International Business Research Conference


International Business Research Conference
4 European Business Research
9 – 10 April 2015
Theme: “Research for Development”
Venue: Imperial College, South Kensington, London
Blackett Building, Corner of Queens Gate and Prince Consort Road
Proudly sponsored by
World Business Institute, Australia
London Academic Research and Publications, UK
Journal of Business and Policy Research
World Journal of Management
World Journal of Social Science
International Review of Business Research Papers
Global Economy and Finance Journal
World Review of Business Research
Global Review of Accounting and Finance
Journal of Accounting Finance and Econ
Journal of Islamic Finance and Business Research
Please Carefully Read all Instructions Below
 How to Reach The Conference Venue
You can go to your hotel or directly come to the conference venue from the Heathrow
Airport either by underground train (called Tube) or by taxi. If you decide to use train from
Heathrow to come to the conference venue at the Imperial College, follow the sign
directing you towards train station after custom and ask the person at the ticket counter for
ticket to Piccadilly Line to go to South Kensington Station. You ask the counter for
Underground Train map which is very handy to go to anywhere in London. It takes 50
minutes by train to come to Imperial College. As soon as you reach South Kensington
underground station (follow the train map), get out of the underground station and you will
find signs directing you to the campus of Imperial College. It is 5 minutes walk from train
station to the Blackett Building of Imperial College, which is located on corner of
Queens Gate (which is a road) and Prince Consort Road. You can buy “Oyster” travel
card for the underground rail network and this is very handy and very cheap to travel
around London city. Ask the person at the counter, they will explain how to use Oyster
card multiple trips.
If you are coming from Gatwick airport, take a British Rail to Victoria Station (which is a 40
minute-journey) and then take underground train ( Circle line or District line, westbound)
to South Kensington or bus 52 to Royal Albert Hall which is opposite to the Imperial
For Imperial College Map, you can visit :
 How to Complete Registration?
As indicated, once you reach Blackett Building (Building 7 in the map link above),
please proceed to Level 2 Concourse for your registration.
Please report either to Mrs. Khaleda Akhter and/or Dr. Mohammad Hoque for your
registration. If you have already fully paid for the registration, you will receive a yellow
envelope which will contain the following items:
- Your Name Tag
- Payment Receipt
- Participant Certificate (please note that only attending authors will receive a
participant certificate for ethical reasons, Co-authors will not receive this certificate
unless they pay for registration and attend the conference. Please also note that the
Participant certificate does not include the paper title or the authors of the paper. It
is just a certificate to prove that you did attend and participate in the conference)
- Conference Program
Lunch Coupons- (these will be at the back of your name card pockets)- you will
need to exchange these with the conference staff at the registration table for
the Cafeteria Lunch vouchers prior to taking lunch.
A plastic folder containing writing book and pen
If you have not yet paid your registration fees, please complete your cash payment on
arrival. We do not accept any other mode of payment except cash in American
dollars and please bring exact money as no change will be given there and hope
you will not negotiate with us for other mode of payment such as bank cheque or
cards. Please collect your envelope which will contain all of the abovementioned
The name badge is required for all participants/spouse/guests to participate in all
sessions/events, refreshments, buffet lunch, receptions, tea/coffee breaks. Please
present your lunch voucher at the cashier of the cafeteria. If you lose them, we will
not be able to replace them as we have to pre-purchase them.
 Conference Proceedings- Soft copy (online)
As informed previously, conference proceedings with ISBN 978-1-922069-72-6 will be
provided electronically. Please visit to view your paper after 1
April 2015. Please read the instructions there and then view or download your and/or other
authors‟ papers. Please note that a number of authors have asked only for the abstract of
their paper to be published in the proceedings. Those who have not yet paid for their
registration, your paper will only be published in the proceedings once the payment has
been made.
The proceedings will be there for a number of years which is visited by the readers from
the globe. We remind the authors that we will upload the paper or abstract as per the
option you have indicated in the registration form. Once your paper or abstract is
uploaded, you cannot change it again in any form unless you pay US$100 for any change.
