Schedule - Masson Glennie
Schedule - Masson Glennie
2 Plots at Toddlehills Longside 2 Sites with Outline Planning Permission Offers Over £77,500 Each Buying a home? We’re here. Situated in a rural location, these plots, whilst enjoying the peace and tranquility associated with a country location, are not isolated, with neighbours close by. The village of Longside is only a few minutes drive away which has the usual village amenities including a primary school, local shops and superb outdoor recreational facilities. Outline planning permission has been granted for the demolition of the existing Steading for the erection of 2 dwellinghouses. Site A NOTE : No permanent obstructions within hatched area for visibility splay. Field Site B Quarry Site A Longside 2.4x120m visibility splay Site A Field Den View Drain Here’s the plan. Fence within hatched area to be moved back to suit visibility splay. To Peterhead To Cruden Bay Toddlehills Steading : Longside : Site A P UB L IC RO AD To the A 950 Mintlaw - Peterhead Road 2.4x120m visibility splay Site B. Splay to be within confines of public road & verge. 2.4x120m visibility splay Site A Visibility Splay Detail : SITES Parklands Site B Toddlehills Mr & Mrs J Innes 2.4x120m visibility splay Site B Proposed dwelling house sites. 23/08/12 Scale 1 : 1000 12153-01 Joyce Wiseman Amendment Location Plan : Scale 1 : 25 000 No To Cruden Bay Parkhill To the A 950 Mintlaw - Peterhead Road 2.4x1 verge Field 20m NOTE : No permanent obstructions within hatched area for visibility splay. ility visib 2.4x120m visibility splay Site B. Splay to be within confines of public road & verge. y spla Propos re st & wi ed po Field Pr opos ecim en Mirimar anting. tree pl Approx. position of proposed septic tank, sampling chamber & soakaway. e re fenc st & wi ed po m 2.4x120 steading Existing molished to be de ed sp Propos Existing Access to Serve Site A fence. PUBLIC ROAD steading Existing molished to be de Pr o se po os t& wir nc e fe e in ith gw gin ed hh wit n Drai . site Parklands Drain 50.6m Field Den View oad lic R Pub Boundary Detail : Timber posts at 1.8m crs. Extg. trees Willow Bunch Weave Fencing Panel Top wire 0m vis 2.4x12 0m x12 ibility 2.4 Existing Access to Serve Site B splay ility visib y spla To Cruden Bay Westburn 1271 Tori Netting fixed to timber posts with hedge planting. 0.9m high fence to boundary by road edge & in front of building line The floor plan is for guidance only, the layout may not be accurate and measurements are not to scale. Extg. fence repositioned Elevation : outwith visibility splay line Scale 1 : 250 SITES Toddlehills Approx. position of proposed septic tank, sampling chamber & soakaway. dp Block Plan : Quarry Site B TODDLEHILLS Paddock CS Kerbing to be used along front boundaries. detail. - see d Roa ed lic Pub Propos ing & hedg fence Toddlehills Cottage site. within dging with he splay visibility Site A Netherdale 1.8m high willow fence behind building line Site Plan : Scale 1 : 2500 Ordnance Survey (c) Crown Copyright 2011. All rights reserved. Licence number 100020449 To Cruden Bay Date Site A Alternative View Site A Alternative View Site B Site B Alternative View View from the plots More information Services. Services nearby Planning Permission: Copies of full details granted by Aberdeenshire Council, together with site plan, are available for inspection and can be reviewed on Aberdeenshire Council’s website (Reference APP/2012/3222) Price: Offers Over £77,500 each Independent Mortgage Advice To arrange an viewing appointment contact our property office at: Need some advice? We’re here. Peterhead Telephone: 01779 474271 We’ll help you choose the most appropriate mortgage for you, guide you through the application, and even handle most of the paperwork. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, we can advise on a huge range of mortgage products. With a free initial interview, we’re here to get you moving. Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority Peterhead Office Broad House Broad Street Peterhead AB42 1HY T 01779 474271 F 01779 476037 Fraserburgh Office 83 Broad Street Fraserburgh AB43 9AX T 01346 513338 F 01346 513114 View all our properties at: