May 2015 - Lowell Bayside Academy PTA
May 2015 - Lowell Bayside Academy PTA
the Lowell School Lowell Log May 2015 Principal's Message by Sam Platis, Lowell Principal Dear Lowell Families, Thank you for your continued support, commitment and dedication to making our school a model for providing a quality education to every student, every day. It really is difficult to believe that this is nearly the last Lowell Log of the 2014-2015 school year! Time really does pass so quickly, and as we move the summer months, while the year is far from over, and there is still much work to be done, at times I find myself in “reflection mode”. With so much to look back on -- countless memories; the hard work of our teachers, families and students; working together to bring fun and educational enrichment opportunities to our 759 students – we are indeed blessed and fortunate to be a part of the Lowell community. First, I would be remiss if I did not thank all of our teachers and staff for yet another stellar year. So much goes into maintaining and moving all of our students towards proficiency and beyond – academically, socially and behaviorally. While many of these efforts by our staff are visible, many are not readily apparent to everyone (which speaks to the sense of humility that is pervasive at our school). From “big things”, such as engaging in on-going professional development to help ensure that each of our students benefit from a world class education, to the smaller – yet equally important things – such as volunteering time after school to provide additional support or enrichment, our teachers and staff are without a doubt the best of the best! Nothing beats the rare combination of high expectations, coupled with a warm, nurturing environment and a commitment to continuous improvement – our staff embodies these qualities and so many more. I know that everyone shares my strong belief that an integral part of this collaborative effort includes everyone on our campus, including office staff, teachers, custodians, classified staff and others who work behind the scenes. Our students are without a doubt the product of families who work tirelessly to actively support their children’s education. It is commonplace at Lowell to see over 860 active PTA members, and over 700 volunteers (VIPS) providing their time, talents and treasure to benefit not just their own child, but all of our Lowell sea stars. I am amazed and, quite frankly, am deeply and forever grateful for the “embarrassment of riches” (as the age-old saying goes) that our school enjoys. Of course, these “riches” take many forms -- families reaching out to those who are in need (including students and programs at other schools in Long Beach); VIPS supporting our teachers with small group instruction; a PTA Board, Association and committees that not only pull off fun events for families, but also ensure that their knowledge and processes are systematically passed forward to incoming or newly participating families; people constantly asking, “how can we help?”, “what does your school need?”, and “tell me when and where to be there, and we’ll make it happen (whatever the event or occasion); and finally, the humble, gracious way in which we all pull together to make our school a better place. Just as important as the tremendously generous monetary donations that allow us to continue our enrichment programs – both academic and non-academic in nature – everyone’s dedication inspires, invigorates and sustains our efforts as one school, one family and one community of learners. Thank you, again, everyone, for coming together to add to the already rich and distinguished Lowell legacy. Our school is indeed a better place precisely because of not only our willingness to work together to benefit all of our students, but because our teachers, families, and staff continue to give of themselves selflessly to benefit all of our students. With Deep Gratitude and Appreciation, Sam Platis Principal, Lowell Elementary School PTA President’s Message by Denise Mester, PTA President Lowell … an a-MAY-zing school As we greet the month of May, spring is in full bloom! Warmer Southern California days remind us that the carefree days of summer are just around the corner. We are busily making plans for summer camps for the kids, vacation, and the next school year … but first, let us take a few moments this month to enjoy the fruits of our hard work throughout this school year, and to appreciate what a special – and aMAYzing – place Lowell is. This month is marked by a sense of excitement and accomplishment at Lowell. Currently, many of our students are demonstrating their knowledge and their achievements within the new Common Core landscape as they