Please note many authors have ticked the preference to publish their paper in the online
Elsevier proceedings, however no one has made payment for this option, therefore we will
not be publishing the proceedings in Elsevier.
 Conference Proceedings- Hard copy (USB)
Authors who have requested that they would like a hard copy of the proceedings in a USB
need to speak with the conference secretariat and collect the USB at the registration desk
by providing their name and country. Please note that if you have not indicated your
preference for this or have ticked „No‟ to this option on the registration form, then you will
not be receiving a USB with the proceedings at the conference. We will not carry any
spare USBs, however you can access the proceedings online as stated above.
Presentation Rooms
On April 9 we will be using 2 presentation rooms – Physics Room 741 (level 7) and 1004
(level 10).
On April 10 we will be using 1 presentation room- Physics Room 741 (level 7).
 What You Should Bring Along For Your Presentation
Please bring in 15-20 copies of your (printed) paper (power point slides or full paper) for
distribution at your session to other participants (this is optional).
Please print out at least 1 copy of your full paper and hand it to the chair of the
session at the beginning of your presentation.
If you do not provide a copy of the full paper to the session chair or the conference
organisers, we will be unable to email you an evaluation report for your paper.
Each author will have about 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions and
discussion. We suggest you to spend less time (not more than 5 minutes) on
introduction and literature review sections of your paper. Please focus and spend
more time (the remaining 10 minutes) on your model, data, result analysis/findings
and significance or implication of your research.
Every room has LCD and laptop computer and please bring your pen-drive or USB stick
for power-point presentation. However, we do not guarantee that they will work without
any failure. Please do not embarrass us by asking for pen-drive as we do not prove this.
In the past, we have faced issues where authors have put their USB in their
unaccompanied luggage which did not arrive with them or they have emailed the
presentation to themselves. We highly recommend that you carry your USB with you at
all times and not put it with your unaccompanied luggage and that you also do not just
email the presentation to yourself. You should save your presentation on a USB stick as
***Please ensure that you save your presentation file both in 2003 and 2007/2010
versions incase the computers do not support the latest version. If you have only a
2007 version and the laptops provides only 2003 office software, we will not take any
responsibility for converting your presentation from 2007 to 2003.
***Please note that we do not offer any internet access at the conference venue.
 What About Tea/Coffee Break and Lunch?
Break-foods and Tea/coffee during all breaks will be served in Level 2 Concourse near the
registration table. Lunch will be provided at the Cafeteria at Level 2 of the Sherfield
Building. You need to collect Lunch vouchers from the registration desk and we suggest
you to take lunch from 12.30PM sharp to avoid seating problem. Please take note that
there is both cold food and hot food and you can take either hot food or cold food and
select beverage from the fridge. Conference admin will be at the Cafeteria until 1.00 PM to
assist you. The cafeteria is very crowdy place and you need to be there by 1 PM at the
latest. If you arrive there after 1 PM and cannot find food or place for taking lunch, you
cannot blame us. There will be non-vegetarian (such as meat), vegetarian and Halal
food, salads, bread, juice, soft drink (no hard drinks will be provided). The area is a
smoke-free area and please respect this requirement. After you have chosen your food,
present the lunch voucher to the cashier. If you lose them, we cannot replace them as
they are pre-paid.
 Best Paper Award
Best paper is selected on the basis of 1. Originality 2. Research Rigor 3. Contribution to
the body of knowledge and 4. Relevance to current and emerging issues. The papers are
considered on the basis of the evaluation by the reviewers and the assessment made by
the members of the panel. Panel members will observe and assess the presentation of the
short-listed authors and then report to conference team. The name of the winners will be
announced via email 2-3 weeks after the conference. The winners will receive an award
certificate and fellowship into WBI.
 Paper Evaluation Report (PER) and Editorial Review Report (ERR)
Unlike other conferences in the world, we provide written feedback on your paper in the
form of Paper Evaluation Report (PER). This report will be sent to the authors via email
within 2 – 3 months after the conference. Please do not contact us in between this time
regarding these reports. However, if you do not receive them by this deadline, then contact
us via email:
Please note that even if you have paid to attend the conference but you do not present the
paper at the conference, then you will not receive a PER for your paper. Similarly, if you
collect your registration envelope pack but do not present your paper, the department in
your university will be notified.
