Supplementary Regulations


Supplementary Regulations
Light Car Club of Canberra
Shannons Insurance
Blue Range Rallysprint
Sunday 12th April 2015
Supplementary Regulations
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Blue Range Rallysprint Round 1 2015
1. The Event
The Event will be a Stage 2 Closed to Club Rallysprint. The event will be held within in Blue
Range Forest, Corree, ACT, on closed public roads.
The event will be conducted under the International Sporting Code of the FIA, the National
Competition Rules (NCRs) of the CAMS, the National Rally Code, the Rallysprint Standing
Regulations, these Supplementary Regulations and any further Regulations that may be issued.
This Event will be conducted under and in accordance with CAMS OH&S and Risk Management
Policies, which can be found on the CAMS website at
Insurance for this event will be provided in accordance with Appendix I of the CAMS Manual of
Motor Sport.
CAMS Permit Number is 115/1204/02.
2. Organisation
The Event will be organised and promoted by Light Car Club of Canberra (LCCC).
Clerk of Course:
Event Secretary:
Chief Scrutineer:
CAMS Steward:
CAMS Steward:
Event Checker:
Area Coordinator:
Mathew Boorman
Terrie Hornby
Mick Harding
James Ford
Vicky Murphey
Paul Tams
Frank Brookhouse
04 2296 0013
0408 483 682
0418 837 055
042 447 5068
3. Entries
3.1. Pre-entry
Pre-Entry opens on publication of these Regulations, and closes 5pm, Thursday 9th April 2015.
Pre-Entry Fees:
$240 for Drivers.
$10 for Co-Drivers.
A $20 discount will apply for drivers who provide a road closure or control official for the event.
The discount will only apply until the officials roster is filled.
3.2. On-the-Day Entries
On the Day Entries, received up to 4 pm, Sunday 12th April 2015:
$250 for Drivers.
$20 for Co-Drivers.
3.3. Priority & Acceptance of Entries
A maximum of 30 entries will be accepted, with 5 reserves.
Entries for Drivers and Co-Drivers entry will be accepted in order of receipt of entry forms with
accompanying payment.
Dual Entries (i.e. 2 different Drivers in same vehicle) will be accepted.
Double Entries (i.e. 1 Driver entered twice in either the same vehicle or in a different vehicle) will
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be prioritised after all other entrants. The second entry will be accepted on the close of Pre-entry
for Pre-entered Drivers and at the end of Documentation for On-The-Day entered Drivers.
The organiser reserves the right to refuse any entry in accordance with NCR 83 and to cancel the
meeting if, in its opinion, insufficient entries are received. The organiser reserves the right to
cancel, postpone or abandon the event in accordance with NCR 59.
3.4. Entry and Payment Address
Electronic Entry via the CAMS Online Event Entry is preferred.
For Pre-Entered Drivers, proof of car registration including CTP insurance MUST be emailed
to the Event Secretary by close of Pre-Entries for validation.
Alternatively entries may be sent to the official postal address. Phone entries will not be accepted.
The disclaimer form is to be signed by the competitor, driver and co-rivers(s) and presented at
If paying by EFT please use the Driver surname and first initial as the reference.
Competitors paying by credit card will incur a 3% credit card surcharge. Entries for these persons
will only be accepted when the direct debit or credit card details have been supplied and payment
made in full.
Cheques, money orders etc. are to be made payable to: Light Car Club of Canberra.
Entries will only be accepted once payment in full has been made.
Official Address:
Event Secretary – Blue Range Rallysprint
PO Box 318
Civic Square ACT 2608
Direct Deposit Details:
Account Name: Light Car Club of Canberra
Bank: Westpac
BSB No: 032778
Account No: 583450
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Blue Range Rallysprint Round 1 2015
4. Running Schedule - Sunday 12 April 2015
Recce Section 2
Recce Section 1
Crew Briefing
Section 1
Group 1 Run 1
Group 1 Run 2
Group 1 Run 3
Group Changeover
Group 2 Run 1
Group 2 Run 2
Group 2 Run 3
Section Changeover
Section 2
Group 1 Run 1
Group 1 Run 2
Group 1 Run 3
Group Changeover
Group 2 Run 1
Group 2 Run 2
Group 2 Run 3
0730 - 1030 hr
0730 - 1020 hr
0730 - 0900 hr
0920 - 1050 hr
1140 - 1150 hr
1200 - 1700 hr
15 Minutes
45 Minutes
15 Minutes
1800 hr
5. Crew Eligibility
Crews shall comprise of ONE or TWO members. One designated as the Driver and One as the
Drivers must hold minimum of a CAMS Clubman Rally Licence. Co-Drivers must hold minimum of
a CAMS Clubman Rally Navigator Licence.
Crews must wear at minimum the apparel outlined in Schedule D 2014 CAMS Manual of Motor
Co-Drivers are not compulsory and Co-Drivers may be changed, noting there is only short time
between subsequent runs. The organisers will not be imposing any limit on the number of CoDrivers per Entry. Co-Drivers are only eligible for an award if the scoring runs are with the same
Dual Entries (2 different Drivers in same vehicle) will be accepted.
