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full CV in PDF
PhD. Economics, New School for Social Research, NY
Masters in Economics, New School for Social Research, NY
Bachelor of Arts, History/International Relations, Tufts University, Boston
2011- Present
RM Phillips Professor in Economics of Innovation, University of Sussex
Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Visiting Professor, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
Professor of Economics (Chair in Economics of Innovation), The Open University
Senior Lecturer, Economics, The Open University
Lecturer, Economics, The Open University
Post-Doctoral Marie Curie Research Fellow, London Business School, UK
Assistant Professor (tenure track), Economics, University of Denver, CO
Adjunct Professor, Economics, New York University, NY
2010-2012 Economics Director, ESRC Centre for Social and Economic Research on Innovation in Genomics
(INNOGEN), www.genomicsnetwork.ac.uk/innogen
2009-2012 Coordinator of European Commission FP7 Collaborative Project on Finance, Innovation and Growth
(FINNOV), www.finnov-fp7.eu
2004-2009 Founder and Director, Innovation, Knowledge and Development (IKD), inter-faculty research centre,
The Open University, www.open.ac.uk/ikd
2004-2008 Director of Research, Department of Economics, The Open University
Mazzucato, M. (2013), The Entrepreneurial State: debunking private vs. public sector myths, Anthem Press:
London, UK, ISBN 9780857282521, translated into Italian (Laterza), German (Kunstmann), Spanish,
Portuguese (Companhia Das Letras), Chinese, Greek
Mazzucato, M. and Dosi, G. (eds.) (2006), Knowledge Accumulation and Industry Evolution: pharma-biotech,
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, ISBN 0-521-85822-4: 1-446
Mazzucato, M. (2000), Firm Size, Innovation and Market Structure: the evolution of market concentration and
instability, Edward Elgar: Northampton, MA, USA, ISBN 1-84064-346-3: 1-138
Mazzucato, M., Lowe, J., Shipman, A. and Trigg, A. (2010), Personal Investment: financial planning in an
uncertain world, Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK, ISBN 978-0-230-24660-7:1-448
Mazzucato, M. (ed.) (2002), Strategy for Business, a Reader, Sage Publications: London, UK, ISBN 0-76197413-X: 1-378
Peer reviewed international journal articles
Mazzucato, M. and Parris, S. (2014), “Heterogeneity, R&D and growth: a quantile regression approach,” Small
Business Economics Journal, 43(1): DOI 10.1007/s11187-014-9583-3
Mazzucato, M. (2013) “Debunking the market mechanism: a response to John Kay”, Political Quarterly, 84
(4): 444–447,
Mazzucato, M. (2014) “Costruire lo Stato innovatore: un nuovo quadro per la previsione e la valutazione di
politiche economiche che creano (non solo aggiustano) il mercato,” in Special Issue on The
Entrepreneurial State: A DISCUSSION (Lo Stato innovatore: una discussione), Economia & Lavoro,
Mazzucato, M. and Shipman, A. (2014), “Accounting for productive investment and value creation,” Industrial
and Corporate Change, 23(1): 1-27
Lazonick, W., Mazzucato, M., and Tulum, O. (2013) “Apple's Changing Business Model: What Should the
World's Richest Company Do with All Those Profits?” Accounting Forum. 37: 249-267
Mazzucato, M. (2013), “Finance, innovation and growth: finance for creative destruction vs. destructive
creation,” in special issue of Industrial and Corporate Change, M. Mazzucato (ed.), 22(4): 869-901
Lazonick, W. and Mazzucato, M. (2013), “The risk-reward nexus in the innovation-inequality relationship: Who
takes the risks? Who gets the rewards?,” in special issue of Industrial and Corporate Change, M.