For those of who have paid for publication of their papers in our journals, you will receive
Editorial Review Report (ERR) within 5 months after the conference, in addition to the
 Publication of Your Paper ( Please read carefully)
All accepted papers recommended by the reviewer (see your acceptance letter point
number 2 to know the name of the journal) for a particular journal will be published
provided that you have paid submission fee and complied to the review report, editorial
comments, feedback at the conference and journal‟s guidelines. You are required to send
us your revised full paper (after compliance to the PER and ERR and editorial
observations, comments, if any, you received at the conference) within 2 months after we
send you the ERR.
If your invitation and acceptance letter does not mention any journal name, it means that
your paper was not accepted for any of our journals, However, if you improve your paper
according to the feedback you receive at the conference and/or via review report, we can
reconsider the paper for journal publication at that stage. Please note that it is not
guaranteed that your paper will be selected for a journal even after the revisions.
If you have already paid publication fee, you must indicate in red ink the new or
additional materials you have added or inserted in compliance to written feedback and/or
comments at the time of revision. We will endeavour, though not guaranteed, to
publish your paper within six-nine months after the conference if you comply fully to
all requirements and requests. No reminder notice will be sent. If you do not send your
revised paper by the deadline or if you failed to comply in full to the review reports
within the due time set by us and do not comply to our any request for reorganising the
paper as per journals‟ guidelines or fail to make the paper camera-ready or do not respond
to our emails within 6 months after the conference, your paper will not be published and
no money or fee will be refunded.
If your paper has already been accepted for our journal and you have not paid any
publication fees but are interested to publish can make cash payment at the registration
desk. The cost of Print and online publication is USD $300 or for online publication only is
USD $200. If you would like to pay at a later time, then please contact Nuha Jahan via to arrange this.
Who to Contact
For any urgent issues relating to the conference please contact Dr. Mohammad Hoque on
+614 11 496 791 (Australian mobile number)
Correspondence After Conference
If you have any concerns or questions after the conference, please contact us via our
email address Please do not send any email to as this email address will be unmonitored after 10 April 2015.
Future Conferences
If you would like to join our future conferences, please continuously visit our website to find out more information. You can also follow us on facebook by
liking our page “World Business Institute” or follow Nuha Jahan on Linked in by sending
her a request.
What To See In London
If you are interested to see the sights of London, we recommend any of the hop on/hop off
sightseeing bus tours. This bus takes you to all the important modern and historical
landmarks of London and you have the choice to hop off at any stops and hop back on
when you are finished exploring.
Among many other sights, some of the main attractions the hop on/hop off bus covers are:
Buckingham Palace, Tower of London and London Bridge, Big Ben & Parliament, London
Eye, Westminster Abbey, Trafalgar Square, St. Paul‟s Cathedral.
Some tours may include Thames River Cruise Ticket which stops at Greenwich. All of
these tours have English commentary.
List of Participating Countries
The 4th European Business Research Conference is proud to welcome delegates from 27
countries of the world.
Hong Kong
New Zealand
Saudi Arabia
Taiwan R.O.C
Conference Team
Chief Coordinator, Prof. Dr. Mohhamad Hoque, World Business Institute, Australia
Events/Publication Director, Ms. Nuha Jahan, World Business Institute, Australia
Marketing Director, Mr. Tanzil Hoque, World Business Institute, Australia
Managing & Finance Director, Mrs. Khaleda Akhter, World Business Institute, Australia
Technical Manager, Mr. Md. Salman Ul Hoque, World Business Institute, Australia
Conference Program Outline
Presentation Rooms: Physics rooms 741 (7th Fl) and 1004 (10th Fl)
Blackett Building, Imperial College
Registration: Level 2 Concourse, Blackett Building
Thursday, 9 April 2015
7.30 AM - 5.00 PM
Conference Registration
Level 2 Concourse, Blackett Building
8.30 AM - 10.15 AM
Paper Presentations:
Management Track: Phys Room 1004
Finance Track: Phys Rm 741
10.15 AM – 10.45 AM
Morning Tea Break
Level 2 Concourse, Blackett Building
10.45 AM – 12.30 PM
Paper Presentations:
Marketing Track: Phys Room 1004
Economics Track: Phys Room 741
12.30 PM - 1.30 PM
Level 2, Sherfield Building (Building 21)
1.30 PM - 3.15 PM
Paper Presentations:
Accounting, Banking & Finance Track: Phys Room 741
1.30 PM - 3.45 PM
Paper Presentations:
Management: Phys Room 1004
3.15 PM - 4.00 PM
Afternoon Tea Break
Level 2 Concourse, Blackett Building
3.30 PM –5.30 PM
Paper Presentations:
Economics and Finance Track: Phys Room 741
Conference Program Outline (cont...)
