2015 Taste of the Towns LZACC Vendor Application complete
2015 Taste of the Towns LZACC Vendor Application complete
2015 Vendor Commitment Sunday, Paulus Park, 200 S. Rand Road, Lake Zurich 3 – 7 p.m. August 23rd COMPANY INFORMATION: What will you serve? (please be as detailed as possible) Business Contact Name Email Cell # Telephone Website What COUPON will you offer in the ‘Taste Ticket’ to bring attendees into your business after the event! The Best way to reach you: Call / Email / Text Circle One Coupon Expiration date: ____________________________ EVENT COMMITMENT: ________ $150 PAYMENT: Vendor Entry Fee (includes space for your own 10’x10’ tent, 2-8’ covered table, identifying sign, 5” dessert plates for tastings, volunteers to load-in and out, 1 volunteer to assist in booth (if requested) and event marketing ________ Check (payable to LZ Area Chamber of Commerce) ________ Credit Card (Visa/ MC/ DS/ Amex) nd ________ $100 2 Booth Space ________ $150 10’ x 10’ Tent Rental ________ $50 Electricity (110v/20 amp) – Must Be Pre-Ordered ________ $10 Additional 8’ Table ________ $375 Non-Chamber Member Entry Fee (includes 1st Year Membership in Chamber) / / Exp. Date Credit Card # Security Code: ______________________ Billing Address: ___________________________________ AGREEMENT: I agree to be present and serving food in my booth from 3:00pm – 7:00 pm. I agree to hold harmless the Lake Zurich Area Chamber of Commerce, The Village of Lake Zurich, the Taste of the Towns Committee and volunteers, and all persons or agents affiliated with or employed by the aforementioned organizations, on behalf of myself and my assigns and heirs from any and all claims that may result from my participation in the event. I have read the event information and agree to abide by the rules and regulations described. Printed Name Signature Date RETURN BY 6/15/15 TO BE INCLUDED IN ALL MARKETING MATERIALS st 1 Bank Plaza, Suite 308, Lake Zurich, IL 60047 P: 847-438-5572 F: 847-438-5574 w: LZAreaChamber.com w: TasteoftheTowns.com e: info@lzacc.com