LRFW Model Application - Little Rock Fashion Week


LRFW Model Application - Little Rock Fashion Week
Instructions: Print, complete application and sign the model agreement. Write legibly. LRFW staff not being able to read your
handwriting could interfere with you being a model with us. Bring application and signed documents to audition.
Applicant Information
Full Name:
Street Address
Apartment/Unit #
ZIP Code
( __ __ __ ) __ __ __- __ __ __ __
( __ __ __ ) __ __ __- __ __ __ __
Additional Phone:
FB Name:
Demographics and Physical Characteristics
*Race: ______________________________________
DOB:_ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _
Last School Attended _____________________________
*(Race identification is optional and does not affect the application process).
Schedule conflicts or health concerns that could impact your
_________ Hair Color:
Shoe Size:
Pant Size:
Eye Color:
How did you hear about us?
/ Out seam:
Model/Agency Referral:
Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr/Pinterest (Please Circle)
Bust/Chest: ___________
Arm Length:___________
Other (Please Specify):
Word of Mouth
Years of Runway Experience:
Fashion Show Experience:
Model Training: Yes
Trainer/Company: ______________________________________________________
All Applicants Must Sign the Property Disclaimer Notice
All applicants disclaim in whole or in part the right of to any property or interest in any property submitted with their application. LITTLE ROCK
FASHION WEEK makes no representations or warranties to the applicant as to their qualifications for said fashion production. The applicant
acknowledges to having carefully examined this statement and further acknowledges that they have been informed of their rights and obligations do
sign below.
*(Parent Signature required if under 18 years of age)
Date: __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __
Model Questionnaire
Name: ____________________________
Model #:____
Circle Y = Yes
Circle N = No
(Y) or (N) I have open availability July 13-18 to fully participate as a model in LRFW 7.
If no, explain and tell us which dates you are _________________________________________
(Y) or (N) I have open availability Sunday June 7th from 3 pm to 6 pm for rehearsal and fitting.
If no, explain _________________________________________
(Y) or (N) I have open availability Sunday July 12th from 3 pm to 6 pm for rehearsal and fitting.
If no, explain _________________________________________
(Y) or (N) I currently reside more than a 4 hour driving distance from Little Rock.
If yes, tell us the name of the town you reside _________________________________________
(Y) or (N) I have reliable transportation to get to and from venues for LRFW 7 meetings & engagements
If no, explain _________________________________________
(Y) or (N) I have a family member auditioning to model at LRFW 7.
If yes, give us the relationship and name(s) __________________________________________
(Y) or (N) I have a friend auditioning to model at LRFW 7.
If yes, give us the name(s) ________________________________________________________
(Y) or (N) If I am selected as a model, but my family member(s) aren’t, I don’t want to model at LRFW 7.
(Y) or (N) If I am selected as a model, but my friend(s) aren’t, I don’t want to model at LRFW 7.
(Y) or (N) I have an e-mail that I check regularly.
If yes, write that e-mail address __________________________________________________
(Y) or (N) I have reliable internet access
If yes, circle the device you use regularly (cellphone, laptop, desktop, or tablet)
Model Participation Agreement
I, _________________________ (model), if selected, agree to participate in fashion shows and events produced by Little Rock Fashion Week,
L.L.C. (“Producer”) and its partners.
I agree to adhere to scheduled fittings, practices, and hair and make-up sessions given by Producer. I will remain backstage during fashion shows I
am modeling in until dismissed immediately after the show ends. Not following this will automatically disqualify me from “LRFW Model of Year.” I
agree to notify the model coordinator with any issues, conflicts, sicknesses, tardiness, absences that might be detrimental to production at least 24
hours before scheduled event.
I agree to represent Little Rock Fashion Week and myself with the utmost dignity. I agree to show respect to Producer, partners, volunteers,
models, designers and other show participants. Producer agrees to reciprocate respect.
I acknowledge that if selected to model that I’m a volunteer model and I’m not entitled to compensation from Producer. I acknowledge that I am
responsible for all my travel, hotel room, and food expenses. Producer isn’t accountable. I acknowledge that Producer is not liable for personal
losses, illnesses, and/or injuries to participants. I agree to contact the assigned model coordinator directly with any issues.
