schroth rallye 3 asm
schroth rallye 3 asm
Sen fast ilHahren sic-Ill SCHROTH Reimgurte imd stragenzugebLssene Hosentntgergurte her I m die Qmtliuu uad ^ irk\\eise den stcll^ stet£eruk'ii \niij,1 derunj>en an/upassni. \\erdcn seii 146(1 ivgelnuKi" Crash-TesLs urn! SSmulationendurtiigfruhrt Dadurch koruile tin departures Know how gc\\onnen uerden. dass SCHROTH /um wehweiten Tedioologieffihrer bei Renn und Lutrfahrts>urfen a\:mderte. For almost 50 years SCHROTH has been manufacturing racing and tuning {street legal) harnesses. Since 1960 SCHROTH has simulated and conducted crash tests to further increase the product quality and performance to meet the increasing safety requirements. With the knowledge gained from our extensive testing, SCHROTH has become the technology leader in racing and aviation harnesses. SCHROTH technology has initiated improvements of standards and products industry wide. Examples of SCHROTH innovations include the development of the asm" safety system, the patented RFR™ rotary (cam lockl buckle, and the newly developed HYBRID™ restraint. As a licensee to manufacture and distribute the HANS1 device. SCHROTH continues activities to further develop the HANS" device through extensive HANS* testing. Visit www schroth com for the latest version of our harness installation guide. Looking for the world s lightest racing harness' SCHROTH is your partner1 In addition to the wide range of standard models SCHROTH can produce a racing harness in accordance to your exact specifications and needs The large number of FIA approved components allows you to design numerous versions of individualized harnesses fitting the installation specifics in your race car Visit the SCHROTH Racing Design Center www schroth com/design center SCHROTH Tec Imoiosie hauu induslneui ilen Neiiemn^en \on Standards und Produkten gffuhrt Beispiele fur SCHROTH Imun ationen sind das ent\\ icktelte a-sin -Suherhfibs)-stem, der Jч paicniierle ?Ti'BRID fiun..Us Liztn/jiilulx-r hir die ProduktHtn und den \ertnfit des H A N S Nvslems «erdemon SCHROTH die Aktivitaten zurWeiterentwiddungdes HANS' durdi umfani; reiche tests vonmgetriebea Be.suihen Sif \\л\^\ 4'hrnth.cxtm hjr die neueste \ ersion einer Gurteinhauanleitun^ in form ernes Handbuchs mil \ lelen hilfreichen lipps Sclhsi \veiin Sif den ieichlesiendiiruler\\ell suchen.dann findenSieilm hci S(. HRO1H. \ehen den Sundard-Senenmodellen t'erlisji SCHROTH selhslversuiiullidi auch Ihren indi\ idiK-llcn Renn^urt naih \or^idK' Die /ahlreichfii n.uh FIA sqmiften Kompunc-nten (.•rtauhen fast unzahhi;e \ aridlionen mdiv idueller (jurisvsteme - .mgepassi an Installationsbesonderh eittn Besmhen Sie das SCHROTH Raiint;Design Center: цц^ schrolli ют design center 3 Belts/Gurte 10 Profi -Apt/Profi--tpt 13 1 Profi II asm , Profi III asm®/ Profi II asm'. Profi III asm' Profi -5pt/Profi-5pt Prof IIW/Profi III 5 Hybrid «/Hybrid™ Hybrid II, Hybrid П-Н, Hybrid III, Hybrid III-H/ Hybrid 11. Hybrid 11-H. Hybrid III. Hybrid Ill-fl 14 Profi-FE/Profi-FE 5 11 Profi -Bpt/ Profi -6pt Titanium/Titanium Profi 11-6, Profi II-GH, Profi III-B. Profi III-GH/ Profi Il-fa, Profi П-6Н. Profi Ш-d. Profi III-6H 12 Formula/Formel Profi II6F, Profi II-6FH. Profi III-GF, Profi III-BFH/ I'rofi IKiF. Profi II-6FR Profi IIKiF, Profi П1-6РН l Profi II-FE asm' , Profi III-FE asm* / Profi II-FE asm . Profi III-FE asm' Titanium Hybrid II, Titanium Profi 11-6 / Titanium Hybrid II. Titanium Profi (1-6 15 Anti-sub straps/Schrittgurte Anti-sub strap I, Anti-sub strap II / Schrittgurt 1. Schrittgurt II Padding/Schultergurtpolster 3" Shoulder Pads/ "S mm Schultergurtpolster HANS/HANS Accessories/Zubehor 16 19 Window Nets/Fensternetze HANS®/HANS" 20' Model, 30° Model, 40° Model /20" Model. .W Model. 40" Model 17 Padding/Polster Roll Cage Padding /Kafig-Schutzpolsterimg HANS' Pads 20", 30°, 40" / HANS Pobter 20", .iO". 40" Roll Cage Padding in 600 mm length / Kafig-Schutzpolsterung in 600 mm Liinge Cliplnstallation/Clip-Installation Installation of HANS* helmet clips/ Installation von 11 \YS Helm Clips Helmets/Helme 18 Window Net Size 1, Window Net Size 2 / l;ensternetz GroKe I. FensterneU Grofo 2 Helmets/Helme Speedway Shark, Super Voyager / Speed\v;u Shark. Super \o\;i»er Accessories/Zubehor Belts/Gurte 22 asm autocontrol®/asm autocontrol 8 asm autocontrol II, asm autocontrol III silver/ ими autoumtrol' II. asm autocontrol' III silber Rallye/Rallye Rallye 3 asm1, Rallye 4 asm 1 , Rallye Cross asm' / Rallye i asm . Rallye ч asm . Ralh e (xoss asm 23 QuickFit/QuickFit QuickFit asm8 / Quickf it asm • Profi-FE/Profi-FE Profi IIFE asm", Ptofi III-FE asm*/ ProfiII-FEasm'.ProfiI1I-FEasm' 