Presentation Rooms: Physics room 741, 7h Floor
Blackett Building, Imperial College
Registration: Level 2 Concourse, Blackett Building
Friday, 10 April 2015
8.00 AM - 2.30 PM
Conference Registration
Phys Rm 741, Blackett Building
8.15 AM - 10.15 AM
Paper Presentations:
Accounting, Economics & Finance Track: Phys Room 741
10.15 AM – 10.45 AM
Morning Tea Break
Level 2 Concourse, Blackett Building
10.45 AM – 12.45 PM
Paper Presentations:
Management & Marketing Track: Phys Room 741
12.45 PM - 2.00 PM
Level 2, Sherfield Building (Building 21)
2.00 PM – 4.00 PM
Paper Presentations:
Banking, Economics & Finance Track: Phys Room 741
4.00 PM - 4.15 PM
Afternoon Tea Break
Level 2 Concourse, Blackett Building
4.15 PM – 6.15 PM
Paper Presentations:
Multidisciplinary Track: Phys Room 741
~~~ End of Conference ~~~
Thursday 9 April 2015
8.30 AM – 10.15 AM
Phys Room 1004
Session: Management
Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Sarminah Samad, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
405: The Effects of Gender and Perception on Entrepreneurship in Developing
Countries: Sheila McKee Healy, The College of New Jersey, USA.
412: The Influence of Heavy Vehicle Drivers` Competency. An Empirical Study in
Malaysia: Zamri Miskam, MARA University of Technology, Malaysia and Muhammad Zaly
Shah Muhammad Hussein, University Technology Malaysia, Malaysia.
427: Sickness Presenteeism: A Research in the Education Sector in Turkey: Aybike
Elif Bolcan, Bahçeşehir University, Turkey.
403: Current Tends in Ethics with Business Curricula in ACBSP Schools:
James Neblett, Mt St. Mary's University, USA, Alimaa Jamiyansuren, MA Peregrine
Academics, USA, Deborah Schaff-Johnson, University of Phoenix, USA and Charlene
Glenn, Pierce College, USA.
426: Influence of Supply Chain Management Strategy on Business Performance:
Experience from Malaysian Logistics Company: Sarminah Samad and Zuhaimi Mohd
Nor, University Teknologi Mara, Malaysia.
Thursday 9 April 2015
8.30 AM – 10.15 AM
Phys Room 741
Session: Finance
Session Chair: Dr. Jun (Tony) Ruan, Xiamen University, China
308: Initial Public Offerings and Insider Participation: The Role of Venture
Capitalists and Corporate Partners in the IPO Process: Hans Jeppsson, University of
Gothenburg, Sweden.
323: Spin-Off and Value Creation: The Case of Malaysia: Nadisah Zakaria, Prince
Sultan University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Glen Christopher Arnold, England, UK.
310: Creating More Stable and Diversified Socially Responsible Investment
Portfolios: Ioannis Oikonomou and Emmanouil Platanakis, University of Reading, UK.
319: Bid-Ask Spread, Quoted Depths, and Unexpected Duration between Trades:
Jun (Tony) Ruan, Xiamen University, China and Tongshu Ma, State University of New
York, United States.
322: Rational Functions: A New Asset Pricing Model: Nilanjana Chakraborty, India,
Mohammed M Elgammal, Qatar University, Qatar and Menoufia University, Egypt.
