Prof. Dr. Ir. Maria Endo Mahata, MS, Universitas Andalas


Prof. Dr. Ir. Maria Endo Mahata, MS, Universitas Andalas
Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Ir. Maria Endo Mahata, MS
Research Area:
Poultry Nutrition, Processing of Agriculture-Waste by
Product for Poultry Feed
: Female
: Married
Date of birth
: 12 june 1963
Place of birth
: Bukittinggi, West Sumatera, Indonesia
Home address
: Jln. Ngurah Rai No 20 Air Tawar Timur , Padang, West
Sumatera, Indonesia
: (62) (0751) 446837 / 081363331064/
Office address
: Fakultas Peternakan, Komplek Limau Manih , Padang, West
Sumatera, Indonesia
Phone /Fax
: (62) (021) (0751) 71464 and 72400/ (62) (021) (0751) 71464
: Sarjana Peternakan (Bachelor in Poultry Nutrition) from
Andalas University, 1987.
Master (Master in Poultry Nutrition) from Andalas
University and Bogor Agriculture Institute Affiliation,1992.
Doctor Exchange Student at Shimane University,Japan,
Funded by AIEJ (Association International Education Japan)
Sholarship in 2002-2003.
Determination of Daily Protein Need of Grower Pitalah Duck Base on Protein Utilization
Efficiency. Funded by Andalas University Research Budget (Head of Researcher Team ) in
Bekicot (Achatina fulica) Utilization in Indigenous Chicken Ration. Funded by Andalas University
Research Budget (Co Researcher) in 1993/1994.
Coconout Oil Addition as Lipid Source in Indigenous Duckling Growth Ration. Funded by Andalas
University Research Budget (Head of Reseacher Team) in 1996/1997.
Cement Utilization as Pellet Binder in Pellet Ration Form For Duck Ration. Funded by Andalas
University Research Budget (Head of Researcher Team) in 1997/1998.
Detection of Aspergillus flavus Contamination in Poulty Feeds Sell at Padang City. Funded by
Directorate General of Higher Education, Department of National Education Republic of
Indonesia Research Budget (Head of Researcher Team) in 1997/1998.
Protease Production from Bacillus subtillis by Using Tahu Liquid Waste and Sago Meal for Meat
Softener. Funded by Andalas University Research Budget (Co Researcher) in 1997/1998
Utilization of Sago (Metroylon sagu Rottb) in Grilled Form as Corn Subsitution in Ration of
Indigenous Layer Duck Period. Funded by Andalas University Research Budget (Co Researcher)
in 1997/1998.
Determination of Maximum Crude Fiber in Pitalah Duck Growth Ration due to Utilization of
Feed Which Contain High Crude Fiber. Funded by Directorate General of Higher Education,
Department of National Education Republic of Indonesia Research Budget (Co Researcher) in
The Effect of Durian (Durio zibethinus) Seed Utilization as Corn Substitution at Broiler
Performance. Funded by Andalas University Research Budget (Co Researcher) in 1997/1998.
Influence of Lucilia illustris Breeding Product in Feces at Broiler Performance. Funded by
Directorate General of Higher Education, Department of National Education Republic of
Indonesia Research Budget (Co Researcher ) in 1997/1998.
Desmanthus virgathus Utilization as A Part of Soybean Meal Substitution in Ration at Broiler
Performance. Funded by Andalas University Research Budget (Head of Researcher Team) in
Utilization of the Mixture of Lucilia illustris and Broiler Feces for Broiler Ration. Funded by
Directorate General of Higher Education, Department of National Education Republic of
Indonesia Research Budget (Co Researcher) in 1998/1999.
Influence of Some Growth Medium in Product Weight, Larvae Amount in Medium, Crude
Protein Content, Crude Fat, and Ash of Lucilia illustris Product. Funded by Directorate General
of Higher Education, Department of National Education Republic of Indonesia Research Budget
(Head of Researcher Team) in 1998/1999.