24 Padding/Schultergurtpolster 2" Shoulder Pads, Z" Leather Shoulder Pads, 3" Shoulder Pads / SO mm Schultergurtpolster. SO mm Leder Schultergurtpolster, ~5 mm Schultergurtpolster Adaptor/\dapter Adaptor for autocontrol installation / Adapter rur die Montage des Automate!! Seats/Sitze 24 Seats/Sitze SCHROTH by KONIG К 5000 G - К 5000 G-RD, SCHROTH by KONIG К 4000 - К 4000 RD/ SCHROTH by KOMG К 5000 G - К 5000 G-RD. SCHROTH by KOMG К -ЮОО G + K4000RD Technology/Technologic 28 ECE-R 16.04/ECE-R 16.04 30 Hybrid™ Restraints/Hybrid™ Gurte Engineering in Action! / Technik in Aktion! SCHROTH harness belts meet all certification requirements/ SCIIROTH (jurte sind bauartgenehmigt unit werden mil AGB geliefert Flexi Belt™/Flexi Belt™ RFR™/ RFR™ One harness, many variations! / Ein Gurt. viele Variamen! The SCHROTH RFR™ rotary buckle / Der SCIIROTH RFR™-Drehvcrschluss 31 29 asm®/asm" Adjusting ranges/Yerstellbereiche Adjusting ranges of racing restraints / \ erstellbereiche von Renngurten asm' offers an unique safety advantage/ asm" ofteritTt dnen einmaligen Sicherheitsvorsprung Legend/Legende Legend of icons / Die Legende der Icons Webbing/Gurtband Webbing that makes the difference! / Das Gurthand macht den Unterschied! Ill to save ives Pfoti - 5pt i-4pt PioiilllS 4-Poml Professional Restraint with Fiexi Belt™ system, approx 1 75 kg (3.86 Ibs); 2" Lap belts; RFR™ Rotary Buckle fixed to the inboard lap belt; asm' system, allows for upgrade to 5- or 6-point competition restraint; NOT HANS' compatible! Tbe Flexi Belt™ system provides the option for pull-up or pull-down configurations. ч i'unki Profigurt nut Flexi Beft^-Bedtengurtsystem; са 1 "5 ks: ВеЛепципе: SO ram breit Ш'* DrehverschlussammnenUegenden Becktrigurt: asm' S\sicm: aulrusibar/um S oder6-PiuifctGurt МГНГ H\V> kompalibel' IteFk'xjBdt'" Beckfngurts\ stem tTinoglidil JL-Ч \> ffhse! /u ink n pull-up uml pulktowndurLhcinlUiheslnbtliiaulen. 4-Point Professional Restraint, approx. 1.75 kg (3.86 Ibs); 3' Up belts; RFR™ Rotary Buckle fixed to the inboard lap belt; asm* system; allows for upgrade to 5- or 6-point competition restraint NOT HANS'compatible! 4 Punkt Profigurt: ca. I.~> kt$. Betkengurtc: 75 mm brtit, RFR !4 -Drchvt rschlass ara inneniiegenden Btxkcngurt-. asm' -System; aulrusthar /um i- oder (vPunktliurt.MCHTHXNS kompjtihi-r 5-Point Professional Restraint; approx. 1.98 kg (4.37 Ibs); 3" Lap belts; RFR™ Rotary Buckle fixed to the anti-sub strap 5-PunktProfigurt:ta. 1.9fikg;Beckengurte ~-imm breit; RFR™ Drehwrschluss am Schrittgurt left/links right/i ч chts left/links righl/rcchts 20D01 25001 40001 45001 40022 20101 25101 40101 45101 40122 20201 25201 40201 45201 40222 20901 25901 40901 45901 Pfofi - Gpt 6-Point Professional Restraint, T-bar version with Flexi Belt™ system, approx. 2 23 kg (4.92 Ibs); 2" Lap belts; RFR™ Rotary Buckle fixed to the anti-sub strap, the Flexi Belt™ system provides the option for pull-up or pull-down configurations HANS specific 6-Point Professional Restraint; T-bar version with Flexi Belt™ system, approx. 2.12 kg (4.67 Ibs); 2"/3" Shoulder bell combination; 2" Lap belts; RFR™ Rotary Buckle fixed to the anti-sub strap, the Flexi Belt™ system provides the option for pull-up or pull-down configurations. M'tmkl I'roh^tirt ! bar UTMOU mil Flcxi Belt '•"•• brx'H. RHf 4 Dn-huiMhliM am Schnttgurt. das Flcxi Bel^BecfeengurtsystemennoglichtdenWechsd «iM'tu-n pull-up und pulUliwn duali нпШю I liMhiautt'ii 6-Pnint Professional Restraint; T-bar version; approx 2 23 kg (4.92 Ibs); 3" Lap belts; RFR™ Rotary Buckle fixed to the anti-sub strap 6-PimktProfigurt: T-bar Version ы Z.j^ks; BixkengLirtc: "Smm hrcil RTRT"-Dttliverschluss am Sfliriltj^un 1R\S ^pt','lnчh^т(l Punk; f'ruii^un. ТЬаг\*чмип mi! HIM Bcl!!v'-Bt;(:kem;iirtS;rSlim ca. 2.12 k^. 2 /т SchultergBUkombinalion; fictkfni>tirtt ^0 1ШП hreii: RFK' M -DiTlnt-iN t hluvs,lin4-hritt.!>iin. etc. Нем Belt™Betkcn^nls^eni frm<)giid)L ik'n \\tch41! Aiix'hen juil]up und pull-iltiun duixli Linhicht^ i msi-hlaufen. HANS specific 6-Point Professional Restraint; T-bar version, approx 211 kg (4,65 Ibs); 2"/3" Shoulder belt combination; 3" Lap belts; RFR™ Rotary Buckle fixed to the anti-sub strap HANS fiYifischrrM'tiilktPrnlisurt; T-bar \ersion:at 1 1] ki; 2 ^ Sihuher^urtkonihi nation: Bei'kengui-lf " mm hrt'it. Ri-K'"-l)rchviTSohluss am Sthritlgun 20012 20013 40012 40013 20112 20113 40112 40113 20212 20213 40212 40213 20912 40912 Formula PiolillllF n 6-Point Formula Professional Restraint; approx. 1.32 kg (2.91 Ibs); Shoulder belts with 8 mm bolt-in attachments; 2" Lap belts with combined adjuster/bolt-in attachments, Anti-sub straps with double bolt-in wrap around attachments; RFR™ Rotary Buckle fixed to the right lap belt 0 I'imkt ГпппЫ'дш: L.I l.