April 2015 - Moravian Church Southern Province Home Page


April 2015 - Moravian Church Southern Province Home Page
April 2015
Easter Sunrise Service in Old Salem
The 243rd annual Easter Sunrise Service in Salem will be held on April 5, 2015,
beginning at 6:15 AM at the Square. This year’s service will be officiated by The Rev.
Joe Moore, Pastor of Fries Memorial Moravian Church. Be prepared to "Come Hear
the Sunrise". For more information, visit our website at salemcongregation.org or
contact our office at 336-722-6504.
Submitted by Jan Trivette
Moravian Music Foundation News
We pray God’s blessings on all who assemble on Easter morning to proclaim, “The
Lord Is Risen, Indeed!” and on the hundreds who play, sing, direct, organize, feed,
transport, amplify, protect, and encourage. This is a unique moment, when the power of
music to stir emotions is heightened. Familiar hymns, anthems, and scripture connect
us to our roots; the funeral chorales of each choir remind us of our dearly departed; new
songs and hymns guide us to new expressions of faith; all music draws us closer in
fellowship and community with each other and with the Savior. As vocal and
instrumental musicians, of all ages and experiences, in many places, near and far, join
in one accord, let us proclaim the good news that, “for us, the Lamb was slain!”
Great Sabbath Service of Music - Saturday, April 4, at 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary of
Home Moravian Church. Requiem by Gabriel Fauré, edited by John Rutter. Drake
Flynt, conductor of chorus and orchestra; Mary Louise Kapp Peeples, organist., 529 S.
Church St. Winston-Salem, NC.
Salem Sings! Mathias Spring Concert In this exciting and eclectic program, the Salem
College Chamber Choir, Chorale, and SuperTonix will present a musical preview of
their summer Italian tour. They will also join voices with the Winston-Salem Youth
Chorus, members of Salem Academy Glee Club, St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church
Choir, and the Renaissance Singers of the UNC School of the Arts to present Vivaldi’s
Gloria. Soprano, Kristin Schwecke, mezzo soprano, Cristy Lynn Brown, organist,
Timothy Olsen, and a chamber orchestra will be featured, April 19, 2015, 4:00pm at
Hanes Auditorium in the Elberson Fine Arts Center of Salem College, Winston-Salem,
NC. Free.
Submitted by Erik J. Salzwedel, Moravian Music Foundation
PEC News April 2015
The Provincial Elders' Conference met March 2 and 16. All members were present for
these meetings, which began with a time of prayer for needs among our pastors, church
educators, congregations, and Provincial boards and ministries.
The PEC met with the Resolution #12 Steering Committee to receive a progress report
and to have its own conversation modeled after the initial meetings currently taking
place among clergy. In tandem with responding to Synod Resolution #8 (Safe
Sanctuary Policy), PEC agreed to move forward in the fall of 2015 with another healthy
boundary training workshop for clergy, DCEs, provincial program staff, Board of
Elders vice-chairs, and Board of Trustees chairs, and reviewed a possible on-line
training program for church leaders at a distance from Winston-Salem.
The PEC continued work with congregations in various stages of the call process: First
(NC), Fulp, Little Church on the Lane, Messiah, Oak Grove, Union Cross, and Unity;
and continued discussion of several changes in the call process. The PEC received a
report from Carol Foltz and arranged for PEC members to participate in cluster
continued on page 3
gatherings of clergy to discuss care and support of pastors; and, finalized the schedule
of quadrennial reviews at: Pine Chapel, Immanuel New Eden, Covenant, New Hope
(NC), New Philadelphia, and Mizpah. PEC met with one pastor, and responded to
particular needs or concerns from two congregations; approved a request of the joint
boards to appoint David Berrier as interim pastor at Oak Grove; and appointed Ray
Burke as the PEC participant in the consecration of Walter Bishop as a Presbyter on
April 19. PEC moved forward with plans to fund supervised ministry internships for
candidates for ordination; and arranged to meet with two church boards regarding their
endorsement of two individuals beginning the candidacy process. PEC reviewed the
Book of Order and policy guidelines related to the maintenance of the Church Register
by pastors of congregations.
The PEC had an extended conversation with the Candidacy Committee about the
fulfillment of educational requirements for ordination; considered appointments to the
Ordination Review Committee and the Archives Commission; received a report from
the Provincial Support Services Board regarding changes in the premiums for the
Provincial health insurance plan; and received an update about finances from the Laurel
Ridge Board of Directors.