participate in state Smarter Balance testing. During Open House on Thursday, May 28, families can enjoy seeing all that the children have accomplished this school year. Be there to admire your students’ projects, hard work, and cherished memories … and celebrate the fact that a lot of hard work and perseverance (by the students and their teachers!) that made them all possible. We have much to celebrate as our year comes to a close. Once again this year, thanks to the incredible generosity of our families, friends, and supporters, our PTA has again surpassed its annual fundraising goals, which allows us to continue providing cherished programs and events to Lowell’s students and to responsibly consider how best to utilize our funds for future benefit. Our PTA membership has grown yet again – so much so, that Lowell was named the rd winner of an annual membership challenge within the 33 District PTA. Yet again, the number of volunteer hours spent by our dedicated parents and families has increased, and the tremendous events and programs that make our school so special get better and better. I salute all of you who have played a part in making that happen: teachers, coachies, administrators, support staff, room parents, volunteers, families, and friends. Tremendous things happen at Lowell thanks to a LOT of hard work and dedication by not only our children but also by the team of people who surround them. In a word … simply aMAYzing. This month provides more opportunities to enjoy all that makes Lowell so incredible: our Meet the Masters program will end another successful year with an introduction to artist Paul Gauguin, with assembly and training on May 11; our after-school performers with TKTC will entertain us with a fantastic performance of “Annie” on May 7-9. In addition to Open House on May 28, don’t forget Career Day on May 29, which will give our students a glimpse into what careers may be ahead of them in the future. Join us on May 19 for a special PTA meeting to review the eligible Budget Amendment Proposals that will be presented to the association for a vote at our final meeting on June 2. Be a part of the process as we determine as an organization how best to spend $80,000 in surplus funds to better the Lowell experience. After a kick-off of the summer with a long Memorial Day weekend, what better way to embrace summer fun than to spend a day at Lowell’s Carnival on May 30 – “Lego My Lowell.” Thank you once again for doing your part to help create a joyful, successful, and positive learning environment for our kids at Lowell. Have an aMAYzing month! Warmly, Denise Mester Lowell PTA President May 11 11 12 12 13 15 19 20 22 25 28 29 30 May 2015 June MTM Assembly, 2:25-3:10 MTM Training, 3:30-4:30 Cabinet Meeting Executive Board Mtg Dining for DollarsDomenico’s Dirtbags Night PTA Info Mtg Re Proposals (6:30 Auditorium) Teacher Luncheon U.S.A. Shirt Day Memorial Day Open House Career Day Carnival Lowell Log 1-5 2 3 17 17 Teacher Appreciation Week Final PTA Assn. Meeting (6:30 Auditorium) Dining For Dollars- Chipotle th 5 Grade Promotion Last Day of School 2 Lowell Kids’ Club Spring Boutique Thursday, May 7th at 2:30 p.m . Unique, custom, and handmade gifts for Mother's Day, graduation, teachers, and yourself. Join us in the cafeteria from 2:30-5:30pm for a fun shopping expreince. Boutique coordinators are Rosann from Kids' Club and Coachie Sandi. START STOCKING UP FOR SUMMER!! -‐Last 2 Gift Card orders for the school year – Gift Card Order Dates 5/14 & 5/28 Gas Cards Lowes Home Depot Hyatt Hotels Choice Hotels REI AMC Disney CPK Subway AND……………….100’S MORE Let’s n ot forget Teacher Appreciation. Order on line at: 5th Grade Activities Update 5th Grade Activities MeetingWed. May 20th 9:05 am Time to put the final touches on our last few activities. Join th th us for the 5 Grade Activities Meeting Wed. May 20 at 9:05 at 314 Arcadia. th 4 Grade Parents: Please join us for our meeting on May 20 as well, to find out what’s in store for next year! Your help is also needed with this year’s Promotion. 