-ij k;4. sdinlicrsiu] u- nut .^ mm SchraubbeschlugeR; Becktn^urte: SO mm SchrittgurtemitdoppeheingesdilauftenSdmmbht^chid^en Kl R—DrrhuTsdliu^ ainredyUjn Beckengjirt HANS" specific 6-Point Formula Professional Restraint; approx 1.38 kg (3.04 Ibs); 2"/3" Shoulder belt combination with 8 mm bolt-in attachments; 2" Lap belts with combined adjuster/ bolt-in attachments. Anti-sub straps with double holt-in wrap around attachments; RFR™ Rotarv Buckle fixed to the right lap belt H\NS spezffocher6-Pimktt4>rmdgart,ca. loKkg: > i SdniltcrgurtkombinmiimmitSininSdiraut hcwhLliien Betkcniiuilt SOmmhreitnutkombinienen Verstdl Sdiraubbeschlagen;Schrittgurteniit dopnelt oiniteMlilauftrn Sdimuhbeschl%en: Rl R™ 6-Point Formula Professional Restraint; approx. 1.45 kg (3.20 Ibs). Shoulder belts with 8 mm bolt-in attachments; 3" Lap belts with combined adjuster/bolt-in attachments; Anti-sub straps with double bolt-in wrap around attachments; RFR™ Rotary Buckle fixed to the right lap belt h I'unkt Fornld^url: ui. !.4т Ц: Sihulter^yrtt 1 ran X mm Schrauhhf4:lila^ii: Bidenguru ~i mm hrcit mil komhinierten Verstell-. SthraiibbeMhb^n Sihritt^uru- mil doppellein^eschlaiiftfn Sthrautv i. RFR™ l)reh\ crsdiluss am rechien HANS" specific 6-Point Formula Professional Restraint; approx. 1.50 kg (3.31 Ibs), 273" Shoulder belt combination with 8 mm bolt-in attachments; 3" Lap belts with combined adjuster/ bolt-in attachments; Anti-sub straps with double bolt-in wrap around attachments; RFR™ Rotary Buckle fixed to the right lap belt H \ N S spf/irwherh-PimkU-ormtl^iirla.!. i suku 1'. •> SdiullergurikombmatHin mil к mm Schraulv ЬсчпЦа-п. Brtkonune-" mm broil rait kiimbinierten Vt-rstcU-, Sthraublx'schlasitn. Sdmttt;ur!( mil doppdteuigescMauftenSdirsuibbescblagen K I R 1 4 DrdiuiMhlus» am rctlmn IS«k'ni;url 25082 25083 40082 40083 25182 25183 40182 40183 25282 25283 40282 40283 6-Point Professional Restraint; patented Hybrid™ version; approx. 2.11 kg (4 65 Ibs); 2" Lap belts; RFR™ Rotary Buckle fixed to the right shoulder belt 6 Punkl Profigurt painttierte H\brid™ \стмоп. ta 2 1 1 kg Beck-ngurte iO nun breit Ш™ Drehu-rstliiuss am redlten Sdiulteniiirt HANS' specific 6-Point Professional Restraint; patented Hybrid™ version; approx. 2.00 kg (4.41 Ibs); 2"/3" Shoulder belt combination; 2" Lap belts; RFR™ Rotary Buckle fixed to the rigbt shoulder belt I i.\\S' spc/ifbdn'r Pmfigurt. patent n-rtc IK Imd'" Version; ca. 2.00 kg 2' -> Sdiuhefgurtkombinatjnn: Bttkensurtt. 50mm bnrit: RFR™-l)rehvcrsthlu^ am rediU-ii 4lnil{erpurt 6-Point Professional Restraint, patented Hybrid™ version; approx. 2.22 kg (4.89 Ibs); 3" Lap belts, RFR™ Rotary Buckle fixed to the right shoulder belt (i I'unkt Profigurt: patenliertt-13\ brid™1 Version: i.t 1 J J k g ttecki-ngune "•>nBnbmLRFR"1-Drchvel^Ll!}lu^^ .Ш1 retllten Schlll(er«url HANS ' specific 6-Point Professional Restraint; patented Hybrid™ version; approx 2.11 kg (4.65 Ibs); 2"/3" Shoulder belt combination, 3" Lap belts; RFR7™ Rotary Buckle fixed to the right shoulder belt \tTSion ca J.I 1kg Г -i SdmltergurlkomliiM.uion: lieckenguru1: "5 mm breit К! К1'-1 Drehvt'rsihluvs Lira rechton Schultx>n;iin 20092 20093 40092 40093 20192 20193 40192 40193 20292 20293 40292 40293 •FE 4 Point Professional Restraint approx 1 48 kg (3 26 Ibs) 2 Lap belts RFR™ Push Button Buckle fixed to the inboard lap belt asm system FIA (motor sports) and ECE R 16 04 (street legal) approved meets the applicable provisions of FMVSS 209 (US street legal) allows for upgrade to 5 or 6 point competition restraint NOT HANS" compatible! 4-Point Professional Restraint, approx. 1 76 kg (3 88 Ibs); 3" Lap belts; RFR™ Push Button Buckle fixed to the inboard lap belt; asm' system. FIA (motor sports) and ECE-R 16.04 (street legal) approved, meets the applicable provisions of FMVSS 209 (US street legal); allows for upgrade to 5- or 6-point competition restraint. NOT HANS' compatible! -i Punkt Profigui t ca I -iSki; Bakui^une ^l> mm brcil RFIT" DrucktMtmегчhluv. .mi mnt nbi41 n -4 Pimkt Profis'iirt: i;t l.~h ki$. Beik'ns>iirtf ~S mm brat BFR™-DrucklastaiversdiJnss am innenliegrn(IcilBeiki-iiiiun asm -Mstt-m: ИЛ und ECli-R 16.0-i zu^dibsen: VUG ^ inl mitgeuefett aufrihtb^r zuui 5- nda-d-Punkt Gun: МГНТ HVNS kompatibel! zu^t'lassen \Bd \\irdmitgeliefen лИгичгяг/ит -> odcrtvftinktdurt \ K i m i \ \ s kiimpalibtl 1 left/links right/it'ihts left/llnk^ right/ruin^ 20070 25070 40071 45071 20170 25170 40171 45171 20270 25270 40271 45271 20970 25970 40971 45971 Ultra LJghtweight6-Point Professional Restraint, patented Hybrid™ version. Titanium shoulder belt latches with light-weight snarrtiooks and ad|usters. approx. 