Mazzucato (ed.), 22(4):1093-1128
Mazzucato, M. and Tancioni, M. (2012), “R&D, patents and stock return volatility,” Journal of Evolutionary
Economics, 22:4: 811-832
Demirel, P. and Mazzucato, M. (2012), “Innovation and firm growth: is R&D worth it?” Industry and Innovation,
Demirel, P. and Mazzucato, M. (2010), “The evolution of firm growth dynamics in the US pharmaceutical
industry,” Regional Studies, 44(8): 1053-1066
Mazzucato, M. and Tancioni, M. (2008), “Idiosyncratic Risk and Innovation: A Firm and Industry Level
Analysis,” Industrial and Corporate Change, 17(4): 779-811
Mazzucato, M (2006), “Innovation and Stock Prices,” Revue de L’Observatoire Français de Conjonctures
Economiques,” Special Issue on Industrial Dynamics, Productivity and Growth
Mazzucato, M. and Tancioni, M. (2005), “Indices that capture creative destruction: questions and
implications,” Revue d’Economie Industrielle, 110 (2 translation): 199-218
Mazzucato, M. (2003) “Risk, variety and volatility: innovation, growth and stock prices in old and new
industries,” Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 13(5): 491-512
Geroski, P. and Mazzucato, M. (2002), “Learning and the sources of corporate growth,” Industrial and
Corporate Change, 11(4): 623-644
Mazzucato, M. (2002), “The PC industry: new economy or early life-cycle,” Review of Economic Dynamics,
5:2: 318-345
Geroski, P. and Mazzucato, M. (2002), “Myopic selection and the learning curve,” Metroeconomica, 53(2):
Mazzucato, M. and Semmler, W. (2002), “The determinants of stock price volatility: an industry study,”
Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences, 6(2): 230-253
Mazzucato, M. (2002), “Innovation, organization and economic dynamics,” (Review Article) Journal of
Economic Behavior and Organization, 47:3: 335-341
Geroski, P. and Mazzucato, M. (2002), “Modelling the dynamics of industry populations,” International Journal
of Industrial Organization, 19(7): 1003-1022
Mazzucato, M. (2000), “Firm size, innovation, and market share instability: the role of negative feedback and
idiosyncratic events,” Advances in Complex Systems, 3(1-4): 417-431
Mazzucato, M. and Semmler, W. (1999), “Stock market volatility and market share instability during the US
automobile industry life-cycle,” Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 9(1): 67-96
Mazzucato, M. (1998), “A computational model of economies of scale and market share instability,” Structural
Change and Economic Dynamics, 9(1): 55-83
Chapters in books
Mazzucato, M. and Penna, C. (2015) "State investment banks and mission-oriented finance for innovation”,
forthcoming in: L. Burlamaqui (ed.), Development, Innovation and Social Inclusion: The Role of Public
Financial Institutions - A Comparative Perspective
Mazzucato, M. (2014), “The Green Entrepreneurial State,” in The Politics Of Green Transformations. M.
Leach, P. Newell and I. Scoones (eds.) STEPS Earthscan Series, forthcoming
Mazzucato, M. and Perez, C. (2014), “Innovation as Growth Policy,” in The Triple Challenge: Europe in a
New Age. J. Fagerberg, S. Laestadius, and B. Martin (eds.) Oxford University Press: Oxford, forthcoming
Mazzucato, M. (2014), “Innovation policy: smart and inclusive?” in New Perspectives on Industrial Policy for a
Modern Britain. D. Bailey, K. Cowling and P.R. Tomlinson (eds.) Oxford University Press: Oxford,
Mazzucato, M. (2013), “Smart and inclusive growth: rethinking the State’s role and the risk–reward
relationship,” in Innovation studies: evolution and future challenges. J. Fagerberg, B. Martin, and E.
Andersen, (eds.) Oxford University Press: Oxford
Demirel, P. and Mazzucato, M. (2013), “Innovation and financial performance: recent results and questions for
future research,” in Finance and innovation. A. Pyka, (ed.) Springer Publishing: London
Mazzucato, M. (2010), “Bubbles & Investment Behaviour,” in Personal investment: financial planning in an
uncertain world, M.Mazzucato et al. (eds.) Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK. ISBN-13:978-0-23024660-7: 263-310
Dosi, G. and Mazzucato, M. (2006), “Knowledge accumulation and industry evolution: an introduction,” in
Knowledge accumulation and industry evolution: pharma-biotech, M. Mazzucato and G. Dosi, (eds.)
Cambridge University Press: UK. ISBN 0-521-85822-4: 1-18
Orsenigo, L., Dosi, G. and Mazzucato, M. (2006), “The dynamics of knowledge accumulation, regulation and
appropriability in the pharma-biotech sector: some policy issues,” in Knowledge accumulation and industry
evolution: pharma-biotech, M. Mazzucato and G. Dosi, (eds.) Cambridge University Press: UK, ISBN 0521-85822-4: 402-431
Mazzucato, M. (2003), “Risk, variety and volatility: growth innovation and stock prices in early industry
evolution,” in Entrepreneurship, the new economy and public policy, U. Cantner, E. Dinopoulos and R.