5th Grade Special Activities: Tuesday, June 16 9:15am- Awards Assembly (Auditorium) Tuesday, June 16 11:30am-2pm- Play Day / Lunch at Park Wednesday, June 17 11:30am – Promotion Ceremony May 2015 Lowell Log 3 LEGO MY LOWELL CARNIVAL 2015 Saturday, May 30 from 10:30 am – 3:30 pm Please join us for Lowell’s Biggest Family Event! Inflatable rides, your favorite carnival food, game booths, music by local entertainers, crazy crafts, the best prize booth ever, and friends will be waiting for you at the 2015 Lego My Lowell Carnival on Saturday, May 30th. Spend the day indulging in all your favorite Carnival activities! Carnival t-shirt and ticket order forms are below, as is important information you need to help us make this year’s Carnival another big success! Be sure to get your tickets to participate in this year’s teacher box drawings. We are excited to announce that this year, we will be debuting four new carnival games and two new crafts…as well as an “Under Construction” Lego build area! Timeline May 8 Room Rep meeting for all carnival booth and auction basket helpers – 9 a.m. Cafeteria 14 Carnival planning meeting at Valeria’s house, 7pm 18-22 Carnival basket items to arrive in classrooms 22 Carnival presale ticket and wristband orders due 22 Classroom booth volunteer lists due to Cameron Hernandez via carnival folder in copy/work room 22 Carnival classroom auction basket helper to compile and turn in list of basket components with basket name and room number along with estimated value to Cameron Hernandez 22 Booth sponsorships due. Checks payable to Lowell PTA 26 Carnival t-shirt, presale ticket, and wristband distribution to classrooms 28 Final carnival planning meeting at Valeria’s house, 7pm 29 Carnival classroom auction baskets due in cafeteria (not classroom) wrapped and ready to go between 2:30-3:00. Please be on time! 30 Lego my Lowell Carnival 2015! Event runs from 10:30 – 3:30! For more information, or to get additional details for attending carnival meetings, please contact the Carnival chairs at May 2015 Lowell Log 4 CARNIVAL DONATIONS, WISH LIST AND HELP NEEDED Carnival classroom drink donations We are asking each classroom to contribute drinks that we will sell at the carnival. This is completely voluntary, but it will be a big help! Drink donations can be brought to the cafeteria from May 26-29. Kindergarten: st 1 grade: nd 2 grade: rd 3 grade: th 4 grade: th 5 grade: juice pouches packs of 12 oz. bottled water or juice pouches packs of 12 oz. bottled water 6 packs of cans of Sprite or 7 Up 6 packs of cans of Coke or Diet Coke, or Pepsi or Diet Pepsi 6 packs of cans of orange Fanta or grape Fanta Carnival Wish List th (Please drop items by the auditorium on Friday, May 29 after 5 pm. Contact Linda Allgood, if you can donate any of the items so we know what we need to pick up!) -12 market umbrellas -12 EZ Ups -12 med or lg sponges -12 x-large sponges -12 hand towels -50 paper towel rolls -6 extension cords -3 cash boxes -Dixie Cups -700 lollipops -10-12 bottles of water bubbles & toys -Large pkg bubble gum -8 rolls of duct tape -8 rolls wide blue painters tape -8 rolls masking tape Additional auctions items wanted: Do you have something you would like to donate to the auction? Tickets to a sporting event, sporting equipment, theme park tickets, concert tickets or anything else kid- or family- activity related? th Please contact Cameron Hernandez at by May 18 if you have a donation. Please note: because we cancelled this year’s spring fundraiser, this is an excellent opportunity to offer any donations you may have considered contributing. Thank you donors! Older siblings needed for carnival day volunteer jobs!!! We are looking for older siblings to volunteer and help out the day of the carnival. Please contact either Emily Taylor or Ruth Chao if you have any helpers in mind. 2015 Carnival T-shirt Order Form Please return this order form and payment by Friday, May 8 to your child’s teacher in an envelope clearly marked “Carnival T-shirts”. Cash or checks (payable to Lowell PTA) accepted. A very limited quantity will be available on the day of Carnival so get your pre-orders in on-time! **Teachers – please place all T-shirt orders in the PTA Drop Box. Student Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: ____________________________________________________________________ Teacher Name: _______________________________________________ Room #: ___________ CHILD T-SHIRT ORDER and Style Information - PLEASE INDICATE QUANTITY PER SIZE Unisex Tee - Navy or White (Gildan brand) / Girl’s cap sleeve cut - White (American Apparel brand) UNISEX (Navy): S______ M_______ L_______ XL_________($13) (logo will be multi color) UNISEX (White): S______ M_______ L_______ XL_________($13) GIRLS (White): S(8)____ M(10)____ L(12)____ XL(Wsm)____($14) Adult’s T-SHIRT ORDER - INDICATE QUANTITY PER SIZE White Tee (men and women). - $17 each UNISEX Adult: S ______ M _______ L ______ XL _______ XXL____ XXXL____ (these larger sizes are $20) TOTAL amount enclosed: ______________________ Questions? Please contact Jennifer Pickard at 562-233-3734 or Approved by Principal Sam Platis and PTA President Denise Mester May 2015 Lowell Log 5 CARNIVAL BOOTH & RIDE SPONSORSHIPS Sponsorship opportunities are available for individuals, families, or groups. This is a great way to help support the carnival! There are fun rides, booths and games that you can choose