ENGLISH OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT FfilNTING BUREAU No. 422. y EDITION TUESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1947 CABINET ORDERS I hereby promulgate the Cabinet Order concerning the partial amendment to the Enforcement Ordinance of the Debentures etc. Registration Law. Signed: HIROHITO, Seal,of the Emperor This twenty-sixth day of the eighth month of the twenty-second year of Showa (August 26, 1947) Prime Minister KATAYAMA.Tetsii " , - * Cabinet Order No. 167 A Part of the Enforcement Ordinance of the Debentures etc. Registration Law shall be amended as follows : ,- In Article, 68, "Taxation office" shall be added next to " the DepositBureau of the Ministry of Finance." Supplementary Provision ;. ,, The present Cabinet Order shall come into force as from the day of its promulgation. ' vMinister of Finance 1 KURUSUTakeo Minister of Justice ,,s ; SUZUKI"Yoshio ' f ,'. Prime 'Minister " KATAYAlVfA Tetsu ' ' ' .•E PRIME Prime :*& MINISTER'S ^ ORDINANCE Minister's, OFFICE ) Offic^ Ordinance ' _ l 'No. IS , August26,1947*_' The 'Regulations of the Mutual Aid Association For' 'Government Officials under the Jurisdiction of the Cabinet and Prime Minister's Office shall be provided for as follows : Prime Minister KATAYAMA Tetsu. The Regulations of the Mutual Aid Association for Government Officials under the Jurisdiction of the Cabinet and Prime Minister's Office :A Articje ac-h-^f~/! Chapter 1..General 'Provisions 1. Pursuant to the Mutual Aid Association Ordinance for Government Officials (hereinafter ,to be called Association Ordinance), the personnel under the jurisdiction of the Cabinet, Prime Minister's Office and their Agencies (excluding the Imperial JHpuse'hbld Office) shall organize a Mutual , Aid Association of the Cabinet and Prime Minister's Office Personnel, and the personnel under the jurisdiction of the imperial Household Office and its w1 H -f*a !lH; Price 7.50 yen Agencies shall organize a Mutual Aid Association of the Imperial Household Office personnel. Article' 2. The Mutual Aid Association of the Cabinet and Prime Minister's Office shall be under the Con-* trol of the Chief Secretary of the Cabinet Secretariat, and the Mutual Aid Association of the Imperfal Household Office shall be under the control of the President of the Imperial Household Office. The matters necessary for > controlling theh associations prescribed in the preceding paragraph, shall be provided for in particular by the Chief Secretary of the Cabinet Secretariat or the President of the Imperial Household Office respectively. ( Article 3. The limit of salary, wage or allowance on which the calculation of instalment and presentation for a member of the association is to be based, shall be the salary, wage or allowance which holds the nature of regular salary. , Article 4. With regard to the calculation of odd sum relative to the instalment and presentation, it shall be,an accordance wijth the calculation m&p&od, of odd sum of the National Treasury Accountingk Article 5. In the Association Ordinance andthe present . Regulations, as to the calculation of term, it shall be made pursuant to the provisions of the 'Civil Code," , * and as to the calculation of the 'term of affiliation, it shall be made from the day of affiliation - l Chapter 2., Members' of the Association' Article 6. The personnel,provided for"by Art. 1 of the 'Association (Ordinance, shall all be the' members of the ,present Association, except those persons falling under one of the following items: 1. -A'person who is under suspension (kyuskoku or.' teishoku); ' * ' •E 2. ' A person who is not,in continuous service; * 3. A person under commission' whose monthly . allowance exceeds more than l',200 yen; 4. A temporary commissioner, employee, koto"or yqnin) -or" worker, excluding, however, the' person whose tenure of office has passed two months and more from the day of commission or employment; A 5. Aforeigner. Article 7. The member of the Association shall have joined the Association on and after the day of his becoming a member of the personnel^pursuant to the following each item by which a person is to become a member, and he shall obtain the qualification of member of the Association on and after the said,date: ' N 1. Appointment, commission, or employment;$ 2, Day of transference of office from -another Government office, the association of which is under different jurisdiction. Article 8. A member of the'Association shall secede from the Association on and after the day mentioned the preceding paragraph, shall be determined by the actual amount on the.first day of the month. And as for 'a person^who became a member in- the middle( "of the month, hisxSalary, wage or allowance shall be ' l.\Dayofdeath; ^'' ,\•E f'^, •Edetermined by1 the actual amount on the d'^y-of his 2. D-ay on which1 retirement'from office or service .appointment. is.made; •E, Article 14. If the instalment of a-member is affected 3. Dayoftransference"of office for another Governby the change of his qualification, the instalment shall ment office, the association of'which is under be amended from the next month; -provided' that different jurisdiction ; if the.change is made at the beginning of the month, 4. Day on wriich, the salary or wages of a second - the instalment shall be revised from that moitfh.-' class official, a person treated as above or<comArticle 15. In case the salary1, wage or allowance is - missioner has been increased to mare than 1,200 changed temporarily, for particular reason* or ,yen; temporary cause, the instalment shall not be revised. 5. " Day on which a member has come to fall-under Article 16. In case a member of the Association hastheVprovjso of Art. 1 of the Association Ordinance. , successively Keen a'member, of'"the other -mutual A member of the Association shall forfeit the aid 'association, organized in accordance with the /qualification of member of the present Association Association..Ordinance, or a member of the mutual from the day, when he becomes, on the day of his ^aid ' association'>organized in accordance with an secession, a member of the other Mutual Aid"AsImperial Ordinance qther than the Association Ordisociation organized"' in, accordance with the Associnance, or in case a member of the Association, being ation Ordinance, or a member of the mutual aid , a government official, 'has been an insured, person association organized 'in accordance with an Imperial of health1 insurance or of seamen's insurance, long Ordirianceyother tljian the Association.Ordinance, or -before he becomes member of the present As, s 'an insured person of health-insurance or ofseamen's sociation? or in case'a merhfeer ,of the' Association, insurance. When a -member of the Association has beingsuspendedfronioffice or service, becomes again ' again become a member of the Association to which. / member of the Association for reason of restoration he belonged, onthe 'Mj or the day next to thaiofhis of office or service, he may not pay the instalment retirement from office or service, shall be regarded vfor the monthofhisjoiningthe Association, provided, as having not seceded, in spite of the provisions of . ' however, that he shall pay if he joins the Association the preceding paragraph, ou/the first day of month. , Article 9. In case a member of the personnel who is a Article17.N The instalment -inay, every month- when, a member of the 'Association is affiliated with more member receives his salary, wage or allowance, be _than two,associations, to which -he comes to belong , collected Jby deduction' from jh'e said salary, wage or ': - for the reasbri of concurrence of' office or for the allowance;, with regard, to the instalment for, ^the -. ' correspondingreason, sofar as he servesinthe offices 'month when a member does not receive his salary under "the Jurisdictions.of agencies >of the "Cabinet or wage, or when the. salary or wage he 'has received . v and Prime Minister's Office, the agencies concerned. does not amount toNthat of instalment, it shall be 1( _ shall, after consultation, provide for a special rule, ' -collected additionally next' time when he receives Article' 10. " Oix the day when1 the qualification^ of "A. his salary or'wage. , ^ •E , Article i'8. In case a member has not yet paid some -'kind, member which is affected' by jhe 'change^ of qualification, duplicates ''that of B kind member for 1 amount of his instalment, jthe corresponding amount the' reason'of appointment to office or other reason, may be deducted from his presentation* { - \l he a' member of newer 'qualification.. _ In case a member who hasjnot yet paid, the instalment secedes 'from the Association, if he does Article ll. A present member and a former"member or not receive his salary, wage or allowance,.or if the his bereaved"' family n?a$* ask? the Association for amount he has, received does not amount to-the , nothing but the presentation providedi for by the ' unpaid amount oJ^,instalment, and it ,is found im' Association i Ordinance. possible to collect his instalment, then the collection '< ' ' Chapter 3. Expenditure ' -' ' of his unpaid amouftt may be exempted. Article 19'. In case a member has/paid the instalment Article 12. 'A member must pay by instalments every excessively, the, excessive amount may be transmonth to the Association.the amount obtained by" ferred t*o the next instalment. > multiplying his salary, wage, or allowance by the In case a member secedes from the Association,. following proportion : the excessive amount'of the instalment he has paid A king member-Fourteen-thousandths (14/1000) B kind member-'fen-thousan'dths ' - (10/1000) may be returned.Article 13. 'The monthly amount of the salary, w.age or Chapter 4. Presentation y allowance mentioned,, in the preceding Article shall Article 20. The payment for the cost of medical^treatbe calculated in accordance' With the following items : merit of a member and his family shall be within the 1. Monthly amount, in the case of salary, Wage or 1 scope of the following items: allowance determined by, month;' 1. Medical examination; 2. Thirty times the daily amount, in the case of - '2,. Payment for'medicine or treatment materials; salary, wage or allowance determined by day; 3. v Payment for dealing or treatment materials*/ 3. Amount calculated by the method provided by 4. Admission into ahospital or a clinic; the Association, in case the calculation by the/ 5. Nursing; prece4ing two items is difficult. , .The salary', wage or allowance mentioned in 6. Transport. hereunder, provided, however, that the ' of the member of the,Association shall on and'after the day of secession, in the 3. and from the next ctay\bf secession, in qualification be forfeited case of item other cases; 2-- ' "-y^ ' ' >^ ; A ,, * , , m ' * < Jj| , ^ \ ' ^ Jk became the basis of calculating the last instalment. 