Thursday 9 April 2015
10.15 AM – 10.45 AM
Level 2 Concourse
“Morning Tea Break”
Thursday 9 April 2015
10.45 AM – 12.30 PM
Phys Room 1004
Session: Marketing
Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ehsan Malik, University of the Punjab, Pakistan
508: Does Co-Creation Have A Moderating Effect on The Relationship Between
Consumer Involvement and Brand Attitude?: Zhewen Tang and Yu-Lun Liu, The
University of Manchester, United Kingdom.
518: Market Structure and Political Differentiation of Newspapers in the Framework
of Two-sided Markets: Hend Ghazzai, Qatar University. Qatar.
513: Market Orientation and Brand Performance: The Mediating Role of Brand
Orientation: Mazuri Abd Ghani, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia and Norjaya
Mohd Yasin, Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia.
510: Media Mix: A Dilemmatic Decision between Traditional and New Media
Channels: Varisha Rehman, Indian Institute of Technology (IITM), India.
507: Impulse Buying: A Systematic Literature Review: Haadiah Yasir and Khadija
Ajmal, Lahore School of Economics, Pakistan.
Thursday 9 April 2015
10.45 AM – 12.30 PM
Phys Room 741
Session: Economics
Session Chair: Prof. Ruta Kazlauskaite, ISM University of Management and
Economics, Lithuania
207: Has BRICS Countries Decoupled from the Effect of Contagion during the 2008
Financial Crisis? Comparison of VECM Model and DCC GARCH Model: Ka-lok Kan,
Brunel University, United Kingdom.
210: Commodity Prices and AUD/USD Exchange Rate: A Regime Dependent
Analysis: Rajiv Bhar, Queensland University of Technology, Australia and Ramaprasad
Bhar, The University of New South Wales, Australia.
206: Revisiting the Determinants of Pollution Emissions in MENA Countries: Ahmed
Almohaimeed, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia.
218: The Effect of Housing Status on Labor Market Outcomes: William Chan,
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
221: Towards the Vernonian Model: Internationalization Process of the Pure Internet
Firm from one Emerging Economy to Another: Modestas Gelbuda, Ruta Kazlauskaite
and Dominyka Venciute, ISM University of Management and Economics, Lithuania.
Thursday 9 April 2015
12.30 PM – 1.30 PM
Sherfield Bld Cafeteria, Level 2
“Lunch Break”
Thursday 9 April 2015
1.30 PM – 3.45 PM
Phys Room 1004
Session: Management
Session Chair: Prof. Dr. James V. Neblett, III, Mount Saint Mary's University, USA
406: Hosting Mega-event Programme: The Praiseworthy Gamble: Samih Yehia, Birtish
University in Dubai, UAE.
414: How Small Firms Exploit Dynamic Capabilities in Technology-Led Services:
Udechukwu Ojiako, Hull University Business School, UK, Stuart Maguire, University of
Sheffield, UK, Alasdair Marshall and Maxwell Chipulu, University of Southampton, UK.
432: Higher Education in the 21st Century: A Conceptual Overview of Key Trends
and Core Challenges: Francesca Pucciarelli, ESCP Europe, Italy.
429: The Concept of New Public Management: The Adoption Case in Malaysian
Public Sector: Agnes Paulus Jidwin, University Teknologi Mara, Malaysia and Rasid
Mail, University Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia.
430: Planning in Non-Public Heis in Poland – Presentation of Research Results:
Elżbieta Janczyk-Strzała, Wroclaw School of Banking, Poland.
418: A Contingency Framework of Corporate Entrepreneurship: Evidence from the
UK: Adel Elgharbawy, Qatar University, Qatar and Magdy Abdel-Kader, Anglia Ruskin
University, UK.
415: Forecasting Regional Unemployment: Yuwaorn Pradubmook, University of
Southampton, UK, Udechukwu Ojiako, Hull University Business School, UK, Alasdair
Marshall, University of Southampton, UK and Maxwell Chipulu, University of Southampton,
Thursday 9 April 2015
1.30 PM – 3.15 PM
Phys Room 741
Session: Accounting. Banking and Finance
Session Chair: Dr. Pellegrino Manfra, QCC/ City University New York, USA
116: Intellectual Capital Disclosure and Transaction Costs Theory: Evidence from
LSE: Mustafa Elkasih Abdulkarim, Qatar University, Qatar.