Lanzilotti, (eds.) Springer: New York (2003) ISBN 3-540-22613-3: 33-55
Geroski, P. and Mazzucato, M. (2003), “Advertising and the evolution of market structure in the US car
industry,” in Competition, Monopoly and Corporate Governance, M. Waterson, (ed.) Edward Elgar:
Northampton, MA (2003) ISBN 978-3-540-22613-0: 33-55
Mazzucato, M. (2003), “Information technology: a new era?,” in Economics and economic change, G. Dawson
and M. Mackintosh, (eds.) The Open University, DD202 course text (2003) ISBN 0-7492-5369-X: 21-48.
Geroski, P. and Mazzucato, M. (2002), “selection and the learning curve,” in Applied evolutionary economics:
new empirical methods and simulation techniques, Edward Elgar: Northampton, MA (2002) ISBN 978-184064-847-8: 212-234
Mazzucato, M. and Semmler, W. (2000), “Market share instability and stock price volatility during the industry
life cycle: the US automobile industry,” in Economic evolution, learning and complexity, S. Klepper (ed.)
Physica Verlag: Heidelberg (2000) ISBN 3-798-1275-7: 97-126
Mazzucato, M. (2000) “Firm size, innovation and market share instability: the role of idiosyncratic events on
the feedback between firm size and innovation,” in Applications of simulation to social sciences, Hermes
Science Publishing: Oxford (2000) ISBN 1-903398-04-5: 417-431
Books in progress
Mazzucato, M. The Value of Everything, Penguin, Allen Lane, London
Mazzucato, M. and Jacobs, M. (eds.) Rethinking Capitalism, Wiley Publishers, London
Working Papers and Papers in progress
Mazzucato, M. (2014) “Building a Mission Oriented Entrepreneurial State”, Levy Institute working paper,
Mazzucato, M. and Penna, C. (2014) "Beyond market failures: "The market creating and shaping roles of state
investment banks”, SPRU Working Paper Series, 201421, http://www.sussex.ac.uk/spru/documents/2014-21-swps-mazzucato-and-penna.pdf
Mazzucato, M. and Wray, R. (2014) “Financing The Capital Development Of The Economy: A KeynesSchumpeter-Minsky Synthesis, unpublished working paper.
Mazzucato, M. and Penna, C. (2014) "Picking winners: Theory, practice, and setting the record straight”,
unpublished working paper.
Mazzucato, M. and Demirel, P. “Fat tails in growth: does innovation structure matter?”
Policy papers/reports/books
Mazzucato, M. and Penna, C. (2015) Mission-Oriented Finance for Innovation: New Ideas for Investment-Led
Growth, Rowman & Littlefield, Book, ISBN 978-1-78348-495-9
Mazzucato, M. (2014), “Think Piece: A Mission Oriented Approach to Building the Entrepreneurial State”,
paper commissioned by Innovate UK-Technology Strategy Board November 2014T14/165
Mazzucato, M. (2014) “Smart and inclusive growth: reforming the risk-reward nexus in innovation,” Innovation
for Growth (i4g), Policy Brief No.9 Available from: http://ec.europa.eu/research/innovationunion/pdf/expert-groups/i4g-reports/i4g_policy_brief_9_-_risk_reward.pdf
Mazzucato, M. (2011), “The Entrepreneurial State,” Demos: London, UK: 1-149
Mazzucato, M. (2012), “Rebalancing what? Reforming finance for value creation,” Policy Network [www]
Available from: http://www.policy-network.net/publications/4201/Rebalancing-WhatMazzucato, M. (2012), “Finance and innovation: reforming a dysfunctional system,” FINNOV Policy Brief 3
Mazzucato, M. (2011), “Innovation, uncertainty and bubbles,” FINNOV Policy Brief 2 [www] Available from:
Mazzucato, M. and Lazonick, W. (2010), “The limits of the 3% R&D target in Europe 2010,” FINNOV [www]
Mazzucato, M. (2010), “Do financial markets reward innovation?,” FINNOV Policy Brief 1
European Commission, Horizon 2020, DOLFINS: Distributed Global Financial Systems for Society, PI for
SPRU (Coordinating Institution: University of Zurich), 2015-2018 (€2.5 million)
European Commission, Horizon 2020, ISIG, Overcoming The Crisis: New Ideas, Strategies and
Governance Structures For Europe, PI for SPRU team (Coordinating Institution: Univ. Sant’Anna, Pisa),
2015-2018 ((€2.5 million)
Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET), Finance and Innovation: A Schumpeter-Minsky synthesis,
Principal Investigator (PI) with Randy Wray, 2012 – 2014 ($200,000)
Ford Foundation, Reforming Global Finance initiative: Financial markets and the entrepreneurial State.