1.44kg (3.17 Ibs); 2" Lap belts; F1 RFR™ Rotary Buckle fixed to tbe right shoulder belt Shoulder pads and snapon shoulder/crotch belt kit included I itniletdner (vPunkl Profigun: potentiene Hybndгч \ er >ion. Hum Schuller^iutauigen mil leicluen \i^kiink iXN.hiaut'n imd Lui^emfTMeiliin!itii:ta. l.-н k?>. Iktk-u liurt 50 mm hreiL Fonnel 1 RFiP^Orchrerschluss .tm rtthien SdiulEer^urL Sfhuiteryurtp» ibtt-r mid \ibklinklxsch!;i!>4i fui -SdiuItiT- i 25090 RACING-Accessories Anti-sub straps Anti-sub strap I Anti-sub strap II Single Crotch Strap for all 4-point RFR™ Restraints; approx. 0.23 kg (0.51 Ibs} T-Bar Crotch Strap for all 4-point RFR™ Restraints' approx. 0.48 kg (1.06 Ibs) Schrittgurt I fur alk- 4-Pimkt RPR1 "-Giirte. ca. (U) kg Sdinttgurt II (T-Bar) fur alk- i Punkt RFR"4iurte: ra. 0.48 kg Ultra Lightweight 6-Point Professional Restraint. T-bar version; Titanium T-bar and shoulder belt latches with light weight lap belt latches, snaphooks and adjusters: approx 1.41 kg (3.11 Ibs). 2" Lap belts; F1 RFR™ Rotary Buckle fixed to the anti-sub strap; Shoulder pads and snap-on shoulder/crotch belt kit included High Quality NOMEX' covered 3" Shoulder Pads (Pair) ~SmmSth(:lten;tH!piihter{Paar):Be/uiyn.i[fn:il M)Mh\ ! ImlHchierd funk Pmtii;url; Titan Т Barund Sdiuter i,ijrt/unj>tn nul leidnen ВесКепцшч/шщ'П Uiskliiiklx-r*chl.u;uiundldnL;emersttilunge[i la 1 -llkg Betkeiv i;urtt" SO mm hit-it Fnrmel 1 Kl'K '•' !>rL-hu-rsdiliis:> am Stlmtigint Schulteigiirtpolstcru ч1! hir ScliuhLT iind Schrill^urie inkUhi\f 25010 3" Shoulder Pads 49010 49110 49210 49910 49002 49102 49202 49902 logo yellow/ logo silver/ Lou» Й1-1Н 00209 01209 02209 03209 1.0JJO silhc'r 00229 ® 20° Model Die in Deutschhmd entwickelien und / htrgestelltenSCHROTlI HANS S\ steme « erden zur Erzielung von optimalfr ausschlieKlith aus hochnertiger Kohlefaser gefertigi. SCIIROTH liefert / seine HANS' Systeme an Top-Rennteanis undSericn inklusive F l . F.-WW). WRC. FIA GT. ETCC und viele andere! HANS' made by SCIIROTH und HANS' Rallye Gurtenurden unter strengsten Bediiiguni;en getestet Upright seating position (Touring car, Rally, GT, etc.). Trie 20° is for upright seating positions in all sports cars (Porsche. BMW. Honda etc.) and tuuring car series with racing shell seats (Sparco, Recaro, OMP, etc.). Available in 2 versions: Sport (2 sizes) and light weight Pro (1 size). Aulreviitf SitTpoMlioiKloufeiiua^fn. K.iliu. (П us\v) .'0 M gccignei rur cini- aufrcchte Sil/pmtion in alien Sport\\ai!t'ii (I'orsihe. BM\\ Honduiis%v) und Iburen\s .i^nwnt'ii mil Sth.ilf riMl/en I Sp.irco. Recmt O\W>. им.») Iji'fntarin 1 \tTsionen Spon(2(inKSeii)und dieleichU 1 1'rf> \u>fithrung(l Grofx',1. Medium Sport Medium Pro Large Sport 201 42252 42262 42253 Clip Installation HANS® Pads 20" 1°, 40» The purchase of your HANS * includes installation of HANS' helmet clips (for approved helmets) by one of our trained distributors Please check with your Motorsport regulations for the helmets which are accepted for HANS" use in your series. Contact us for information on our new HANS' Rally package and Custom Built "Made to Measure" HANS" devices. Sizing based on neck (shirt) size Medium: 15"-18.5" Large:>185" Contact us for additional HANS' accessories or visit Semi-reclined racing sea! (formula cars / single sealers). The 3Q° is for semi-reclined seating applications such as formula cars, single seat sports racers and similar. This model is available in Sport or light weight Pro versions. Reclined racing seat |F1. historic single seaters, etc.). The 4CTF1 is for reclined seating positions such as many vintage single seaters and Fl This model is available in a light weight professional version ONLY. Hfl&fiegcnde Sirzpobiiion< f i irmelfiihneuge Liegende Sitzposition ( F l . historisihe Eimit/er. us^.). -tO Fl wgeeignetnirSit/positioneninitextri'mer Kuckenlelmenneignnguie in Oldtimer-Einsitzern und derhirmel i Diesis Moddlist NCR in einerfekhten Profi\ersH)n lieterhar. FinMt/er) -il) ist geeignet fur halhliegenik Mt/ positioner) «ie in Formelfahrzeugen einvit/igen Renrrrtagemmdahnkhen Dn-ч1^ Mudellbtinden \ ersionen Sport und tier lekhten Pro \i!sfuhnmg lieferbar. 3D 42352 Medium Pro 42362 HANS StandardPolster (Medium) ims Standard Polsler (Large) HANS fomfort Schaum Polster -(Medium.! Kniuaktiereii Sie uns bezugiich Informatiooen т unserem neuen HANS Rall\e Paket und kundenspe/ifisthen IU\S' Scnderanfertigungen Grol-le ba5iereml auf der(Hemd) krag<.