117: Tax Convergence Tendencies in the European Union - A Theil Index Based
Approach: Țibulcă Ioana Laura, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania.
118: Factors Associated with Companies’ Investment in Internal Auditing: Evidence
from Kuwait: Meshari Alhajeri, Kuwait University, Kuwait.
611: Profitability Comparison of Islamic and Conventional Banks: Tariq Alzoubi,
Jordan University, Jordan.
324: Due Diligence and Investee Performance: Douglas Cumming, York University,
Canada and Simona Zambelli, University of Bologna, Italy.
Thursday 9 April 2015
3.15 PM – 4.00 PM
Level 2 Concourse
“Afternoon Tea Break”
Thursday 9 April 2015
3.30 PM – 5.30 PM
Phys Room 741
Session: Economics and Finance
Session Chair: Dr. William Chan, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
222: The Second Degree of the Psychic Distance Phenomenon: the
Internationalization Process of Lithuanian Manufacturing Firms: Modestas Gelbuda,
Ruta Kazlauskaite, Tadas Sarapovas and Sarunas Abramavicius, ISM University of
Management and Economics, Lithuania.
220: Agriculture Sector, Labour Productivity and Trade Openness in Malaysia:
Imbarine Bujang, Hylmee Matahir and Jasman Tuyon, University Teknologi MARA,
203: Monetary Policy and Inflation in Developing Economies: Evidence from
Nigeria’s Data: Kromtit Matthew Jesse, University of Jos, Nigeria.
314: Volatility Efficiency on HK Market: David Chui, Hang Seng Management College,
Hong Kong.
325: Corporate Governance Practices, Ownership structure and types, and
Corporate Performance in the GCC Countries: Abed Al-Nasser Abdallah, American
University of Sharjah, UAE and Ahmad K. Ismail, American University of Beirut, Lebanon.
328: Multihoming Heterogeneous Competition Platform Enterprises in the CournotBertrand Model: Hung Kuan Chu and Wenyi Chu, National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
Friday 10 April 2015
8.15 AM – 10.15 AM
Phys Room 741
Session: Accounting, Economics and Finance
Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Antonio. E. Morales-Pita, DePaul University, USA
113: The Extent of Voluntary Disclosure in Egypt: Its Determinants and
Consequences: Hany Kamel and Emad Awadallah, Qatar University, Qatar.
209: Analyzing Norway’s Successful Socio-Political-Economic Situation Despite Its
Oil Dependence: Antonio E. Morales-Pita and Jordan Scott, DePaul University, Chicago,
214: Economic and Institutional Determinants of India’s Outward Foreign Direct
Investment: Chandrani Sarma, The Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS), Singapore.
306: Emerging Issues for Global Impact of Foreign Institutional Investors (FII) on
Indian Economy: Kamlesh S. Dave, Saurashtra University-Rajkot, India.
313: Predicting Stock Market Index Using an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and
GARCH Models: An Empirical Study: Mohamed El-Sharkawy and Khairy El-Giziry,
Cairo University, Egypt.
332: Islamic and Conventional Mortgages: A Comparative Study: Issam Tlemsani,
Qatar University, Qatar.
Friday 10 April 2015
10.15 AM – 10.45 AM
Level 2 Concourse
“Morning Tea Break”
Friday 10 April 2015
10.45 AM – 12.45 PM
Phys Room 741
Session: Management and Marketing
Session Chair: Dr. Hart Awa, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
413: New Performance Measurement Models and Management Control Systems: A
Critique of the Literature: Emad Awadallah, Qatar University, Qatar.
416: Cyberspace: New Threat to the Sovereignty of the State: Mohamad Albakjaji, and
Jackson Adams, University of Essex, United Kingdom.
