All students are required to use Lakehawk Mail for official college e


All students are required to use Lakehawk Mail for official college e
Lake-Sumter State College Course Syllabus
Course / Prefix
CRN: Click here to
enter text.
Course Catalog
CHM 1025C
Course Title
General Chemistry with Lab
Summer 2015
An introduction to the elementary aspects of modern chemistry including the concept
of chemistry as an experimental science, atomic and molecular structure, chemical
bonding in solids and liquids, and properties of gases. The lab component will provide
laboratory support for the lecture material.
Dr. Katie Roles
Office: 352-536-2204
Office Hours:
Posted: See outside office
door, website, or on Bb.
SL Campus
Bldg. 1
Suite 132A
All students are required to use Lakehawk Mail for official college e-mail
See the college webpage for instructions on activating Lakehawk Mail.
Textbook and Other
Course Materials:
Technology and Online
Computer Access
C or higher in MAT 1033 or appropriate math placement score; and successful
completion of all college preparatory composition and reading courses indicated
through placement testing
“Introduction to Chemistry” 3rd ed; Bauer, Birk, and Marks; Connects Access Code
for Text, Scientific Calculator, Approved Laboratory Goggles, Access to a Computer
and Printer
Since this course is a hybrid course, each student will need access to a computer and
printer on a weekly basis. This can be a home or school computer. Please note it is
the student’s responsibility to find a computer and printer available for his/her use.
The computer must be equipped with the necessary Si components required for the
computer portion of the course.
Additional Important Blackboard Information:
All students, regardless of Blackboard experience, are required to go through the
following procedures when first signing on to Blackboard.
1. To sign on, go to the college web site,
2. Click on Blackboard
3. You will see the LOG On to Bb and other information for Bb including Bb
Orientation. You will see the info below:
List of Faculty Websites
Login Directions Read Here View Video
Minimum Computer Requirements
First Time Users Start Here
All Users Java, Browsers and Plug-in
Please note student emails are updated. Click here for more information.
4. It is your responsibility to log on to Bb the first day of class. If you have
problems doing so, you must contact the LSSC Help Desk for support after
reading and trying to all possible avenues provided. Not being able to log
on is NOT an excuse for not doing your assignments!!!!
5. Read all the information provided in all these sections. You are
responsible for this information and your own personal use of Bb.
REMEMBER to READ Before you call or ask for help.
6. You are required to complete the “Getting Started” section in Bb
immediately upon starting this course.
Course Objectives:
(what the course will
Student Learning
Outcomes (SLOs)
Assessed in this
(what the students
take with them
Provide the student with a broad set of chemical knowledge concerning the
fundamentals of chemistry and chemistry lab
 Provide the student with the appropriate skills and techniques necessary to
become a competent problem solver and an effective member of a team.
 Provide training for the student seeking a career in the chemical sciences or
other sciences and the medical fields.
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be sufficiently familiar with
terminology common to basic chemistry to further study chemistry at the college
level. Each student will:
 Demonstrate an understanding of significant figures in chemical calculations.
 Demonstrate an understanding of the SI system as it relates to quantification.
 Understand conversion factors, and apply conversion factors for interrelating
different units of the SI and English systems of measurement.
 Possess a working knowledge of the scientific process as it relates to the
beyond this course)
Academic Integrity:
Important Information
for Students with
Privacy Policy
Attendance /
Withdrawal Policies:
understanding the world in which we live.
Understand the structure and components of an atom.
Apply knowledge to recognize and represent chemical compounds and ions,
both by name and formula.
Apply knowledge to write basic chemical reactions and understand the
meaning of the written chemical reaction.
Understand the concept of moles and molar ratios relative to compounds.
Define and calculate actual and theoretical yields of chemical reactions.
Define the gas laws, and apply the gas laws to interrelate pressure, volume,
temperature, and molecular mass for ideal gases.
Demonstrate the ability to effectively function in a team setting.
Demonstrate the ability to work safely in a basic chemical laboratory.
Organize laboratory work and demonstrate an understanding of laboratory
work through the written lab report.
The successful functioning of the academic community demands honesty, which is
the basis of respect for both ideas and persons. In the academic community, there is
an ongoing assumption of academic integrity at all levels. There is the expectation
that work will be independently thoughtful and responsible as to its sources of
information and inspiration. Honesty is an appropriate consideration in other ways as
well, including but not limited to the responsible use of library resources, responsible
conduct in examinations, and the responsible use of the Internet. (See college
catalog for complete statement.)
Any student with a documented disability who requires assistance or academic
accommodations should contact the Office for Students with Disabilities immediately
to discuss eligibility. The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) is located on the
Leesburg Campus, but arrangements can be made to meet with a student on any
campus. An appointment can be made by calling 352-365-3589 and specific
information about the OSD and potential services can be found at,
then go to “Quick Links” and click on Disability Services.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR
Part99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of a student’s education records. In
order for your information to be released, a form must be signed and in your records
located in the Admissions/Registrar’s Office.