-m\eite Medium is era -f cm Large ^4~cni KonraklierenSie unshir\veitere^ HA_NS' /utx'tnir <uter ht-Miihen Sie нилуч'Пroth cum 1 Medium Spon HANS' standard padding-(Medium) HANS' standard padding-(Large) HANS' comfort foam padding - (Medium) DerKauHhirslHNS' beinhaitet die Installation von Ii\\S' Helm Clip^ tfur gepmtte Helme) durch einen uaserer gothultcn Handler. Bine uberpnifen Sie Ihre Motorsport Rrgularien. welche Helme in Hirer Serie mil demH.\NS' Gebraudl ak/t-ptien \\erdeu Medium Fl Standard Standard Comfort 40" Medium Large Medium 42462 00043 00044 00045 01043 02043 03043 /7 Measure Speedway Shark Bag Speedway Shark Supef Voyagef \\ IS HANS' ready • High performance helmet for formula style race cars with HANS ' Post Clips Features aerodynamic design to stabilize tbe helmet in all conditions, Simpsons Ultralight T-38 technology, adjustable air vents for cooling and NOMEX ' liner. Complete with two Lexan Visors (smoke + clear) and padded helmet bag. Made by Simpson Performance Products in the USA. i 1 \\s E HodtteisUjngsheln] fur [omicllahrzeuse mil HANS ' PostClipx Besondere D^-nsdut ten Mnd itis aertKl\n.uiiiNChc DeMiyi. das den Helm т alien Ligen чаЫЫсп. die ulu'aieichte 4impsi т Г- 58 ledirwluiye. u'Nellkux- HduAui^sventile und die \OM1-Y Innenschale Koniplettmit/\\eiLe\an\isie«'n (raudl & kljr) ш«1 ge|*>l*rter Hdmiaschr llen>estelll ion Simpsim Perfoni].mce Product* in den 1 S \ Speedway Shark Lexan Visor (smoke) HANS" ready High performance helmet with HANS" Post Clips Features WIDE VIEW visor opening adjustable intake vents + tunnel system to circulate cool air throughout helmet Ught weight high gloss aerodynamic shell exclusive impact absorbing onepiece EPS liner and adjustable tear off posts Complete with helmet bag Made by Simpson Performance Products in the USA. H\_\S eithat/berut tlochleistiingshelm mil HANS P< Ы flips Besondere Eigenschaften smd die \ we r offhuiig fur einen w i!en Bkkwnkel die \ i rstellnaren Be luftungsxenul und -tiumels\ *.teme fur erne optimale Lufwrkulaaon die leichtc jenxlvnaraisefte Hochglanz ^haJt die e\kiusi\ e stofeiampfendt einteilige EPS 1гшепы.Ьа1е uiid \erstellbjn KbreiM Lsitrfxlesuyungen Komplettnuilltliiitasihe HeTgiMelli ionSimpxm Ptrlomiance Products m den [ ^ \ Size/drofr White/\knR Size/OroKe White/\UiK 58 (7 1/4") 42914 58 (7 1/4") 42954 59(73/8") 42915 59(73/8') 42955 60(71/2") 42916 60 (7 1/2') 42956 61 (7 5/8") 42917 61 (7 5/8") 42957 62 (7 3/4") 42918 62 (7 3/4") 42958 TO ENSURE AN ACCURATE FIT use this chart to order your correct helmet size. Carefully measure around your head, above the ears. Take tbe measurement, in inches or centimeters, referring to the sizing chart above for your correct hat/ helmet size. Helmet must fit properly for optimum performance. Don't guess your size. Helmet must be securely and snugly fastened before engaging in any activity. I M E1NE.N KORREK 1L\ HELMS) 17 /I GE\\ ЛИЛ 1DSTES solllen Sie die* Tabelle nir Bestelhmg Hirer rithligen HelmyroKe nutzen. Mesien Sie Ihrcn Koprumfang sorgfaltig uber den Ohren. Nefunen Sie die MaKe in Inches txler /entimelcr s>ema!> der obigen GroisenLibelle. um Ihrc e\akte Hul- Helm grofe ?u ermitteln Dc-r Helm muB eiiraandirei \\utn htr cim1 optimale Fiutktion. F> reicht in Кешет Fill! die Orotfc Л1 schatzc-n Der Helm rauK sicher uud hequem aulgeseui \\erdi-n. boor irgencl«eltlie \ktiv1Uten damitgeslartetn^nlen. HAUNli-Accessones Roll Cage Padding Window Nets Window Net Size 400 mmx405 mm [Ixh](15.75"x16") for 4-door and compact cars; Meets all applicable international standards (e.g. SFI/USA/NASCAR and FIA appendix J) L-M) mm \ H-Ю5 mm fur-t luri^eund kompaktt' Fahrzt-ufie Knbpridu Fl \ \nhajii* I rmdDNiSBAorsthriiten €• 09053 without hardware/ 1Л 09054 «hni-Hardware Window Net (nardware incl.) Size I 525 mm x 467 mm [I x h] (20.7" x 18.4") for 2-door and larger race cars; Meets all applicable international standards (e.g. SFI/USA/NASCAR and FIA appendix J) I. ^ mm \ H лв~ mm fur 2-fimgeand ,цго№те Fahr /euge Lmsprichl M \ Aiihan^ I und DMSB-Vorbchriften left/links right/n'ihts 09045 09545 09046 09546 Window Net (hardware incl.) Size 1 Window Net Size 1 40D mm x 405 mm [I x hi (15.75" x 16") for 4-door and compact cars; Meets all applicable international standards(e.gSFI/USA/NASCARandFIAappendixJ) 525 mm x 467 mm [I x h] (20.7" x 18.4") for 2-door and larger race cars. Meets all applicable international standards (e.g. SFI/USA/NASCAR and FIA appendix J) I i l x i m m x H - t l f t m n i f u r i turigi'iimlkompjlaehihrтгдс I mspndu НЛ \nhari£| imd DMSB\brediriften L 52i mm \ H *" mm tiir 1 -Binge and groferf fahr/euge: FntspruhlHA \iih;insJuildI>MSFt\or4'liriH(.'n Roll Cage Padding in 