I understand that unauthorized photography or video recordings not pre-approved by LRFW is prohibited backstage or at the press/media area at
LRFW productions. If I, my family, friends or associates publish any unauthorized photos or video recordings I understand that I will be disqualified
from “LRFW 2015 Model of the Year” and I will be banned from future LRFW productions. I understand that no cell phones or the usage of personal
video recording devices or taking photos backstage prior to and/or during any productions are prohibited. I also understand that and agree that
photos of me on the runway, modeling clothes at a LRFW production, that I can only post images of myself on social media pages. I cannot post
photos of other models on the LRFW runway, modeling clothes at a LRFW production to social media pages, share the photos, or tag models, their
families or friends the images. I understand that if I’m seen using any of these devices backstage and/or posting images of other models on the
LRFW runway to social media that I will be disqualified from being “Model of the Year and could be banned from future LRFW productions.
I understand that I’m to contact my model coordinator with any issues, questions, or concerns. I am not to provide my contact information or have
direct communication with fashion designers from LRFW 2015 prior to July 13. If I’m contacted by a fashion designer, I will inform the model
coordinator immediately. Not abiding by this will result in my disqualification as “Model of the Year” and could result in a 1 year ban. All
communication should go through I will ONLY call if I don’t get a reply after 48 hours.
If I have noticeable tattoos that can’t be covered by clothing, I agree to provide concealer. Producer can replace me as a model if I don’t. I
understand that, not maintain the same measurable recorded at the LRFW 2015 Model Search for the LRFW 2015 productions could risk my
placement with a designer.
I have read and understand the expectations in regards to rehearsals. I acknowledge that Producer has the right, at its sole discretion, to add event
dates, change production schedules and make cancellations. I acknowledge that Producer has sole discretion to accept and/or deny any models
participation in the event of non-compliance to this agreement and has the right to dismiss me from participating due to giving false information, my
failure to comply with rules and guidelines. I acknowledge that Producer has sole creative control of productions. I accept that all decisions on
award recipients, on my make-up look and hairstyle selected by Producer and I have no right to contend.
I acknowledge that Producer will determine show line ups. I acknowledge that the Producer will determine the show runways and the timing of the
models’ walk. I acknowledge that chewing gum, eating while on the runway; myself and/or family members interfering with the timing of my model
walk, changing my runway walk or poses without Producer’s approval will result in disqualification from “LRFW 2015 Model of the Year” and a 1
year ban from LRFW events and media mentions.
I acknowledge that I am responsible for all garments worn by me. Producer is not liable and not financially responsible for any lost, stolen,
or damaged garments or accessories, and I could be prosecuted for stealing and/or damaging other people’s property. I agree to not
smoke and/or drink any beverages while wearing Designers’’ garments. I understand and agree that if I am seen smoking and/or drinking
in Designers’ clothes that I will be disqualified as “LRFW Model of the Year,” and banned for 1 year in participating in LRFW future events.
I have agreed to be photographed and/or videotaped by Producer its owner, successors, heirs, shall own all rights of every kind in said
photography, audio recording and/or video recording. I am granting a release to allow Producer, its owner, contractors, agents and guests to
record, film, photograph, and/or videotape segments of Little Rock Fashion Week (the “Program”) featuring my likeness, voice, image(s), and
property (the “Material”).
I hereby grant Producer, its successors, heirs, licensees and assign the exclusive, universal, and perpetual right to use my likeness, voice and/or
image(s) in connection with and/or as part of Program for advertising, exploiting, promotional, and publicity purposes across all media. I hereby
grant Producer, its owner, successors, heirs, licensees, and assigns from and against any and all claims, causes of action, suits, cost liabilities and
damages whatsoever that I now or hereafter may have against them in connection with the Program. I understand that the content of LRFW
productions is owned exclusively by LRFW and its parent company and I cannot use it without the written consent of LRFW.
I warrant that I am fully authorized to grant the release described in the letter and I have read, understand and agree to the guidelines, points stated
in this agreement.
Sign name: ___________________________________________________________
Dated: __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __
Print name: ___________________________________________________________
Phone: (__ __ __) __ __ __ - __ __ __ __
I hereby warrant that I am the parent and/or legal guardian of (___________________________________________________________).
I have read, understand and agree to the guidelines and points stated in this agreement.
Sign name: ___________________________________________________________
Dated: __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __
Print name: ___________________________________________________________
Phone: (__ __ __) __ __ __ - __ __ __ __