Die Neuigkeiten - The Columbus Maennerchor


Die Neuigkeiten - The Columbus Maennerchor
Die Neuigkeiten
Volume 81 – “Die Neuigkeiten” of
The Columbus Maennerchor
March - April 2015
President’s Letter
Dear Members, Friends and Supporters,
We had a good start into the New Year. The singers love the
acoustics in the rehearsal room of our new home. The Open
House on January 10 brought in many visitors and interest in
the opportunities we can offer now again for our members. A
big “Thank You” goes to the Durthaler family for donating
more than 50 stackable chairs. They are in very good
condition and fit the colors of the rehearsal room. The choirs
have added seven new singers and there are more to come.
Also, the Swiss singers now use our Haus as their place for
rehearsals and club activities on Wednesday nights. It is really
a good new beginning for all of us.
The men singers had a great turnout for their Spaghetti
Dinner at Lutheran Trinity Church with 160 attending. The
Damenchor will have the Brunch on March 8 and the
Saengerabend will be celebrated on March 22. A Schnitzel
Dinner is set for May 17. The Social Hall at Trinity Lutheran
Church is a great place to come together to enjoy the food
cooked and served by our members.
At our March 10 business meeting, we will elect new
officers and members to the Board of Directors. Take the
opportunity and exercise your right to vote. Do not hesitate to
pay your dues. It is worth it to belong to a cultural group with
many activities and a good place to meet.
Mit besten Gruss.
Werner Niehaue, President, Columbus Maennerchor
Calendar of Events – March 2015
March 3 – 6 p.m. Kinderchor/Jugendchor Rehearsal
7 p.m. Damenchor Rehearsal
8 p.m. Maennerchor Rehearsal
March 8 – 12:30 – 3:00 p.m. Damenchor Brunch at Trinity
Lutheran Church, Fellowship Hall, 404 S. Third St.
March 9 – 7 p.m. Board Meeting at German Heritage Haus
March 10 – 6 p.m. Kinderchor/Jugendchor Rehearsal
7 p.m. Corporation Business Meeting at German
Heritage Haus, 976 S. High Street
8:15 p.m. Combined Maennerchor and Damenchor
March 17 – 12 Noon Damen Sektion Luncheon Meeting at
German Heritage Haus, 976 S. High Street
6 p.m. Kinderchor/Jugendchor Rehearsal
7 p.m. Damenchor Rehearsal
8 p.m. Maennerchor Rehearsal
March 22 – 4:30 Social, 5:30 p.m. Dinner – Maennerchor
Saengerabend at Trinity Lutheran Church,
Fellowship Hall, 404 S. Third Street
March 24 – 6 p.m. Kinderchor/Jugendchor Rehearsal
7 p.m. Damenchor Rehearsal
8 pm. Maennerchor Rehearsal
8 p.m. Damenchor Business Meeting
March 25 – 7 p.m. Damenchor sings at Friendship Village
March 31 – 6 p.m. Kinderchor/Jugendchor Rehearsal
7 p.m. Damenchor Rehearsal
6 p.m. Maennerchor Rehearsal
Maennerchor Music Committee Update
Steven Maurer, Music Committee
Though winter is hard upon us, can spring be far behind? It
seems that the Columbus Maennerchor has weathered its
winter and its spring is heartening. That the Maennerchor
family can so savor its new home and new singers, is a credit
to all of those who gave their time, treasure and skill to see
this through.
March and April are full of the spirit that song has always
given. The Maennerchor continues to enliven Friday evenings
at Wurst und Bier. Join the festivities there on March 6th and
20th, April 10th and May 1st. Our 66th Saengerabend takes
place on March 22nd at Trinity Lutheran Church with a social
hour at 4:30 p.m. and dinner at 5:30 p.m.
The highlight of this season is our Spring Concert at St.
Cecilia Church, appropriately named in honor of the patron
saint of music. Remember to join us on April 26 at 4 p.m.for
the concert at 4 p.m., at 434 Norton Road.
Music Committee (Contd.)
The concert will feature the Damenchor, Maennerchor,
Kinderchor and the West Jefferson High School Choir. I
mentioned new singers earlier and it has been wonderful to
have gained new singers. In addition to George Ayre and
Michael Knilans, we have added four more singers, Daniel
Betzl, Bob Forstblum, Matthew Rust and John Weinhardt.
