6.14.15 SUNDAY Bulletin - First United Methodist Church
6.14.15 SUNDAY Bulletin - First United Methodist Church
JUNE 28, 2015 Attendance for Sunday, June 21, 2015 9 AM: 203 11 AM: 130 Total: 333 Sunday School: 53 Stewardship: General Fund $8,230.25 Capital Campaign: $100.00 June Mission Emphasis: Hand in Hand: $655.00 11 AM WORSHIP ANNOUNCEMENTS, JOYS AND CONCERNS PASSING OF THE PEACE THE CHIMING OF THE HOUR MORNING PRAYER PRELUDE “I Am a Pilgrim” *HYMN Trio “Old Time Religion” Congregation THE APOSTLE’S CREED # 881 The altar flower is in celebration of the birth of Gabriel Thomas Ross on June 20, 2015, son of Rev. Tommy and Rebekah Ross. Gabriel is the grandson of Gene and Karen Ross. GLORIA PATRI # 70 PASTORAL PRAYER AND THE LORD’S PRAYER PRESENTATION OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS OFFERTORY “Why Me Lord” Trio “He Turned Water into Wine” Trio *DOXOLOGY # 95 ANTHEM SCRIPTURE Hebrews 10:23-25 **CHILDREN’S CHURCH MESSAGE “Defining Time and Picture Words” HYMN OF RESPONSE The flowers today are in honor of our grandchildren given by Earl and Lore Faulkner. Rev. Grady Mosley “I’ll Fly Way/I Saw the Light” Congregation BENEDICTION *CARRYING THE LIGHT OF CHRIST INTO THE WORLD POSTLUDE *Those that are able please stand. **Children age 3 through 2nd grade are invited to go to Children’s church. Special Music Guest Trio: Jeff McLeod, Ricky McGinnis and Danny Howard MISSION EMPHASIS FOR JUNE: HAND IN HAND Hand in Hand is currently building a home located at Camp Twin Lakes, Rutledge, Georgia. All donations will go to help with cost of this home. Hand in Hand Ministries, Inc. is a non-profit organization that came to be when a couple of special education teachers realized that former students had limited options for post school life. With a combination of over 30 years teaching experience, we decided in 2008 to create a nonprofit outreach program that could eventually build a bridge between school and post school living options. Hand in Hand Ministries aims to network with businesses, organizations and private citizens to make this dream a reality. UPCOMING CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES K.I.C.K. - TODAY @ 5:30pm Vacation Bible School ~ HomeTown Nazareth Ages 3 years old to rising 5th Graders $10.00 per child ~ $20.00 family max KICK-OFF Sunday, July 12th @ 5:30-7:30pm VBS Mon-Fri July 13th-17th 9am-12/noon Register ONLINE. Call/email Debbie Britt if you would like to volunteer. Contact Debbie Britt for more information @ 404-909-7990 or DBritt@madisonfumc.com. UPCOMING YOUTH ACTIVITIES (M: Middle School) (H: High School) NIGHT OF WORSHIP - TODAY @ 5:30pm HOTDOG EATING CONTEST - July 12th CAMP OUT BEHIND WELSEY BLDG (H) - July 12th MOVIE ON THE LAWN - July 19th HIGH SCHOOL MISSIONS ~ New Orleans, LA 7/24-30 ~ $395 Contact Britt Martin for more information @ 770-375-8527 or Britt@madisonfumc.com. The United Methodist Men will meet on July 12th @ 7:30 am in the Wesley Building for their Breakfast Meeting. All men are invited to come. For more information about UMM, please contact Jim Abeel @ 706-752-1299. Our Pastor is Taking a Sabbatical Rev. Mosley will be on sabbatical leave the months of July and August for rest, study and spiritual renewal. A wonderful slate of guest speakers, laity and clergy, have been secured. Dr. Layne Jenkins will be on call for pastoral emergencies. The United Methodist Women will not be meeting in July. UMW will be meeting on Monday, August 3rd at Harvest of the Heart at 7pm, Gilmore House/Preservation