Desmanthus virgathus Processing by Using Hot Steam Pressure as Alternative Plant Protein
Feed Source for Poultry. Funded by Andalas University Research Budget (Head of Researcher
Team) in 1999/2000.
The Potention of Extracellular Crude Chitinase of Serratia marcesscens Bacterium in Increasing
of Shrimp Waste Quality and Its apllication as Poultry Feed. Funded by Directorate General of
Higher Education, Department of National Education Republic of Indonesia Research Budget
(Head of Researcher Team) in 2006/2007.
The Potention of Extracellular Crude Chitinase of Serratia marcesscens Bacterium in Increasing
of Shrimp Waste Quality and Its apllication as Poultry Feed. Funded by Directorate General of
Higher Education, Department of National Education Republic of Indonesia Research Budget
(Head of Researcher Team) in 2007/2008.
Screening, Identification Chitinolytic Bacteria from West Sumatera Sea Water and Characterize
Their Chitinase for Animal Feed Processing. Funded by Research and Technology Ministry
Research Budget (Head of Researcher Team) in 2007-2008.
The Prospect of Juice Waste as Feed Alternatief for Poultry. Funded by Directorate General of
Higher Education, Department of National Education Republic of Indonesia
Fundamental Research. (Co Reseacher) in 2009.
N –Acetylglucosamine and Oligosaccharide Production from Rhizopus oryzae Cell wall by
Chitinolityc Enzyme. Program Academic Recharging Research, in Kinky University, Japan.
Funded by Directorate General of Higher Education, Department of National Education Republic
of Indonesia (Head of Reseacher) in 2009.
Optimum Condition and Profile of Chitinase Hydrolysis Product of Chitinase Enzyme Which
Produce by Chitinolytic Bacteria in West Sumatra Sea for Feed Processing.
Research Collaboration and Scientific Publication between Univ of Andalas and Kinky University
, Japan. Funded by Directorate General of Higher Education, Department of National Education
Republic of Indonesia (Head of Reseacher) in 2009.
Improving The Nutrient Quality of Carrot and Fruit Juice Waste Mixture for Poultry Diet.
International Research Collaboration and Scientific Publication between Univ of Andalas and
Texas University ,USA. Funded by Directorate General of Higher Education, Department of
National Education Republic of Indonesia (Co Reseacher) in 2011 and 2012.
The utilization of corn wastes for livestock and poultry feed in West Sumatra, Indonesia.
Research Collaboration Deakin University and University of Andalas Funded by University of
Andalas and Deakin University, Melbourne (Co Reseacher) in 2012.
Lignolytic Potention and Cellulolityc Panero chaete chrysosporium and Monascus purpureus for
Increasing Cacao Peal Quality as Animal Feed. (Co-Reseacher) in 2012. Funded by Directorate
General of Higher Education, Department of National Education Republic of Indonesia
The Utilization Palm Kernel Cake as Animal Feed For Acceleration of Poultry Industry
Development. Funded by Directorate General of Higher Education, Department of National
Education Republic of Indonesia (Co- Reseacher) 2012-2013.
The Utilization of Fermented Cacao Peal in Layer Ration. Funded by Directorate General of
Higher Education, Department of National Education Republic of Indonesia (Co- Reseacher)
The Utilization of Red Dragon Fruit Peal as Poultry Feed. Funded by Alltech Industry.
Collaboration Research Between Faculty of Animal Science University of Andalas and Alltech
Industry (Head of Reseacher). 2014.
Maria Endo Mahata. Influence of Some Levels Protein in Feed Consumption, and Body Weight
Gain of Indigenous Duck in Growth Period. Jurnal Peternakan dan Lingkungan (Journal of
Animal Science and Environtment), Volume 2, Number 1, Febuary, 1996.
Maria Endo Mahata and Ade Djulardi. Influence of Combination of Some Levels of Protein and
Energy in Egg Quality of Indigenous Chicken. Jurnal Penelitian Andalas ( Journal of Andalas
Research), Number 24, Mai,1997, Page: 43-48.
Maria Endo Mahata and Novirman Jamarun. Detection of Economical Protein and Energy
Balancing in Indigenous Chicken Ration at Kumbayau Village, Sawah Lunto City.