Also, there are several others who may join us in song this
spring. The New Year has begun well and we expect it to
continue to do well.
Election of Officers to be held at March 10 Meeting
At the February 10th meeting Nominating Committee Chair
Michael O’Leary announced the nominations and the
membership accepted the following members for office and
board members. Officers are: Werner Niehaus, President,
Johannes Hofinger, Vice President, Richard Match, Treasurer,
Jean Johnson, Recording Secretary, Dr. Harry Woith,
Membership Secretary, and Enrico Wintrich, Corresponding
Secretary. Those up for Board members (3 to be elected) are:
Michael Knilans, Michael Shuman, Marilyn Valois, and
Johanna White. The election will be held at our Corporation
meeting on March 10th at our German Heritage Haus, 976 S.
High Street.
Damen Sektion News
Jean Johnson, Damen Sektion President
The March Damen Sektion meeting will be held at noon on
March 17 at our German Heritage Haus, 976 S. High Street.
That is St. Patrick’s Day and we look forward to enjoying
Irish food at this luncheon. Hopefully, the weather will be
warmer than January and February was and we look forward
to good attendance. The April Damen Sektion luncheon
meeting is scheduled on Tuesday, April 21st at the same
location. The Damen Sektion is in the process of planning for
their annual June luncheon and style show. Details will be
furnished in the May news.
Calendar of Events – April 2015
April 7 – 6 p.m. Kinderchor/Jugendchor Rehearsal
7 p.m. Damenchor Rehearsal
8 p.m. Maennerchor Rehearsal
April 13 – 7 p.m. Board Meeting at Germen Heritage Haus
April 14 – 6 p.m. Kinderchor/Jugendchor Rehearsal
7 p.m. Corporation Business Meeting at German
Heritage Haus, 976 S. High Street
8:15 P.m. Combined Maennerchor and Damenchor
April 21 – 12 Noon Damen Sektion Luncheon Meeting at
German Heritage Haus, 976 S. High Street
6 p.m. Kinderchor/Jugendchor Rehearsal
7 p.m. Damenchor Rehearsal
8 p.m. Maennerchor Rehearsal
April 26 – 4 p.m. Maennerchor/Damenchor Concert at
St. Cecilia Church, 434 Norton Road
April 28 – 6 p.m. Kinderchor/Jugendchor Rehearsal
7 p.m. Damenchor Rehearsal
8 p.m. Maennerchor Rehearsal
8 p.m. Damenchor Business Meeting
Damenchor News
Johanna Wintrich, Damenchor Vice President
The ladies are happy to be back singing after the Christmas
break, especially since we are now practicing in our German
Heritage Haus. We are singing mostly new music to be
presented at Friendship Village on March 25 and at our Spring
Concert of April 26 at St. Cecilia’s. Many ladies participated
in the Open House on January 10, celebrating the German
Village Anniversary. Some also helped with the Spaghetti
Dinner on January 25, which was a great success despite the
Now, we are planning our “Sunday Brunch,” to be held on
March 8 at Trinity Lutheran Church from 12:30 until 3:00
p.m. This event was re-named and previously known as the
Pancake Breakfast. All singers, friends and family are invited.
Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children. Tickets are
available from any Sangerschwester or at the door the day of
the event.
Kinderchor/Jugendchor Update
Kerry Riggs, Kinderchor Treasurer
The Kinderchor has resumed rehearsals to focus on
preparing for upcoming spring performances. The first
performance will be on Saturdauy, March 7 at Cleveland
Donaujschawben Club for the STV Bavaria annual
Bratwurstessen fundraiser. The children will present a
program of traditional German folk songs. The Kinderchor
will also join the Maennerchor and Damenchor at the annual
Spring Concert on April 26. The Kinderchor always welcomes
new members. Any children interested in joining our chorus
should e-mail us at: columbuskinderchor1969@gmail.com
Reserve Your Place Now for – 66th Saengerabend
Sunday, March 22 – 4:30 Social, 5:30 p.m. Dinner
The dinner will include “Pork Roast Provinciale” garlic
mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables, salad, rolls and assorted
cakes and pies. Price is $18 (adults) $5 (children). Location is:
Trinity Lutheran Church, 404 S. Third Street
Yes, I/We will attend. No. __________________
Please submit you reservations at choir practice or call
Johannes Hofinger at (614)338-9734