
Widespread and easy access to Copernicus data
to facilitate integration in services and applications
SenSyF: Sentinels Synergy Framework
Project Description
Earth Observation satellites generate huge amounts of data that are not
easily integrated into processing chains outside the space agencies ground
segments, and this is particularly true for the Sentinel missions. Very
often, scientists or small and medium enterprises do not have access to
the computing and storage capacity required to handle the amount of
data needed to implement, test and deliver end-user services based on
Earth Observation data, or will need to re-size their infrastructure in view
of the increased volume of Sentinel data.
The SenSyF project will establish a complete system for fully automated
data acquisition and processing, including a specialized Sandbox Service
with tools and development/validation platforms where Service
developers are able to implement and test their applications, and then tap
into a distributed pool of cloud resources when ready for the exploitation
phase. SenSyF will allow for the development and testing of new Services
and Applications for Sentinel and Copernicus contributing mission data on
a continuous basis, as well as assisting in the delivery of higher-level
products and services complementing the information provided by the
(pre-) operational services. SenSyF is based on a dynamic parallel
processing infrastructure, where the capabilities of grid computing
applied to Sentinel data processing can be exploited and demonstrated.
On top of the SenSyF Framework a selected set of demonstrative
services are also included in the project, which will demonstrate the
system’s potential, provide valuable development feedback for the
framework improvement, and prove the overall concept by addressing
specific services needs within the European and global settings.
Establish acquisition links to
Sentinel and other EO data
providers to browse and
retrieve datasets
Establish a massive parallel
Provide a set of common tools
for pre-processing, handling
and combination of data from
different EO data sources
Establish a generic internal
data structure and interfaces
for easy plug-in of externally
developed Service
Establish a dissemination
channel with visualisation
capabilities to assess and
transfer the results from the
Services built on top of the
SenSyF Data Access
The SenSyF framework data access mechanism will
allow, for the first time in the Earth Observation
domain, to any interested scientific and/or
commercial partners to discover, retrieve and ingest
the available Sentinel data within it’s own processing
A set of standard application interfaces are defined in
order to access each deployed application via a Web
Processing Service (WPS), and to leverage the
Sentinels "ngEO" interfaces for Hosted Processing
(OpenSearch) and results delivery.
Users will be able to query and retrieve Sentinel data
and ingest it on the application processing chain
according to a different input criteria.
Using the same model behind the European Space
Agency (ESA) Grid Processing on-Demand (G-POD)
environment, the SenSyF project target the
following groups of potential users:
DEIMOS Engenharia, Portugal
Elecnor Deimos, Spain
Terradue, Italy
Instituto Geográfico Nacional, Spain
ACRI-ST, France
Northern Research Institute, Norway
ARGANS, United Kingdom
Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
Universitat de Valencia - Estudi General, Spain
Starting Date: 1st November 2012
Duration: 36 months
SenSyF Target Users
EU Contribution: € 1.992.967,00
Estimated total cost: € 2.545.421,90
Core Users: Core services for Copernicus and
large FP7 projects;
Downstream Users: European funded or
other projects to deploy services using
Sentinel and other Copernicus data;
Institutional Users: National research
institutions or governmental bodies that need
to use large Sentinel datasets;
General Users: Wide group of users at
regional level, and/or private companies
wishing to develop and deploy their specific
Contributing Users: Projects that can have
potential to result in a generic processing
module to be integrated in the SenSyF.
Project Coordinator
Antonio Gutiérrez (DEIMOS Engenharia)