Dear Community Member: You are undoubtedly aware of the


Dear Community Member: You are undoubtedly aware of the
Manassas Chorale
P.O. Box 101
Manassas, VA 20108
Phone: 703-335-1013
Dear Community Member:
You are undoubtedly aware of the importance of our community performing arts groups. One such
group is the Manassas Chorale, a large, auditioned choral group dedicated to bringing Carnegie Hallquality performances to our community. We are the official choral group in residence at the Hylton
Performing Arts Center on the Manassas campus of George Mason University and perform all our concerts in the Hylton Center’s Merchant Hall.
The Manassas Chorale presents four concerts each year of varying styles such as music spanning the
decades, Christmas holiday, Voices United sacred, patriotic, show and jazz. A supporting orchestra on
stage adds to the professional quality of our concerts. Many of our concerts have had packed audiences
and received standing ovations. The Chorale continues to provide strong service to the community
through occasional Concerts with a Cause (food and personal item donations for non-profits) and free
concerts at retirement facilities and in Old Town Manassas.
Less than half our income derives from ticket sales; the rest comes from fundraisers, grants, member
dues and patrons. Most of our concerts operate at a loss when considering ticket sales versus the cost
of the venue, sheet music, concert advertising, program printing, and instrumentalists. The Chorale is
dependent on our patrons in order to offset this loss. In fact, patron donations account for one-fourth of
our income.
We are asking for your support as a patron of the Manassas Chorale. With donations from patrons like
you we can continue to make our local concerts affordable and of high quality. We are fiscally sound
and pledge that we will make the best use of the funds we receive.
We have various levels of sponsorship. Because we are a non-profit organization, your donation is tax
deductible. All patrons will be listed in concert programs and receive positive publicity. Thank you so
much. We hope to see you at our concerts!
Musically Yours,
Mark G. Cooke, President
Manassas Chorale
The Manassas Chorale has been designated by the IRS as a non-profit organization.
As such, any contribution above the cost of concert admissions is tax deduct ible.**
Benefactor of the Arts
$5000 and above
*Concert Sponsor
$300 and above
Director’s Circle
$1000 and above
$100 and above
$500 and above
$50 and above
* A Concert Sponsor needs to contact the Chorale President in advance of a concert.
** Contributors at the Supporter level and above can receive two vouchers good for two concert tickets or $40
off a season ticket purchase. If the contributor elects this option, the IRS tax-deductible contribution would
be $40 less than the actual donation.
Patron Registration
My/Our donation is in the amount of $_______________
For donations of $100 or above: _____Yes, I would like to receive two ticket vouchers.
_____ No, I will take the full amount as a tax deduction.
How would you like to be listed in our concert programs?
Business donors—include your website
Mail to
Manassas Chorale Patron Development Committee
P.O. Box 101
Manassas, VA 20108
Make checks payable to Manassas Chorale