420: Management Flexibility and Its Real Option Pricing in Expansion Project of A
Metal Mine: Actual Case Study in Selibe Phikwe Mine, Botswana, Africa: Dineo
Florence Sefemo and Tsuyoshi Adachi, Akita University, Japan.
512: Investigating Customer Engagement Behavior and its impact on Customer
Engagement Value: A Conceptual Framework: Esraa Karam, Cairo University, Egypt.
516: Visual Representations: The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The
Truth?: Maria M. Ryan and Madeleine Ogilvie, Edith Cowan University, Australia.
520: The Impact of Values-Based Branding (VBB) on the Strategic Sustainability
Decision of the Supply Chain Management as a Superior Competitive Advantage:
Mahmoud A. Ramadan, Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport,
Friday 10 April 2015
12.45 PM – 2.00 PM
Sherfield Bld Cafeteria, Level 2
“Lunch Break”
Friday 10 April 2015
2.00 PM – 4.00 PM
Phys Room 741
Session: Banking, Economics & Finance
Session Chair: Dr. Simona Zambelli, University of Bologna, Italy
223: Analysis of Selected Seasonality Effects in the Following Metal Markets: Gold,
Silver, Platinum, Palladium and Copper: Krzysztof Borowski and Malgorzata Lukasik,
Warsaw School of Economics, Poland.
606: Increased Foreign Commercial Banks and Perfomance of Domestic
Commercial Banks in Uganda: Nsambu Kijjambu Frederick, Mbarara University of
science and technology, Uganda and John Ddumba-Ssentamu, Makerere University,
613: The New Role of Central Banks in the 21st Century: Pellegrino Manfra, City
University of New York, United States.
216: Exploring the Potentials of Optimum Currency Area and the Political Will of the
Gulf Cooperation Council: Aljadani, A., Mear, F. and Raimi, L., De Montfort University,
United Kingdom.
321: Trends of Dividend Payments and Market Reactions during Dividend
Announcement: Evidence from Qatar Market: Manuel Fernandez, Skyline University
College, UAE and Rajesh Kumar, Institute of Management Technology Dubai, UAE.
329: Panel Data Analysis on the Effect of Establishing the Enterprise Risk
Management on Firms’ Performances: Roslida Ramlee and Normah Ahmad, MARA
University of Technology (UiTM), Malaysia.
Friday 10 April 2015
4.00 PM – 4.15 PM
Level 2 Concourse
“Afternoon Tea Break”
Friday 10 April 2015
4.15 PM – 6.15 PM
Phys Room 741
Session: Multidisciplinary
Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Mohammad Hoque, World Business Institute, Australia
105: The Roles and Effectiveness of Audit Committees: A Case Study of Lehman
Brothers and Satyam Computers: Abdullahi Adamu Dodo and Sani Abdullahi, Federal
Polytechnic, Nigeria.
217: International Competitiveness as the Catalyst of Productivity: Hanna G.
Adamkiewicz and Stanislaw Maciej Kot, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland.
330: Why Do Firms Repurchase Their Own Stocks? Theoretical Frame Work and
Conceptual Model: Ahmad Samir and Ebtihag Abdurrahman, Cairo University, Egypt.
438: A Stage Model of Knowledge Retention and the Departing Older Expert:
Chandni Morar and Pak Yoong, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
419: Forces Drive the Adoption of Human Resource Information System in Egyptian
Banking Industry: Aly Reda and Gamal shehata, Cairo University, Egypt.
421: Service Recovery and Competitive Positioning: The Moderation Effect of
Technical Efficiency: Hart O. Awa, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria, Ogwo E. Ogwo,
Abia State University, Nigeria and Ojiabo Ukoha, University of Maryland, USA.
439: Optimism and Overconfidence Biases among Entrepreneurs: A Benchmarkingmodel: Luisa Tibiletti and Mariacristina Uberti, University of Torino, Italy.
~~~ End of Conference ~~~
List of Participants
Paper No.
