Minister: Rev. Janet Thompson Organist & Choir Director: Parvaneh


Minister: Rev. Janet Thompson Organist & Choir Director: Parvaneh
Minister: Rev. Janet Thompson
Organist & Choir Director: Parvaneh Eshghi
Minister Emeritus: Rev. Dr. Joseph Burke
Telephone: 613-749-8727 Fax: 613-749-8520
Church Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9 am – 12 noon
May 3, 2015
* Congregation stands as able.
Hymns: VU = Voices United; MV = More Voices
Prayer Bell:
“Be Still”
Lighting of the Christ Candle:
Why do we light the candle?
Because the light shines in the darkness and
the darkness does not extinguish the light.
* Call to Worship: (responsive)
Love adorns itself: it seeks to prove.
inward joy by outward beauty.
Love does not claim possession,
but gives freedom.
Love is an endless mystery,
for it has nothing else to explain it.
Love’s gift cannot be given, it waits to be accepted.
Let us approach God with love in our hearts.
(Children come to front.)
Psalm 46
* Hymn: MV # 138
My Love Colours Outside the Lines
(Children go to Sunday School.)
Parents are welcome to bring their children to the Nursery / Playroom.
Centering Prayer: (responsive)
Loving God, hear our prayers:
for the hungry and the overfed
may we have enough;
for the victims and the oppressors
may we share power wisely;
for the peacemakers and the warmongers
may clear truth and stern love lead us to a harmony;
for the silenced and the propagandists
may we speak Christ’s words of truth;
for the unemployed and the overworked
may our mark on this earth be kindly and creative;
for the troubled and the secure
may we live together as wounded healers;
for the homeless and the pampered
may our homes be simple, warm and welcoming;
for the vibrant and the dying
may we all live in love. Amen.
Scripture Reading:
1 Corinthians 1: 1 – 9
The World According to Paul
Silent Reflection
* Hymn: VU # 606
In Christ There Is No East or West
* Our Creed: VU # 918
A New Creed
The Life of the Congregation
Offertory Music:
Waltz in A flat major
F. Chopin
* Offertory Hymn: tune VU # 232 Joyful, Joyful We Adore You
Joyful, joyful, Lord we bring you
gifts that You can use today.
Take them bless them, may your kingdom
spread to all the world we pray.
We are here, our time, our talents
we would dedicate as well.
May we show Christ’s love within us
by our lives, our faith to tell.
Choir Anthem:
We Adore Thee, Christ Our Lord
W.A. Mozart
Prayers of Thanksgiving and Concern and The Lord’s Prayer
* Hymn: VU # 372
Though I May Speak
* Sending Forth: (responsive)
A Blessing from Paul
1 Corinthians 16:13 – 14; 23 – 24
Keep alert, stand firm in your faith. Be courageous; be strong.
Let all that be done in love.
The grace of the Lord be with you.
May love be with all of you in Christ Jesus.
Extinguishing of the Christ Candle
* Sung Benediction: (refrain, verse 3, refrain) VU # 166
Joy Comes with the Dawn
Waltz in D flat major
F. Chopin
† † † † † † † † † †
At the Congregational Meeting held April 12th, on the recommendation of the Joint Search
Committee, the MacKay Congregation called the Reverend Peter Woods to be our new
Minister. MacKay welcomes Rev. Peter Woods, who will be joining us from August 10th, 2015.
First Worship service will be on August 16.
Please join the MacKay team today, May 3 walk that begins at 3 pm together with Susan
Pitt, Caro Overdulve and Norma McCord for a beautiful afternoon walk at Dow's Lake in
support of MHI Multifaith Housing Initiative Tulipathon, a charity walk to raise
awareness and funds for those who are homeless or at risk of
becoming homeless in our city. It is an easy walk and a great chance
for us to join together to support MHI and get some fresh air and
exercise. All ages welcome and encouraged to join us. We have a sign so will be
able to find each other easily. Susan will be accepting donations at
and at the church office. Tax receipts are given for donations of $15 and more. The more the
MacKay Concert: Today, May 3 in the MacKay Sanctuary at 7:30 pm, the Silflay String
Quartet (Leah Roseman, Mark Friedman, Paul Casey and Karen Kang) will present “Shadows
and Light,” a program that captures the anguish of war and the longing for the joy of peace Elgar’s string quartet, opus 83; an intense movement from a quartet by Bloch; and
Beethoven’s string quartet opus 59 no. 3. Tickets, $25 adults and $20 seniors and students
are available from Books on Beechwood, the Leading Note, MacKay Church Office at 613749-8727 and at the door.