to sponsor - each classroom will be assigned to staff a specific game, booth, or ride during the carnival. Your sponsorship can help support your child's class booth, and your sponsor name will appear on that game/booth/ride on the day of the carnival. Four levels of sponsorships are available this year, all with a fun Lego theme: Unikitty ($25); Wildstyle ($50); Emmet ($100); and Vitruvius ($500). Remember that several families can choose to sponsor as a group! Sponsorship Form Child’s name:_____________________________________ Child’s teacher/room #:_____________________________________________ ___ Yes, I am interested in sponsoring a game/booth/ride Sponsorship Level: ____ Unikitty ($25) _____ Wildstyle ($50) ____ Emmet ($100) _____ Vitruvius ($500) Name of sponsor(s) _____________________________ Contact info:_____________________________ Please send sponsorship form and payment (checks payable to Lowell PTA) to the attention of Valeria Ruggieri via an envelope to your child's classroom, or drop the completed form and payment in the PTA Lockbox in the Lowell workroom. Contact Jo Stephanie Francisco at for more information. 2015 Carnival Ticket Order Form Please return this order form and payment Friday, May 22nd to your child’s teacher in an envelope clearly marked Carnival “Tickets”. Cash or checks (payable to Lowell PTA) accepted. Student Name: Phone Number: Teacher Name: Rm #: Set(s) of 10 tickets at $7.50 Set(s) of 100 tickets at $75.00 Set(s) of 20 tickets at $15.00 Wristband(s) at $13.00 each (for rides only) Set(s) of 50 tickets at $37.50. Total= Questions? Please contact Jen Paz at 562-234-0464 or May 2015 Lowell Log 6 Meet the Masters “Art is either plagiarism or revolution...” - Paul Gauguin As our MTM journey wraps up for the year, our last artist will be French Artist Eugène Henri Paul Gauguin (7 June 1848 – 8 May 1903) who was born in Paris, France and was a leading Post-Impressionist painter. Known for his bold experimentation with coloring, he paved the way to Primitivism and the return to the pastoral. GauguiGauguin had been interested in art since his childhood and in his free time, he began painting. He visited galleries frequently and purchased work by emerging artists with whatever money he made. He formed a friendship with artist Camille Pissarro, who introduced him to various other artists and as he progressed in his art, he showed paintings in Impressionist exhibitions held in 1881 and 1882. It was during this time that over two summer vacations, he painted with Pissarro and occasionally with Paul Cézanne. In The Yellow Christ (1889), often cited as a quintessential Cloisonnist work, the image was reduced to areas of pure color separated by heavy black outlines. In such works Gauguin paid little attention to classical perspective and boldly eliminated subtle gradations of color, thereby dispensing with the two most characteristic principles of post-Renaissance painting. His painting later evolved towards Synthetism in which neither form nor color predominates but each has an equal role. In 1891, Gauguin, frustrated by lack of recognition at home and financially destitute, sailed to the tropics to escape European civilization and "everything that is artificial and conventional.” He grew disappointed with Impressionism and felt that traditional European painting had become too imitative and lacked symbolic depth. By contrast, the art of Africa and Asia seemed to him full of mystic symbolism and vigor. Gauguin like Pablo Picasso in the early days of the 20th century was inspired and motivated by the raw power and simplicity of the so-called Primitive art of those foreign cultures that interested him. Primitivism was an art movement of painting and sculpture characterized by exaggerated body proportions, animal totems, geometric designs and stark contrasts. The first artist to systematically use these effects and achieve broad public success was Paul Gauguin. The European cultural elite discovering the art of Africa, Micronesia, and Native Americans for the first time were fascinated, intrigued and educated by the newness, wildness and the stark power embodied in the art of those faraway places. In 1903, as a result of a problem he had with the church and the government, Gauguin was sentenced to three months in prison, and charged a fine. At the time he was being supported by an art dealer named Ambroise Vollard. Gauguin died of syphilis before he could begin his prison sentence. His body had been weakened by alcohol and a dissipated life. He was 54 years old. We are excited to present Paul Gauguin’s work for the kids. ****SAVE THE DATE*** Training will be held on Monday, May 11, from 2:25-3:10p.m.2:25-3:10 p.m. for the assembly, followed by the art lesson at 3:30 in the school library. Please note that Lowell students may quietly wait in the library while volunteers receive instruction; non-students may not attend per school guidelines. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact Andrea Miller at or 562.810.4487 May 2015 Lowell Log 7 Dining For Dollars This month's featured restaurant is Domenico's. Our Dining for Dollars event is on Wednesday, May 13 11:30 am - 10 pm. Take a break from the kitchen and enjoy a delicious meal at Domenico's. Too busy to eat at the restaurant? Order take-out and enjoy at home. They will donate 25% of the proceeds of food purchased by Lowell families and friends. You dine, they donate. It's the easiest way to give to Lowell. Please bring a copy of the flyer - either paper or electronic. ANNOUNCING Lowell PTA Fundraiser Help us raise money while enjoying your favorite pizza, pasta and salad! Domenico's has been a Belmont Shore institution for 60 years. Domenico's will donate 25% of the total sales generated from our group to Lowell PTA. Dine-In or Take-Out. Wednesday May 13th, 2015 11:30 AM to 10 PM You must bring this flyer with you to the fundraiser to qualify for the 25% donation from Domenico's. Flyers must be distributed prior to the fundraiser event. Flyers may not be passed out inside or outside Domenico's during the fundraiser. DOMENICO'S Since 1954 5339 E. Second Street - Belmont Shore Long Beach, CA 90803 (562) 439-0261 Approved by SP/DM May 2015 Lowell Log 8 Lowell Dirtbags Night – Friday, May 15 th 6:00pm May 2015 Lowell Log 9 BOOK FAIR WRAP UP Our Spring Book Fair was a BIG success, and it wouldn't have been without the integral help of so many of our Lowell parents...and coachies! An enormous thank you to Coachie Sandie – as well as Coachie H, who returned for a few days just to pitch in - for helping guide the way. A big thank you to our classroom volunteers and our wonderful Book Fair Committee: Michelle Dumars, Liz Nugent, Laura Walker, Christine Welch, Kelly Darling, Julie Jang, Tiam Jang, Julee Stover, Athena Deliva, and Jackie Kuhl. I could not have pulled off this fabulous Book Fair without the help of these wonderful volunteers. I would also like to thank Dana Hughes who has worked very hard during this Book Fair getting ready to take over as next year’s Book Fair Chairperson. Dana who will be joined by Jim Matthis as her co chairperson, is fantastic and will do a super job leading us through next year's Book Fair. WAY TO GO LOWELL SEA STARS!!! I truly appreciate all of the help in making this another successful Book Fair for our children! Thank you Tracy Kollin Teacher Appreciation Week Monday June 1st – Friday, June 5th ap·pre·ci·a·tion Noun 1. The recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something. 2. Gratitude for something. Please check with your Classroom Representatives for details on what each class will be doing for their teachers and the other great staff at Lowell during Teacher Appreciation Week. Remember that there are many additional teachers who impact our children, and they all need to be appreciated. With that in mind, in addition to classroom activities, there will be a collection box in the office from May 5th - May 28th, for the support teachers and staff. All money that is collected will go towards individual gifts for each of them. A huge Thank You to all the devoted staff at Lowell who take care of our children and help them to grow into productive and caring citizens! Cameron Hernandez Room Rep Chair May 2015 Lowell Log 10 Lowell Chess Tournament Application Saturday, May 16 (9:00 AM – 3:30 PM approximately) Participants should plan to arrive at Lowell at around 8:30 AM, (not before), both for check-‐in and so that they may hear the rules and procedures for the tournament. Check-‐in finishes at 8:45 AM; those students not signed-‐in by that time will be dropped from the tournament. The first game will begin promptly at 9:00 AM. Students signing up to participate in the tournament are expected to play in all four games: no one may leave and only play a partial tournament. The tournament will have three sections: Section 1 (for beginners, such as Group A members -‐ need to know all piece moves), Section 2 (for intermediate players, such as Group B members -‐ know all piece moves and should be able to write moves), and Section 3 (for advanced players, such as Chess Team members -‐ this group is required to write moves). Talk to your child about the section in which he or she would feel the most comfortable playing. Each section will have a champion, but the overall champion will come from Section 3. Cost: Chess Club members-‐ DO NOT PAY – tournament is part of dues Non-‐members $5 Check-‐in: 8:30 AM (Please do