28. The provisions of Par. 2 of Art. ll of tiie Association Ordinance applied to a case where an actual member or former member of the Association, being temporarily in a foreign country, has stayed there for more than three months. Article 29. The amount to be fixed by an Ordinance, calculation of expenditure necessary to medical treatment, and the method of payment in accordance with the prpvisions of Par. 2 of Art. 13 ofvthe Association Ordinance, shall be fixed by other laws. The treatment mentioned in Items 5 and,6 shall only mean such cases as deemed necessary by the Association. vf Article 21. In case a member or his spouse gives birth to a child (excluding a still-birth; hereinafter the same shall apply) ten yen for a month may be pajd as nursing allowance for six months running, during the nursing period, reckoning *from the day ,of Chili-birth. However, the term that does not last amonthshallberegardedasonemonth. •E /. A: nursing allowance mentioned in the preceding , - paragraph may be paid even in such cases as where a member gives birth to a child within six months of his secession from the Association, or where a. member who has actually received a nursing allowance has seceded from the Association. Article 22. The Association may, when deemed necessary, make investigation or medical examination of a person who is g6ing to receive a presentation or who has received a presentation, or may give directions concerning medical treatment. In case aperson declines the said investigation or examination without proper reas6n or does not obey the directions concerning medical treatment, a whole or part of the presentation may ^be suspended. Article 23. In case a person who continues to receive, in accordance with the Association Ordinance, various kinds of presentations that he may receive even after his secession from the Association, becomes a member of the other Association organized in accordance with the Association Ordinance or becomes a member of the Mutual Aid' Association organized iii accordance with Imperial Ordinance other 1 than the 'Association Ordinance, or becomes an insured person of a health insurance ^or seamen's insurance* the said kind of presentations shall not bepaidasfromthat-day^ , ;' -'Article 24.' In c'ase ah actual member or a'former ftiember undergoes a medical treatment or receives a, payment for the cost of the said treatment at the cost of a country or public body as provided for in other -Laws and Ordinances, the presentation during that term or the presentation for the cost, /': ofmedicaltreatmentshallnotbepaid.' , ~. Article 25.. In case a member who has actually receives' '- , the presentation in, accordance with the Association Ordinance receives "an1indemnity, solatium or others for"his sickness or wound owing*to the same cause, the/said presentation shall not be paid in so far as he has received the above presentation.* Article 26. In case an actualmemberorformermember has been admitted into a or one corresponding thereto, or been confined or detainerd in a prison, house of detention or workhouse, the presentation (excluding the cost of burial) concerning sickness or wound during that well as sickness or wound allowance or child-birth shall not be paid. Article 27; The daily amount for a salary or allowance which becomes the basis for calculating the amount of presentation shall be one-thirtieth of monthly Amount of salary or allowance which became the basis of calculating the amount of instalment at the time when a cause for presentation takes place. However, the calculation of the amounjt of presentation for a former member shall be in accordance with the amount of the salary or allowance which Article Article 30. The provisions,,mentioned 26 inclusive shall apply with the - fixations to the person supported. in Arts.'20 to necessary modi- Chapter 5. Supplementary Establishments Article.31. The establishments provided by the provisions of Art. 23 of the Association Ordinance shall . be as follows: 1. Establishments regarding the prevention of diseases or wounds; 2. Establishments regarding health examination; 3. Establishments regarding recuperation; 4. The official commendation for th^ healthy person; •E ' / 5. Besides, establishments regarding maintenance and promotion of health. - ' 'Chapter 6, Accounts ' 312. The financial year of the Association shall be in accordance with the financial year of the Government. \ Article 33. The matters concerning accounts besides > * those 'providedin the, preceding' Article shall.he* provided by other-laws.. Article Supplementary Provision:' This present Prime Minister's apply a^ from May 3, 19,47. " ,. r Office*Ordin.anqe . (MINISTERIAL ORDINANCE Ministry Ordinance . of Finance ' 'r ,'August26, shall Nck 79 1947 Revisions will be rendered to parts of the Enforce-, merit-Regulations for the' Emergency, Financial pleasures Imperial Ordinance as follows: , ,',.' ' '*' Minister of Finance v ' KIJRU$U Takeo The phrasing "¥500'"' in Item V, Par. 1, Art. 5 of the same Ordinance shall be rectified Co " ¥800"; andv the phrasing '"¥150" to "¥200." v The phrasing "¥1,000uvin Item 6 of the*same Paragraph in the same Article, shall ,be, •E rectified to "¥1,500."'' •E ' ,. The phrasing**" ¥150 per head a month" in Item 8 of the same Paragraph in the same Article shall be rectified to "¥250 per head a month." After the phrasing " liabilities" in No. 2, Item 2, Art. 6, the phrasing " (excluding the liabilities accrued to by yirtue of the provisions given in Item>l, Par. 1, Art. 13, and..those designated by the Minister of Finance)" shall be added to. Article 7/ In the case the payment- from the First '3 Blocked Deposits, etc., Is made for the performance of the public impositions or similar other public liabilities (exclusively limited to respective Item as stated below)•E'due to State, Metropolis, Hokkaido, prefecture or other locai- public corporation, the said payment may be made by way of the blocked payment by check or postal exchange•Ecertificate: 1. TheIncome Tax assessable for the years of 1946 or prior to 1946; 2. | The Income Tax payed or* and after April 1, 1947 according to the provisions of.Par. 1, Art. 37, Par. 1, Art. 38, andArts. 40 to42ofthe Income Tax -Law, and the Income Tax payed according to the provisions of Par. 2, Art.,5>ofthe -Supplementary Provisions of the Income Tax Law, which . ' was collected, in the case of the payment of its Allowance Earnings, Interest Earnings, etc., byway of the blocked payment; ' ; 3. The Property Tax, and the Wartime Indemnity Special Tax^ , " 4. ' The Land Tax, the House Tax, and Sur-taxes thereof; 5. _The ainount designatedby the Minister ,of -Finance with regard to the items stated'below:, , a The Income Tax reported and payed for the years"of 1947 or succeeding^© 1947;, ,I | 1> Taxes such'as the CorporationTax., the Special Corporation" Tax, the, Inheritance^ Tax, the 1( Donation _Tax, the Transit Tax, the Excess •E Income Tax,•E the Liquor Brewery Tax, the - 'Refreshing1 Beverage Tax, the Sugar "Excise^ Tax, tiie Textiles Excise Tax, the 'Commodity .Tax^ ' the.Securities' tTransfer Tax, Custome Duties and Tonnage 'tax, and' other taxes desig•E ' -natedby.tKe-MinisterofFinance;, ' •E *.' c ( The; Prefectural Citizen Tax, the Municipality, ' ' -Town and 'Village 'Citizen--Tax, and other taxes designated by the Minister-of Finance. ' •E 6. The amount''designated'.by the Minister of ^ Finance as regards liabilities 'desigaate'dby Minister of Finance of those- similar, to public im;~ 1'N'# positions, 'To Art. 10 the 'succeeding item. s%all be added: -( 4. -In thecaserth.e Minister of"Finance designates. . 'After the phrasing " including the amount to be repaid in trie case of cancellation of contract) " Art. ll, 'the phrasing (* the same shall apply Herein% after"shall'beadded. , Supplementary Provision ;. ; The present Ministerial force on and after September '. Ordinance 1, 1947. shall on and after NOTIFICATIONS Prime Notification ,No. 27 August 26, 1947 I hereby determine, in accordance with the provision of Article 5, Par. 1 of the Regulations concerning Mutual Election of Members and Reserve Members of Imperial Househo^d'Council, the following day as the day onwhich the mutual election of the members and reserve members of the Imperial -Household Council who ari* the members oftheImperial Family is to be held; '"" Prime -Minister KATAYAMA Tetsu September 16,' 1947 Minister*s/t)ffice Ministry Notification No. 191 August'26* 1947 In accordance with the provision given in the main text of Item" 5, Art. 7 of 1:he Enforcement Regulation^ for the Emergency -Financial Measures. I hereby designate as follows and make it apply on and after September 1-, 1947: : ^-( ' , r Minister of Finance •E> '. KURUS'U Takeo " " of Finance 1. ' 'The1 amount of tax referred to in(a) findin (l>)of, Item 5, Art. 7 of the* gnfqrcen>eat Regulations for tEe,,Emer'^ncy,.Financial Measures shall be the a.riiount which is or will be designated 'hy the Chief _ of the Taxation'.Office or the 'Superintendent of Customs (the amount of surtax 'by 'the Chief of Metropolis, , Do (Hokkaido),, prefecture or.other local public corporation who collects tfce said' surtax) ; 2.. The amount of'tax'referred to in (c) of the same '<.Item shall Be fdaecamoont-which is or will be designated by.-rthe Chief of ''jVletropolis, Do (Hokkaido), prefecture or by the Chief of locaj public corpo' ration other than mentioned ab.ove,, who collects the saidlocaltax; s * ' rbe in of Finance and Justice Osrdipaiice No. 6 August 26, 1947 A part of the Savings and Patriotic Debentures Special Registration Regulation shall be amended follows : " Taxation Deposit Bureau 1. be effective •E *'-" Ministry -/ Ministries Minister Supplementary Provision : The present Ordinance shall the day of its promulgation. of Finance KURUSU fakeo Minister, of Justice x SUZUKI Yoshio Office " shall be inserted after "the of the Ministry of Finance '5 in Article , as t. of Finance Notification y' No* 192 August,26, 1947 In accordance with the provision of Item $,< (b) Art. 7 of the Enforcement Regulations for the Emergency , Financial Measures, I hereby designate the taxea as follows, and make it apply on and mfter September 1, 1947: ' •E Minister of Finance .t ' t, KURUSU.Takeo ,1. The Extraordinary Profit Tax for the Corporations ; 2. The Extraordinary Profit Tax for. Individual Persons ; 3. The Special Excise Tax for Sugar; 4. The Special Service Tax (exclusively leviable on -Articles listed in Item 6, Art. 1 of,the old Special . Service Tax) ; 5. The Business T*ax and its Surtax for Individual Person of business years of 1946 or before 1946 and the Business Tax and its Surtax: rations'"vyhose business years terminated fore March 31, 1947. T' Ministry of Finance Ministry of Finance for Corpoon or be- Notification' No. 193 , August 26, 1947 5 r In accordance with the provision given in Item 6, Art, 7 of the Enforcement Regulations for the Emergency Financial Measures I hereby designated as follows and make it apply on and after September 1, 1947: Minister of Finance . KURUSU Takeo The amount of liabilities such as major or minor fines, additional assessments, etc. due to State, local public corporations, i.e. Metropolis, Do (Hokkaido), prefecture, etc. made forcibly assessable similarly with general public impositions, and of those designated by the personnel who directed the payment of the said fines. Notification Ministry of Finance Notification March 21, 1946 shall be Rescinded 1947. ' , No. 194 August 26, 1947 No. 104 issued on on September 1, ' Minister of Finance ' KURUSUTakeo Ministry/ - ' ' of Finance Notification ' ' No, 195 August26, 1947 Ministrjof Finance Notification No. 669 of August, 1946 shall hereby be abolished. '.^Minister of Finance ' . JCURUSU' Takeo" ;•E.& X- Ministries; of.Finance, Commerce.and , Industry 'Notification No. If , •E ' , August 26, 1947^ The.Ministries of Finance and.Commerce./and ' In.