600 mm length to fit different diameters Kifig-SdiutzpobtenmginuOOmsi sdiiedene Rohnliirchmesier Diameter/Rulirdurchmesser 32-35 mm 99070 38-41 mm 99071 left/link- right/iwhts 09043 09543 09055 witbout hardware/ 45-48 mm 99072 09044 09544 09056 ohni-llanhan- 50-53 mm 99073 asm autocoiol : flallye asm aiilnciiiiliii!' III silver asm aulocontfol® n Rallye 3 asm® Rallye 4 asm 3-point static harness belt, shoulder and lap belts: 50 mm (2") wide webbing, asm' system; quick disconnect tail strap 4-point static harness belt; shoulder and lap belts: 50 mm (2") wide webbing, asm' system, quick disconnect tail strap. The V-shaped tail strap creates an almost perfect symmetry to the shoulder straps. ^, — . • 3 point automatic harness belt; shoulder and lap belts: 50 mm (2") wide webbing, asm' system; quick disconnect tail strap \utomatik Hfbemragergtirt: 3-Punkt-Befrstignng Schulter- und Bcckengiirte ^0 ram bruit: Druck tasten\er4 hiusv амп S\ livnnvrrschlibs: \BCinirdmitgelirfert 3-point automatic harness belt; shoulder belts: 75 mm (3"); lap belts: 50 mm (2") wide webbing, asm system; SCHROTH Racing logo; quick disconnect tail strap Automatik llosentragergurt; 3-Pimkt-Bf fesugung Schultergurte: ~S mm hreit: Beckengurte: S(i mm brctt. Drucktastenverscbhiss; asm' S> su-m: SCHROTH Racing lx>go imilrenn\erschlub^: Uid \\irdmilgcliefert flock colour yellow/Hocklarhe gelb left/link» right/rethts • 11010E • 11090E 11590E ^tatik Ht»uitrai;ergtir! i-Putdct-BefestigimgSdiuherund Bfckt-ngurte SO mm bait, Drucktastenverschluss; .wn S\stem: nutTmimtrsdiiuss \BGwinimil gek-fen. \ Montage ч erbesstil die Gunsj mmeme. flock colour yellow/Hotkfarhc gelh left/links right/reihts 11510E flock colour black/1 locktarbe sciro ar/ left/link'. right/rcclits Statik - Hoscntragergurl: .-iT'unkt-BertsnyunK. Sdiulter- und Btikengiirte 5П mm hreiL Drutk taMenverschlu.N>. a>m -S\Mem. mil Irfiimcrschlib-.. \BG v\ird mitgdifterr 10010E left/links right/rechts 11039E 11539E 10510E flock colour yeltowA lockfarbe gc Ih left/I nk-. nght/ruhts • flock colour black/1 Idikt.irk sclnvarx left/linb right/r«hb 16D10E 1651DE flock colour black/riw kl irhe schwir/ left/links right/rtchts 11011E 11511E 10090E Ю590Е Ш • 11012E 11512E • 10011E 1051 1E • • П013Е 11513E • 1Q012E 10512E 41 11015E 11515E • 10019E 10519E | Bitte geben Sie im deutschsprachigen Raum die Artikel-Nr ohne "E" an Das "E" steht fur die engjjsche jxportversion. | • 16090E 16011E 16042E 16019E 1659DE 16511E 16542E 16519E Rallye Cfoss asm® Outfit Pioli - FE QuickFit asm® Profill-FEasfli V l\ t 4 point static harness belt; shoulder and lap belts: 50mm (2") wide webbing: asm1 system. Must not be installed wben rear seat occupancy is desired Statik •Hosenlragfp'iirt. -t Punkt Bdt*ili«uni>: Schuher- unii Beckengurie. SOrnm breit: Drucktasten UT-idiluss ;iMir-S\Mem.Kinbaumirumer^egtall dc^ )HH'iK himeren Sit/plat/es muyiidl •C ' 4- point state harness belt; shoulder and lap belts: 50 mm (2") wide webbing; asm' system; simple installation using two small adaptors and the original buckles; suitable and approved only tor Volkswagen Golf II. Ill and IV. Additional approvals being planed. Please contact SCHR01H Stank Hawitraijei^urt 4 f flock colour yellow/Flwktarh* gelh lвft/link^ right/rechts Sdmlfcr mid I3akeit"j8te. 50 mm br .LMtr ^\^«)]11111гл'и2ЧХ-лИч'ГК1гО l\ \Bdu^mto%tTL/Aik44ni^ PlanimS RMcbmrjkliMHiSk'SCfflcmi ftock colour yellow/Hocktarb left/links right/redus 13010E • 13510E 12010VWE 12510VWE flock colour blackyTlinkfarbcschw-ir? left/links right/rrdib flock colour black/Flockhirbo sihwar left/links righl/reiht. | Anti-Sub-Straps please see RACING-Bells, page 15 / SchnttKurle fmtk'ii Sic inner RVCIM; Belt-.. 4-Point Professional Restraint; approx 1 48 kg (3.26 Ibs); shoulder belts: 75 mm |3"). lap belts 50 mm (2") wide webbing; RFR™ Push Button Buckle fixed to the inboard lap belt, asm ' system; FIA (motor sports) and ECE-R 16.04 (street legal) approved rreets !he applicable p r ovisions of FMVSS 208 (US street legal); allows for upgrade to 5- or 6-point competition restraint. NOT HANS ' compatible! 4 Punkt Proligurl; ca. 1 лК ks: Schultergurte ~i mm breit: Bwlkenguru1: SO mm brtit: RFR; '•' S^ttm. ПА uiul Ы1; R Id 0 1 /ugekssen: ЛВС »ird mitgeliffert: aufnbtbar /um S (tder 6 Punkl Gun; XICHTHANS" kiimpadbcl! 4-Point Professional Restraint; approx. 