not arrive before this time.) Rules and Procedures: 8:45 AM First Game: 9:00 AM Second Game: 10:15 AM (approx.) Designated Lunch break: 11:15 -‐ 12:15 PM Third Game: 12:15 PM Fourth Game: 1:30 PM (approx.) Awards: 2:45 -‐ 3:00 PM *** On the day of the tournament no student may simply be dropped off at Lowell. While parents may make arrangements to share supervision time with other parents, at no time during the tournament should a student be at Lowell without some designated adult being responsible and physically present at Lowell for that student. Parents are responsible for the supervision and safety of their own children during the course of the tournament. All applications must be turned in to Mr. B., in Room 31 (not the office) on or before Friday, May 8th. Space is limited to 40 players. Mr. B. Kindergarten Orientation 2015-2016 WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! We are putting together a new awesome video for our new Kindergarten families that will be entering Lowell in September 2015. SO…. we are asking if you have any photos from PTA events, fieldtrips, school activities, Joga thon, etc., please share them with us. Please submit your photos via email to We also are recruiting new committee members for the Kindergarten Orientation in September. It's a super easy and fun committee - you get to welcome new families, give them a school tour and show them just how great Lowell is!!! If you are interested in helping with this fun committee, please email Cammie Cassiano at May 2015 Lowell Log 11 The Lowell Green Team Growing, Conserving, and Learning-by-Doing The world is thirsty because it is hungry....after all water is food. Firmly into the 4th year of California's punishing drought, we need to consider our food choices as a way to reduce water use. You might be surprised at how much water it takes to bring that hamburger to your plate! One hamburger requires 2,400 liters of water from farm to table, 1 apple takes 70 liters and a cup of coffee requires 35 liters. In your effort to save water, please think about the food on your plate. By eating lower on the food chain - choosing foods that grow on plants and trees - and preventing food waste, your watersensible diet could save our state more water than you think! Please contact us with any thoughts or comments Green Team Co-Chairs: Karen Taylor & Amy Royle Lowell Career Day May 29, 2015 Dear Parents, Lowell will be having its annual Career Day on Friday, May 29th, 2015. If you are interested in speaking in one of our classrooms on Career Day, please let Counselor Monica Frank know by completing the following form. Presentations will be made in the classrooms. Presenters will be placed in classrooms based on the topic and grade level that is most appropriate. It is possible that you will NOT be in your child’s classroom during Career Day, but you can make arrangements with the teacher to present at another time. The purpose of Career Day is to expose students to careers about which they may not be aware, and it gives many students the opportunity to think about their future careers. If interested in helping, please complete the form below and return it to the office. If you have any questions please contact our counselor Mrs.Frank at 433-6757, or e-mail her at (Return to Mrs. Frank in the office) Parent Name________________________________________________________ Student Name _________________________Teacher_______________________ Address___________________________________________________________ Phone ____________________________________________________________ Occupation_________________________________________________________ Brief Description of Occupation__________________________________________ May 2015 Lowell Log 12 PTA BUDGET UPDATE … PUTTING OUR DOLLARS TO WORK! As we have explained for a few months now, thanks to the generosity of Lowell’s families, friends, and supporters through our Membership Fundraising Campaign and Jog-A-Thon, as well as unspent monies from prior years’ budgets, we have approximately $80,000 in surplus funds that are not currently allocated to existing budget items and must be spent this year. Our PTA continues to fund and sustain many programs and events at Lowell, but there is always so much more we can do. Over the next few months, the PTA’s Executive Board – with the input from our administrators and staff, our Technology Use Committee, the school-site Cabinet, and our PTA members – will consider any proposals for how we ought to utilize our surplus funds. PTA members: YOUR INPUT MATTERS! Any PTA member who wishes to present ideas and suggestions for how to utilize our $80,000 in surplus funds – or to allocate remaining funds – is welcome to present a proposal