- dustry Notification.No* ll of July, 1947,' ''^Notification concerning the 'designation of designated business of the Petroleum, Distribution Co., Ltd. in accordance with the provisions of Article 3 of the Closed Institutions Ordinance,',' shall be abolished. Minister, of" 'Finance r V. / , ' KU£tUSUTakeo Minister of Commerce and Industry MIZUTANI Chozaburo The column of the College Department of Kansai Ministries Industry of Finance, Commerce & ' and Welfare' Notification No.1 " ^ ' > August 26, 1947 In accordance with the provisions of Article 1 of the Closed Institutions Ordinance, we hereby designated the following companies, etc. as Closed Institutions ; Minister of Finance '/ KXJRUSU Takeo Minister of Commerce and Industry MIZUTANI Chozaburo _N I / Minister of Welfare HITOTSUMATSU Sadayoshi Forged Steel Conference National Forged Goods Industry Association Galyanized Sheet Conference High Carbon Industry Association Japan Cast Iron Pipe Industry Association Japan Ferrp Alloy Conference Japan Glass Industry Cooperative Unions Federation Japan Rolled Steel Federation Japan Wire Rope Association / Japan Welding Bars Conference Light Metal Manufacturing Conference Light Metal Rolling Industry Association Lead Pipe and Plate Industry 'Association National Forged Rivets and.Screws' Industry Unions National Rubber Goods Repair Commerce and Industry.Cooperative ' Union Pulled Out Steel Tube Conference Japan Shoe Polishing Paint Industry Cooperative Union Japan Toilet Goocfs Industry Cooperative Unions Fe deration ' Welding Steel Pipe'.'Conference s i. ' JapanPaint Sales Co., Ltd. * l s National Cement Prp-ducjts Industry Conference' >. _ •E Iron'andSteelControlAssociation' ' N ' ' -' * Home Remedies CentralAssociation ,\, " Ministry.of ., Education ' Notification ' August "No. 13* 26,1947 The following amendments will foe made to a part of the Education, Ministry Notification 'No. 2^2 issued in 1911 concerning1 "the public and private schools, the graduates "of which are entitled, to the teachers' licence for the middle and girls* high schools without examination.": Gakuiti Former College Former English LitEnglish Department of erature Course of Literary Depart,Kainsai Gakuin ment Former Higher Commercial Department English Literature English Course -of Literary Department " ; is amended June 22, 1933 ' ' ' Minister of Education ' MOR1TO Tatsuo as follows: Limited to the Graduates of & after March, 1932. Change^ of college regulations approved on March 30, 1935. ^Limited to the Graduates of & after March, 1936. Renaming of " College Department of Karisai Gakuin " as 5- - *' ttansai Qakiiin Gakko " approved 20, 1944. Kansai Gakuin . SepirfioiiGakko Politics-Economics Course The column of Nisho Gakusha English of Foreign Language Authorized to continue the treatment on June 26, 1946. Limited to those enrolled from former English Literature Course, Literary Department of Kansai Gakuin. However this treatment is not given the graduates from Politics-Economics Course of s & after ApriJ, 1947. Semmon Gafeko is amended Chinese Chinese N ational Classics Classics Language as follows: "~ -April 25, 1931 March 20, 1935 . Nisho ^ Gakusha "Former, S emmon Gakko First Department Regular Course ^Special Course Regular Course Special Course la the.column of Wemen's Biju'tsu \ <' \ be amended , - ; ) # &s follows: Regular Course Clothing Course Painting Course- The qolumn of Tohoku Former Tohoku Gakuin Gakuin graduates of National Language - of,National Course' Recognized treatment•E .Limited to and after Arts) 'Clothing of Domestic Science Cdurse Drawing of Art ' be amended Higher. Department.English Former Normal , History •E^Course , English Former Literature' Course ' to continue the on July 26, >1947. the graduates of: March,;1947. ' Sezftmoxi.Gakko Authorized treatment 1944. X. Clothing of Domestic Science Course Art Course \ will to the & after March, 1931. Change of school Regulations approved ©nMarch 13, 1934. Limited to the graduates of & after March, 1935. Recognized to continue the treatment on October 19, 1944. Limited to the graduates of &"after March? 1947. Change of school regulations approved on June 2, 1946. Course will Limited National Language of National Course (Fine ' -Regular Department ' Clothing* Course Fainting Quurs^ Semmofi on March to continue the on November1 1, ' > Limited' to the graduates ' ^ after March, 1947, -of ' Authorized to continue the treatment on November 1, 1944. Limited to the graduates of '. & after March, 1947.' Change of ^chool regulation to divide the Painting Course into two departments of Japanese painting, and Foreign paintirig, both optional in and upper the second grade, approved on January 12, 1946. as follows: September 22, 1920 July 25, 1933 , April 23, 1937 -Limited to the graduates & after March,- 1922. Limited to the graduates & after March, 1937. Authorized to ^change of of the pf }^f Literature 'Course 1st Department 2nd Department The column of Tsudajuku •Ey" 'Normal "Course< of 'Higher Department to the 1st . Department of the Literature Course on September 2, 1936. Abolished with the last graduates of September, 1942. Semmon Gakko Tsudajuku Sem- Former Regular mon Gakko *Course of English -•E t Literature will be amende4 English as follows: " - Limited to the graduates & after September, 1943. Former English Lit- ' -English-in the Course erature Course in ofForeignLanguage the Course of L'it- ' / erature\. ,, vv Course of Foreign Languages(Engljsh) 'Course' tics, of EnglishintheCourse of Foreign Langii ages Mathematics in the Course of Mathematics and Science Mathema- ' Three Years Course ' Four Years 'Course Ministry "\ According, of Welfare' '. to the Notification (..August26,1947 Junior 'Reformatory No. 54 'Act, Article 2, 4~the Regulation of Training School for Reformatory Works Experts^shalLbe provided as follows : - \ Minister of Welfare , ' , -' ' HITQTSXJMATSXJ Sadayoshi ^ *•E.Regulation of Training School for / Reformatory Works Experts 'Article T. There shall be established' ,the Training School for Reformatory Works Experts' (after this shall be called the School) in the Musashino Gakuin ' in accordance with the Junior Reformatory Act. Art. 2, Paragraph 4 to improve the 'quality of persons engaging in junior reformatory works; Article,2. The Institute shall be divided into two •E ' departments, the 1st..Department and the 2nd De- , p'artment. . .,>\ , -' Article Article ' / ' •E•E ' < Persons who want to engage injunior reformat©- ry works in future shall'.be taught basic theory and technique about, junior reformatory works in the 1'stDepartment. '. , * Persons' engaging actually in the junior reá" formatory'works shall be' re-educated in the 2nd Department. ~ \ 3. The Principal of Musashino Gakuin shall be the Principal of the School (after this shall be called the Principal). The staff member of Musashino Gakuin shall be the staff member of the School., 4. The curricula of the School shall be decided June 23, 1947 6f , Authorized to continue the" treatment on rAugust 21, 1944. Limited to the graduates of & after March, 1947, Change of regulations to alter the Course of Literature as the Course of Foreign Languages (English);, approved on April 15, 1944. Limited - &after to the graduates March, 1947. of 'by the Principal under permission of Welfare Minis*ter about General Study of Reformatory Works and 1 ' Social Works, Psychopathy, -Psychology, Pedagogy; andPenalogy. , ' / ' The principle of curricula in the proceeding clause •Eshall' be decided by the Principal under permission 6f Welfare Minister* >. Article 5. The term of the Institute shall be less than one.year/ x Article 6.. The- candidate for the School are required tti be over twenty years old and corresponded to one of the following items. Efowever the Principal shall - admit the candidates under,twenty years" old if he ,'jthinks suitable: "- _ - The candidates for the 1st Department must1' be the Graduates from the University or High•E School '(Koto Gakko) based upon the School Education Law or the equivalent; ,. 2. The candidates for the 2nd Department are * required to have over two years' experience in reformatory works and recommended by a prefectural governor;' - 3. The candidates the Principal thinks suitable. Article 7. The candidates for the School shall submit the application with curriculum vitae and medical certificate to the Principal. However the candidates for the 2nd Department shall submit the application through a prefectural governor. Article 8. Tuition shall not be charged. Article 9. The diploma shall be 'given to the students who have,finished the said curricula. -*7 -- 1. Article 10. The, Principal may dismiss the studehts from the School who have no hope to complete the studies owing to disease, -bad,conducts or other reasons. Article, ll. In regard to enforcement of this regulation necessary detailed rules shall Be provided by the ' Principal under the permission of Welfare Minister. ^Additional Regulation : ' The Regulation of Training School, for Social Workers shall t>e repealed. " Ministry - of Agriculture and Forestry . "Notification -No. 127 '1 " _ ^ or was dismissed, missal. ' <August26,1947 Regulations for the Appointment of Trainees in the Art of Potato^ Seed-raising ' Article 1. The trainees shall be appointed from among those who fail under any of tfye following items and also intend to engage in the business of seed-raising and growing of potatoes or to become technical advisers or inspectors after finishing the training: 1. Graduates of agricultural colleges or schools not inferior to such colleges; 2,^ Graduates ,of secondary schools -who* have '. ^ Studied subjects concerning agriculture. " •E Article 2. The full number of the trainees shall'be ' - determined every year, '> / , , s Article 3. ,A person who;intends'to become the trainee ; should, through tKe.prefectural.governor concerned, file a written application with a curriculum - ' vitae, a certificate for the school records (wherein } "shall'be added:1in the cas,e ofnne wk ia still ir. a school, the fact that he is expected to graduate duly lnom the same) and a medical certificate to the , 'Chief of a Potato Original Breed 'Farm by the end March.•E ' ^ the day of resignation or dis- In case the trainee was absent from the training for not less than thirty days running owing to illness or unavoidable circumstances, the granting of th.e allowance may be suspended. *, Article 8. The trainee who is recognized as unpromising to complete the training course may be dismissed. Article 9. The trainee who has finished the training course shall be given a certificate of training. Article 10. The traineejs under an obligation to engage in business concerning the production of seed potatoes or to serve as technical advisor or inspector for two years after finishing,the training course. In case there are special circumstances, however, such obligation may be exempted,, When the trainee engaged in business or entered into service as technical advisor or inspector in accordance with the preceding paragraph, he shall without delay report the kind of business or service, and the place of busine$s or service, to the. Chief of the Potato Original Breed Farm. The same shall apply in case any of these items has been changed. Article ll. In case the trainee falls under any of the *following items, he may be made to repay the whole or part of the allowance which has been granted to The -Regulations' for the Appointment of Trainees in the Art of Potato Seed-raising in Potato Original Breed Farms shall be provided for as follows : Minister of Agriculture and Forestry HIRANO Rikizo of till ,' him: -K , . 