Letter 34 – Celebrations, Y5 Haworth visit


Letter 34 – Celebrations, Y5 Haworth visit
Low Moor C. of E. Primary School
Park House Road, Low Moor,
Bradford, BD12 0NN
Tel: 01274 600797, Fax: 01274 414066
Website: www.lowmoor.bradford.sch.uk
E-mail: office@lowmoor.ngfl.ac.uk
Headteacher: Mrs Y.C. Broadbent
19th March 2015
Dear Parents / Guardians
Stars of the Week (week ending 13th March 2015)
R Shine: Hannah Fox – For a big improvement with concentration during carpet time. Well done
and keep it up Hannah!
R Sparkle: Kiera Booth – For simply working hard – your efforts are paying off and you are making
brilliant progress Keira. Keep it up!
1 Amaze: Kabir Kapdi – For excellent numeracy work on weights. Well done Kabir!
1 Dazzle: Lewis Wood – For working fast in maths and getting so many correct. Well done Lewis!
2 Flourish: Mya Lund – For completing your numeracy homework to a high standard. Well done
Mya for your focused homework!
2 Endeavour: Alicia Beattie – For working hard in your numeracy. – you have a great positive
attitude to your learning – Well done Alicia!
3 Imagine: Leon Jones – For concentrating and being more sensible and focused all week in
class. Well done Leon and keep this mindset going!
3 Discover: Jack Davis – For working hard in all your lessons and making progress! Well done
Jack – keep up this ideal approach to your learning!
4 Believe: Ethan Grievson – For a huge improvement in your efforts in ALL your lessons, you have
been more focused and are producing high quality work! Keep this positive attitude going. Well
done Ethan!
4 Explore: Lewis Murphy – For your fantastic effort in all your work over the last few weeks! Well
done Lewis. You are a great role model in your class.
5 Unite: Zane Bennett – You have made a huge improvement with your focused attitude in your
lessons this week. Keep this up Zane and well done!
5 Inspire: Lilly Kelly – For your superb effort with your spring poem, editing and improving on your
original draft. You also have shown improved contributions during numeracy. Keep these excellent
attitudes going Lilly!
6 Challenge: Macauley Needham – Well done for your super improvements shown on your
homework – Keep this positive approach Macauley!
6 Vision: Alex Knight – For getting full marks on your fraction assessment. Well done Alex – a
great result!
The number of Achievement Texts sent home (w/e 13th March 2015) was 125 - well done to
everyone who received one.
School Attendance – The Whole School attendance for w/e 13th March was 91.45%. The class
with the highest attendance was 6 Vision with 97%. Well done to everyone in 6 Vision.
Home Awards shared in our Celebration Worship:Toby and Alex Moorhouse in 1 Amaze and 2 Flourish for receiving a Bradford City football medal,
for taking part in the after school club each week. Well done Toby and Alex!
Jamie Mitchell in 5 Inspire for being awarded a ‘man of steel’ for his contribution in his teams
football match against Keighley Albion. Well done Jamie!
A ‘Green Lunchtime Slip’ for outstanding behavior, co-operation and personal skills was given to:Freya Ross in 4 Explore
Jamie Taylor in 6 Challenge.
Kian Howard in 6 Vision.
On Thursday 7th March, Year 5 had a wonderful trip to Haworth. First we went to visit Bronte Falls.
Whilst there, we carried out several activities, such as measuring the speed, depth and width of the
water. We saw many tributaries when we were walking. Prior to our trip we
made some fishing nets and these
were used for the activities.
Three members of the class went to
visit the Bronte Parsonage Museum.
Bronte Falls
Hall Green Baptist Church very kindly allowed us to have lunch
in their church hall. In the afternoon we visited a sweet shop
before returning to school.
Bronte Parsonage Museum
'I really enjoyed the trip and seeing village life, I would certainly recommend Haworth for a visit if
you have never been.' (Year 5 pupil).
'Bronte Parsonage Museum was different to other museums I have visited as it is the actual house
where the Bronte sisters lived' (Year 5 Pupils).
Holy Trinity Church are holding a Spring Fayre on the 21st March between 10.00am and 2.00pm.
There will be many stalls such as gifts, tombola, raffles and bric-a-brac. Cakes and refreshments
will also be available.
Holy Trinity Church plays a big part in school life and your attendance and support for the Spring
Fayre would be much appreciated.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Y. Broadbent