Author Name
Queensland University of
Edith Cowan University
Xiamen University
Mr. Rajiv Bhar
Dr. Maria Ryan
Dr. Jun (Tony) Ruan
Mr. Mohamed Ramadan
Amin El Shinawy
Mr. Ahmad Samir
Mr. Aly Reda Aly
Ms. Esraa Karam Moharam
Dr. Mahmoud Ahmady
Dr. William Chan
Arab Academy for Science,
Technology and Maritime Transport
University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Dr. David Chui
Dr. Kamlesh Dave
Hang Seng Management College
Saurashtra University-Rajkot
Hong Kong
Dr. Varisha Rehman
Dr. Gershon Gilat
Dr. Simona Zambelli
Miss. Francesca Pucciarelli
Prof. Luisa Tibiletti
Miss. Dineo Sefemo
Dr. Tariq Alzoubi
Dr. Abdullah Alazemi
Dr. Rashed Alenezi
Dr. Adnan Al-Ali
Dr. Meshari Alhajeri
Prof. Ruta Kazlauskaite
Dr. Modestas Gelbuda
Mrs. Roslida Ramlee
Prof. Dr. Sarminah Samad
Indian Institute of Technology (IITM)
The College for Academic Studies
in Or Yehuda
University of Bologna
ESCP Europe (Torino Campus)
Università di Torino
Akita University
University of Jordan
College of Business Studies
College of Business Studies
College of Business Studies
Kuwait University
ISM University of Management and
ISM University of Management and
MARA University of Technology
Universiti Teknologi MARA
MARA University of Technology
Universiti Teknologi MARA
Mr. Zamri Miskam
Ms. Agnes Paulus Jidwin
Associate Prof. Dr.
Imbarine Bujang
Cairo University
Cairo University
Cairo University
Cairo University
Universiti Teknologi MARA
Prof. Pak Yoong
Mr. Matthew Kromtit
Dr. Hart Awa
Mr. Abdullahi Adamu Dodo
Ms. Khadija Ajmal
Mrs. Haadiah Yasir
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ehsan
Prof. Krzysztof Borowski
Dr. Elzbieta JanczykStrzala
Prof. Stanislaw Maciej Kot
Dr. Hanna G. Adamkiewicz
Dr. Mustafa Abdulkarim
Dr. Hany Kamel
Dr. Mohammed Elgammal
Prof. Issam Tlemsani
Dr. Emad Awadallah
Dr. Hend Ghazzai
Dr. Adel Elgharbawy
Dr. Ioana Laura Tibulca
Dr. Ahmed Almohaimeed
Dr. Nadisah Zakaria
Dr. Norjaya Mohd. Yasin
Miss. Chandrani Sarma
Dr. Hans Jeppsson
Mr. Hung-Kuan Chu
Miss. Aybike Elif Bolcan
Miss. Abed Al-Nasser
Mr. Samih Yehia
National Taiwan University
Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi
American University of Sharjah
British University in Dubai
Prof. Udechukwu Ojiako
Dr. Manuel Fernandez
Dr. Frederick Nsambu
Mr. Ka-lok Kan
Mr. Abdussalam Aljadani
Mr. Emmanouil Platanakis
Dr. Mohamad Albakjaji
Miss. Zhewen Tang
Mrs. Nawal Alebrahem
British University in Dubai
Skyline University College
Mbarara University of Science and
Brunel University
De Monfort University
University of Reading
University of Essex
University of Manchester
Plymouth University
414 and
Victoria University of Wellington
University of Jos
University of Port Harcourt
Federal Polytechnic
Lahore School of Economics
Lahore School of Economics
University of the Punjab
Warsaw School of Economics
Wroclaw School of Banking
Gdansk University of Technology
Gdansk University of Technology
Qatar University
Qatar University
Qatar University
Qatar University
Qatar University
Qatar University
Qatar University
Bucharest University of Economic
King Saud University
Prince Sultan University
Prince Sultan University
Institute of South Asian Studies
University of Gothenburg
New Zealand
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Mr. Bandr Alotaibi
Mr. Sattam Alharthi
Dr. Pellegrino Manfra
Prof. Dr. Antonio. E.
Prof. Dr. James V. Neblett,
Dr. Sheila McKee Healy
Glasgow Caledonian University
Glasgow Caledonian University
QCC/ City University New York
DePaul University
Mount Saint Mary's University
The College of New Jersey