Principal Investigator (PI), 2012-2016 ($200,000), renewed for 2014-2016 ($450,000)
Ford Foundation, funding for conference organisation in the Reforming Global Financial Governance
initiative: Financial governance for innovation and social inclusion, 2013 ($29,950)
The Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES), funding for conference organisation Mission-oriented finance
for innovation: rethinking public & private risks and rewards, 2014 (£86, 659)
European Commission, Collaborative Project: Finance, innovation and growth (FINNOV). Principal
Investigator (PI), Coordinator and PI of EC FP7, 2009-2012 (€1.5 million) www.finnov-fp7.eu
ESRC Centre, Social and economic research on innovation in genomics, The Open University and University
of Edinburgh and part of the ESRC Genomics Network, Economics Director and Co-investigator (25% of
time) 2 phase funding, 2007-2012 www.genomicsnetwork.ac.uk/innogen
European Commission, 5th Framework Programme Grant: Econ-change: micro-foundations of
entrepreneurial & organisational change in Europe. Co-Investigator, 2002-2004
British Academy, Firm growth dynamics in different knowledge regimes: the biotech sector. Small grant
Principal Investigator (PI), 2005-2007 (£7,033)
European Commission, Network of Excellence: Dynamics of institutions and markets in Europe (DIME).
Leader of The Open University node, and co-ordinator of 2 work packages: Finance and innovation;
innovation and inequality in health, 2003-2010
The Open University Research Grant, Sales, innovation and stock prices in information technology, The
Open University, Principal Investigator (PI), 2001 (£25,000)
European Union Training & Mobility for Researchers Grant, Marie Curie, The Co-Evolution of Innovation
and Market Structure. London Business School, Principal Investigator (PI), 1998 (£50,000)
Santa Fe Institute, Computational Economics, summer grant to work in SFI, 1996
Russell Sage Foundation, grant in behavioural economics: Principal Investigator (PI), 1995 ($7,000)
Rotary International, graduate fellowship: Principal Investigator (PI), 1993 ($35,000)
University Fellowship New School for Social Research, 1992-1993 ($18,000)
University of Sussex, Chair of Doctoral Committee, SPRU.
Teach classes in industry dynamics; finance and innovation.
INET course in the Economics of Innovation, (April 2014)
Bocconi University, Milan, Italy, (Visiting Professor)
Taught Masters and MBA courses, 8205 Industrial Economics and International
Competitiveness (with F. Malerba) and 8014 Industry Analysis (with M. Mariani)
The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK, 2000-2011 (Professor)
Personal Investment in an Uncertain World (DB234), Production Chair, Editor of textbook
Microeconomics (DD319), Chair
Economics and Economic Change (DD202), Chair
Business Behaviour in a Changing Environment (B300), Chair for Strategy module
University of Denver, Denver, USA, (Assistant Professor)
Taught undergraduate level Foundations of Economics; and Masters level Industrial
New York University, New York, USA, (adjunct)
Taught undergraduate level Introductory Microeconomics; Introductory Macroeconomics
Summer school teaching
European Summer School in Industry Dynamics (ESSID, EU), Cargese, Corsica
The Open University Summer School, Bath, UK
Recent PhD supervision
Marco Carreras (Sussex Univ, SPRU), State-Owned Development Finance Institutions in the
Brazilian market: What Role can they play in fostering Innovation?
