. Joseph`s National School
Tús maith, leath na h-oibre
St. Joseph’s National School,
Leitrim Village,
Co. Leitrim.
Tel: (071) 96 21205
Email: info@leitrim-ns.ie
Roll No: 01125B
Theme for School Year 2014/2015
“We believe in the priceless potential of children”
Principal: Richella Kelly
Deputy Principal: Siobhán Finnegan McElgunn
16th April 2015
Dear Parents/ Guardians,
Confirmation 2015
Sixth class pupils will receive the sacrament of confirmation on Sunday 26th April at 3pm in St. Mary’s Church, Carrick-onShannon. It is very important that all sponsors are catholic.
Ceremony of Light
A Ceremony of Light for confirmation pupils will take place tonight, Thursday 16th April @8pm in St. Mary’s Church,
There will be practice for confirmation pupils on Thursday 23rd April. It is important that all pupils are in school on that
Induction Day
As previously advised Induction Day for new Junior Infant pupils will take place on Thursday 21st May 2015. The
current Junior and Senior Infant pupils will go home at 1pm on that day to facilitate the new pupils. Induction Day will
commence at 1.45 and end at 2.45. New Junior Infants will go to the Junior Infant classroom and parents will have a
short meeting in the hall.
School Closure
The school will be closed on Friday 22nd May as the school will be used as a polling station on that day.
First Holy Communion
Pupils in Second Class will receive the sacrament of Holy Communion for the first time on Saturday 23 rd May @12 noon in
St. Joseph’s Church, Leitrim Village. Parents of pupils in First Class will organise a party for second class pupils and their
families after the ceremony.
Parents Association Sponsored Walk and Cake Sale
A very big thank you to everyone who sponsored children on the sponsored walk, who turned out on the day to walk and
donated items and purchased items in the cake sale.
A very big thank you to all members of the Parents Association for organising these events.
Graduation Day
Graduation Day for 6th class pupils and their parents will take place on Wednesday 10th June at 1.30pm.
Setanta Book Club
Please find attached a catalogue from the Setanta Book Club. If you wish to order a book from this catalogue please
complete the order form in the catalogue and return it, with the correct money, in an envelope with your child’s name on
it by Tuesday 28th April. If paying by cheque please make cheques payable to Leitrim N.S. Please note that this will be
the final opportunity to order books from Setanta Book Club through the school this year.
HSE Screening Forms
The HSE will conduct screening tests on pupils in Junior Infants and 5th Class. Junior Infants: vision, hearing and growth.
Fifth Class: vision and colour vision. Parents of pupils in these classes will receive a booklet and questionnaire. Parents
are asked to complete the questionnaire and return it to the school in a sealed envelope (provided) by Thursday next
23rd April.
Names on Jumpers
Please ensure you write your child’s name on the inside of his/her school uniform jumper or cardigan. If your child has
lost a school jumper/cardigan please check the lost property press to the left of the main door. If you cannot find the
correct jumper please take one that fits, wash it and write your child’s name on it. There are many jumpers/cardigans in
good condition unclaimed.
Parents are reminded that class begins at 9.20am and children should be on time for class every day. In St. Joseph’s N.S.,
daily assembly time is allocated to eating before both breaks so it is essential that class starts at 9.20am. If your child is
10 minutes late every day, not only is it very disruptive to the class, but it’s almost an hour over a week.
Violin Lessons
Lorna Baker has a few slots available – 087 900 6663.
Change of Contact Details
Please inform the school immediately if any of your contact details (mobile number or address) have changed. It is very
important that the school always has updated contact details for every parent. The school cannot take responsibility if
important information relating to your child (such as end of year school reports) is posted to wrong address.
Bus Éireann Bus to the School
Application forms for bus transport to the school for September 2015 are now available to download from
www.buseireann.ie. Please click on the School Transport Section at the bottom of the page. Completed school transport
application form should be returned to Sligo School Transport Office, Bus Éireann, Lord Edward Street, Sligo
(0719160440). Please do not return these forms to the school.
Supervision before/after school
St. Joseph’s N.S. opens at 9:20 a.m. and school ends at 2 p.m. for Infants and 3:00p.m. for all other classes. Children who
are on school grounds before 9:20 and/ or after 3:00 (2 p.m. in the case of Infants) will not be supervised by school staff
and are not covered by school insurance. Each parent/ guardian is responsible for his/ her child outside of school hours.
Children collected from school during the school day
If you need to collect your child from school during the school day (for dental appointment etc) you must go to your
child’s classroom and talk to the class teacher. If you need to collect your child at break time or lunch time you must
speak to the teacher on the yard and inform the teacher you are collecting your child. Please inform your child’s teacher
in writing, if at all possible, the morning you must collect your child. Children will not be allowed leave the classroom
unaccompanied. This is for the safety and protection of all children in the school.
All parents are reminded to park responsibly outside the school. It is illegal to park on the zig zag lines either side of the
zebra crossing and in the yellow box. Thanks again to the many parents that park in the village and walk to the school.
Several pupils in the school are allergic to peanuts, two with anaphylaxis to peanuts.
This is a life threatening allergy, which could result in death if the child comes into contact with peanuts. In order to
help us manage this life threatening allergy we ask you to help us make the school a nut free zone. Please do not give
your child peanuts or nuts as part of his/ her lunch, including peanut butter sandwiches. Also children will be discouraged
from sharing lunches. This will be incorporated into our healthy lunch policy.
Meeting Teachers/ Appointment
If you need to speak with your child’s teacher in relation to your child’s progress or have any concerns regarding your
child please make an appointment to speak with your child’s teacher outside of teaching time. You can phone the school
Monday to Friday 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. to do this. Likewise if your child’s teacher has a concern about your child he/she will
contact you to discuss the matter. Official Parent Teacher Meetings took place at the end of October. You will receive a
written report on your child’s progress in June.
Yours sincerely
St Mary’s G.A.A. - In Association with Children’s Heart Foundation – Crumlin Hospital
Cooking Demonstration with Nevin Maguire is taking place on Thursday 23 rd April in the Landmark Hotel – Doors open at
6.30 – Tickets available at the door. All welcome, a good night guaranteed. For more information contact the Landmark
Hotel – 071 96 22222.
Notice from Parents Association
The Parents association would like to thank every participant who took part
in the sponsored walk on March the 21st. We estimate that we had 160
walkers and we raised in excess of 1600 euro over the course of the morning
which is phenomenal.
We would specifically like to thank the great stewards on the walk and
amazing bakers who provided such delicious treats and temptations; the
standard of culinary expertise was exceptional. We would also like to thank
all at Waterways Ireland for helping making the walk possible.
Finally we are starting into the final few months of school and that comes
with a few important events and traditions. The Communions are taking
place at the end of May and it is traditional for parents of children in first
class to volunteer to clean and prepare the hall and church for such an
important occasion. Could any parents of first class children please make
themselves known to either the Parents Association or the Principal so we
can get a team together for this very special day.
The Parents Association