the fact sheet - Valuation Office Agency homepage


the fact sheet - Valuation Office Agency homepage
Services for
educational bodies
Some of the most important assets for educational bodies are the buildings
they occupy. It is essential these buildings are fit for purpose in order to
facilitate learning and help create a first-class learning environment. There are
also strict regulations these buildings need to adhere to.
DVS has extensive experience in working for
educational bodies, ranging from valuations for
accounting purposes, acquisitions and disposals,
landlord and tenant advise and Energy Performance
Certificates (EPCs) and Display Energy Certificates
Our knowledge and expertise has been used
to provide essential advice on a wide range of
properties including: halls of residence, student
accommodation, administration and teaching blocks,
lecture theatres and leisure facilities.
We have also measured over 14,000 schools to
produce Net Capacity Schedules to assist LEA Asset
Management Plans.
We have security cleared staff and teams of
specialists including Building Surveyors, Quantity
Surveyors, Plant and Machinery Surveyors and Mineral
Surveyors so when it comes to advice about any
property, DVS has the qualified staff needed.
DVS can also assess if your properties are supporting
your service delivery in the best way possible and
advise on improvements. We offer a full range of
Strategic Asset Management advice incorporating
the latest government (OGC) guidance on High
Performing Property.
To find out more about our services, please call Clive
Daniels on 0300 050 7541.
Clients include:
 University of St Andrews
 University of London
 Kilmarnock College
 Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle
 Archdiocese of Cardiff
 The Petersfield School
 Copeland Community School
 Abingdon and Whitney College
 University of Glamorgan
 West Kent College
 University of West of England
 University of Wales Bangor
 London Diocesan Board of Schools
 Northbrook College Sussex
 University of Bradford
 Department of Children, Schools and Families
Our services
Strategic Asset Management
 Initial asset health checks
 Asset strategies and plans
 Valuations and financial appraisals
 Acquisition of freehold and leasehold
 Alternative use and disposals to secure best value for money
 Landlord and tenant (new leases, renewals, rent reviews and
 Building surveys, condition surveys, referencing, dilapidation
reports and building cost estimates
 Plant and machinery
 Checking rating assessments are accurate and up to date
 DDA access audits
Environment and sustainability
 Environmental threat assessments for key sites
 Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) and Display Energy
Certificates (DECs)
 Contaminated land assessments
 BREEAM assessments for new and existing properties
 Low carbon consultancy
Planning and Development
 Development appraisals
 Developer selection and negotiation
 Land assembly issues
 Apportionment of proceeds between development partners
 Overage, escalator and claw back
 Section 106 agreements and issues (Section 75 Scotland)
Compulsory Purchase and Compensation
 Expert witness at CPO Inquiries, Lands Tribunal and
Alternative Dispute Resolution hearings
 Negotiating and handling all types of compensation claims
 Easements, wayleaves and licences
 Application of Crichell Down rules
As well as working for 20 Colleges, 15 Universities
and 27 schools, we also work very closely
with Boards of Education, teaching NHS PCs,
Educational Trusts, school projects and boards
of schools.
DVS also has expertise in the
following sectors:
Central government
Local, regional and devolved government
Transport and infrastructure
Clive Daniels
Sector Head
Tel: 0300 050 7541
General Information:
Tel: 0300 050 0400
Published by DVS, the property arm of the
Valuation Office Agency
DVS, Valuation Office Agency, WIngate House
93-107 Shaftesbury Avenue, London W1D 5BU
Crown Copyright 2012
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