Application form
Application form
Application for Employment Instructions Please complete this application in block capitals using black ink or typescript. If you require this application form in alternative format, please contact a member of the Human Resources Department on 0330 303 0124, email or write to Human Resources Department, Link House, 2c New Mart Road, Edinburgh, EH14 1RL.A Application details Please state the order of preference if applying for more than one post. POSITION(S) APPLIED FOR: JOB REFERENCE(S): JOB LOCATION(S): Personal details SURNAME: INITIAL(S): ADDRESS: POST CODE: HOME TELEPHONE NUMBER: MOBILE TELEPHONE NUMBER: BUSINESS TELEPHONE NUMBER: EMAIL ADDRESS: Please Note: Link correspond with job applicants by email. In order to ensure you receive our emails, please add our address to your email safe senders list. PLEASE GIVE DETAILS OF ANY FRIENDS OR RELATIVES WHO ARE MEMBERS OF LINK‟S BOARDS, COMMITTIES OR STAFF? DO YOU NEED A WORK PERMIT OR SPONSORSHIP TO WORK IN THE UK? Page 1 of 12 Yes No Your education and relevant courses Starting with the most recent, please give details of your education, professional qualifications and any other relevant training or courses. FROM – TO (Month/Year) INSTITUTION (Name & Address) TITLE OF AWARD (e.g. Scotvec/Higher/BA Hons. Degree Etc) RESULTS (Achieved/Expected) Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) membership ARE YOU A MEMBER OF THE SSSC? IF YES, PLEASE PROVIDE YOUR REGISTRATION NUMBER: Page 2 of 12 Yes No Membership of professional bodies NAME OF BODY: DATE JOINED: REGISTRATION NUMBER: MEMBERSHIP STATUS: IS MEMBERSHIP STILL CURRENT? Yes No IF YOU HAVE HAD YOUR MEMBERSHIP WITHDRAWN FROM A PROFESSIONAL BODY, PLEASE GIVE DETAILS : Details of your experience Use this section to tell us about your current or previous employment, voluntary work, caring responsibilities or placement experience. (you may continue on a separate sheet if necessary). FROM – TO (Month/Year) Page 3 of 12 NAME OF ORGANISATION JOB TITLE AND SALARY REASON FOR LEAVING Breaks in Employment History FROM – TO (Month/Year) REASON (PLEASE EXCLUDE ANY BREAKS DUE TO MATERNITY LEAVE) Match to job requirements PLEASE REFER TO THE PERSON SPECIFICATION AND COMPETENCIES RELATED TO THE POST FOR WHICH YOU ARE APPLYING AND PROVIDE EVIDENCE OF YOUR KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE AGAINST THESE REQUIREMENTS. Page 4 of 12 Match to Link’s Mission Statement PLEASE DETAIL ANY OTHER RELEVANT EXPERIENCE WHICH YOU FEEL SUPPORTS LINK'S MISSON STATEMENT: "WORKING TOGETHER, PROVIDING HOMES, BUILDING COMMUNITIES, VALUING PEOPLE" Addition Information DO YOU HAVE A CURRENT DRIVING LICENCE? Yes No DO YOU HAVE ACCESS TO A CAR? Yes No HAVE YOU EVER HAD A CRIMINAL RECORD? Yes No PLEASE STATE IF THERE IS ANY ASSISTANCE YOU REQUIRE SHOULD YOU BE INVITED FOR INTERVIEW: Referees Please provide two referees, one of which should be your current or most recent employer plus an additional referee. They should have (or had) some management or supervisory responsibility for your work, and not be colleagues, subordinates, relatives or friends. Referee 1 NAME: JOB TITLE: ADDRESS: RELATIONSHIP TO YOU: TELEPHONE: EMAIL: Page 5 of 12 Referee 2 NAME: JOB TITLE: ADDRESS: RELATIONSHIP TO YOU: TELEPHONE: EMAIL: Vacancy Monitoring WHERE DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THIS VACANCY? Data Protection Act 1998 The personal information collected on this form will only be used for the purposes of recruitment and selection for the post for which you have applied and in accordance with the attached guidance notes. The information will not be used for any other purpose nor will it be disclosed to any other party than those referred to in the guidance notes. Link‟s policy on retention of information is that recruitment records will be destroyed 6 months after the recruitment decision has been made other than for the successful candidate whose information will be retained. Please confirm, by signing the declaration, that you give consent for your information to be used by Link for recruitment and selection purposes. I am aware that: The contents of this form will