Keys to ADR #9 - MCD Law Group


Keys to ADR #9 - MCD Law Group
APRIL 27, 2015
Keys to ADR #9
Most, if not all, mediators ask that the lawyers and their disputing clients sign a
mediation agreement or contract either before or at a mediation session. These are
often signed without due regard to their contents.
Many of these contracts make specific reference to confidentiality. But even if they don’t, lawyers can take
comfort in Rule 24.1 to the extent that the Rule applies1. Rule 24.1 says:
24.1.14 All communications at a mediation session and the mediator’s notes and records shall be
deemed to be without prejudice settlement discussions. O. Reg. 453/98, s. 1.
The Quebec Code of Civil Procedure2 has a similar rule in the section that deals with judicial settlement
151.14. A judge may preside a settlement conference. A judge enjoys judicial immunity while presiding
such a conference….
151.16. The purpose of a settlement conference is to facilitate dialogue between the parties and help
them to identify their interests, assess their positions, negotiate and explore mutually satisfactory
A settlement conference is held in private, at no cost to the parties and without formality.
Rules of Civil Procedure, RRO 1990, Reg 194
Code of Civil Procedure, CQLR c C-25
© 2015 Mason Caplan Dizgun LLP
Moreover, the Ontario Commercial Mediation Act 3 contains a more fulsome description of
confidentiality and its limits:
Disclosure of information between parties
8. (1) A mediator may disclose to a party any information relating to the mediation that the mediator
receives from another party unless that other party expressly asks the mediator not to disclose the
information. 2010, c. 16, Sched. 3, s. 8 (1).
Duty to keep confidential
(2) Information relating to the mediation must be kept confidential by the parties, the mediator and
any other persons involved in the conduct of the mediation unless,
(a) all the parties agree to the disclosure and, if the information relates to the mediator, the mediator
agrees to the disclosure;
(b) the disclosure is required by law;
(c) the disclosure is required for the purposes of carrying out or enforcing a settlement agreement;
(d) the disclosure is required for a mediator to respond to a claim of misconduct; or
(e) the disclosure is required to protect the health or safety of any person. 2010, c. 16, Sched. 3,
s. 8 (2).
(3) The requirement to keep information relating to the mediation confidential does not apply to
(a) that is publicly available;
(b) that the parties, by their conduct, do not treat as confidential; or
(c) that is relevant in determining if the mediator has failed to make a disclosure required under
subsection 6 (3). 2010, c. 16, Sched. 3, s. 8 (3).
All of this should seem straightforward. But, then again, maybe not.
Commercial Mediation Act, 2010, S.O. 2010, c. 16, Sched. 3
© 2015 Mason Caplan Dizgun LLP
Take the case of Union Carbide Canada Inc. v Bombardier Inc., a case that originated in Quebec and
found its way to the Supreme Court of Canada.4
The parties were engaged in a multi-million dollar product liability dispute. A mediation was agreed to
and held before a lawyer, not a judge.
The mediation agreement contained the following clause:
Anything which transpires in the Mediation will be confidential. In this regard, and
without limitation:
(a) Nothing which transpires in the Mediation will be alleged, referred to or sought to
be put into evidence in any proceeding;
(b) No statement made or document produced in the Mediation will become subject
to discovery, compellable as evidence or admissible into evidence in any
proceeding, as a result of having been made or produced in the Mediation;
however, nothing will prohibit a party from using, in judicial or other proceedings,
a document which has been divulged in the course of the Mediation and which it
would otherwise be entitled to produce;
The recollections, documents and work product of the Mediator will be
confidential and not subject to disclosure or compellable as evidence in any
A settlement offer was extended in the course of the mediation and was kept open for acceptance for
a period after the mediation. The other party accepted some time later. A dispute arose over the
scope5 of the release and one of the parties then sought to enforce the settlement with the release it
wanted while the other argued there was no settlement at all. Legal proceedings to enforce the
settlement were brought.
The party seeking to enforce the deal in its pleadings referred to documents and the discussions
exchanged during the mediation to show that there was the deal. A motion was brought to strike
portions of the pleadings that sought to rely on the documents and the discussions exchanged during
2014 SCC 35 (CanLII).
Union Carbide, the defendant, had argued that the settlement and the release included not only the products that were the
subject matter of the Quebec action, but also that class of such products worldwide and for any future litigation.
© 2015 Mason Caplan Dizgun LLP
the mediation on the grounds that they were confidential to the mediation process. There was no
effort made to compel the mediator to give evidence as to the scope of the deal purportedly made.
The competing principles included: the application of the common law doctrine of settlement privilege
[which applies in Quebec notwithstanding its omission from the Code] and the exceptions to it; and the
freedom to contract out of that privilege.
With respect to the former, the Supreme Court of Canada acknowledged the public utility of
settlement privilege and found that it applies even in the absence of statutory provisions or contract
clauses. One of the exceptions to settlement privilege is “the rule that protected communications may
be disclosed in order to prove the existence or scope of a settlement”.
The Court went on to observe that common law settlement privilege and confidentiality in the
mediation context are often conflated and there are circumstances where they can conflict. For
example, the confidentiality provisions in the mediation contract apply only during the mediation
session, while settlement privilege, which is a rule of evidence, may apply both before and after the
Moreover, there are recognized exceptions to settlement privilege that a confidentiality clause may
not recognize.
The Supreme Court then set out the heuristic steps that ought to be taken to sort out these competing
a) Does the confidentiality clause conflict with settlement privilege or its exceptions?
b) If the confidentialty clause is wider than the common law, then presumptively the contract
should prevail;
c) However, this may not apply where the confidentiality clause purports to override the exception
to the settlement privilege rule. In such a case, the override must be clear.
d) Applying the foregoing to the case at bar, given the context that gave rise to the mediation and
the contract made, it was clear that the parties had not agreed to contract out of the common
law exception and hence, the mediation contract were at liberty to produce such evidence only
insofar it was necessary to prove the terms of the settlement.
© 2015 Mason Caplan Dizgun LLP
So the word to the wise is this: review carefully the terms of the mediation contract that the mediator
or counsel prepared. Pay attention to the confidentiality clause. Our form of mediation contract
provides that until the deal has been reduced to writing [and that includes the Minutes of Settlement
and the Release] there is NO DEAL. This is especially important because most mediation agreements
contain provisions that will prevent the mediator from giving evidence as to any alleged deal and many
mediators make it a point to destroy their notes [including wall adorned flow charts etc.] immediately
after the mediation if they made them at all.
Would this have solved the problem that was before the Supreme Court? Probably. If the parties could
not have agreed on the wording of the Minutes of Settlement and the form of Release, then there
would have been no deal.
If you have any questions with respect to the foregoing,
please do not hesitate to contact MCD Law Group.
Leslie Dizgun
Direct: 416.596.7581
Please visit for more
information about our ADR Practice
Mason Caplan Dizgun LLP
350 Bay Street, Suite 500
Toronto, ON M5H 2S6
Gary Caplan, Partner
Direct: 416.596.7796
Main: 416.596.7690
Toll Free: 844.725.7701
Fax: 647.503.4593
Mason Caplan Dizgun LLP is a litigation law firm with an emphasis on Subrogation,
Commercial Litigation, Employment Law and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).
© 2015 Mason Caplan Dizgun LLP