Peternakan dan lingkungan (Journal of Animal Science and Environtment), Volume 3, Number
2, June, 1997, Page: 4-9.
Maria Endo Mahata, Yose Rizal, Wizna, Adrizal and Rusmana, W.S.N. The Addition of Coconout
Oil at Male Indigenous Duckling. Jurnal Peternakan dan Lingkungan( Journal of Animal Science
and Environtment). Volume 3, Number 2, June 1997. Page:21- 25.
Wizna and Maria Endo Mahata. The Influence of Protein and Energy Level in Ration at
Nitrogen Retention and protein Effiency Ratio of Indigenous Chicken in Layer Period. Jurnal
Akademika (Journal of Akademika), Volume 1, Number 2, October 1997. Page: 95-99.
Maria Endo Mahata and Nuraini. The Influence of the Mixture of Lucilia illustris Larvae with
Broiler Feces in Ration at Nitrogen Retention and Protein Efficiency Ratio of Broiler. Jurnal
Penelitian Andalas ( Journal of Andalas Research), Number 25, Mai 1998. Page:1- 5.
Nuraini and Maria Endo Mahata. Response of Broiler to Lucilia illustris Larvae Mixture with
Broiler Feces for Fish Meal Substitution in Ration. Jurnal Penelitian Andalas (Journal of Andalas
Research), Number 25, Mai 1998.
Maria Endo Mahata and Akmal. Detection of Aspergillus flavus Contamination in Poulty Feeds
Sell at Padang City. Jurnal Peternakan dan Lingkungan (Journal of Animal Science and
Environtment), Volume 4, Number 3, October 1998. Page: 55- 59.
Maria Endo Mahata, Yose Rizal, and Yusvita Dewi. Influence of Some Growth Medium in
Product Weight, Larvae Amount in Medium, Crude Protein Content, Crude Fat, and Ash of
Lucilia illustris Product. Jurnal Penelitian Andalas (Journal of Andalas Research), Number 29,
Mai, 1999.
Nuraini and Maria Endo Mahata. The Effect of Biji Durian (Durio zibethinus) Seed Utilization as
Corn Substitution at Broiler Performance. Jurnal Penelitian Andalas ( Journal of Andalas
Research), Number 29, Mai, 1999.
Wizna and Maria Endo Mahata. Determination of Maximum Crude Fiber in Pitalah Duck
Growth Ration due to Utilization of Feed Which Contain High Crude Fiber. Jurnal Peternakan
dan Lingkungan (Journal of Animal Science and Environtment), Volume 5, Number 1, February,
Maria Endo Mahata and Yose Rizal, 2000. Desmanthus virgathus Processing by Using Hot
Steam Pressure as Alternative Plant Protein Feed Source for Poultry. Jurnal Penelitian Andalas
(Journal of Andalas Research),Number 32, Mai,2000
Maria Endo Mahata, Yun Choong Soo, Irsan Ryanto, Abdi Dharma, Yose Rizal, and Makoto
Kawamukai. Characterization of Extracellular Crude Chitosanase from Bacteria in Water Around
of Matsue City, Japan Comparing with Chitosanase from Matsuebacter chitosanotabidus 3001.
Jurnal Mikrobiologi Indonesia (Journal of Indonesia Microbiology), February,2005.
Maria Endo Mahata, Irsan Ryanto, Abdi Dharma, and Yose Rizal. Fermentation of Shrimp
Waste with Serratia marcescens. Jurnal Sainstek (Journal of Sainstek). Volume 8, Number 2,
March, 2006.
Maria Endo Mahata, Irsan Ryanto, Abdi Dharma, and Yose Rizal. Characterization of
Extracellular from Bacterial Isolate 99 and Enterobacter sp.G-1 from Matsue City, Japan.
Journal of Microbiology Indonesia (English Edition). Volume 2, Number 1, April 2008.
Yose Rizal, Maria Endo Mahata, Mira Adriani and Guoyao Wu. Utilization of Juice Waste as
Corn Replacement in the Broiler Diet. Pakistan International Journal of Poultry Science 9 (9):
886-889, 2010.
Maria Endo Mahata , Yose Rizal, Guoyao Wu. Improving the Nutrient Quality of Juice Waste
Mixture by Steam Pressure for Poultry Diet. Pakistan International Journal of Nutrition 11 (2):
172-175, 2012.
Yose Rizal, Maria Endo Mahata, Indra Joli and Guoyao Wu. Improving The Nutrient Quality of
Juice Waste Mixture Through Fermentation by Using Trichodherma viride for Poultry Diet.
Pakistan International Journal of Nutrition 11 (3): 203-207, 2012.
Maria Endo Mahata. The effect of shrimp waste hydrolysate on broiler’s tibia weigth, calcium
and phosphorous content. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition. Vol 11, No 4, 2012.
Maria Endo Mahata, Ichni Lestari, Irsan Ryanto, Abdi Dharma, Armenia,Yose Rizal, Use of
Serratia marcescens for Feed Processing : Broiler Performance and Pathogenicity Assay.
International Journal of Poultry Science, Vol 11, No,6, 2012
Nuraini, Maria Endo Mahata, and Irwan Nasyir. Response of Broiler Fed Cocoa Pod Fermented
by Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Monascus purpureus in the Diet. Pakistan Journal of
Nutrition. Vol 12, No 9, 2013
Harnentis, Yetti Marlida, Yose Rizal, and Maria Endo Mahata. Isolation, Characterization, and
Production of Mannanase from Thermophilic Bacteria to Increase the Feed Quality. Pakistan
Journal of Nutrition. Vol 12, No 4, 2013
Maria Endo Mahata, Mailinda juwita Sasti, Regina Septia Aryani, Yose Rizal, Guoyao Wu.The
Effect of Improved Juice Waste Mixture (IJWM) for Corn Substitution on Broiler’s Performance.
International Journal of Poultry Science. Vol 12, No 2, 2013
Yose Rizal, Nuraini, Mirnawati and Maria Endo Mahata. Comparison of nutrient contents and
nutritional values of palm kernel cake fermented by using different fungi. Pakistan Journal of
Nutritional 12 (10); 943-948
Maria Endo Mahata, Shoko Shinya, Eiko Masaki, Takashi Yamamotho, Takayuki Ohnuma,
Ryzard Brzezinski, Tapan K. Mazumder, Kazuhiko Yamashita, Kazue Narihiro, and Tamo
Fukamizo. Production of Chitooligosaccharides from Rhizopus oligosporus NRRL2710 Cells by
Chitosanase Digestion. Carbohydrate Research. Vol 383, 27-33, 2014
Maria Endo Mahata, Abdi Dharma, Irsan Ryanto, and Yose Rizal, 2005.
Fermentation of
Shrimp Waste with Serratia marcescens. (ORAL PRESENTATION). National Seminar and Annual
Meeting of Dean in Agriculture Science at West Area (BKS-PTN) at Padang City.
Maria Endo Mahata, Abdi Dharma, and Yose Rizal 2006. The Potention of Extracellular Crude
Chitinase of Serratia marcesscens Bacterium in Increasing of Shrimp Waste Quality and Its
Application as Poultry Feed. (ORAL PRESENTATION). National Seminar in Evaluation of Hibah
Bersaing Research Development at Period IV/Stage I. Directorate General of Higher
Education, Department of National Education Republic of Indonesia.
Maria Endo Mahata, Abdi Dharma, Irsan Ryanto and Yose Rizal 2007.
Shrimp Waste
Hydrolyzing By Chitinase From Serratia marcescens. (POSTER) International Symposium on
Management of Aquatic and Marine Environtment Laboratory of Analytical Environtmental
Chemistry, Departement of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathemathics and Natural Sciences, Andalas
University, Padang.