PEC responded to a request from the Episcopal Diocese of Southeast FL and invited
Graham Rights to represent our Province at the consecration and ordination of a bishop
coadjutor in that Diocese in May. PEC reviewed plans for the May 17 Day of Prayer
for Star Mountain and Middle East Peace, and creation of an ongoing interest group for
education, communication and advocacy.
On advice of the interim Treasurer, PEC moved funds from the Florida Lay
Theological Education account to support the Florida District RCC College Scholarship
Program (Both programs are funded by grants from a bequest controlled by the Salem
Congregation). Per the Book of Order, PEC approved a request from the Calvary
congregation to obtain a commercial loan and purchase an adjacent property. PEC
consulted with the Northern Province PEC and declined an invitation from the
Moravian Ministries Foundation to have the 2017 joint meeting of the PECs in
conjunction with the MMFA Adamson Forum; and confirmed plans for the 2015 joint
meeting of PECs to be held in PA in October. PEC discussed a funding request from
the Salem Band for its participation in the National Memorial Day Concert Series in
May. PEC received its portion from a charitable gift annuity established by C. T.
Leinbach, Jr. and Katherine Leinbach and made equal distribution of these funds to the
“Gaining Control” program at Sunnyside Ministry, and to the BCM to aid in the
development and support of programs of outreach by the Anthony’s Plot Community.
The PEC will meet once in April, on the 13tth.
Submitted by David Guthrie
From the Provincial Treasurer’s Office
Health Insurance Renewal – We are staying with BlueCross BlueShield (BCBS). We
still have the dual options available (traditional PPO and high deductible HSA), and our
overall rates will go up about 8% as of May 1. This sounds good, especially since we
were expecting a 20% increase, but it did come with a change in plan design. For both
the PPO and high deductible HSA options there has been an increase in the deductibles
and out-of-pocket maximums. There has also been a slight increase in the prescription
drug and emergency room copays for the PPO plan. Our Human Resources,
Compensation and Benefits Committee worked hard on exploring all our benefit
options. They are to be commended for getting us to just an 8% increase
2014 Church Audits – Audits of all Churches are due in to the Treasurer’s Office by
May 15, 2015. Instructions and forms went out to all Church Treasurers and Trustee
Chairs and they are also available on the web at mcsp.org. Just click on “Resources”
and then “Congregation Annual Reports.”
Staff Changes – As everyone is aware, Dennis Stanfield had to step down as
Provincial Treasurer for health reasons at the end of January and I agreed to come back
on an interim basis. The search for a new Treasurer (i.e. Chief Financial Officer) has
begun and I am sure they will find my replacement shortly. I would also like to thank
Vicky Yates, my senior accountant, for her three years of service to the Treasurer’s
Office and the Province. Vicky retired at the end of March and a search for her
replacement is underway as well.
Submitted by Ted Leinbach, Interim, Provincial Treasurer
Notes from the Widow's Society
In March and September of each year, checks are sent to ladies whose husbands have
died and were members of the Widow's Society. Last month, there were 65 ladies who
received checks. One lady has received checks for over 30 years.
If you are a man under 61, in good health, a Moravian, or married to a Moravian, you
are eligible to join the Society. For a one time charge of $100.00 (plus $5.00 per year
after age 50) you assure your surviving widow of a check.
Please call Bill Campbell at 336.403.3209 for more information and an
application. Men can also join the Widow's Society of the Northern Province.
(Churches, please place this notice in your newsletters)
Submitted by Bill Campbell
The Moravian Ministries Foundation
Through our GiftLegacy planned giving service, we work with congregations who want
to encourage members to include the church in their estate plans. Recently we spoke
with a Moravian who has done just that, and when asked why, she responded, "If
you've been giving to your church during your lifetime, why wouldn't you also do so at
your death?"
Unfortunately only a staggering number of people do this; according to a recent article
in the Winston-Salem Journal, while roughly 70 percent of Americans give to charities
during their lifetime, less than 6 percent give at their death.
How can the Moravian Ministries Foundation help your church incorporate planned
giving into its year-round stewardship efforts? To learn more about GiftLegacy, call us
at 888-722-7923 or visit our website at
Submitted by Laura Sides Watson
Newsletter Notes
From around the Southern Province
As we enter Holy Week culminating with Easter on April 5, the first Sunday of the
month, we Moravians busy ourselves with preparation. Two special activities take
place on Great Sabbath, the day before Easter itself. In the morning we head for the
graveyard, our God’s Acre, where we clean gravestones and decorate graves with
flowers and greenery. Special care is given to “adopting” older graves, which might not
have surviving families to decorate them. Then at 7 p.m. in Home Church will be the
Great Sabbath Service of Music. A tradition for more than 75 years, the Great Sabbath
Service this year will feature Faure’s Requiem with Drake Flynt conducting.