1.63 kg (3.59 Ibs); shoulder and lap belts: 75 mm (3") wide webbing; RFR™ Push Button Buckle fixed to the inboard lap belt, asm' system; FIA (motor sports) and ECE-R 16.04 (street legal) approved; meets the applicable provisions of FMVSS 209 (US street legal); allows for upgrade to 5- or 6-point competition restraint; NOT HANS" compatible! •j-PunktPmli?un ca 1 (i-ikj. 4iiultcr undlictken gurte "S mm breii M'R'" Drudctasteflverschhiss лт inoeiiliegenden Reckent^irt. амп S\4t'm НЛ undEUR Id П-i /ugehwen: USG \urd mitjselk-tiTt. aiifriisibaraimi o d e r h h i n k l d u n N I C H Г I I V \ S ' kumpalihel! left/linb right/rcchb left/link^ right/rethb 13090E 13590E • 12090VWE 12590VWE 20070 25070 40070 45070 13011E 13511E • 12Q11VWE 12511VWE 20170 25170 40170 45170 13042E 13542E • 12012VWE 12512VWE 20270 25270 40270 45270 13D19E 13519E 20970 25970 40970 45970 12019VWE 12519VWE Padding Adaptor Т Leather Shoulder Pads Shoulder Pads Adaptor loi Installation II /II Any restraint operates betterwith matching shoulder pads. Tlie SCHROTH shoulder pads are made of a special foam that consists of millions of tiny air bubbles that help to optimize the pressure loading over your shoulders. For 50 mm (2") webbing and fits standard automotive seat belts. 100% cotton fabric, pair I ur mehrKomfortund Sidierhrit. Miffioii?n Uemer hutt Ыач1геп sdiut/en den I falv uiid Sduikerbcreich vor den Leather embossed with SCHROTH logo, pair. Mildnem hlultder Ве/ия mil gcpragltm srffltOTH Schrifl/ug paan\eist \ei~paLkt. For 75 mm (3") shoulder belts as for asm" autocontrol III silver; with SCHRDTH Racing logo; 100% cotton fabric, pair; NOT intended for racing! For asm autocontrol installation. Needed for installation to point D. Zur Montage des Automaien am I>PunJa fur " mnu У ) brcite Schuiteroiirte \vie bei asm autocontrol Ш silver: mitSCHROTII Kacin.q U)i;o: Bezug KHToBaumwolle: paarecise\ci-patkt. MCHT /ulassig ini Rennsport! S[ l mm breitis (.Surtbaml. alsi i auch fiir jeden Original v unwolle. paarmisevetpackl flock colour flock colour yellow/ grey/ flock colour black/ bliKktaihe Flockfaibc riotkforne qelb gran 4.1m ar/ 00109 09109 09309 01109 D2109 03109 05109 09209 00149 09229 01003 Seats SCHROTH and KONIG have developed a customized restraint/seat package tor many Porsche models, including: 911 Carrera/4S/GT ЗДагда/Coupe ЗСДагда SC 3 0/Carrera Turbo, Porsche 924/924S and 928/928S. SCHROTH PROFI 6-point restraint + KONIG comfort seat, seat console and adaptor included. Available for additional car models. For further information please contact the SCHROTH team Sportive comfort seat with reclining seat back, seat belt guides and seat pan opening for crotch straps. The seat is designed to embrace, providing you with unrestrictive driving comfort and style. Hand crafted in high quality black velvet velour. Available with the RD PRO Active lamellas system Spurtlidirr KomtorLsitz mil \BE \er4eiibatrr Rutkeniehne und Gurtoffnun^en fur Sdiultfr und Schrittsurte. Oas pragnani ausgeformte Lchnenteil untrrstui/t die sdiuiurpanif wirkungswll L neingescbriinkter Bedienung3kornfbrt und optmiak Si-uniinhrung. llodmemgersdinar/erEdelvelourv BtvugstufHKD • mitPROAktix Lamdkjns\-.u-m! Ergonomically perfect. Sport seat with adjustable head rest, reclining seat back and seat pan opening for crotch straps. Available with the RD PRO Active lamellas system RD PRO Active lamellas system channels road vibrations away from your vertebrae and improves air circulation for comfort. RD is „The shock absorber for your vertebrae". Enjonoiimdi perfclit SportsiU mil Mil:, u-rstdlbarer Kopbtutze imd Rutkeniehne sou ie mil Gurlolfmmg fur Sthrittgurte. Aiis^epragte Schulterfiihrung im ofaesienLehuenteiLHtichweiligersdiwarzerEdelveloins BezuRSsldff(RD - mit PRO .4kU\ Lmicllu] s\s!cllll Das PRO A k i n IjrnellensyMfm 1111 KuckenkKsen fflr fine gczidif Enlkitnngskraft da Wirbelsaule. der hir I SCHROTH und KON Ю harxii cm uidi; iducll аЬцс stimmlcs (iurl Sit/ P.ikrt fur M-rsiluedi'iic Porsihe Modi'lie me 411 Cam ra 4S С Г л Tai-ца Coupe S(. Targa SC i () CamraTiirhii. РогчЬе Ч2ч 42-lS und 92S <-)2SS «счЬпип. SCHROTII PROFI ft Punkt-Gun - KOMG koraforlsil/ mcl Kdiboltn und Laufsdiient'ii Der Gnrl \\ ird nut einer \H(J und der Si[/ niit eiutr ЛВЬ ijeiie^rl Гиг\\ните F:!hr'cu^t\7H4t \edugbar fur \vnu-re Inlnniutlonen konlaktierra Sii' hillt liis SC HROTH Team т t* • о S fr* i in Ш 1Е.04 Patented actuator (recessed lever). All standard racing harnesses come with this type RFR™ rotary buckle Use all seats. / Nut/en Mt <ii)i- ч SCHROTH street legal harness belts are unique in their ability to he installed to factory provided mounting points along with the factory provided seat belts SCHROTH harness belts meet all certification requirements by the German TUV, ECE-R 16.04 and US-DOT for use on public roads Each belt comes with complete installation and operating instructions. If your vehicle is listed