1, In case he resigned from the position as trainee from personal convenience; 2. In case he was, dismissed from the position as trainee ^accordance with the provisions of Art. 8 ; * 3. In case\he fails to perform tbe obligations as provided in the preceding; Article from personal convenience . ; Fcrfm No. 1 , Application for Appointment as'sTrainee in the '* ,v ' " :Art oi Potato Seed-raising-' V ' \ Bate: ' (To).1' , Chief, of the Domicile: Address: Occupation 4. A person 'who lias 'hepn appointed traineeshould present a written oath; Form No. 2, to the " Chief of the Potato Original.preed Farrri. The surety\who sign's the written oath mentioned , in the preceding paragraph shall' be one wfio resides in the city, town or village in which the. perma-, nent domicile, jplace of temporary residence or x place, of training of the person who has been; appointed trainee is situated. •E<. Article 5. The trainees rshall be trained in business relating to the growing of seed potatoes at potato original breed farms. Article 6. The period of training shall begin on April 10 of every year and end on March 31 of the following".< year. But the above period may be changed according to circumstances. ' >_ Article 7. The, trainee shall be granted a monthly allowance'of 50 yen during the period of training. The allowance provided in the preceding paragraph shall be paid by the day, in the month when the trainee was appointed, from the day succeeding the appointment, and in the month when he resigned o., ' 'Original -' " Breed '!Far"m :~ , '*' _ ; l : * :FullName Born on lV Article i Potato \ % ,* " V" ,\y(Seal) '*t 19 I wishing to be appointed trainee in tlie art of potato seed-raising, hereby submit my application for the appointment together with curriculurh vitae, certificate for school records and*', medical- ,certificate.; FormNo.2. , ' Domicile Address ^ ':•E v Written ' * , Oath •EDate": : : •E Full '\ ' Name '(Seal) I take my oaths upon this occasion of my appointment as trainee in the art of potato seed-raising, that I shall observe the Regulations for the Appointment of Trainees in the Art of Potato Seed^raising and other regulations relating to Address: x , Full ^ Name Surety I promise to make myself responsible servance of the foregoing Regulations relating in the Art of Potato Seed-raising. ,, (Seal) for the obto Training "X. Hyogo Prefeetural Notification No. 1 August 26, 1947 According to Article 1, Paragraph 2' of Protection Law of Arts, Momunents and Cultural and Religious Sites and Installations; the following area shall be' preserved, on permission: Governor of Hyogo Prefecture Sachio Kishida ln Term: Tomb of Masashige,Kusunoki and the "historicsite of his death' v -. 2. Place: No. 1, 1-chome, Tamon-dori, Ikuta-ku Kobe 3. Kind of Land: Public compound 4. Area: 364.43 and413.91 tsubo(actuallymeasured) of72,31.2 ttubo 5. Name and Address of the Proprietor: National property ' * 6. Date when preserved, on permission: July 3, 1947 ' •E ' - r . ERRATA In Ministry of Communications Notification, No. 116 of April 7, 1947, Page 19, left column, line 9, Miyako Post Office (Iwate Pref.) shall be deleted. Secretary of Ministry of Communications * KASUGA Yasuyuki, Technical Official of Local Government : Granted No. ll Salary, * Assigned , to Yamagata-ken. KOSAKI Kamesaburo, Secretary of Ministry 'of Finance : Nominated to Member of Committee of Inquiry for Expropriation of Osaka Prefecture in accordance with Article^38, Paragraph 2 of the ,Law of Expropriation of Land. (July 25, 1947, ditto) KAMEI Satoshi, Secretary of Ministry' for. Home -Affairs: \ ' Granted No. 10 Salary, , Assigned to Nagasaki-ken. NAKACAWA Mohei5 Technical Official of Ministry for Home Affairs : GrantedNo.~17 Salary; ' ' * Assigned to Kanto Public Work Branch^ Office. YOKOYAMA Saburo, Secretary of,, Local Government: Granted No. 17 Salary, Assigned to Hyogo-ken. TAREDA Susumu, ditto: Granted No. 10 Salary, Assigned to Yamagata-ken, - Nominated to Police Superintendent of Yamagata-ken., . ' ' ' (July 26,'1947, ditto) HIRATA Kosaku, Secretary of Ministry for Home. ;Affairs: APPOINTMENT ORDER Granted - No. 16 ^AssignedtoKyoto-fu. KASAMATSU 1 "Ittent: Fumio,.Secretary of Local '. Govern- No. 8, Salary, to Naganorken, (June 12,, 1944, Ministry for Pome Affairs) HIRATSUKA Takunosuke, ' Technical Official of ^x>cal Government : , 0 GrantedNo;26Salary, ' '.. < ,,Assigned to Hokkai Regional Commerce and Industry ' Office.. , ' * . m K (August,5, 1946, ditto) MORIGUCHJL Hiroshi, Technical Official of> Local Government : "Granted No. 18 Salary,. '., v " ' Heiichiro, aittd: No.(21 Salary.' (April 5P 1947,"ditto) ' ''. MATSUDA Toshisuke, Secretary ment: Granted No, 17 Salary. (April TSUCHIDASei, ditto; ' "'. , Granted No. 21 Salary. (May OUCHI Hiroshi, ditto: Granted No; 13 Salary, Assigned to Ibaragi-ken, Nominated to Police Superintendent ,K!MURA Yutaka, ditto:. MASUTANI Toyoyoshi, ditto : Granted No. ll Salary, Assigned to Ibaragi-ken; Nominated to Police Superintendent respectively. 8,' 1947, of Local 1947, ' , ' ' , , , 31, 1947, ditto) ditto) Govern- ' 25, ' Official of Ministry r (July (April " %' forHomeyAffairs: , ' ' ' ^ Granted No. 14Salary, ' v Assigned to Osaka-fu. TAKATS.UKA Takichi, Technical ^Official of Local Government: < , ] Granted No.'18 Salary, '. Assigned to Ishikaysra-ken. ^ , , (July 29,!1947, 'ditto) OZAWA Mitsushi, Technical. Official, of Ministry for Home Affairs: Granted^No, 17 Salary, - ' Assigned'to Police and,Public Order Bureau. '' CHI3JO Kaoru, Secretary of ( Local Government,: GrantedNo.16Salary. 1 r. '. TSUKAMOTO Kazuo, Technical , Granted Assigned IKEUCHI Granted ' •E Salary, COLLECTIVE INFORMATION < ditto) GOVERNMENT, M&ETER& 23i 1947, ditto) of Ibaragi^en. of Ibaragi-ken, Revision of the Subdivision Regulation of Welfare Ministry The Subdivision Regulation of Welfare Ministry had been partially revised as follows, and was put into enforcement on arid from August 13, 1947: In Art. 6, "3rd Section" shall be amended as "4th Section" ; and "Sanitary Statistics Section" shall be added after " Nutrition Section:*' In Art. 7, Item 2, "and Statistics" shall be repealed. , < The following shall be added after Item 3; and Item 4 and Item 5 shall be read' respectively as Item5 and Item 6: 4. Affairs concerning' with 'hot mineral springs. In'Art. 8, Item 5 shall be 'amended as follows: - 5. Affairs as to sanitation of places of congestion, such, as public bath, barbers, theatres, cinemas etc.; 6. Affairs concerning with natibnaThealth not under , others* jurisdiction* Article 9-(2). Sanitary Statistics' Section shall take ch'arge of"-the affairs of sanitary'Statistics. , ^ InArt. 10, " 6th Section " shallbe read as " 7th Section" and "Adjustment Section" shall be added after " Nutrition Section." Article 15-(2). Adjustment Section shall take charge of the following affairs: 1. Affairs of materials necessary for the national hospitals and the national sanatoriiims ; 2. Affairs of construction and repairs of the national hospitals apd the national sanatoriums. Terms of Auditors In accordance with Supplementary Provision lating to Board of Audit, shall be fixed as follows, Name MOROQASHI Nbbpru SHIMOOKA Chuichi ' Cancellation the provisions of Article 7 of of Law No. 73 of 1947, Law rethe terms of office of Auditors onAugust 23, 1947: ^ Position - Term of Office Auditor *3 years , ditto - 5yejirs JUDICIAL ' of Lawyers' Registration Cancellation of lawyers5 registration in October of 1946 is added as follows: ; \. Date Reason M Bar Association Name Attached to , Oct. ,1 - r application" M^lyazaki ETO Itsuo Bill for Partial No. 528 of of Judicial perform the \ Amendments of the Imperial Ordinance 1923 concerning the Designation etc. Police Officials and those who are to duties of Judicial Officials. Notice of Bills Received On August 21, a.notice was received to the effect that the House of Councillors had approved the following sCabinet Bills ^ent from this House: Bill revising a part of the Infectious Deseases Prevent-tion Law and other Laws. Bill for Partial Amendment of the Health Center Law. I '" HOUSE OF COUNCILLORS 41 Rules bytheCabinet: Bill ; HOUSE 'Submitted 20j the following ', for Agricultural Seeds Bill was submitted \' ' and Seedlings' 'm \ LaW.. OF REPBESENTATIVES The- Report of the Promulgation' .I^aws'to the.Throne andits 'Notification,. of the\ '' '* ' ( On^August 21, this House reported the promulgation of the following Laws to the-Throne and notified the House of Councillors to that effect: Law revising a part of the 'Infectious Deseases Prevention Law and other Laws Law for Amendment of the Health Center Law t t for Emergency Session of the House of Councillors Article'1. When a demand is made from the Prime Minister for an emergency session of the House of Councillors, setting the ,date for assembling; the President shall notify the Councillors thereof. Councillors "must assembly- at the , House,; of Councillors at 10.00 a.m., in the morning of the day appointed according to the preceding paragraph. Article 2. When urgent"bills have all'been decided, the President shall declare that the emergency session has come to an end. Article 3. Of the bills approved in the emergency > session, the President sKall present the ones jthat need promulgation to the Throne through the Cabinet and'send'the others tothe Cabinet. * ', Article 4. Provisions of Chapters 1, 5 to ll, 13, 14 and. 16,to 20 'shall apply mutatis mutandis to the emergency session.. On August DIET for Emergency approved by 1 Rules Bill 'THE Decided On August 15, the following Rules Session of the House of Councillors-were the House: / \ Bill Introduced the following On August'21, by the Cabinet: Bill concerning the Visit mic Inspectors. Bill was introduced and Inspection by the Econo- Bill Bills On August received from the ly, the President charge: , Bill for Partial .Law.. Bill Received ^ "On August 21, the following Government received from the House of Councillors : Bill for the Law concerning the Delivery Bodies to Universities and' so on. Bills Submitted X: and Referred On August 19, the following Bill' was submitted by the Cabinet. Accordingly, the President referred it to the Judicial Committee on the same day: Bill for Special Cases in the Succession to Agricultural Estate. Received and Referred 19, the following Cabinet /Bills were House of Representatives. Accordingreferred them to the Committees in Amendment of the Seamen.'s Insurance ** . Referred to the Transportation Committee. ' Bill for Partial Amendment of the Patent Law. Referred to the Mining and Industry Committee. were Bill / of Dead '' -10- for' the Purpose of the Preliminary Examinations Received On August 20, the following Bill was forwarded from "the Cabinet to this House,for the purpose of the, preliminary examinations : Bill for Partial Amendment of Law of the Reconversion Finance Bank . Bill mittces presented"the Reports of 'the Sills.passed, and the Ilills were as follows: Bill for Redellvery of the Dead Body to Universities, etc. * ; Bill for Partial Amendments to the' Settlers' Fuftd Financing' Law On August 21, the Chairman of the Standing Committee presented the'Report of the Bill passed, and the Bill was as follows: , , \ # Bill for Parjjal Amendments to the"Seamen's Insurance for 'the Purpose/ of the Preliminary Examinations Received and Referred On 'August 19, the from the Cabinet to this preliminary examinations. referred it to the Public Committee on the same Bill for ' Street Traffic following Bill was forwarded House for the purpose of the Accordingly, the President Safety and Local 'Government day: Control Memorandum of Questions Law , Submitted Written *#On August 18, the following Memorandum of' Questions was submitted 'by the Member : Memorandum,of Questions concerning Guidance for the Art of Agriculture (submitted by.Hajime Miyoshi) , ' " ' Memoranda of Questions.Submitted ,.On August 19, the following Memoranda of Questions were submitted by- the Member: Memorandum of Questions ,concerning Prisons and Detention Houses (submitted by Tomozo Ogawa) Memorandum of Questions •Econcerning.Graveyards (submitted byTomozo Ogawa) ". On August, 20, the following Memoranda of Questions were submitted,by the Member : \\ , - ' Memorandum of Questions concerning the Increase ;, of Revenue from the Advertisement Tax (submitted by^ Tomozo Ogawa) ' ,~ Memorandum of Questions concerning - decreased Distribution of the Fresh Fishes and -Shells (submit- ted by Tomo/zo Ogawa). % •E Memorandum, of Questions concerning Rewards to The Convicts (submitted by Tomozo Ogawa) Mem&tamftun of Questions , •E^rk >\ Transmitted t ,On August 18, the following 'Memorandum.of Questions was transmitted by the Cabinet: Memorandum of Questions -concerning Taxes ' and mother Financial Burdens imposed on the Land purchased by the Government or.