Andrea Laplane (Sussex Univ, SPRU) The risk-reward nexus in the Brazilian innovation
system: an analysis of the federal program ‘Inova Empresa’
Nicholas Jagger (Sussex Univ, SPRU) Forecasting the Skills Requirement of the Low Carbon
Edmond Karimzadeh (Sussex Univ, SPRU) Orphan Drugs: Incentives to Innovation
2014 (awarded)
Zhehong Zheng (Open University), A Micro-Macro Model of Finance and Growth
2010 (awarded)
Lillian Jensen (Open University, ESRC), Absorptive Capacity and Firm Growth
2009 (awarded)
Pelin Demirel (Open University), Economic Dynamics in Different Knowledge Regimes
Recent Post-doctoral supervision (funded by my grants listed above)
Stuart Parris (Open University), Caetano Penna (University of Sussex), Gregor Semeniuk (University of Sussex)
PhD External examiner: Sant’Anna University, Pisa; University of Essex; London Business School
Winner of the New Statesman / SPERI Prize in Political Economy 2014
Shortlisted for the German Wirtschaftsbuchpreis for Das Kapital des Staates 2014
Nominated for Industry & Innovation DRUID Award for Best Paper 2014
Nominated for IPEG Book Prize 2014
Nominated for FT book of the year award
Expert and task force member
2015Council of Economic Advisors, Scottish Government, Scotland
EC High Level Economic Policy Expert Group Innovation 4 Growth, now RISE
2015Scientific Council of the Italian Encyclopedia, Italy
World Economic Forum, Commissioner, Economics of Innovation
Centre for European Reform, Commissioner, UK
European Commission (EC) Task Force on Public Sector Innovation
New Economic Foundation Task force on New Jobs, UK
Reinventing BIS Review (Lord Adonis Chair), UK
UCL Green Economy Policy Commission (Prof. Ekins Chair), UK
Governing/Advisory Board Member
Advisory Board, SITRA, Finnish Innovation Fund
Advisory Board, Political Economy Research Centre, Goldsmiths University, UK
Advisory Board, Aldersgate group
Council member, The University of Sussex
Advisory Board, UNU-MERIT, Netherlands
Scientific Advisory Board, Circle, Lund University, Sweden
Trustee, Green Alliance, UK
Advisory Board, The Academic-Industry Research Network (theAIRnet), USA
Journal Associate Editor: Journal, Economics, Information and Policy (2004-2010), Italian Economic Journal
(2014-), Structural Change and Economic Dynamics (2014-).
Journal Referee: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control; Journal of Evolutionary Economics; Journal of
Economic Behavior and Organization; Research Policy; International Journal of Industrial Organization; Industrial
and Corporate Change; Review of Political Economy; Structural Change and Economic Dynamics; Journal of
Computational Economics; Research Policy, Oxford Papers in Economics and Statistics, Review of Economics
and Statistics
Grant Referee
Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET); Economics and Social Research Council (ESRC), UK;
United States National Science Foundation (NSF); ESRC Science and Technology Studies Panel
CONFERENCE ORGANIZATION (personally organized)
Mission-oriented finance for innovation: new ideas for investment-led growth, with Policy Network, UK Parliament,
March 9 2015 http://www.policy-network.net/event/3996/Mission-Oriented-Finance-for-Innovation
Mission-oriented finance for innovation: rethinking public & private risks and rewards, Science Policy Research
Unit (SPRU), The Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) and the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES),
hosted by Rt Hon Vince Cable, UK Parliament, July 22-24 2014 http://missionorientedfinance.com/
Financial governance for innovation and social inclusion, Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) and the Ford
Foundation, UK Parliament, November 25-26 2013 http://financeinnovationsocialinclusion.com
Inclusive growth, innovation and technology: interdisciplinary perspectives, Science Policy Research Unit,
Dialogue on inclusive growth (Dig-IT), innovation and technology (SPRU Dig-IT) University of Sussex, May 1-2,
2013: http://www.sussex.ac.uk/spru/newsandevents/digit-workshop/programme (co-organised with Tommaso
Rethinking the state – video project, Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) and The Institute for New Economic
Thinking (INET), March 2013 – http://marianamazzucato.com/projects/rethinking-the-state/
Finance Innovation and Growth: Reforming a Dysfunctional System, FINNOV, London, UK. February 2, 2012:
Innovation and Inequality: From Pharma and Beyond, Funded by EU 6 Framework DIME project and Innovation,
Knowledge and Development (IKD) research centre (OU), Pisa, Italy. May, 2010 (organized with L. Orsenigo):
Financial Institutions and Economic Security, Funded by EU 7 Framework FINNOV project and Innovation,
Knowledge and Development (IKD) research centre (OU), London, UK. May 2009 (organized with W. Lazonick):
Stock Price Volatility and Innovation, American Economics Association Conference, New Orleans, January, 2008.