Double Entries (one Driver entered twice in either the same vehicle or in a different vehicle) will be
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Blue Range Rallysprint Round 1 2015
accepted, subject to the conditions in Article 3.3. However, for Double Entered Drivers using the
same vehicle, the second group of runs will not be eligible for awards.
6. Competitors Briefing
A Competitors Briefing will be held at the Event Headquarters, Blue Range Road, Corree, ACT at
the times listed in Article 4. One member of the crew is required to attend. Failure to attend
Competitors Briefing may result in a fine of $50.00 and/or referral to the Stewards of the meeting.
7. Documentation
Competitors must present at documentation:
current CAMS competition licence/s (types as per Article 5)
current CAMS-affiliated car club membership card
CAMS Vehicle Log Book
Proof of valid Registration or UVP, including CTP insurance
completed scrutineering form from a Regional Scrutineer, if applicable.
Vehicle numbers will be provided and must be affixed to the car unless otherwise advised. Please
return numbers at the conclusion of the event to the Event HQ.
8. Scrutineering
All vehicles must be scrutineered before competing in the event. Competitors may arrange to have
their vehicle regionally scrutineered or be scrutineered at the times listed in Article 4.
9. Vehicle Eligibility
All vehicles must:
comply with CAMS National Rally Code (NRC) Rally Sprint Standing Regulations.
comply with the requirements for Special Stage Rallies inclusive of Schedule R.
be fitted with a full safety cage complying with Schedule J , as described in drawings J7 and J-8.
have valid registration and CTP insurance coverage; conditions on the registration or
UVP must not preclude participation in the event.
Awards will be presented in the following categories:
1st 2WD Driver and Co-driver
1st 4WD Driver and Co-driver
Junior Driver
Female Driver
Awards may be amalgamated into a single trophy, where two or more trophies are owing to a
11.Starting Order
Drivers will be split into 2 groups, and will remain in the same group throughout the event. The first
group will complete its set of 3 runs on a section, then the second group will complete its 3 runs.
Starting order within a group will be determined by seeding.
Starting intervals will be one (1) minute. Any alterations to the starting interval will be at the
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discretion of the organisers.
It is the crew’s responsibility to present ready on time at the start control. Crews who present late
may be inserted into the start order, at the discretion of the stage commander.
Sections will be open for Recce in each direction as per the Schedule. Note that Recce timeframes
overlap with Documentation and Scrutineering timeframes.
The forest speed limit of 40km/h applies during reconnaissance. The stage is not closed during
Recce and officials may be present in the stage. The ACT road rules are in force during recce and
entrants are advised that they do not have priority over other road uses. Keep to the left and do not
cut corners. Entrants are advised to take due care.
Running Details
There will be two sections of 7.4 and 7.8 km in length. There is one course that will be run in both
directions. Each section will be run 3 times.
Section finishing points are marked by a Special Stage Finish sign, as shown in appendix B of the
Competitors will NOT be supplied with Route Instructions.
To show consideration to Officials and local authorities, it is considered appropriate to prohibit
wheel spin for a distance of 50 metres from the start of all sections. An end of control marker will
indicate the end of the zone. The penalty for wheelspin at competitive starts is a 10 second
penalty. Control Officials shall be deemed to be Judges of Fact.
Servicing and refuelling
The service park is located adjacent to the Rally HQ on Blue Range Road, Corree ACT. The speed
of all vehicles in the service park must not exceed 15 km/h; failure to comply with this limit shall
result in a report to the Stewards and a penalty may apply.
REFUELLING is allowed only in the service park, in the designated Refuel Area. The Organisers
recommend that all Service Personnel wear neck to wrist to ankle fireproof clothing, balaclava and
fireproof gloves during refuelling.
There is no service time allowed between the three passes of a Section for a Driver.
Double and Dual Entrants will have minimum of 15 minutes to change over Crews between Groups
in the same Section.
Crews will have minimum 40 minute to change over Crews and Service between Section 1 and
Section 2.
Timing will be to 1/10th of a second.
The results will be determined by adding together a entry's TWO (2) fastest times in each section
and the winner will be the crew with the lowest aggregate time, including penalties.
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Protests must be lodged in accordance with Part XII of the CAMS Manual of Motor Sport.
Any holder of a CAMS ‘Competition’ or ‘Officials’ licence (or equivalent licence issued by another
ASN) may be tested for the presence of drugs (or other banned substances) and subject to a
penalty(ies) for a breach in accordance with the CAMS Anti-Doping Policy and/or the CAMS Illicit
Drugs in Sport (Safety Testing) Policy as published on the CAMS website. Consumption of alcohol
in the paddock, pits or any section of the competition venue/course under the control of the
Officials is forbidden until all competition is concluded each day. Accordingly, any holder of a CAMS
‘Competition’ or ‘Officials’ licence (or equivalent licence issued by another ASN) may also be tested
for the presence of alcohol by a CAMS Accredited Testing Official (CATO) in accordance with the
CAMS Standard Operating Procedure for Breath Alcohol Testing.
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