Attendance is crucial for success in any course. As this is a hybrid course, your
attendance is even more crucial. Student absences in lecture will be excused at the
discretion of the instructor in the cases of extreme circumstances. Since lab only
meets approximately every other week (please see the course schedule for the exact
meeting dates), students are not allowed any absences for lab. Examples of
excusable absences for lecture include physician documented illness and school
sponsored sporting events. “Having to work,” is not an excusable absence. All
students are required to be in class/lab and prepared on time. It is the student’s
responsibility to contact the instructor in the event of an absence. If you do not
Withdrawal Deadline:
Methods of Evaluation:
Grading Scale:
Course Calendar:
Classroom Rules and
contact the instructor, an absence will automatically be counted as unexcused. It is
the student’s responsibility catch up on any missed notes or handouts from an
excused absence by contacting a fellow student. It is NOT the instructor’s
responsibility to provide missed notes or handouts. Daily quizzes in
lecture/lab are frequently administered to insure prompt attendance. Quizzes cannot
be made up and are given at the beginning of the lecture/lab session. Anyone
arriving late forfeits the opportunity to take the quiz and will receive a zero for the
missed quiz. Anyone arriving more than 5 minutes late for lab will not be allowed
into the lab session and will automatically receive a zero for the lab session. Lecture
and lab go by the clocks in the lecture and lab rooms. Check Blackboard
frequently (minimum twice a day) for announcements!! Failure to check
Bb and thus missing assignments is the fault of the student. Points will be
deducted for those students who are reminded to check Bb. Students will
begin the term with an initial assignment grade in Bb of 100. Each
reminder to check Bb will result in a 10pt decrease.
Wednesday, July 21, 2015
Grades will be calculated based on the following percentages
Quizzes, Homework, Assignments
Final Exam
Final grades will be determined based on the following scale.
59% and below
For Detailed Schedule, See Last Page of Syllabus.
Chapters 1-9 in the text will be covered in addition to supplementary material
provided on Blackboard. The course will include at a minimum fifteen labs. The
course will include 4 exams and 1 Comprehensive Final Exam. The course is outlined
in detail on Blackboard (Bb) as we go through the weeks. The lecture is scheduled to
meet MTWR from 9:40-11:10 am. We will meet Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesday
during the scheduled lecture time. Sometimes you will be released early on
Wednesdays. All of Thursday lecture time is reserved for Bb on-line work. The lab is
scheduled to meet on Mondays and Wednesdays from 11:30 am-3:30 pm. CRN
30541 will meet in Lab physically on Monday only. CRN 30541 will have Wednesday
labs will as Bb on-line labs. CRN 30633 will have on-line Bb labs on Mondays and will
meet in Lab physically on Wednesdays.
In order for the course to be successful, it is essential that all students be respectful
toward one another and the instructor. The instructor requires that all students
follow some basic rules of etiquette.
given to ensure prompt attendance. No make-up quizzes are given. Students
arriving late forfeit their opportunity to take quizzes.
2. Students are required to use to appropriate language at all times.
3. Students are required to keep their feet off the lecture/lab desks and chairs.
4. Students are required to leave cell phones turned off and out of sight. I do not
want to see or hear your cell phones, period!!! No texting during class or lab under
the desks/tables or benches either!
5. Students are required to leave music devices, ear phones, ear buds, blue tooth
head sets, etc. out of sight and hearing. They are not to be worn in class or under
hoods or hats.
6. Students are not allowed to use computers or other electronic devices to take
7. Students are not to copy lab work or any other course work from other students.
Students are encouraged to help one another, but copying is cheating, a serious
offense, and it will result in referral to the Academic Dean.
8. Students are not to have private conversations while the instructor is teaching.
Students failing to follow this rule will be instructed to leave the classroom.
9. Questions are encouraged on the part of the students as they arise; however, the
instructor requests that the students raise their hands and wait to be recognized
before interrupting the lecture.
10. Students are not to have private conversations or interrupt while a fellow student
is speaking to the class.
11. If a student needs to use the restroom during lab, permission must be
requested. No student is to leave lab without permission from the instructor or lab
assistant. If a student needs to use the restroom during class, please just go quietly.