AEA Session on (organized with P. Veronesi)
Finance, Innovation and Inequality, Funded by EU 6 Framework DIME project and Innovation, Knowledge and
Development (IKD) research centre (OU), London, UK, November, 2007: www.dime-eu.org/finance-innovationinequality/programme
Normative Implications of Recent Advances in the Economics of Innovation, Funded by EU 6 Framework DIME
project and Innovation, Knowledge and Development (IKD) research centre (OU), London, UK. December, 2006
(organized with G. Dosi): www.dime-eu.org/Economics-of-Innovation-and-Industrial-Dynamics
Innovation, Growth and Market Structure: Biotechnology & Pharmaceuticals, Funded by the ESRC INNOGEN
Centre, London, UK. March, 2003:
Ambrosetti / The European House Workshop on ‘The Outlook for the Economy and Finance’, Cernobbio, Italy,
13/03/2015, Keynote on ‘Financing Innovation and Growth.’
Broadbent Institute / Atkinson Foundation, Toronto, Canada, 22/01/2015, Keynote on ‘Courageous Bets and
Equitable Returns: Public Investment in Innovation.’ http://www.broadbentinstitute.ca/mazzucato-event
New Statesman SPERI Prize in Political Economy, Winners Lecture, London, UK, 13/11/2014, ‘Smart growth: an
innovative way to tackle inequality?’
Falling Walls Conference, Berlin, Germany, 9/11/2014, Talk on ‘It’s not the deficit, stupid.’
Global Business Forum, Banff, Canada, 19/09/2014, Keynote on ‘The Entrepreneurial State.’
International Schumpeter Society Conference, Jena, Germany, 28/7/2014, Keynote on ‘Entrepreneurship myths,
parasitic systems of innovation and rising inequality.’
Institute of New Economic Thinking (INET), Toronto, Canada, 10/07/2014, Spoke in plenary on ‘Innovation: Do
Private Returns Produce the Social Returns We Need?’ http://ineteconomics.org/ysi/events/workshop-toronto
Broadbent Institute, Ottawa, Canada, 20/03/2014, Broadbent Institute Progress Summit; keynote on ‘The
Entrepreneurial State: mission oriented government for smart, green, and inclusive growth’,
The Long Now Foundation, San Francisco, USA, 24/03/2014, Seminar on ‘Long Term Thinking’,
European Commission, Brussels, Belgium, March 10 2014, Innovation Convention 2014; Keynote on ‘What
Europe Stands for - Growth, jobs and rights: will the European Union rise to the occasion?’
Atlantic Council, Washington DC, USA, 27/02/2014, Keynote on ‘The Entrepreneurial State’,
ARPA-E, Washington DC, USA, 25/02/2014. Energy Innovation Summit; Keynote on ‘Green Growth’
World Bank, Washington DC, USA, 16/10/2013, ‘Making Growth Happen’ Talk: The Risks and Rewards of
Industrial Policies,
World Economic Forum, Dalian, China, 11/09/2013, Annual Meeting of the New Champions
LSE, London, UK, 08/10/2013, Public Lecture on ‘Why Growth Theory Requires a Theory of the State Beyond
Market Failures’
Internazionale Festival, Ferrara, Italy, 05/10/2013, ‘La finanza contro i cittadini, Quali regole per i mercati ai tempi
della crisi’
CONCORDi-2013, Seville, Spain, 26/09/2013, Keynote at 4th European Conference on ‘Corporate R&D and
Innovation: Financing R&D and Innovation for Corporate Growth in the EU: Strategies, Drivers and Barriers’
Call to Europe Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 17/09/2013, ‘Innovation and Growth in Europe’
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 11/09/2013, ‘The Entrepreneurial State’
CASTED, Beijing, China, 10/09/2013, ‘The Entrepreneurial State: Lessons for China’
CIPFA, London, UK, 11/07/2013. Industrial Policy Series: Creating conditions for regional growth, talk on
‘Investment and Growth’
Westminster Business Forum, London, 25/10/2012, Keynote address on ‘Life Sciences Strategy: warnings’,
chaired by the Rt Hon Paul Goggins MP
Royal Academy of Engineering, RAE, London, 12/10/2012, Innovation Platform, ‘Financing Innovation”
Policy Network, London, United Kingdom, 06/09/2012, ‘The quest for growth: ideas for a new political economy
and a more responsible capitalism’ (other conference speakers included Ed Miliband, Ed Balls, Larry
Summers). My session with: Lord Sainsbury and Sir Richard Lambert)
Unicredit East Forum, Rome, Italy, 12/07/2012, ‘The challenge of economic Growth – new approaches to
industrial policy’
After Austerity, London, United Kingdom, 26/06/2012, Where next for the UK economy? Plenary session
‘Alternatives to austerity’ with Ha Joon Chang, Chair Aditya Chakrabortty
Heseltine Review, BIS, London, UK, 21/06/2012, presented my work on ‘The State and Innovation: Functional vs.