be shared with relevant parties during the selection process; Link will create computer and paper records about me during the recruitment and selection process; If successful, Link will create and maintain computer and paper records about me during my employment and after I leave; These records will be processed in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998 or successor legislation. Page 6 of 12 Declaration I CONFIRM THAT I HAVE COMPLETED THIS FORM HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE GUIDANCE NOTES AND THAT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS CORRECT AND GIVES A FAIR REPRESENTATION OF MY QUALIFICATIONS AND EMPLOYMENT HISTORY. IF I AM SUBSEQUENTLY ENGAGED BY LINK, I ACCEPT THAT I MAY BE LIABLE TO SUMMARY DISMISSAL AND TO FORFEIT ALL CLAIMS IF THERE HAS BEEN ANY FALSIFICATION OF INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN. SIGNATURE: DATE: Completed application forms Should be returned to the address specified in the covering letter, marked “STAFF - PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL” or, Emailed to or Faxed to 0131 624 7801 If you have any queries relating to the completion of the form, please telephone the HR Department on 0330 303 0124. Link Group Limited is a Charity registered in Scotland, number SC001026, and an exempt charity under the Cooperative and Community Benefits and Societies Act 2003. Link Group is registered under the Industrial & Provident Societies Act 1965 with the Financial Services Authority, registration number 1481 R(S), and with the Scottish Housing Regulator, Number HAL 148. Registered Office: Link House, 2c New Mart Road, Edinburgh, EH14 1RL. Page 7 of 12 Equality and Diversity Monitoring Link is committed to having a diverse workforce. We welcome applications from men and women irrespective of their ethnic or national origin, disability, age, marital status, sexual orientation, race, colour, nationality or religion. In order to assist us to monitor the success of our diversity policy, please complete this section. This information will only be used for monitoring purposes and will be processed separately from your application for employment - it will not be used as part of the selection process. GENDER: Male Female DATE:OF BIRTH RELATIONSHIP STATUS (TICK THE APPROPRIATE BOX) Never married and never registered a same sex civil partnership Divorced Married Formerly in a same sex civil partnership which is now legally dissolved In a same sex civil partnership Widowed Separated but still legally married Surviving partner from a same-sex civil partnership Separated but still legally in a same sex relationship I prefer not to say Living with partner RELIGIOUS DEMOMINATION (TICK THE APPROPRIATE BOX) None Other Christian Church of Scotland Muslim Roman Catholic Buddhist Sikh Jewish Pagan I prefer not to say SEXUAL ORIENTATION (TICK THE APPROPRIATE BOX) Bisexual Other Gay, Lesbian, or Homosexual I prefer not to say Heterosexual Page 8 of 12 NATIONAL IDENTITY (TICK THE APPROPRIATE BOX) Scottish English British Polish Indian Other I prefer not to say ETHNIC GROUP (TICK THE APPROPRIATE BOX) White : Scottish Asian, Asian Scottish, or Asian British : Indian, Indian Scottish or Indian British White : English White : British White : Polish African, Caribbean or Black : African, African Scottish or African-British African, Caribbean or Black : Caribbean, Caribbean Scottish or Caribbean-British White : Irish White : Northern Irish African, Caribbean or Black : Black, Black Scottish or Black British White : Gypsy – Traveller Other ethnic group Asian, Asian Scottish, or Asian British : Pakistani, Pakistani Scottish or Pakistani British I prefer not to say DO YOU HAVE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS, WHICH HAVE LASTED OR IS EXPECTED TO LAST, AT LEAST 12 MONTHS? (TICK ALL THAT APPLY) Deafness or severe hearing impairment A mental health condition (such as depression or schizophrenia) Blindness or severe vision impairment A physical disability (a condition that substantially limits one or more basic physical activities such as walking, climbing stairs, lifting or carrying) A learning