The United Church is welcoming donations for Nepal Earthquake Relief in response to the
7.8 magnitude earthquake that hit the south Asian country on April 24. The United Church
has contributed $15,000 from its Emergency Response Fund to ACT Alliance to provide
emergency aid in Kathmandu and surrounding areas. The Canadian government will match,
dollar for dollar, donations to registered Canadian charities (including the United Church)
made between April 25 and May 25. For more information or to make a donation online,
please go to the United Church of Canada website Cheques can also
be made out to MacKay United Church and we will send a cheque directly to the UCC.
Please be sure to note “Emergency Response — Nepal Earthquake Relief” on the face of
your cheque.
Next Worship Committee Meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 5 at 7:30 pm in the
Boardroom upstairs.
MacKay's Rowdy Ringers are ready to ring in spring. If you are age 6 and over, with a
desire to play music with a group and an ability to concentrate for 40 minutes, you are
welcome to join our inter-generational hand chime choir! No experience necessary. First
practice was on Sunday, April 12th at 9:45 am in the Board Room at the top of the stairs.
Contact Emily Beedell for more information or to express interest at
or at 613- 744-3113. Remaining practice schedule will be as follows: next May 10, 17, no
practice on May 24th, May 31 and June 7. Performance date has not been confirmed, but
would be sometime in June.
Want to HELP with Centre 507 but not able to drop off sandwiches, etc. at Church on the
second Wednesday of the month? Please prepare to bring non-perishables -- peanut butter,
jam, pickles, cheese, cookies, crackers, etc. to church on Sunday, May 10th. We will take
any donations to Centre 507 for you. Any donation is much appreciated by the 507 clients!!!
Thanks so much! Something to Note: Toilet paper is an item greatly appreciated by the
clients, if you do not have time to prepare food.
Please join us for ARTFEST on Sunday, May 10th from 12 noon until 4 pm in the Memorial
Hall. Four wonderful, local artists will showcase their works and donate a portion of
the profits to MacKay. The artists are: Deborah Lyall, original paper cut work and
prints, Simon Moor, multimedia originals and prints, John Benn, en plain air and
Barbara Carlson who works with digital art prints. There is no admission fee for this
The Shalom Community Church of Ottawa will have a big Choir Benefit Concert on Sunday,
May 10th in the Sanctuary at 7 pm. It will be “A Choral Festival”, featuring three choirs: The
Tamir Neshama Choir, the Sifa Choir and Chorale Bondeko.
What are faith communities saying and doing about climate change and poverty in
Canada? Church leaders will report on the findings of their cross-country tour on Wednesday,
May 13 from 7 – 9 pm, at Christ Church Cathedral Hall, 414 Sparks Street. Justice Tour
2015 participants include Rev. Dr. Susan Johnson (National Bishop of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in Canada), Rev. Dr. Willard Metzger (Executive Director, Mennonite Church
Canada) and Rev. Dr. Karen Hamilton (General Secretary of the Canadian Council of
Churches – CCC). Join the leaders of 25 Christian denominations, as members of the
Governing Board of the CCC gather. Sponsors of Justice Tour 2015 are Citizens for Public
Justice and the Canadian Council of Churches. For more information, contact Brad Wassink, 613-232-0275, ext. 225.
You are invited to "A Spring Interlude with the Vyhosvkyi Strings" on Sunday, May 24 at 7 pm
in the Sanctuary. This special evening features violin ensemble and solo playing
by talented young musicians from the Ottawa region, along with Tea Mamaladze
(piano), Margarita Lianeri (voice) and the Junior Vyhovskyi Strings.
Tickets: $15 for adults and $5 for children & students. For tickets
and more information, please contact the Office at 613-749-8727 or Proceeds go to MacKay United
Church and the CHEO Foundation.
Montreal & Ottawa Conference Annual General Meeting will be held May 29 – 31 in SteAnne-de-Bellevue, Quebec.
Our sympathies and prayers are with Raymond Bailey and family as
Elizabeth Bailey passed away on April 27. Plans for funeral are to be confirmed.