Center, 473 Burney Street, Madison, GA 30650 Questions?...call Robyn Cook 706-342-8365 TODAY, June 28th: 9 AM Worship Service 9 -10 am Wesley Building 9 AM Worship Service WELCOME, ANNOUNCEMENTS, JOYS AND CONCERNS Sunday School 10-11 am Wesley & Epworth *SONGS OF WORSHIP 11 AM Worship Service 11am-Noon Asbury Building K.I.C.K. for Children 5:30 pm Wesley Building YOUTH Night of Worship 5:30 pm Epworth Youth Center TUESDAY, June 30th: 7 am Farm Bureau Exercise Class 8:30 am Epworth Youth Center WEDNESDAY, July 1st: 6 pm Wesley Building “Old Time Religion” Trio Congregation PRAYER “Why Me Lord” Trio **CHILDREN’S CHURCH SCRIPTURE READING MESSAGE Hebrews 10:23-25 “Defining Time and Picture Words” Rev. Grady Mosley REFLECTION IN SONG OLD TIME RELIGION Give me that old time religion (x3) It’s good enough for me. Makes me love everybody (x3) It’s good enough for me. It has saved our fathers (x3) And it’s good enough for me. It was good for the prophet Daniel (x3) And it’s good enough for me. Give me that old time religion (x3) It’s good enough for me. It was good for Hebrew children (x3) And it’s good enough for me. Give me that old time religion (x3) It’s good enough for me. It was tried in the fiery furnace (x3) It’s good enough for me. It was good for Paul and Silas (x3) And it’s good enough for me. Give me that old time religion (x3) It’s good enough for me. It will do when I’m dying (x3) It’s good enough for me. Give me that old time religion (x3) It’s good enough for me. It can take us all to heaven (x3) It’s good enough for me. Give me that old time religion (x3) It’s good enough for me. Trio “He Turned Water into Wine” SONG OF RESPONSE AND GIVING Men’s Bible Study Praise Team practice “I Am a Pilgrim” “I’ll Fly Away/I Saw the Light” I’ll Fly Away/I Saw the Light Some glad morning, when this life is o’er I’ll Fly Away To a home on God’s celestial shore I’ll Fly Away I’ll Fly Away oh glory I’ll Fly Away When I die, hallelujah by and by I’ll Fly Away Just a few more weary days and then I’ll Fly Away To a land where joys shall never end I’ll fly Away I’ll Fly Away oh glory I’ll Fly Away When I die, hallelujah by and by I’ll Fly Away I wondered so aimless Life filled with sin I wouldn’t let my dear Savior in Then Jesus found me and gave me back my sight Praise the Lord, I saw the Light I Saw the Light I Saw the Light No more darkness no more night Now I’m so happy no sorrows in sight Praise the Lord, I Saw the Light 296 South Main Street Madison, Georgia 30650 Website: www.MadisonFUMC.com 706-342-3325 Church Office 706-343-9988 Church Preschool Church Office Hours: 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM Monday - Thursday 8:30 AM -12:00 PM Friday Rev. H. Grady Mosley, II ~ Senior Pastor Rev. Debbie Britt ~ Minister of Education & Children Steve DeLaigle ~ Minister of Music Troy Bryant ~ Program and Facilities Manager Britt Martin ~ Director of Youth Ministry Debbie Watkins ~ Church Secretary Jared Register ~ Organist Eric James - Pianist Laree Zant ~ Preschool Director Dr. Rev. Gary Whetstone~ Athens-Elberton District Superintendent Bishop B. Michael Watson ~ Bishop North Georgia Conference Welcome to Madison First United Methodist Church Thank you for choosing to worship at Madison First UMC this morning. If you are newly attending and would like more information about this church, please fill out an information card and place it in the offering plate or give it to the Pastor. We hope your experience here this morning is inspiring and encouraging.