for PTA’s consideration at our last meeting of the year, which is scheduled for Tuesday, June 2, 2015. Proposals should be presented in the form of a Budget Amendment form (available on our PTA website at by including as much detail and information as possible. Before any proposal may be considered by the PTA members at the June 2 meeting, it must preliminarily be presented to the PTA Executive Board; also, anything affecting Lowell during school hours must also be presented to Cabinet. Here are the final available dates for such presentations: • Cabinet Meetings – May 12 at 8 a.m. (contact Principal Sam Platis no later than 5 days prior to be put on the agenda) • PTA Executive Board meeting – May 12 at 6:30 p.m. (contact PTA President Denise Mester no later than 5 days prior to be put on the agenda) • NEW: Special PTA Information Session to provide overview of and Q&A session about the various eligible budget amendment proposals that will be presented to the Association for a vote during the June 2 PTA meeting. Holding this information session will allow us to progress to a vote more quickly on June 2. • PTA Association Meeting – Tuesday, June 2, 6:30 p.m. (contact PTA President Denise Mester by Friday, May 15 to be put on the agenda) At our June 2 meeting, the PTA Executive Board will briefly review the eligible proposals and provide input from the Board, staff and administration, and Cabinet as applicable, and the Association members in attendance will vote on how to spend our funds. If you have any questions about presenting a budget proposal, or if you need additional information, please e-mail PTA President Denise Mester at The most current version of our PTA budget is posted on the bulletin board of our PTA workroom should any member wish to review it. Thank you to our families, friends, and supporters who have continued to give so generously to make Lowell the special place it is. REMINDER: IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE ABLE TO VOTE ON ANY BUDGET AMENDMENT PROPOSAL(S), YOU MUST HAVE BEEN A PTA MEMBER FOR AT LEAST 30 DAYS PRIOR TO THE VOTE. If you are currently not a member and would like to have a voice at the June 2nd meeting, please join our PTA ASAP. Membership envelopes can be found in the workroom - fill one out, include your membership fee (at least $10 – checks payable to Lowell PTA), and drop it in the PTA lock box. If you have any questions regarding becoming a PTA member please email Sabine Cain or Danielle Van Divort at May 2015 Lowell Log 13 After School Enrichment The following programs are offered by organizations that are permitted to use Lowell's facilities. The PTA does not sponsor or fund these events. The programs are open to all Lowell students. For questions or suggestions about after-school enrichment programs, or if you would like information about PTA scholarships available for participating in the programs, please contact After School Enrichment chair Mai Pare at For Kids. By Kids. TKTC & LOWELL BAYSIDE THEATRE PRESENTS THE SPRING MUSICAL EXTRAVAGANZA… What: This Spring Season, witness The Kids Theatre Company & Bayside Theatre’s original spin on the timeless, Broadway classic, “Annie!’ The rags to riches story of a loveable orphan who gets rescued, kidnapped, and rescued again! With classic Broadway tunes, and TKTC’s own rockin’ twist, this Spring Spectacular is one you won’t wanna miss! There are all sorts of roles from orphans, to gangsters, to New York City businessmen! This show is perfect for kids of all ages!! Where: The Lowell Bayside Theatre!! The Shows: “ANNIE!” SHOWS! Thursday, May 7th @ 6:00pm (SUNDAY CAST) Friday, May 8th @ 3:45pm (FRIDAY CAST) Friday, May 8th @ 7:00pm (FRIDAY CAST) Saturday, May 9th @ 11:00am (SUNDAY CAST) Saturday, May 9th @ 2:00pm (SATURDAY CAST) Saturday, May 9th @ 7:00pm (SATURDAY CAST) *Any Questions? Email us @! May 2015 Lowell Log 14 Summer Camp Fair Vendor Information Thank you to the participants in this year’s Summer Camp Fair! For more information, please reach out to our Camp Fair participants listed here. Summer Camp Fair 2015 Summer’s Fun Started at the Fair May 2015 CAMP CONTACT Acting Out Theatre Camp Aquarium of the Pacific Erin Young actingoutcamp Erin English EEnglish@LBA OP.ORG Art Smart Studio Carola Whitlow Artexchange Summer Art Experience Burgess Cotillion Sovachan Sorn artsmartstudiof orkids@verizon. net arthappens@ar Kristie Burgess burgesscotillion Camp komaroff Natalie Chernik nchernik@alpe Crazzy’s Wasewagon Camp and Retreat En Pointe Craig Johnson crazzycraig@ea Celinda Frey enpointeinc@g Fine Arts and Fashion Portfolio Camp Fits All Sports Vicky Ojerio inspyrarts@gm Tommy Dube volitude@gmail .com Los Altos Family YMCA Claire Martin Claire.Martin@l