Manoa Works - University of Hawaii at Manoa
Manoa Works - University of Hawaii at Manoa
Manoa Works Kay Gushiken Jernigan, Specialist Faculty // Wendy Sora, Specialist Faculty Mānoa Career Center SLO Statement/ Outcome Assessment Tool/ Instrument Benchmark Standard (70% or above) Benchmark Standard Met SLO1: Students will understand the importance of two-way communication. Quiz item Q1 Observation Student survey Q4, Q5 100% Yes SLO2: Students will recognize that people may need to receive information in different ways in order to be successful or meet the same end goal. Quiz item Q2 Observation Student survey Q4, Q5 100% Yes SLO3: Students will be able to distinguish between praise, criticism, and feedback. Quiz item Q3 Observation 100% Yes SLO4: Students will be able to articulate ways to respond to criticism. Observation 100% Yes // A S S E S S M E N T M E T H O D S Mānoa Works is designed to increase the college retention and success of need-based students through part-time work experience with campus employers. Students in the Federal Work Study program are provided with additional support to secure a campus-based job in positions that promote student success, recruitment, campus engagement and outreach. In support of students’ development and learning, career and professional development training was designed to increase their awareness and preparedness with the use of Peer Trainers from our MCC student assistant pool. // G O A L S Communication Session Student Learning Outcomes - Students will understand the importance of two-way communication. - Students will recognize that people may need to receive information in different ways in order to be successful or meet the same end goal. - Students will be able to distinguish between praise, criticism, and feedback. - Students will be able to articulate ways to respond to criticism. Direct Assessment of Learning Effective communication is the ability to only provide information with those around us. True or False? Individuals may need to receive information in different ways in order to be successful in meeting the same end goal. True or False? What are the following statements… Praise, Criticism, or Feedback? (select one) a. “I noticed you’ve been coming in late the last couple of days.” Praise / Criticism / Feedback b. “You did such a great job on the project.” Praise / Criticism / Feedback c. “You were not much help on this project.” Praise / Criticism / Feedback 1. Increase the usage of work study (need-based aid) by students and employers 2. Develop students’ career and professional life skills to prepare them for successful transition into the future workforce // F I N D I N G S Successful Strategies - Use of needs analysis to determine training topics - Evaluated SLOs using both quiz questions and self-assessment questions on the evaluation survey - Used observation as a tool to assess the SLOs - Use of reporting template 3. Leverage funds for hiring departments to pay 25% of the student’s wages; the federal government subsidizes the remaining portion Challenges & Opportunities - Participation rates of student assistants to attend session(s) - Get feedback and engagement from the supervisors // N E E D S A N A L Y S I S : C A R E E R & P R O F E S S I O N A L DE VEL OPMEN T TR A INING Use of Results Determined initial success of session and decided to continue as is to see whether success will apply to larger populations A needs analysis of partipating supervisors was conducted to guide the design and development of training modules. Results demonstrated “professionalism” as the top area followed by critical thinking/problem solving, career development, and time management. The Mānoa Career Center partners with faculty and employers to empower students in career life planning. Mānoa Career Center supports students in What areas do you feel student employees need to improve on? their career and personal development through awareness, exploration, - Professionalism experience, and reflection of on-campus and off-campus work-based learning /////////////////////////////// opportunities. Key programs and services include: career counseling, career - Career Development (self-assessment, job search) /////////////////////////////// - Critical Thinking & Problem Solving /////////////////////////////// - Time Management /////////////////////////////// - Budgeting (financial literacy) /////////////////////////////// - Customer Service /////////////////////////////// - Communication /////////////////////////////// - Enthusiasm & Attititude /////////////////////////////// - Networking /////////////////////////////// - Teamwork /////////////////////////////// planning sessions and workshops, graduate school planning, Cooperative Indirect Assessment of Learning I increased my awareness of communication. Strongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly DisagreeN/A I increased my understanding of some skills I need to be successful in the workplace. Strongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly DisagreeN/A The information I received will help with my career or professional development. Strongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly DisagreeN/A I will apply what I learned to my professional experiences. Strongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly DisagreeN/A Education and internships, Federal Work Study, on/off campus jobs, and employer sponsored career information sessions, graduate and law schools fair, and bi-annual career fairs. Designed by Geraldine Villanueva _ University of Hawai‘i at Manoa Queen Lili‘uokalani Center for Student Services 212 2600 Campus Road Honolulu, HI 96822 An Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution T 808.956.7007 F 808.956.4082 E W