^contributed to the ' State as the Property Taxes paid-in-Kind (submitted ' by Bunkichi Tamura) ' On August 19, the following Memorandum of Questions was transmitted to the Cabinet : Memorandum of Questions1 concerning the Cashing of Cheques remitted from C^r Nationals Abroad (submitted by Shuichi Hojt>) On August 20? the following' Memorandum' of Questions was.1transmitted to the Cabinet from this House: Memorandum of Questions concerning Guidance for the Art of Agriculture (submitted by"Hajime Miyoshi) Replies of Reports * lors)' ' ' Agenda AgendaofAugust21, Agenda No. is 23 On August 20, the Chairmen'of the Standing Com* > ' as follows:/ •E , : ' ' i%":^, - ', August 21 (Thursday), 19f7 Sittingat10 a.m.' 'v. M . No. 1. Bill^regarding Delivery of the Dead.Body'to1 > Universities and',so on (submitted by the Cabinet) (The1 Committee Chairman's Report) No. 2. Bill for Partial Amendment of'the Imperial Ordinance 'No. 528- of 1923 concerning ,the De,sig~', nation, etc., of Judicial 'Police Officials and those who are to perform^ the Duties of Judicial Police - Officials (submitted by the Cabinet) (The Committee Chairman's Report) No. -3. Bill for Partial Amendment of the Infectious Diseases Prevention Law etc. '(submitted by the .Cabinet 'and forwarded from -the House of Representatives) (The Committee Chairman's Report) No. 4. Bill for Amendment of_the Healthy House Law (submitted by the Cabinet and forwarded from the House of Representatives) (The Committee. Chairman's Report). LOCAL The regular onAugust28,1947. ' Received On August 19, this House received the following ' Written Replies from the 'Cabinet: Written 'Reply to the Questions concerning "Some Difficulties Lying in the way of performing the Reclamation Plan (submitted, by 'Hideichi Hojo, the Member of the House of Councillors) ' Written Reply to the, Questions concerning Supply of' School Expenses for Students from the Standpoint of Equal Opportunity for Education (submitted by ' Isuke Himei, the Member of"the House1of Council- lors) \ Written Reply toHoe Questions concerning Release of Forest Property of the, Shrine (submitted by Toxnozo Ogawa, the Member of the House of Council- ADMINISTRATION. Prefectural \ % 'Presentation æf The Chairman of the Standing Committee presented the Report of the Bill passed after amendment, and the Bill was as follows: Bill for Establishment of Labor Ministry Assembly prefectural , assembly , will be convened (Kyoto-fu) ll- - , August 26, 1947 Whereas Genkichi Onishi, No. 105, Ko, Nahari-cho, Aki-gun, Kochi-ken, has applied for registration of preservation of ownership of the 26th Biwa Maru, a steamship/ whose port of registry is Nahari-cho, three other ships and the rigging and the fishing implements belonging to them for the purpose of creating a fishery estate, any person who has. a claim over the movable property that is to be included in the said estate,or any creditor of seizure,< provisional seizure or provisional disposition shall file his claim with this Office within thirty-two days from the date of publication of this notice. The inventory of the said estate is available at this Office for the inspection of the interested parties. Tano Branch, Kochi Judicial Office NOTICE . FACTORY FOUNDATION v ' " August 26, 1947 1. Application for change registration has been newly made by Kabushiki Kafsha Osaka Denki Seisakusho, No. 1490, Tsukuda-cho, Nishi-yodogawa-ku Osaka% shi, in respect of other new lands, building,machinery, implements belonging to the Head Office Manufactory of the said *company situated at 1, 2 and 3 of No. 155, Himejima-cho, Nishi-yodogawakii, Oaaka-shi, and 7 of No.r 647, Nozato-cho, Nishi-yodogawa-ku, Osaka-shi, and No* 1490, Tsukuda-cho, Nishi-yodogawa-ku, Osaka-shi, in addition to the previous land, building, machinery, implements. Any person, therefore, having any claim to any personal estate which is to be included"in the said mass of property or any person,who is an obligee in respect of seizure, provisional seizure, or provisional disposition thereof shall report his right to this Office within thirtytwo days from the day of publication of this notice. A list of properties which are to be included in the said factory mass of property is kept at this Office and may be perused by persons concerned. Edobori Branch, } Osalca Judicial Office, ' ,.-' - - PUBLIC Notice August26,1947,, Application for registration of the preservation of proprietorship has been made by Kenzo Takeda, No. 2, 'Ebata, 'Nagasu, Amagasakirshi, in respect' of the land, building, structures, machinery, implements, etc., belonging to the Takarazuka Manufactory of the Toyo Light Chemical 'Industry 'Factory, situated at No. 380, jNishi-kogakiuchi, Agura, Kohama-mura, 'Kawabe-gun, tjyogo-ken, for the purpose >of creating a factory estate. Any person, therefore, having any claim over the , .movable propertythat'is to be included in the said estate or any creditor' of seizure, ' provisional seizure, ,or provisional 'disposition-therepf shall ' report his claim' to thisx Office within^ thirty-one days from 'the day -of insertion of this public notice. * (. ,,\\ ' A-list of^properties which are to be included in the, said factory estate is kept at this Office and shall be perused by persons concerned. Itami Branch, - , ' Kobe Judicial Office FISHERY FOUNDATION * ' - ^ ( August 26, 1947 Whereas Yaernon Yamamoto, No. 4110-3, Wagumaehi, Shima-gun, Mie-ken, has applied for registration of preservation of ownership of the land, building, fishing implement and other equipment belonging to the " Yamayamaru;" a schooner registered at Wagu Port of the abovesaici address, for the purpose of creating a fishery estate, any person who has a claim over the movable property that is to be included in the said estate or any creditor of seizure, provisional seizure or*provisional disposition shall file his claim with this Office within thirty-two days from the date of publication of this notice. The inventory of the said estate is available at this Office for the inspection of the interested parties. Nakiri Branch, Tsu Judicial Office NOTICE of Dissolution August 26, 1947 Notice is hereby given that the general meeting of partners of the undermentioned company, held on June 30, 1947, passed a resolution to dissolve,the company. All the creditors against the company are required to send in their claims within two months after tfoe date of publication of this notice, or, in default thereof, their claims will be excluded from the liquidation, Yugen Kaisha Taiyo Bussan \ liquidator: Toyokichi Maeno 'No, 17, 2-chome, Utsubo Minainj-dori, Nishi-ku, Osaka-shi ., , ' t Dissolution ; - June 30, 1947 Notice is hereby given that this company was dissolved on Jime 30, 1947, according to the decision of the general meeting of the associated members. Those who have- credits to this company are requested to send-in their claims.within two months from the date of publication of this notice. In case no information is made in the said period, their claims sEall be excluded from the liquidation. Yugeri Kaisha Katsuraya Shoten. No, 56-1 , Matsuya-machi, Minami-kUj Osaka The Liquidator: Saburo N^karnori c/o Masami Ofcamot'o, No. 293,, Nishinoc'ho, Oaza Shimobuchi, Oyodo-cho, Yoshino-gun, Isfara-ke^n Dissolution Notice ' Notice June 16,, 1947 [ Notice Is hereby 'given that the present company was dissolved according to the decision adopted at the general meeting of the componet members held on April 30, 1947, and any person having claim against this firm is requested to report within two months from the date of publication of this notice. ', •EIn case offailure within the said period, his claim shall be excluded from the liquidation. Gomei Kaisha Nakai-toku Shokai "Liquidator: Tokutaro Nakai No, 39, 1-ch'ome, Momogaike, Abeno-ku, Osaka-shi 12 J%{ > fMssoiutioii 6t Association SUMMONS . March 18, 1947 Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned association was dissolved on February 28, 1947 in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 4 of Article 75 of Commerce and Industry Cooperative Union Law, and any person having credit against this association is requested to make claim thereof within two months from the date of publication of this notice. In case of failure to claim within the appointed period, his claim shall be excluded from the liquidation. Osaka-fu Tokiryu Kogyo Tose) Kumiai Liquidator: Saburo Yoshiki c/o Saburo Yoshiki, No. 30, 2-chome, Maruyama-dori, Abeno-ku, Osaka Public Notice August 21, 1947 The Accused: Juntatsu K'in •ECase: No. 33, 1947 Nature of Crime: Violation of the Food Control Law and the Price Control Ordinance < Whereas the trial on the charge of the abovementioned crime against the aforesaid person will be held at 9.00 a.m., October 23, 1947, he shall appear at the criminal court-room of this Court at that time. If he fails to appear, he may be served with awritof arrest in accordance with Article 86 of the Code of the Criminal Procedure. Presiding Judge: Nagai Masamoto Criminal Affairs Department, Niigata District Court NOTIFICATION CALLING FOE( REPORT IN .CONNECTION WITH DISAPPEARANCE of Amalgamation August 7, 1947 Notice is hereby given that the general meetings of shareholders of the following companies held, respectively, on June 25, 1947, passed resolutions that the Yugen Kaisha.Mataichi Ito Kako Sho be merged with all its rights and liabilities into the Mataichi Ito Kabushiki Kaisha, and the business of the company absorbed be wound up accordingly, Persons who have abjections to this amalgamation are required to file a protest against the respective company concerned within two (2) months after the date of insertion of this public notice. , ,,/ ' Mataichi Ito Kabushiki'Kaisha No. 65, 3-chorne, Abenosuji, Abeno-ku, ' Osaka-shi Yugen Kaisha Mataichi Ito Kako Sho No^ 65, 3-chome, Abenosuji, Abeno-ku; Osaka-shi Notice A, re Amalgamation, BY SUBPOENA June 3, 1947 The /Missing: Zentaro Miyazaki Domicile and Last Residence: No. 1346, 3-chome, Miyake-cho, Choshi-shi 'Date of-Birth: March 25, 1895 Whereas, with reference, to the abovementioned missing person, the interested party, Tsuki Miyazaki has filed a representation calling for the adjudication of disappearance, the missing person shall notify this Court, of his subsistence not later than 9.00' a.m,, December 15> 1947. ' ( , If the said missing person fails to do so, the adjudication of disappearance may be pronounced upon him. Any person who,knows if h6 is alive or dead must also report to this Court 'by the abovementioned date. Yokai'chiha Branch, -/f ', ' 'Ohiba District Court of 'Companies < > August 26, 1947 At tihe 'stockholders' general meetings of Asahi Rutsubo Reng*a Seizo Kajbushiki Kaisha, Tda Rutsujbo Renga Seizo Kabushiki Kaisha, -Beiwa Zoki. Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha and" Heiw^i -Sangyo Kabushiki ,Kaisha, held respectively.July, 25, 1947, it was resolved that'Asahi Rutsubo "'Renga $eizo Kabtxshiki Kaisha amalgamate ' the other companies and' cpntinue in being and the companies absorbed be dissolved. > ' ' , In this connection those creditors who have objection to the said amalgamation are requested to notify the respective company within two months of the day of publication of this notice.' The present notice is hereby given according to the provisions of Articles 416 and 100 of the Commercial Code. Asahi Rutsubo Rcnga Seizo Kabushiki Ktaisha \No. 2635, 3-chome, HigasBi Komatsugawa, Edogawa-ku, Tokyo < . Toa Rutsubo Renga Seizo Kabushiki Kaisha Heiwa Zoki Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha Heiwa Sangyo Kabushiki Kaisha No. 35? Showa-machi, Shirakawa-cho, x Nishi-shirakawa-gun, Fukushima-ken 13 June,12, 1947 \ The Missing:. Ginsuke Tanaka .Domicile and Last Residence: :No. 555/ Oaza Imuda, Taura-mura, Ifcoku>gttn, Kumamoto<-ken *Da;e of Birth: August 2, 1909 * Whereasr with reference xto the. abovementioned missing person, the interested party, Jinkuro Tanaka has filed a representation calling for the adjudication of disappearance, the missing person shall notify this Court ,of1948. his subsistence ' not later than 9.00a.m., March 1,.' '>, " If the said missing person fails to do so, tfie adjudication of disappearance may be pronounced upon him. Any,Npersoi^ who knows if he is alive or dead must also report to this Court by the abovementioned date. Yatsushiro Branch, Kumamoto District Court ADJUDICATION OF DISAPPEARANCE May 27, 1947 -The -Missing: Minoru Fujita ' v Domicile: Migi 7 go, 14-chome, Nijo-dpri, Asahikawashi, Hokkaido Last Residence: c/o Kikujiro Shiono, No. 5, 7-chome, Asakusa Umamichi-cho, Daito-ku, Tokyo Date of Birth: November 13,, 1903 This Court has pronounced the adjudication of disappearance with reference to the abovementioned "person upon the representation, of trie interested party. Bhuzo Fujita on the presumption died on March 27, 1932. that Tokyo the said District + June 10; ll>47 The.Missing: Minoru Funaishi Domicile and Last Residence: No. 471-1, 2-chome^ •ENishi-kannoii-cho, Hiroshima-shi DateofBirth: March22,1905 ^ * ', This Court has pronounced the' adjudication of disappearance with reference to the abovementioned person upon the representation of the missing person's wife, Shizuko Funaishi, I^o. 471-1, 2-chome, Nishikannon-cho, Hiroshima-sHi, on the presumption that the said person died on January 31, 1940. Hiroshima District Court person Court June 10, 1947 The Missing:( Hisa Sakai Domicile and Last Residence: No. 126, Gotanno MJ* •E nami-cho, Adachl-ku, Tokyo Date of Birth:September 5, 1854 This Court has pronounced ,the adjudication of disappearance with reference to the abovement'ioned person upon the representation of the 'interested party, Masa Sakai on the presumption that the said person died on January 16, 1944.. ' ~ -. Tokyo District 'Court June 17, 1947 The Missing: Kikue Yamazaki Domicile-/ No. <!5302,.Otsu, Oaza Yoita, Yoita-machij Mishima-gun, Niigata-ken ' Last Residence: No.' 256, Nakanobu, Shinagawa-ku, •E ' May 16, 1947 The Missing: Heizo Teragishi Denude: "No, 16., Dai 16-go, Namimatsu, Kitafaatamura, Sakai-gun, Fukui-ken Last Residence: No. 28, Aza Nishi-heibu, Oaza Kashira, Kushiro~shi Date of Birth: June4; 1885., / , .^•EThis Court, has pronounced the adjudication of disappearance with reference to the abovemenfioned person p.poik the representation of the interested party, Heiji Teragishi on the presumption that the said person died on October'17, 1929. Judge: Shintaro Kantio Kushiro District Court ; Tokyo Date of Birth: October 20, 1912 This Court has pronounced the adjudication of disappearance, with reference to the abovementioned person upon the representation -of the interested party, Yoshie.Yamaz'aki, No.' 5302, Otsu, Oaza Yoita, Yoitamachi, Mishiina-gun, Niigata-ken, on the presumption that the said person 'died on October 16, 1943. ^ Tokyo District Court - ERRATA ( August, 1947 The following name shall be added as it was^omittecf in the., list of those who had passed the State Dentist Preliminary 'Theoretical Examination Part 1 published in "1947: advertising column in Official Gazette dated August 7} ' ' •E June 10, 1947 The Missing: '' Shia-ichi Yoneda^ Domicile and Last Residence: No. 10J,.Ban-yashiki, Gaza Nishikara, Gion-machi, Ajiro-gun, Hiro[ "shima-ken , Date of Birth: January 26, 1S87 ' ' This Court has pronounced the adjudication' of disappearance with refe'rence to the abovementione'd 'person upon, the representation of the. missing's t s'ister/ Tsuae Yokohama, No, 1888, Oaza Nishihara, Gionmachi, Asa-gun, Hiroshima-ken, on the presumption that the saidjpersotf died at the end of February, 1931. Hiroshima District Court , *. List of Share Ho Share No. 2606-2610, 2651-2655, 2684-2703, 3044-3045 ; * -Disposal ' ' ' of Stocks '; , •E ',,".', ,-/ \ 'June'20-,1947 •E ' Notice is ^ereby giveA 'that the.'holders of the undermentioned' stocks are requested to pay their 2nd payment, ¥12.50 per lshare and the loss,caused' thereby(at" the rate of^4 sen per ¥.100,00 a 'day) by September 10, ,1947 to the undermentioned place. In case of failure by the appointed period the undermentioned, stock certificates in.question: shall "be "disposed of at the authority.of the '.present company in accordance with- the provisions o£ the Commercial Code. - Place of payment: Tokyo Branch of Nomura ; , No. 15,, , , Bank, Ltd. K..K.OtsukaKogeisha 1-chome, Nihombashi Chuo-ku^ Tokyo , y Edobashi, of the Shares Name Ryujiro 1 Welfare Secretary. Remarks SHIMOMOTO, Toyoyo vvvwwvvvvw June 10, 1947, The Missing: Kaojiro Miyagawa Domicile ancl "Last Residence: No. 200, 2-cho'ncie, San- ' jo Higashi-clio,.Hiroshima-shi Date of Birth: October 20, 1875 This Court has pronounced the adjudication of disappearance with' reference to the abovementioned person upon the representation of the said missing's eldest daughter, Shizuko Miyagawa, No. 1784, Ha'bumacki, Mitsuki-gun, Miroshvirria-ken ,"on the presumption that the said person died on April 30, 1938. ' Hiroshima District Court Kind - •E , Akimoto ' -, No. ll, Address 2~chomc, Nakajujo, , , Kita-kii •ENy 14 $%* H o H o , H q H o H o 154 4-154 9 K oich i A k im oto 26 21- 2625 Y ashiro A bshfc n a 4 11 , 4 44 N ao A sai * 44 7 87 ' * , . M atsujiro A sara i T okujiro A k iyam a Nobuyosh-r 'jfyoyam a Ho 131, H o 4 399- 4402 K im ik o A b e H o 3 34, 335 K u m ak ic h i" A sh im u r a H o 4 45 J u z o A sa k a H o X$2 -^ 3 7 2 , 3 7 3 - " H o Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku Katsura-cho, *Minato-ku, ' Keirinji-rnachi, Aizu * Juji, Odawara-machi, WakaKana- •Egawa -ke n ' ' No. 1082, 8-chome, Koyama, Ebara-ku c/o Marishu Nissan Kagaku Kojo, ,No. Kinsei-chb, Sokaton-gai, Hoten-sho: Tori 3~chome, Ashlkaga-shi - S h o A r ak i ''3 1 -4 1 , 3 14 48 17 , 34 4 8 t 4-chome} l-chomes Osaka-shi No. 69, 2~cliome, matsu-shi No. 932, N4-chpme, M it su g i A k e d a , 396- 398 H o H o gata-kefi. No. 401, Nq. 10, . T o k u r o A n ra k u 44 80 H o -No. 1104, Sasazuka-cho, Shibuya-ku No. 80, Tsu'tsuriSikata-maclii, Gtaku No, 1956, Omiya, Omiya-mura, §himotsugax gun, Tochigi-ken "No. 10, 1-chome, Kamezawa-cho, Sumjda-ku No. 245, ShimoyasKida-chp, Minamitsuru~gun, •E Yamanashi-ken < ', No. 671, Yamadaguctii* Nakakubiki-gun, Nii- H e iz a b u r o A r ai M ata ich iro A s ak u r a 15, c/o H o - 1 359- 1368 J C in za b u r o A k isa w a H o , 2 853- 287 1 ¥ H o 2 B87- 289 1 H o < S a n n o su k e It o k aw a , 詛 -2 7 3 1- 2 7 4 0 , M o Seiwo-So, No, 1, Fukagawa Senda-machi, Koto-ku. No. 4, 2-cliome, logi, Suginamiku^ No. 170, 2-cHome, Nishiosaki, Stfinagawa~ku 3.4 3 2- 3 4 3 8 , T o y o ta ro Iz aw a , 'Unknown .M a s ata r o J to -Ko. 90, * 40 6 H to v> 5 8 8 , 5 90 , K ifi a i I& a g a k i T e ijiro I m a m tf rsf , HT oo H o H o ' ' "' 'ァ│44 24 63│r4 ^ , 2464;7 6' '" . . ' S a O T - S a 'O S .48- 57 ' H o ' 4 71, 47 2 - H o SK ho ug hq ar ko u I sh Ib iiez u k a ' N isa b u r o I z iim I S h in ta r o M a ' 2 32 , 362- 364 4 H o 58 0-5 81 T o 4 13- 416 ^H 0o ( A ' T o H o H o ' ^ ' 4 41 25 ' - ・ 4 9 5- 5 0 0 320 , 32 1 ' T su n e k o I n o u e Minato-'ku No. 22? M o ic h i I ta k o ra Kyoto-shi Ichiko, Fukuchi-tnura, ' •E 'Shimogamo ' v, / ' Hon^cho, K y o z o Ik o m a S h u ich i Ito ku 44 86-4 48 8 Y u k io Iw a s e 15 68 K o ji 'Ish im u r a H o 1540 M itsu m a s a I ta k u ra H o 3 15 S e ijir o I so g ay a H o ' 3 182 ' Sakyo-k, ' ' Hatamam^-giin, Aichi- , No. 184-5, Oniiya, Omiya-shi No, II,1 3-chbme, Higashiry©goku, Ko. 760, 2-chome, Matsubara-cho, fKS eim iji ioI sh "Ish ii ii H o ^ No. 109, Nishi-jra, Yuoya-cho, Miyuki-cho, Rokkaku-dori, Nakakyo-ku, Kyoto-shi Kasai-cho, Kagawa-gun, Kagawa-ken s o ic h i Ib a r ak i ' T o k iish ig e I zu ifi ik ai ' Nishi-kasu-, Fakuoka-shi ' ' No,1 851 j Oyaguchi-:?3aachi, ' Itabashi-ku No. 15, Nagasumi-chp, Shibuya-ku No. 7, 1 -chome, l^surumaki-cho, Setagaya-'ko' ^No. 7>' 2-cho'me, 'Shiba HamamatSfU-cho, ken H o ^ Yamada-iiiura, gai-giuv Aichi-kett i c/o Aikawa, No* 622, ' Sbimo-chiba-macki, tKatsushika-ku ' ^ ' Aioi, Adjo, Aichi-ke'n. c/o Imal, No. 38, 1-dbohie, Shiniakai'Hoij-chb, M fa e Im az u 344 0- 344 2 H o ( Kami-odai, v ^ SumLda-ku Setagaya' < 'No. 95, Kotobuki-cho, Heijo-fu, Chosen No, ,109, Imazu Akebono, Nishinomiya-shi , c/o Seiwa-so, Fukagawa Senda-cho, koto-ku c/o" Seiwa-so, No. 1, -^Fukagawa Senda-cho, Koto-ku No. 1682, Tsujido, FujisaWa-shi, Kanagawa-ken ' c/o Seiwa-so, ^No. 1, Fukagawa Senda-cho^ ・ S e ita rp Iz aw a Koto-ku 15 --•E K in d of S h are S h are N o . N i N am e 19, 20 , 49 1-4 9 8, Y on ejiro Iked a 556- 5.59 '4 81 , 4 82 H o H o ' H o H o R y oich i'u ed a 443 K o taro U eh ara 204 , 20 5 44 60-44 68 S on o kich i U tsum i T orn N agash im a 42 3, 4 24 15- 18 ・ H o 'No. 561, K isaji U em u ra 410 H o H o N i ' Su m iko E n o D en -em o n O h ash i , 266 2 2 6?5 , F usae O d a 3 152- 3153 ,, 304 6-30 57 349 , 3 50 4 12 H o H o H o , 306 4 K azua O iw a , B um p ei O ish i K ikujiro O tsu H o H o ・ 24 9, 250 144 H o , H o ' 370 , 37 1 25- 28 ' " S h o em o n O saki K ich iji O k um u ra 207 ' S osh iro O arn i - Y oshijiro O b itan i H o H o ' * 46 1- 470 H o H o v, * Y oshiro O saki K iyosum i O k un a , 17 1 ・ W