Makersville / Club 10 Patricia Tsoiasu info@makersvil My Gym Children’s Fitness Center Shared Science Pamela Bangi mygymathebea Michella Wells info@sharedsci Skatedogs Adam Cohen adam@skatedog Summer Dance Camp Becky Stone missbeckysdan Summer with Westerly TKTC (The Kids Theatre Company) Safe Moves Pedro Jimenez pjimenez@west Kyle Becker tktcbuzz@gmai Barabara sheppard barbara@safem Lowell Log EMAIL PHO NE 562-‐ 901-‐ 0111 (562) 951-‐ 5383 (562) 4394777 (562) 999-‐ 1482 323-‐ 874-‐ 3456 562-‐ 426-‐ 7601 805-‐ 498-‐ 5572 Website http://www.aquariumofpacific.or g http://www.artsmartstudioforki http://www.bobbyburgesscotilli 562-‐ 438-‐ 3262 714-‐ 726-‐ 0904 http://www.enpointedanceandfit 562-‐ 270-‐ 5710 562-‐ 596-‐ 3394 562-‐ 225-‐ 9589 562-‐ 986-‐ 0066 http://www. ach 562-‐ 522-‐ 0595 714 313 8787 562-‐ 637-‐ 3715 (310) 486-‐ 8817 http://www.missbeckydance.wix .com/miss-‐beckydance 15 NEWLY ADDED PTA INFORMATION SESSION REGARDING BUDGET AMENDMENT PROPOSALS Date: Tuesday, May 19, 2015 Time: 6:30 p.m. Where: Auditorium Purpose: Please join us to hear about the eligible budget amendment proposals our Association will consider for spending our $80,000 in surplus funds this year. Proposers will have a limited time to describe their proposals, and attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions. This information session will allow us to move quickly into voting during our last PTA Association meeting of the year on Tuesday, June 2, 2015. Executive Secretary Ruth Chao Parliamentarian Wendy Becker I. Welcome • Pledge of Allegiance • Appoint Volunteers to Approve June Meeting Minutes • Adoption of Agenda II. Principal’s Report – Mr. Sam Platis III. President’s Report – Denise Mester • Introduction of 2015-2016 Executive Board IV. Officer Reports: • Treasurer and Financial Secretary – Rebeca Matta/Katie Zinn o Financial Reports, Approval/Ratification of Bills, Budget Update o Approval of writing summer expenses/checks o Approval of changes to checking account signatures • Ways and Means – Dawna DeLong/Jenny Kuo V. Report of the Executive Board VI. Committee Reports: • Technology Use Committee • Green Team • Fifth Grade Activities Committee • Dining for Dollars • Carnival Wrap-Up VII. Budget Surplus Proposals and Vote • Budget Update • Overview of Eligible Proposals • Recommendations from Executive Board, Cabinet, and Teachers • Vote VIII. New Business/Announcements • Cabinet Elections • Misc. Announcements • Honorary Service Awards IX. Adjourn May 2015 Vice President Mary Scott Financial Secretary Katie Zinn June Association Meeting Tuesday, June 2, 2015 6:30 p.m. in the Auditorium The deadline for the June Lowell Log is Tuesday, May 20. Please make submissions to Communications Chair, Allison Keller at Stay informed with Lowell's monthly newsletter. For the most up to date info visit us online at PTA President Denise Mester Treasurer Rebeca Matta PTA Meeting Agenda Lowell Log Deadline Lowell PTA Executive Board 2014-2015 Webmaster: Shawn Oatey Communications Chair Allison Keller This Log has been approved by Principal Sam Platis and PTA President Denise Mester. Lowell Elementary PTA is a proud unit of Long Beach Council PTA, the Thirty-Third District PTA, and the California State PTA The mention of any business or service in this newsletter does not imply an L endorsement by Lowell PTA. Lowell og Ways and Means Dawna DeLong Jenny Kuo Membership Sabine Cain Danielle Van Divort Head Room Rep Cameron Hernandez Communications Allison Keller Auditor Lori Hess Web Master Shawn Oatey Teacher Rep Pam Parkin Historian Cammie Cassiano Green Team Karen Taylor Amy Royle Principal Sam Platis Lowell Elementary 5201 East Broadway Long Beach, California 90803 T 562.433.6757 | F 562.438.3264 A member of: Thirty-third District PTA 16 Long Beach Council PTA California PTA National PTA 2 1 Lowell Log Calendar 2015 May Sunday 26 Monday 27 Tuesday 28 Wednesday 29 Thursday 30 Friday 1 Saturday 2 Dippin’ Dots after school lunch benches PTA Meeting 6:30p auditorium Smarter Balance Testing 3 4 5 6 7 Lowell Musical “Annie” 3:45p & 7p 8 Carnival t-shirt order forms due Lowell Musical “Annie” 3:45p & 7p 10 17 24 11 12 13 14 MTM assembly 2:25p MTM lesson 3:30p Cabinet meeting 8a library Dining for Dollars at Domenico’s gift card order due 18 19 20 21 Special PTA Meeting: Information Session on Budget Amendment Proposals 6:30 auditorium Log Deadline 26 27 25 Lowell Musical “Annie” 11am, 2pm & 7pm 16 Chess Club Tournament 8:45a PTA Exec. Board meeting 6:30p library 22 23 Carnival ticket & wristband order due Teacher Luncheon 28 gift card order due Memorial Day Minimum Day 2p dismissal 29 30 Career Day LEGO MY LOWELL Carnival 10:30a-3:30p Open House 6:30-8pm no school May 2015 15 9 Lowell Log 17