Spring is usually a home fix-up time. How about a home building time? Beginning
April 25, Salem Congregation through its member churches — Ardmore, Bethesda,
Calvary, Christ, Fairview, Fries Memorial, Home, Immanuel New Eden, Konnoak
Hills, Messiah, Pine Chapel, St. Philips, and Trinity — will partner with WinstonSalem State University to build a Habitat house. The location will be at Cherry and
14th Streets in Winston-Salem. The project will run 14 weeks and is dedicated to the
memory of the Rev. Cedric Rodney, long-time pastor of St. Philips and chaplain and
teacher at WSSU.
Now that a particularly hard winter has warmed to a soft spring, we must remember
that while snow and ice canceled church services, the bills kept rolling in. So the next
few times the collection comes around we might want to double up our contributions to
the church. It’ll make our Trustees smile.
Submitted by Richard Starbuck
For Your April Calendar
MMA Meeting, 10:30 – 12:00
Great Sabbath Saturday, 7:00 pm, Home Moravian Church
Easter Holiday
7, 14, 21 Caregiving Training, Konnoak Hills, 6:00 - 8:00 pm
MMF Lunch Lecture, Archie K. David Center
PEC Board Meeting
15 - 17
MTS Trustees Meeting
17 - 18
MMF Board of Trustees Meeting, Bethlehem, PA
Provincial Children’s Choir, Salemtowne, 4 p.m.
27 - 29
Sr. Friends Retreat, Laurel Ridge
Concerns and Celebrations
As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness,
humility, meekness, and patience. Colossians 3:14
John G. and Brandi Rights have been blessed with the birth of a daughter, Emma
Lillian, on March 23rd. Proud grandparents are Graham and Sybil Rights.
The Rev. R. Donald Winters passed away on March 18, at his home. A funeral
service was held Saturday, March 21, at noon, at Olivet Moravian Church, with the
Rev. Matthew Allen officiating. Burial followed in God’s Acre at Olivet. Your prayers
are invited for his wife, Mary; his daughters Beth and Jennifer; his grandchildren, and
the entire family.
Pat Byerly’s father, Leroy Reid, passed away on Monday, March 16. Please keep Pat,
her husband Wayne Byerly (interim at Fulp Moravian Church) and her family in your
The Rev. Walter Bishop will be consecrated a Presbyter at 4:00 p.m., Sunday, April 19
at Hopewell Moravian Church, with the Rt. Rev. Wayne Burkette officiating.
A band prelude begins at 3:30 p.m. Clergy and church educators their spouses are
invited to gather no later than 3:45 p.m. in the foyer to process to the Sanctuary.
A reception will be hosted by the Women’s Fellowship following the service.
Prayers are invited for Brother Walter Bishop and his ministry
Ordination Anniversaries for April, 2015
Phil Bauguess...........................40 years
Wayne Byerly...........................18 years
George Chiddie.........................62 years
Cheryl Cottingham......................5 years
Richard Spaugh........................48 years
Riddick Weber.........................13 years
Congratulations and God Bless You!
Mission Awareness Dinner
Come join us on May 3, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. at New Philadelphia Moravian for the
annual Mission Society Awareness Dinner. We will have a delicious meal of pork
barbeque, potatoes, beans, slaw, buns, and dessert. Please send your check for $8.00
made payable to the Mission Society to the Mission Office, 500 South St., WinstonSalem, NC 27101. The Rev. Betty Helms will bring our meditation for the
evening. Special music will be provided. In closing, mission teams will be
commissioned for 2015. Band prelude will begin outside at 5:30 p.m. Please send your
check for reservations by April 24. For additional information, please contact the
Mission Office at 336-773-1732 or sbeaman@mcsp.org
Submitted by Sheila Beaman
For Your Address Book
Cheryl Cottingham, new email address: cottingreen@outlook.com
Russ Williams, new email address: pr549.4u@gmail.com
Deadline for submission of articles for the May Issue of Provincial Ties is
April 26.
Published monthly by
The Provincial Elders’ Conference, Southern Province
Staff: David Guthrie, President
Joe Moore, Assistant to the President
Beverly Johnson, Executive Assistant
459 S. Church Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
336.725.5811, fax -336.723.1029
Moravian Church in America, Southern Province
Provincial Elders’ Conference
459 South Church Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27101-5314