ataru O tsu b Siiro yuk i O m ata ' 104,・ ' '42 5-4 3 3 7 -. H o , . U ich'i O gaw a No. 29, Hon-cho, Himeji-shi No. 26, Kanaya-iru, Higashi Yamami-mura, Higashi Tonami-gun, Toyama-ken y No. 1-i, 3-chome, Irifune-cho, Chuo-ku No. 433, 2-chome, Zoshigaya, Setagaya-ku No. 30, Sumiyoshi-cho, Nakano-ku No. 67, Takahachi, Ikeda-shi No. 555, 3-chome, Nishi Sugamo, Tqshima-ku No, 26-1, Saigo, Hanada-cho, Toyohashi-shi, Aichi-ken No. 396, 4-chonie, Ikebukuro/^TosEima-ku No. 52, 2-chorae, Aioi-cfoo, Naka-ku, Yokoha^ ma-shi No. 339, Mitaka-mura, KitatamatguA,, Tokyo Tochio-machi, Niigata-ken No. 59, 2chome, Stiimouma-cho, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo Hojj, Wajimarmachi, Ishikawa-ken No. 3094, 4-chome, Odera, Akasbi-shi No. 8, Kikugawa-cho, Chirikai-yu, Keinan, Chosen No. 1028, Chikaki, Kaizuka-shi,Sennan-gun., Osaka# \ ' No* 13, 1-chome, Shin-ogawa-rhachi, Ushigome-^ku Otsuki-machi, Kita-tsuru-gun, Yamanashi-ken No. 43^ 3-chome, ku? H o ¥ ^ - ' H o 1776- 1780 , 316 5 247 ・ K u in azo O w ad a ; 23 11- 28 18/ * -Y o shih id e O gu ri f erak iyo O n o 288 5, 288 6 HN io '_ 4517, 566 ,518 4574', , N i 4 57 9, 45 80, 6 01-6 03, M b 430 5, Address. Nakanobe-cho, Shinagawaku ^Osaka No. 74, kyo' 6-cfaome, Aritair^a, ken ^Seishi-mura,, Kameido-cho, No; 18, 12-chome, , / BM iaash asa iG Kdagiri agiy a Kita-ikuno-cho, Higashinari- ' Koto-kii, :Hamaoa-gun,. - Take-cho, ShizuokaV E)aito~ku *> , No. 41, Asahii-chOj Kofu-shi--. No. ^3-1,, 1-chome, Asakusa D'aito-lru , " Kaminarimon, 4 35 9- 437 3, 437 6, 4 377 , 4 397, 439 8, 440 5-44 09, 4 412 , 44 13, 4 4 14 , 44 15, 4 4 18, 44 19, 4 427 , 4 43 8- 444 9, 4 45 1, 4 47 1- 447 5, 4 478 , H o ' 4 482- 448 5 >*46 060 53-6, 55 EK iozo ich i KR aw aw ad agu a ck i 34 02- 34 10 16. No. 86, 1-chome, No. 5, 2-chome, To- Higashi Osaki, Shinagawa-ku Misono-cho, Ota-ku .yV- Ho Ho To 120 1- 120 5 - Y on ekick i K ato 3 203 48 1- 484 , S eiich iro K ato No, 1122, Ichikawa, tchikawa-sfoi, Chiba-ken No. 5, 3-chome, Kojimaehi, Chiyoda~ku 4 87-4 90 Ho To go 4 377 3 13, 3 14 Ho Ho 44 26 R yo K an eko 34 39 H fe ak ichi K and a Ho 368 , 3 69 H en g i K an da To 2 13, 2 20- 222 H aru K ato Ho 456 9, 4 570 Juichi K aw ashim a Ho 1569 T aich i K aw am u ra Ho 1 538 H iro shi K aw asak i Ho Ho Ho 44 79 * S h og o K aw ai No. 1504, K en zo K aw am u ra Kurami, Nishi Katsura-mura, gun, Yamanashi-ken Yanagibashi, &ashiwazaki~shi T atsu goro K itam ura 2 611, 2 612 F u ku m atsu K im u ra 198. Y ae K izuk a 199 4 83, 48 4 H iko taro K itajim a H iro sh i K ish im oto Yoyogi /Ho Ho \Ho Ho , 4* 70 S eitaro K im u ra 3 17 7 Y u k ich i -K ish id a 1354- 13 58, T oku safe uro K u bo d ers 159 5, 1596 23 , 24 * Ho Ho Ho 2 01, 2 02 , 203 To To 319 , 320 H ideo K on d o 29 1- 296 T om i K osu gi 4 394 44 8 1 40 3 i K iw ako K ob ay ashi 'K axtf &kicti i K ob ayash i T om isab uro K ofido 14 1 K iju ro JK otan i 590- 598 S h og o G oto Ho Ho Ho Ni Ho ,< E itato K u r&m o cfii 81 ,Ho A i Ho T akeo K u w ah ara M in oru K un u ch i 2 819- 282 6 .A k i*ft -K ob ay aohi 30 72, 3073 v Y asujiro E ob ay^ slii 1 555- 1557, 1561, 156 2 Ni Ho Ho Ho Ho 7, 8 34 43 , 34 44 T adash i S aita 3172 47 1- 172 5 '^ '>O f,・MS boinsabu ji Sro aegu S asaki sa 344 9 17- Minami Tsuru- , No. 870, 1-chome, Soshiya, Setagaya-ku c/o Asahi Shoken K.K., 2-chome, Kitahama, Higashi-ku, Osaka No. 397, Kita Senzoku-clio, Ota-kn c/o Seiwa-so, No. ' lj Fukagawa, Senda-cho, Koto-ke No, 19,, Kami Negishi, Daito-ku No, 7, 2-cliOmfe, Eukagawa, Hirai-cho, Koto-ku No. 306, dakemi, Akemi-mura, Mintmi, Tsurp-guB, Yamanashi-ten No. itf'fi 3-chome,^.Higashi Ryogoku, Sqmida-ku No. 99, 4-chome, Omori, Ota-ku No. 251,' Honen, Shimo Kawarabayashi, Nishinomiyarshi No. 2, 4-chome, Iriarai, Ota-ku c/o Minao Ono> No. 292, 3-chome, Tamagawa OkuZawa-cho, Setagaya-ku Shinkura 475, Akitani, Yokosuka-shi No. 837, Yoyogi Hommachi, Shibuya-ku \ Minami Hiyoshi, Imakumano, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto No. 36, Tsuboi-cho, Nishinomiya, Nakakyoku, Kyoto * No. 993, Komahaslii, Otsuki-machi, Kitatsurugun, Yamanashi-ken No. 513, T am oo S ato Shibuya-ku No. 3-9, 2-chome, Asakusa Kikuya-bashi, Daito-ku. c/o Osaka Kozai K. K., 6-chome, Minami-dori, TachiuVi-hori, Nishj-ku, Osaka No. 5,.Kariya Shimo-machi, Kariya-machi, Hekkai-gun, Aichi-ken " c/o Yama-san Shoken K. K., No. 25, 2-chome, Kitahama, Osaka c/o Seiwa-so, No- 1, Fukagawa Senda-cho, Kot o-ku c/o Seiwa-so, No. 1,/ Fukagawa Senda-cho, Koto-ku No. 182, 3-chome, Tsunohazu, Yodobashi-ku No. 56, Sambon-matsu, Kami-Nagoya-cho, Nishi-ku, Nagoya-shi No. 1, \l~chome, Asakusa Kotobuki-cho, DaitOr ku Ho Tomigaya-cho, l~chome, Egota,.Nakano-^ku No. 153, 1-chome, Omori, Ota-ku No. 9, Kita Daimon-cho, Ueno, Daito-ku c/o Kanayama, No. 117, Chumaya-cho, Higashi Iwai-gun, Iwate-ken K in d of Sh are H o S h are N o , N am e 4 375 Address K eik o S asaki No. 486, -ku' To 2 41 , 242 H o 4 575- 457 8 T o , Ju n kicM * S ai 2 97 -2 30 T akin osulfe S hib ah ara 1567 /- H o 120 6- 1220 K eijiro T su sh im> a H o 3 118, 3 119 , , K yoji Su zu ki F u ku taro S hib ayam a 24 39-24 50 H o T o 4 38 6-4 39 1 4 11, 4 12 K im i S uzu k i K u niji S u zu k i H o- 1 554 H iroah i S u zuk i To 363- 36 6 S uekich i S u zu ki N i H o 510 - ' 548 , 54 93 T o sh ikazu Su zu ki H o y 215 345- 157 Minato- < 4 428 -44 37 S hin -ichi Su zuk i Ho T o ,, SOT 4 3 1, 44 32 Y oshitaro S u giu ra S ach s Su zu ki S o 4 34 , M asahiro S ek i To 42 7- 43 0 H o 173 1- 173 5, 30 10 H o N i T o 44 03, 4 404 563- 568 ' 2 13- 216 N i H o H o 519 589 7 0-7 9, 4 6 No. 9, Kojintsubo, Kaisei, Isshiki-cho, Hatamame~gun,Aichi-ken No. 155, Yamato-cho, Nakano-ku No. 464, 4-chome, Sagirfomiya, Nakano-ku Shinao Yamada,^ Uchisato-mura, Kariha-gun, Niigat a-ken No. 188, Mitsumata-mura, Minami Uonumagun, Niigata-keh ISfo. 21, 6jchome,, Azabu Iigura-cho, Mina- G hok id ii -S ojn ey a to-ku , Y asokich i S om a T osh im o ri T am tira' M ak oto T ajim a K ik u ich i f am u ra *; M itsu afe i T ak an e To 437-4 4 2 H o H o 42 216 E itaro T ari ak a H o 2 25 , 22 6 s okichi T akaok a H o H o 3 17, 3 i8 322 , 32 3 G iich i T ajim i T eru o T an ak a H o 34 4 5, 34 46 K azu m i T an ak a H o To 2 72- 27 5 3 59- 362 H o 4 583-4 58 5 S adaich i T an ik aw a N i H o 5 51, 552 4 582 , M bjuro T an ak a , .K oh ei T ak ah ash i U m etaro T aked a , ', U h ei T ak an o T oich i T akin am i M4 587-4 17 , 26 59135, 26 3 116, 20 K azu ko T an ab e , Niigata-ken. ( ,'' , Noi 60, 5-cbome, Katstiyama-dori, Higashinariku, Osaka No.^ 9, Shimo ITosMda-cfio, Minami~t$uru-gun, Yamanashi-keii •E , ' No. 10, Hararmaclii, Bunkyo-ku No. 2, 2-cHome, Kanda Jimbo-choy Chiyoda-lm Yasliiro-mura, Isshi-rgun, Mie-ken No, 44, 1-chome, SEiocho-dori, Minaml-ku, Osaka x Miki-cho, Yagi-cho, Takashi-gun, Nara-kerf No. 46-44, Senkyo-ri, Heijo-fu No. 36, 1-chorne, Juokei-cho, Minami-ku, Osaka-shi Ebisugawa Agaru, Koromodana-dori, Kyoto No. 1747, 4-chome, Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku No. 6, lchome, Nihombasbi, Kakigara~cho, Chuo -ku / No. 2559, Oaza Tsuji, Mutsuji-cho, Kita Adachi^guii, Saitama~ken 4 No. ll, 18 •E No. 425, 1-chome, Totsuka-chOj SHinjuku-ku No. 628, Takinogawa-chb, Kfta-ku .Hira'bayashi, fiirabayaslii-miira, Iwafune-guxi> ' 3 32 Shiba, ' S h ig eru S ug iu ra Ho H o ' No. 5, SHimo-cho, Kariya, Kariya-cho, Hikkaigun, Aichi-ken Kqnuma, Nishi Katsura-mura, Minami Tsuru-< gun, Yamanashi-ken No. 59, Hon-cho, Himeji-shi c/6 Seiwa-so, No. 1, Fukagawa Senda^ho, Koto-ku c/o Tsunesaburo Yasu, No. 35, 3-chome, Ni hombashi Hama-cho, Chuo-ku No. 44, 5-chome, Tanabe Higashi-chd, Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka >A >-* No. 23, Senju Sakae-cho, Adachi-ku No. 437, 4-chome? Minami Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku No. 4, 2-chome, Akasaka Temma-cho, Min-atoku. No. 2-1, Noktiro, Meidaiji-cho, Okazaki-shi No. 10, 5-chome, Sugamo? Toshima-ku T akeshi S ad atsuk i H o Shirokane-Sanko-clio, Kami-cho, Taikyu-fu, Chosen ^* H o * 344 -34 6 , T o r atio su k e T ak a h as h i H o 15 39 T o ic h i T a n ig u c h i . 157 2 Y u k ic h i T ak am i 4 85- 488 C h o n o su k e T ak e g ain i H o N i 'x H o H o 6 2 1- 6 3 0 13 H o 479 , 480 T a n e C h ig a N i 680- 699 E iji T su y u k i H o 152 1-15 35 , 15 59, 1560 , ' K iy o sh l T an a k a K y o ic h i N ak ajo No. 24,; 1-chome, Kyobashi Tsukiji, Chuo-ku c/o. Seiwoso, No. 1, Fukagawa Senda-cfao, Koto-ku , No. 1, Fukagawa Senda-cho, Koto-ku No. 48, 2-chome, Nihombashi Hama-cho, Chuo-ku No; 580, 2-chome, Naliameguro, Meguro-ku No. 47, Oaza Desaku; Busshoyama-cho, Kagawagun^ ICagawa-ken c/o Tsuji, Katahara-cho, Takarai-gun, Aichiken No. 3-1,s Daitb -ku , 1-chome, Asakosa Kaminarimon, 1587- 1592 , 15 98- 1599 , 1 6 3 1- 1 6 5 0 , 1 7 8 1- 1 7 9 0 , 1, 3 , ¥ 10, 47, 64, 65, X 69, 84, S5, 1 2 2 , 1 2 8 r-1 3 0 , 134- 137 , 140, 1 4 2 , 14 3 , 1 4 5- 1 54 , 1 7 2 , 200 , 20 6r 2 17,x 2 1 8 , 2 5 1- 2 6 4 , 4 2142 , 4 31 7 , 4 1 8 , T o 2 35-2 40, 2 7 3- 2 8 0 , 3 1 5 , 3 16, 321- 340 , 4 17-42 2, 4 43 , 4 4 4 , 4 5 1 - 4 54 , T o A '4 63, 4 64 , 47 1/ 4 72 , 1162 4 10-4 04 N 5 78, 579 H o T o 550- 56 9 2 1 1 , 2 12 S oem on Y aaki ' Ic h iz o T o k u ra , 223- 228 A k ira T o y o m a n e .¥ 2 0 7 - 2 10 S aku h ei T oi 377, 378 -K ik u z o T o rii T o H o 2 53-2 72 , 3184- 3200 , Tir o N a k a m u ra N i H o 24 8-37 5 351- 360 H o H o 40 2 40 1 Y o sa k ic h i N a k a e W a su k e N a g u ra H o 2 31 J u lc h i N a g a sak a H o 157 1 K en t ar o N a k a m u ra H o 138, 139 T e ijir o N a k u e i ''1 T o - T o ' ' ' H id eo T su m m i H 6 . R y o h e i T su k a d a ' Mo. 1914, 2-chbzne, Nistii Sugamo/Tosfiima-ku No. 108i ShimoyosMda-machi, Minami Tsuriiguo, Yaitiariashi-ken No. 430, Chofu Unoki-cho,, Ota-ku No. 330, Okazaki-mora, Naka-gun, Kanagawa-ken ,... No. 5-chom6, Koiwa-machi, Edogawa-ku No. 417, 1-chome, Higashi-okubo, Shinjukuku*,^ H o :.A. < - . "., No. 163, Iriya-machi, c/o fleijiro Ishikawa so-gun, Tochigi-ken Y aju r o N a m ik i -A- No. 93, Komagome Hayashi-cho, Bunkyo-ku No. 2, Mqto-machi, Taikyu-fu, Chosen Hakotsukuri, Shimoso-mura, Sennan-gun, Osaka No. ,9, Matsunokishima, Isshiki-cho, Banzugun, Aichi-ken c/o Seiwa-so, No. 1, Fukagawa Senda-cho, Koto-ku No. 1031, Shiga-ken 19 Daito-ku Maki, Tokiwa-mura, ,. Terasho, _^' Minami-cho, Koga-gun, , K in d of S h are S h are N o . N am e Address H o 2 70, 27 1 M oich ito N agao H o 317 6 Ju ich i N atsum e H o To H o 44 24 , 4 42 5, 2 53-27 2 ' 45 M oto bu m i S hin gu H o 5, 6 K en kich i N o bu uji H o 1349- 13 53 C hieno H an aok a 3 17 , 318 4 416 , 44 17 S h izu o H ayash i K iku tslro H ara c/o Kusumoto, No. 82, 1-chome, Deshima Kaigan-dori, Sakaishi c/o Seiwa-so, No. 1, Fukagawa Senda-cho, Kpto -ku No, 5913, Oi Kaneko-cho, Shinagawa-ku K ich iro ku N om ura No. 26, Takuoka-cho, No. 875-nishi, Shijo ''Kyoto T o H o , H o 4 374 H o 22 1, 222 T om ok ich i H am asaka H o 586 , 58 7 H o H o 4 19 40 8 Y osh io H asegaw a T om ikichi H asu H o 318 3 K en kich i H am an o N i U -H . T orao H idak a H o 5- 97-6 00 K u w ako H ayakaw a T o 30 7, 3 08 E izo H id ka ,1221- 1238 , 12 89- 1300 , F iim iko H irpn o w H o ・ , •E ma-gun T am ih iko H iro se H o 1337- 1338 , 13 88- 14 80 4 9 5, 49 6 Y uk io H irak aw a H o 289 9, 312 7- 28 3 130 99 Ft ujl ak ko uji F uu ku ku ioka H o 124- 125 S h in zo F u k uifl d ttf To 4 85,.4 8.6 Seiichi F u k aw a ' ' 133 29,3 0 '> " T eiji F u fo isft im a , Y o sh itaro F uru ike- H o / ' ' 44 , - , ,R yo su k$ F ujish ig e 3 180 , T oro F tik wy am a s K enji H oriba H o ' . 