Limehurst Yew Collection Info - Yew Clippings Against Cancer
Limehurst Yew Collection Info - Yew Clippings Against Cancer
Limehurst – Yew Clippings, Against Cancer COLLECTION INFORMATION COLLECTIONS: JUNE TO SEPTEMBER MON - FRI Photo: Chartwell, National Trust ONLY GREEN GROWTH FROM ENGLISH YEW (Taxus baccata) IS COLLECTED ~ normally 1 year growth WOODED PARTS CANNOT BE USED ~ the level of the active compound reduces significantly; it can damage bags and machinery REMOVE WEEDS/BRAMBLES & SHAKE OLD LEAVES FROM TOPS OF HEDGES BEFORE STARTING TO CUT ~ This promotes thicker growth and smarter looking hedges CUTTING ONTO TARPAULINS/PLASTIC SHEETS KEEPS YEW CLEAN & MAKES IT EASIER TO SCOOP INTO BAGS Remove weeds before cutting Hedge Cutters working with Limehurst using tarpaulins to collect and bag fresh clean Yew clippings. PLEASE KEEP CLIPPINGS AS ‘CLEAN’ AS POSSIBLE NO STONES, WOOD, GARDEN ‘RUBBISH’, LITTER ~ contaminates clippings, & damages drying machines SADLY ANY BAGS CONTAINING FOREIGN MATTER COULD BE REJECTED & GO TO WASTE Contaminated Yew can’t be collected Bags stored in a shed in Northants CLIPPINGS SHOULD BE FRESH & LOSELY PACKED IN HOT WEATHER ~ clippings can rapidly overheat and go “off” if packed too tightly ONLY PUT YEW INTO BAGS SUPPLIED BY LIMEHURST NO BLACK REFUSE SACKS as the Yew will ferment. PLEASE ENSURE THAT FILLED BAGS ARE STORED IN THE SHADE – clippings can be stored in our bags for longer if kept in the shade than if left in direct sunlight. NEED TO 'BUILD UP' A LARGER QUANTITY? CLIPPINGS CAN BE LAID ON TARPS 6 INCHES DEEP & BAGGED ON THE COLLECTION DAY ~ stored in the shade they can remain in good condition for 2-3 days. Woody Yew cannot be utilised A shaded tarp with Yew up to 6” deep – leave un-covered & in a building overnight NEED A COLLECTION? Tel: 01243 555110 or email: CONTACT THE OFFICE ON THE DAY YOU CUT THE HEDGE How many bags do you have? Is it your Final collection? Give your BACS details for payment or donate to Clic Sargent We’ll collect as soon as possible, and leave replacement bags if required. Many thanks for the quality of your Yew clippings ~ we hope this recycling benefits your garden, as it has for many fighting cancer