Such interruptions are to be kept to an absolute minimum. Students are not to
interrupt the class to answer their cell phones or speak to friends outside the class
12. Students are required to turn work in on time. A strict policy for turning in work
is provided. Do not expect to be the exception. The first day an assignment is late,
there will be a 20 point grade reduction. Two days late will result in a 50point grade
reduction. No work will be accepted after 2 days. Weekends count as days. In
addition, the instructor reserves the right to change the late policy at any time for
any assignment depending on the situation at hand. Note, this often occurs when
problem assignments are due prior to exams. Students are responsible for noting
these changes for individual assignments as they arise. If a student submits work via
scanning due to the late policy, the scanned work must be submitted as one
complete document, and not in multiple documents. In addition, no pictures will be
accepted. Furthermore, an additional hard copy must be submitted the first class day
followed the scanned submission. All turned in work must be stapled if needed. It is
the student’s responsibility to staple their assignments prior to class. Do not expect
the instructor to provide you with a stapler. Any unstapled work will receive a 5 point
grade reduction.
13. Attendance will be taken within the first five minutes of class time. Any student
arriving after the first five minutes will be marked absent. Students are expected to
be in attendance for all exams. There are no exceptions. In addition, once an exam
has begun, students are not permitted to leave the classroom for any reason. Use
the restroom prior to the exam! Students leaving the classroom for any reason must
surrender their exams for grading. During testing, students are not permitted to
have any materials with them other than a writing utensil and a scientific calculator.
The instructor will supply all scratch paper and necessary tables of data. Cell phones
may not be used as calculators during exams. Any student found to be in bodily
possession of an active cell phone during an exam will receive an automatic zero for
the exam. No discussion! No exceptions. There has been a lack of adherence to
this rule. DO NOT PUT YOUR CELL PHONE IN your pocket during an exam. This will
result in a zero on an exam. Do not leave it on vibrate. This will result in a zero for
the exam. Students breaking any of these testing rules will automatically receive an
automatic grade of zero on the exam.
14. Students are to treat the classroom/lab respectfully. Clean up after yourself
when leaving and do not handle items unless you have been given permission by the
instructor to do so. No student may leave the lab without properly signing out with
the instructor.
15. Food, drinks, and gum are prohibited in the lab. In lecture, students are to clean
up after themselves if they bring a small snack to class.
16. A strict policy for dress and conduct is required for lab and will be addressed in
the first day of lab class.
17. These rules are not negotiable.
18. The instructor reserves the right to add/change rules and or the syllabus as
needed during the term.
19. Any student found to be disrupting the class in any way by the instructor will be
required to leave the classroom.
20. All assignments that are turned in to the instructor, including tests must be
completed in pencil.
Violence Statement:
Syllabus Disclaimer:
Lake-Sumter State College has a policy of zero tolerance for violence as stated in
College Board Rule 2.17. Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken in accordance
with Board Rule 2.17.
Information contained in this syllabus is, to the best knowledge of this instructor,
considered correct and complete when distributed to the student. The instructor
reserves the right, acting within policies and procedures of Lake-Sumter State
College, to make necessary changes in course content or instructional techniques
without prior notice or obligation to the student.
Note: The schedule below tentative and subject to change.
CRN 30633 Summer
Introduction/ Chapter 1 (M)
Chapter 1 (T)
Chapter 2 (W)
Chapter 2 (R-H)
Chapter 3 (M)
Chapter 3 (T)
Test Chapter 1-3 (W)
Chapter 4 (R-H)
Chapters 4 (M)
Chapter 4-5 (T)
Chapter 5 (W)
Chapter 4- 5 (R-H)
Chapter 6 (M)
Chapter 6 (T)
Test Chapter 4-6 (W)
Thermodynamics (R-H)
Thermodynamics (M)
Thermodynamics, Chap. 7 (T)
Chapter 7 (W)
Chapter 7 (R-H)
Test Thermo and Chapter 7 (M)
Chapter 8 (T)
Chapter 8 - 9 (W)
Chapter 9 (R-H)
Test Chapters 8-9 (M)
Study Day (T)
Final Exam (W)
Hybrid Lab
Hybrid Lab
Hybrid Lab
Hybrid Lab
Hybrid Lab
Hybrid Lab
No Lab
CRN 30541 Summer
Introduction/ Chapter 1 (M)
Chapter 1 (T)
Chapter 2 (W)
Chapter 2 (R-H)
Chapter 3 (M)
Chapter 3 (T)
Test Chapter 1-3 (W)
Chapter 4 (R-H)
Chapters 4 (M)
Chapter 4-5 (T)
Chapter 5 (W)
Chapter 4- 5 (R-H)
Chapter 6 (M)
Chapter 6 (T)
Test Chapter 4-6 (W)
Thermodynamics (R-H)
Thermodynamics (M)
Thermodynamics, Chap. 7 (T)
Chapter 7 (W)
Chapter 7 (R-H)
Test Thermo and Chapter 7 (M)
Chapter 8 (T)
Chapter 8 - 9 (W)
Chapter 9 (R-H)
Test Chapters 8-9 (M)
Study Day (T)
Final Exam (W)
Hybrid Lab
Hybrid Lab
Hybrid Lab
Hybrid Lab
Hybrid Lab
Hybrid Lab
No Lab