disability (such as Down's Syndrome) A learning difficulty (such as dyslexia or dyspraxia) Page 9 of 12 A chronic illness (such as cancer, Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), diabetes, heart disease or epilepsy Other condition I have no condition Criminal Record Declaration Private and Confidential Link‟s safe recruitment and selection practice requires that candidates, who have indicated on their application form that they have a criminal record, complete this declaration. Please read the following guidance notes, before completing the form. Guidance Notes It is vital that you complete this form accurately and honestly. The information you provide will be used to make an informed decision regarding your suitability for the post to which you have applied. Please ensure that you sign the declaration at Part 2. If you are applying for a post working with Vulnerable people (e.g. LinkLiving all posts, Link Housing Sheltered Housing Officers, LinkWide Welfare Rights Officer) you are required to declare all criminal convictions regardless of whether they are spent convictions or not. For all other posts you need only declare convictions which are not yet spent. Please return this form in a sealed envelope marked as follows: PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL CRIMINAL RECORD DECLARATION FORM POST: REF: NAME: If you are applying online this declaration will be removed from your application. Your completed form will only be seen by those who have a responsibility for recruiting staff. On receipt of your application form, the envelope containing the Criminal Record Declaration Form will be removed prior to you being put forward for short-listing. The short-listing panel will assess your application against the essential and desirable criteria for the post. If you are unsuccessful in being short-listed for interview your Criminal Record Declaration Form will be shredded. If you are selected for interview, your Criminal Record Declaration Form will be opened and checked for any relevant convictions. If the interview panel deems those convictions to be relevant you will be withdrawn from the list of interviewees. If you are asked to attend interview, the interview panel will consider your declaration prior to interview. If you have disclosed criminal convictions, they will discuss this further with you at the interview in order to expand on, and to clarify any information that has been disclosed. Should your post require a „Disclosure Scotland‟ certificate, we will check the information you have given us against your Enhanced Disclosure certificate following an offer of employment. Page 10 of 12 Part 1 : Details of Previous Convictions PLEASE INCLUDE SPENT CONVICTIONS FOR THOSE POSTS WHICH INVOLVE WORKING WITH VULNERABLE PEOPLE DATE OF CONVICTION(S): TYPE OF OFFENCE(S): SENTENCE(S) RECEIVED: PLEASE GIVE DETAILS OF HOW YOU COMPLETED THE SENTENCE(S) IMPOSED. For example, did you pay your fine(s) as required; what conditions were attached to your probation/community service/supervised attendance order(s); did you comply with the requirements of your custodial sentence(s) DOES YOUR NAME APPEAR ON ANY NATIONAL LISTS WHICH WOULD EXCLUDE YOU FROM WORKING WITH LINK‟S CLIENT GROUP? (i.e. Sex Offender Register) IF YES, PLEASE GIVE DETAILS. Page 11 of 12 Yes No Part 2 : Declaration PLEASE NOTE THAT THE INFORMATION YOU PROVIDE WILL BE TREATED IN THE STRICTEST CONFIDENCE. I HEREBY DECLARE AND REPRESENT THAT, EXCEPT FOR AS DISCLOSED ABOVE, I HAVE NOT AT ANY TIME, WHETHER IN THE UNITED KINGDOM OR ABROAD, BEEN FOUND GUILTY AND SENTENCED BY A COURT FOR A CRIMINAL OFFENCE. I GIVE MY CONSENT TO LINK CARRYING OUT AN ENHANCED DISCLOSURE CHECK (IF APPLYING FOR A POST WORKING WITH VULNERABLE PEOPLE) AND TO REQUESTING REFERENCES FOR THE PURPOSE OF VERIFYING THE REPLIES GIVEN IN THIS DECLARATION, INCLUDING ENQUIRIES OF ANY RELEVANT AUTHORITY. I AGREE TO INFORM LINK IF I AM CONVICTED OF AN OFFENCE AFTER I TAKE UP ANY POST WITHIN LINK. I UNDERSTAND THAT FAILURE TO DO SO MAY LEAD TO THE IMMEDIATE SUSPENSION OF MY WORK AND/OR THE TERMINATION OF MY EMPLOYMENT SIGNED: DATE: PRINT NAME: Page 12 of 12