1726- 1731), 30 11, 30 12 4 97- 5 17 H o 154 1 S eijiro H orig uch i H o 366 E ik ich i H on d a H o 4 07 K u ruw a H orii &H o 363179 3- 64 2 KG ifaich uz iabu H ro osokH aw om am a H o 24 51-24 6 0, K itazo M atsu sh im a H o T o 2 52 8-2 542 3 154 , 3 155 4 65-4 70 Y asuh ei M atsiish im a H ach iro M atsiiH a H o , K yu IcW F u jik ak e 20 t Nishi Osaki, Shunan-clio, 4, lchome, / / *" - Shinagawa-ku Kumake-^iii, Temma-cho, -' No. 84, Kami Ikegami-cho, Ota-feu No., 5/ Shiba Mit'a , Koyama-cho, IV|inato&.u Oi S&iftezu^cho, Shinagawa-ku ' No. 32, UcMde Kozuchi-cho, Ashiya-shi, Hyogo-ken •E' •E; > > 'No. 792, 3^chome, Armao'iima, Suginami-ku l U®\ 1009, l-gchpme, Uirai, E4ogawaku No. 607, 3-choine, Kujo Minami-jdori, Minatqku, H o ' No. 113, 1-chome, No. 180, Mitsui, •EYamagjtichi-ken c/o Kobayaslii, No. 'Shinjuku-ku , ' H o B o :•E No. 19-6, 2-chome, Motokamata, Ota-ku No. 36, 1-chome,' Narim'une, Suginami-ku c/o J. shirai, No. 1183, Nariukaichi, ^Tomiokacho, Amanori-gun, Gumma-ken No. 625, Yamjlno-cho, Funabashi-shi. c/o Ataka Sangyo in Miyako Bldg.,, Naniwadori, Yamato-ku, Hoten-shi Sanjoagam, Kawabata-dori, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto No. 129, Rikyu-mae-clio, Suraa-ku, Kobe-shi 4-ciiome, Hon-machi, Kiryu-shi c/o Seiwo-so, No. 1 Fukagawa Senda-cho, Koto-ku No. 2128, Kichijoji, Musashino-cho^ Kita Ta- X H ikom atsu H am akaw a v ; Kanazawa-shi Takakura; Kamikyoku, Osaka-shi ' ' - ,., ' Tojo, Ino-maclii, , Fujiyatoa-feu, Ube-shiy Ya> tbaga'chi-ken (l c/o Seiwa-so, No. 1,; Fukagawa ''S^eiida-clio, Koto^ko No. 1417, 6-chome, Minami Shinagawa, Shin'a^awa -ku v , No. 683, 1-chome, Iketukuro, Toshima-ku c/o Seiwa-so, No. 1/ Fukagawa Senda-cho, Koto-ku No. 1039, l-ch6mfe, Sakuragawa, Natiiwa-ku, Osaka-shi No. 75, Kitairu, Kawabata Higashiiru, Higashi Takeya-cho, Sakyoku, Kyoto-slbi No. 51, Horai-cho, Bunkyo-ku c/o Seiwa-so, No. 1, Fukagawa Senda-cho^ Koto-ku v ditto No. 282^ Tokiwa-cho, Hamamatsu-shi No. 56, Hotamachi, Hachioji-shi y^. To 3 55- 358 G itetsu "M atsiioka t H o H o , 4 5 53- 4 566 , . 44 99, 4 500 , S eiich i M atsu shim a Minami Yamato-ken, Yarriato, Urushidani-gun, Keihoku No. 1995, Kusatsu Minami-cho 3 201 , 320 2. T o ^ * 48 2177,, 4218 88 H o M '10 5- 109 e Y arn ako sh i T ad ao M am yam a T o 30 9, 3 10 T om e M aru y am a H o 48 5, 48 6 K aizo M atsiio H o 31 6 M in osu ke M aru i H o 1 383- 1387 H o X 1 621- 1630 , Shimo Matsushima Mae, Imori-cho, Nishi Matsura-gun, Saga-ken Shimachi, JVEitsuke-machi, Niigata^keii No. 867-2, 5chome, Koenji, Suginami-ku No, 589-B, Oki, Oyama-mura, Nishi Matsuura-gun No. 19, Kamikatsuramori, Kami-^cho, Ujkyo~ku, Kyoto~shi No. 14, 6-chome, Aoyama Minami-cho, Akasaka~ku No. 63, 1-chomfe, Matsubara-cho, Setagaya-ku * M ino ru M am izu ka H ifu m i M iy ak e 306 5- 30 67 H , UH o 4320 4105 , 4 41 1 T am Mejiishim Ichi M iy ash a itsr B o 2 68, 2 69 K azu n do M izu sh in 3 H o 317 5 A k ira M in egishi H o 3033 30 58-30 , 3034 61 ,, No. 30, l'-chome, Shimoochiai, Yodobashi-ku No. ll-53, 3-cEome, Yotsuya, Shifljtiku-ku No. 4177, Hanyu-cho, Kita Saitama-gun, Saitatna-ken ' c/o; Se|wa-so, No. 1, Fukagawa ' Senda~cho, Koto-ku Oyama-machi, Sunto-gun, 'Shizuoka-ken * R yo M urafushi 3 131-3 136 , 3 156- 3166 T o* 2 87-2 90 H o 80. 4 3 12 T o 3 73-3 80 H o M otok ich i M u rase No. 15, Nishino-cho, Kofoashi, itigashi-ku, Gsaka-sW No. T931, JConama, Nislii Katsura-mura, Minami T&uru-gqa, Yamanaslii-fcen ^ Np. 1|L '9-chQme/Niiipori-cbo, ,Ara'kawa-ku r U n okich i-M u to H o " . , * y Y o sh io M u rakam i '4 3 5, 4 3 6 < v", -T atn ako M u rasaki c/o ^ H o ' ' H o, ' . J , ; 413 6 11- 6 15, , TIchiya alsu keM Mbriorih.ira _ "16 4300438, 81-4300 17 3900, 9, ¥ '" .' YK oinsisaku iijiro MT ori ata H o 167 1- 16 80 2 657- 265 9 H o 3140 T o "* 24 7-2 52 , T o 24 3-2 46 W ataro K u saE abe H o 8 2, 8 3 y K o zo Y am azaki H o 40 9 " M u tsu o Y ab e H o 12 1 267 '' N aok Ju nk ich ichi i YY am asuam da oto H o 299- 303 , T su n eo Y asu d a H o 3 11, 43 84,5 483385 G enn osuk e Y asak i K iku o Y am am ura ' , ' H irok icfo i Y anaafuji F u ki Y am a da Nishi,.No. llv Nakatto-ku Nc>. No. No. No? 1-qhome, ^ ; Miyasoao-dori, ,i 245, 2-chome, Sliibatoata, 93, Ta-machi, Takasaki-sbi, 1141, l-cfeome,;'Den-enchofu, 96, Siiirokane Imasato-cko, •E, Katsu'sfeika-kix Gumttia-kenO'ta-kii Minato-ku. c/o Meiji Shoten, No. 6, 2~chome, Demma-cho Nishi-ku, Nagoya-shi No. 7, 1-chome, Asakusa Mukoyanagiwara, Daitp-jku ' Imadegawa Minami, Kawaramachi-dori, Kami'kyo-ku, K.yoto~shi No..4, Higashi Toin, Matsubara-dori, Shimo* kyo-ku, K,yoto-sM.-No. 1696, Koiiuma, Nishi Katsura-mura, Minami Tsuru-gun, Yamariashi-keii No, 34, 4chome, Ikeda-machi, Kaoazawa-shi No. 25, Daikanyama-cho; Shibuya-ku No. 19, 2-chome, Ichigaya Taniachi, Shinjuku•Eku c/o 21 I4 Yui, No. ll-3, No. 212, 2-chome, 4-chome, Nakajujo, Nishi Okubo, Kita-ku Shinjuku-ku K in d o f S h are S h are N o. H o H o 235 , 23 6, 13 39- 1348 44 S2 . H o 3 167 H o 317 8 S eiji Y am agata 1537 , S an ta Y am asaki ' H o , , .. N am e Address ' G oro Y an agisaw a No. 19, 2-chome, Shiba ku-' > M ak oto Y ada ・ 36 25- 3644 , 43' T eru ko Y am am oto T osh ik atsu Y u kaw a H o 14- 24 H o H o 2 681-26 83 58 , 59 H o 4 307- 43 11 T osh itsu gu Y on eku ra H o 15 52 N aru o Y oshid a H o 224 , H o 170 2- 17 10, H ajim e W atan ab e H o 3138 , 31 39 68 K tim a W atan ab e H o 454 1, 4 542 F uku W atanab e U o 1570 K iyoji W ad a H o 242 1-24 30 , 262 6176 5-217635 75 , K o ei W akeb e * U hacb i Y u i , K in etaro Y o sh ik aw a Ich itaro Y oko yam a ' Minato- No. 23, 1-chome, Akazutsumi-cho, Setagaya-ku None c/o Seiwa-so, No. 1, ,'Fukagawa Senda-cho, , Koto-ku ditto , Setagaya, Setagaya-ku .No. 32, Sannotani, Hommpku-cho, Naka-ku, Ypkohama-shi No. 104, Edo-cho, Ikuta-ku, Kobe-shi No. 4-5, 1-chome, Kamijujo, Kita-ku No. 2403, Ichinojio, Nishi-mura, Chosei-gun, Chiba-kfn ^ No. -742, 2-chome, Hatagaya Hommachi, Shibuya -ku No.- 314, Shimo Renjaku, Mitaka-cho, Kita, Tama-gun * / c/o Daisaburo Wakabayashi, No. 4, 2-chome, SMmmachi-dori, Nishi-ku, Osaka-shi No. 314, 1-chome, Tamagawa Okusawa-cho, S e t agaya-ku , No. 5707, Shimo Yoshida-machi, MinamiTsuru-gun, Yamanashi-ken No. 30, 1-ehome, Nihombashi Kakigara-cho, Chuo-ku v ,c/o Seiwa-so, No. 1, Fukagawa Senda-cho, S h oh ei Y an ag iw ara H o H o . Tamura-cho, S eiichi Y o sh ih iro ' K.oto-ku, ^ , , No. 1968, Kamibochi, Nishikatsura-mura,^ nami-Tsuru-gun, Yamanashi-ken Mi- 2 64 1-2 650, 30 3 6- 3043 , 36 04 , 360 5 -" M i / 394 -4 13 N i '' ' 520 -52 5 , Notfe^re . A kih iro W a tan abe K okick i W atari Special toss^ •E , l Rate July14, 1947 as follows: , i ,( of amount for.SpecialLoss: > , Notice is hereby given in accordance with tfce provisions of the Enterprises Recoffstructionandi Readjust-, rnent Law, Article 9, Paragraph 2 on our SpecialXoss estimated No. 3736, Kofiuma, Nisfci&atsura-mura, mi-Tsuru-gua, Yama$ashi-ken No..60, Gotanda^ ShiGagawa-Im •E64.34%. , ,^ to be Borne by Creditors '., Tokyo '" ,' ¥1,000,000.00¥1,000,000.00 Special Loss estimated: ¥2,444,547.33 Amount to be borne Art. 7: by Stockholders ^ ¥900,000.00 Amount to be borne by Creditors Loss under the Law, Art. 7; ¥1,544,547.33 ' T responsible SeikiSangyoK.K. ,, Kogyo K.K. Notice re Special Loss x July under the * ' N responsible ' 24, 1947. Notice is hereby given in accordance with the provisions of the Enterprises Reconstruction and Readjustment Law, Article 9, Par* 2 on our Special Loss estimated as follows: Name and Address of Company: ~ Kanto Kinzoku Kigu Koeki K.K. No. 2, 3-chorne, G'inza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo Capital and Amount paid-up thereof: ¥200,000.00 (fully paid-up) Law, ,< for Special 22 ,%v, "l Director and President: Kanjiro Tamura Mafuboshi Kogyo K.K, Director and President: Komajiro Tamura paid-up) ^ > •E Maruboshi thereof: ' (fully -. J'•E Name and Address^ of Company: ' Seiki Sangyo Kabushiki Kaisha c/o Miyuki Big., 6-5, Ginza-nishi, Chuo-ku? Name at the time designated: Capital and Amount paid-up ' 'Mlna,-, * Special Loss estimated: ¥229,610.16 Amount to be borne by Stockholders under Law, Arti. cle7: ¥161,404.98 Amount to be borne by Creditors responsible for Special Loss under Law, Article 7: ¥68,205.18 Rate of amount to be borne by Creditors responsible Special Loss: 70% 4 Kanto Kinzoku Kigu Koeki K.K. Director and President: Tat^suya Goto ," No. 2, 3-chome, Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo Notice I Loss July 14, 1947 Notice is hereby given in accordance with the provisions of the Enterprises Reconstruction and Readjustment Law, Article 9, Par. 2 on our Special Loss estimated as follows : Name and Address of the Company: Kokusai Shoji Kabushiki Kaisha No. 2, 3-chome, Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo Capital and Amount paid-up thereof; ¥1,800,000 ¥1,500,000 Special Loss estimated: ¥1,290,352 , Amount to be borne by Stockholders under Law, Article 7: ¥1290,352 Amount to be borne by Creditors responsible for Special Loss under Law, Article 7: _ None Rate of amount to be borne by Creditors responsible for Special Loss: None Kokusai Shoji Kabushiki Kaisha 'Notice -X re Special re Special Loss July 25, 1947 , Notice is hereby given in accordance with the provisions of the Enterprises Reconstruction and Readjustment Law, Article 9, Paragraph 2 on our Special Loss estimated as follows: Name and Address of Company: Sanyo Shoji Kabushiki Kaisha No. 5, Mita-shikaku-machi, Shiba, Minato-ku, . Tokyo Capital and Amount paid-up thereof: ¥248,000 Special Loss estimated: None Amount tp be borne by Stockholders under the Law, Article 7: None Amount to be borne by Creditors ' responsible •E' for Special Loss under the Law? Article None Rate of amount to be borne for Special Loss: None Notice 7: by Creditors re Special Sanyo responsible Shoji K.K. Loss July 15, 1947 Notice is hereby given in accordance with the provisions of the Enterprises Reconstruction and Readjustment Law, Article 9, Paragraph 2 on our Special Loss estimated as follows : Name and Address of Company: Yoshimaru Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha No. 2, Nihon-enoki Nishi-cho, Shiba, Minatoku, Tokyo Capital and Amount paid-up thereof: ¥1,200,000.00 (fully paid-up) Special Loss estimated: ¥5,271,260.42 Amount to be Stockholders under the Law, Article 7: ¥1,080,000.00 Amount to be borne by Creditors responsible for Special , Loss under the Law, Article 7: ¥4,191,260.42 Rate of amount to be borne by Creditors responsible for Special Loss: 36.65% ' Yoshimaru Kogyo K.K. Notice re Special Loss June 30, 1947 Notice is hereby given in accordance with the provisions of the Enterprises Reconstruction and Readjustment Law, Article 9, Paragraph 2 on our Special Loss estimated as follows: Name and Address of Company: Nippon Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha No. 30, Akasaka Tameike-cho, Minato-ku, Tokyo Authorized Capital and Paid-up Capital: Authorized Capital ¥3,000,000 Paid-up Capital: ¥2,500,000 Special Loss estimated: None. Amount to be borne by Stockholders under the Law, Art. 7: None Amount to be borne by Creditors responsible for Special Loss under the Law, Art. 7: None Rate of amountto be borne by Creditors responsible for Special Loss: None Nippon Jidosha 'K.K. ' No. 30, Akasaka Tameike-cho, Minato-ku, Tokyo Director and President: Kikuzo Ogawa 23-
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