Maria Endo Mahata, Abdi Dharma, and Yose Rizal 2007. The Evaluation of Shrimp Waste
Hydrolysate in Broiler Performance. (ORAL PRESENTATION). The 9 th International Seminar :
The Role of Chemistry in Industry and Environtment 27-28 November, 2007, Padang.
Departement of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathemathics and Natural Sciences, Andalas
University, Padang.
Maria Endo Mahata, Abdi Dharma, Irsan Ryanto and Yose Rizal 2007. (POSTER) IKA UNAND
HOTEL SAHID JAKARTA, 22-23 Febuari, 2008
Maria Endo Mahata, Abdi Dharma, Irsan Ryanto and Yose. The Enhancement of Shrimp waste
Nutrient Quality by Using Chitinase for Broiler Diet. (ORAL PRESENTATION) Chitin and Chitosan
symposium, Tokyo University,Tokyo, Japan, 2010.
Maria Endo Mahata, Abdi Dharma, Irsan Ryanto, Ar Menia, and Yose Rizal. Use of Serratia
marcescens for feed Processing: Broiler Performance and Pathogenicity Assay. (ORAL
PRESENTATION). Australian Poultry Science Symposium 2011 University of Sydney, Sydney
Australia 14-16 Febuary, 2011.
Maria Endo Mahata, Yose Rizal, and Guoyao Wu. Improving The Nutrient Quality of Juice
Waste Mixture by Steam Pressure for Poultry Diet. (ORAL PRESENTATION) The 2 nd
International Seminar”Feed Safety for Healthy Food”. Indonesian Assosiation of Nutrition and
Feed Science (AINI) and Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor, 6
Juli 2011.
Maria Endo Mahata, Mailinda Juwita Sasti , Regina SeptiaAryani, Yose Rizal, and Guoyao Wu.
The Effect of Juice Waste Mixture Processed by Rice Hull Ash Filtrate Substitution for Corn in
the Diet on Broilers Performance. (ORAL PRESENTATION). The 1 st Poultry International
Seminar, The role of Poultry in Improving Human Welfare, WPSA Indonesian Branch and Faculty
of Animal Science, UNAND, Padang, 2012.
Maria Endo Mahata, Syahputra Ritonga, Hidayat, K, Batubara, L, Habiyah U, and rizal Y. The
Supplementation effect of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) in Broiler’s diet on their
performance and cholesterol. (ORAL PRESENTATION). 19th European Symposium on Poultry
Nutrition Potsdam, Germany, August 26-29,2013.
Maria Endo Mahata, Ahadiyah Yuniza, Nuraini, and Yose Rizal. The profile of Corn-cob nutrient
as prospective poultry feed in upper land and lower land area in West Sumatra (ORAL
PRESENTATION) .3 rd AINI International seminar, In conjuction to 50 th Anniversary Faculty of
Animal Science , Andalas University. The Role of Nutrition and Feed In Supporting Self
Sufficient in Animal Products, Food safety and Human Wefare., Padang 24-25 September 2013.
Maria Endo Mahata, Yusuf Mahlil, Yusuf Fajri, Riko Aditia and Yose Rizal. The Utilization of Red
Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) Peel as Broiler Feed. (ORAL PRESENTATION), International
Society for Southeast Asian Agricultural Sciences, Inc (ISSAAS) International Congress and
General Meeting. Tokyo University of Agriculture, 8-10 November, 2014. Tokyo, Japan.
Limbah Udang Untuk Pakan Broiler (Shrimp Waste for Broiler Feed), ISBN: 978-602-1650-05-9.
Sukabina Press, Padang.
Pemanfaatan dan Pengolahan Bahan Limbah Sebagai Bahan Pakan Unggas yang Prospektif
(Utilization and Waste Processing as Prospective Poultry Feed), Dies Natalis Fakultas Peternakan
ke 51, 9 Oktober, 2014
Dissertation Thema
Isolasi, Identifikasi,
Bakteri Thermophilik
Sebagai Penghasil
Mannanase Untuk
pengolahan Pakan
In Process
Promotor / Co
Co Promotor
efisiensi pakan itik
In Process
Co Promotor
Padang, 16 Januari, 2015

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