Dysfunctional Innovation Eco-Systems’
European Science Foundation, Brussels, 28/02/2012, The Science of Innovation, ‘Financing innovation, financial
innovation and the implications of the financial crisis for innovation policy’
Innovation Union, Brussels, Belgium, i4g Innovation for Growth meeting
MEDIA: Regular appearances in the print and visual media, including: BBC Newsnight; BBC World News; Al Jazeera;
SKY News; Bloomberg, The Financial Times, The Independent, The Guardian, The New Statesman, and La
Repubblica. Full media profile http://www.marianamazzucato.com/home/
Selection of recent authored news articles
La Repubblica: Europa, Ascolta le Parole de Atene – 16/03/2015
Foreign Affairs: The Innovative State – issue Jan/Feb 2015
New Statesman: Public risks, private rewards: how an innovative state can tackle inequality – 22/10/2014
La Repubblica: L’abisso della disuguaglianza – 31-12-14
La Repubblica: L’Europa ha una banca, la usi per la crescita – 15/12/14
The Observer: Pfizer's bid for AstroZeneca shows that Big Pharma is as Rotten as the Banks – 11/05/2014
Wired UK: 'Don't knock tax -- it gave us the iPhone' – 24/02/2014
The Economist: “Start-up myths and obsessions” – 03/02/2014
The Observer: “Let’s rethink the idea of the State: it must be a catalyst for big bold ideas” – 15/12/2013
The Financial Times: “Serious innovation requires serious state support” – 05/12/2013
The Financial Times: “Why innovation needs the help of an active state” – 21/08/2013
The Guardian: “Innovation: let the good risk-takers get their reward” – 29/11/2012
The Guardian: “Without banking reform, investing in innovation is too great a risk” – 11/09/2012
The Guardian: “Public money spent on 'digging ditches' won't stimulate the economy” – 02/09/2012
The Guardian: “Banks must learn to reward the good risks” 24/06/2012
The Guardian: “If the Eurozone is serious about growth, it can have it” – 17/05/2012
The Guardian: “Without state spending there'd be no Google or GlaxoSmithKline” – 23/07/2012
Selection of recent news articles that review Mazzucato’s work:
Madrick, J. (2014) ‘Innovation: The Government was Crucial Afterall’, New York Review of Books, (21/07/2014)
Tritch, T. (2014) ‘America’s Underappreciated Entrepreneur: The Federal Government,’ The New York Times
(23/03/2014) available at: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/24/opinion/americas-underappreciatedentrepreneur-the-federal-government.html?_r=1
The Economist (2013) ‘The Entrepreneurial State,’ Schumpeter column and blog. The Economist (31/08/2013)
available at: http://www.economist.com/news/business/21584307-new-book-points-out-big-role-governmentsplay-creating-innovative-businesses?frsc=dg|a&fsrc=scn/tw_app_ipad
Wolf, M. (2013) ‘The State is the real engine of innovation,’ The Financial Times (08/08/2013) p.8, available at:
Toynbee, P. (2012), “Government force for good,” The Guardian (10/06/2013)
Upbin, B. (2013), “Debunking the narrative of Silicon Valley’s innovation might,” Forbes (13/062013)
Freeland, C. (2013), “Eye-opener for the elite on inequity,” New York Times (13/06/2013)
Hilton, A. (2013), “To be more like Americans, Europe should do what they do, not what they say they do,” The
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Born in 1968 in Rome Italy, dual US and Italian citizenship, married with 4 children
Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU)
University of Sussex
Brighton BN1 9QE, UK
Tel. +44-(0)1273-877943 Fax: +44-(0)1273-678653
Email: m.mazzucato@sussex.ac.uk
Website: www.marianamazzucato.com Twitter @MazzucatoM
Administrative Support: Laura Bone L.Bone@sussex.ac.uk Tel. +44-(0)1273 87 2786