in the included Vehicle Reference List the installation has been tested and appoved with the stock seat or the listed aftermarket seats. Unlike most other aftermarket harness hells, most SCHROTH street legal harness belts have a unique disconnect feature between the front part of the harness and the rear tail strap. When you are not using the SCHROTH street legal harness belts, they can he stored out of the way allowing complete access for all passengers and full use of all factory seat belts. SCHROTH-* ;urte чп<1 mint nur bauartgenelimlgt idurdi LCI- К 15 0-f). Mtndern sind die Lin/i^en. die mil finer \B<J ^ehetert nmien Damn sind Me abnahmeirei in Fahr?euge gemaJs der S( 'HROTH Uhr/eue/unrdnungsiisteeinbaubar Die П \ -uepratte SCHROTH Embautedmolosie erlaubt SCHROTH-tiurle /usat/iith /u den v'orhan denen liuriM четен /u monileren und den Lndxun durch das Trennschloss Mfmell \om (jurt ш Imen Dadurch komien die Rutksit/e "enut/t und von alien Insassen die Orrgin-alirurte \er\undl werden. The patented SCHROTH RFR1" rotary (cam lock) huckle operates with a carbon fiber reinforced gear system. Since it operates grease free it is insensitive to dust and other environmental influences RFR™ the abbreviation for Regressive Force Release, means the release force is reduced during release operation rather than increasing as seen with all other rotary buckle products. Therefore the RFR™ buckle meets the stringent FIA required release forces without the need of an extended lever The patented actuator with the recessed lever helps to avoid the risk of accidental release. The durable RFR1* rotary buckle is approximately 30 percent lighter than other products, yet it is still one of the strongest in the market. For FIA and ECE-R 16 04 (street legal) approved racing harnesses (FE models for Rally driving) it is available as a push button type buckle nerpstentiene SCHROTH RFR"'-DrcllUTsihlu» lusien.mfeinei KiHili-hhtni i>t:irkteii OHnun^nieibanik die uline I ell und MHIIJI tmanta!!]i4 цщепиЬег Slauh und andercn Linfhis4'l] arbeitet IHiahdie M(ll Bahrein!der Bedienuns; redn/ierenden Ofimmgskrafte (Recessive F-orce Release) benoiislder SCI IROTH RFR' 41 Dfehrerschluss im Gejjemai/ /u alien anderen DrehvtTSChlussen keinen nix rstelienden Nebei. inn die slreniien ПЛ \nfordenmgen т ertuilen. D;b paieinierle Оем'ДП de-^ \erse!liu^sdecke!i Illjt dem мпсцпсПе» i k liel «cfllk-Ы iinlK-ab^ichtJsli". Offmil [iraktMii ;ui4 DaruberhiimusislderVerschluss imua. -ill ieKhler;iisandere\er^leulib.ire F'rodukte liol/demkannderS( IIROTII Rf : R l v l Dnefnvrsdiiiiss ah eiiK-r dt-r stabiKien V erMhlu^^t am M;irkt bezeklmet\\eiden FurzusatziichECE-R 16.0-1 strat<en7uuelassene Kenngnrte (FL-M(ide!ie hir daiKaUyeelnsatz)stditderSCHROrrH R I - R ! M \ егч liluss nut Drucktaslenbetali^ung /ur Veriu £un$ asm' With asm' /\1r,L- Without Figure 1. Remaining strength in percent over a 2 year period / :. • 'iLiimn Figure 2 A points to the woven in mono filaments, responsible for the 'memory effect'. В points to the : l round edges for additional comfort, /i,rjhk , LI-IT uTuntvorikhriirdt'i] ' \1riiHin Ш< kt K/v-tf (lit ni!;LM n Kanteflffirhdhemi \:.-.. ' The patented SCHROTH asm" system offers an unique safety advantage for 4-point harnesses. asm" is the acronym for anti submarining The risk to submarine (sliding underneath the lap belt), a well known phenomenon during frontal impacts, is significantly reduced by the asm' safety system The energy converter is located in the inboard shoulder belt Therefore make sure you purchase left and/or right harnesses. Severe injuries or death are possible using 4-point harnesses without the SCHROTH asm" safety system or an anti-sub strap. SCHROTH harnesses designed for use on public roads (FE push button models) or those likely to be used as 4-points come with the asm' safety system. The performance of the SCHROTH asm' safety system has also been positively tested in conjunction with airbags Current Head And Neck Supports (HANS" j provide further reduction of head deceleration and neck bending. However, the asm" system is not compatible with such devices. Therefore all SCHROTH models likely to be used with any head and neck devices come without the asm' system Limn cmnulint.']) Sicherbwtsvoreprung ottenert-n SCHROTH ( PimkKrtjrte mitdcm pattniierten .14-11 -SicherheUssystem лмп stehtraranti submarining und nieint die Yerhindrnmg \ on iintcr (It- n BukeiiL;iirt laucht'ii Ок-м> Ы -Lumte Phanomen Ы-i emem I rontahufprall wird (lurch .ism w irkimssA oil reduyitrt. I>a du> System a!s Energfewamller arlx-itei muss iminer in hnke «nil redite (liine iinterschieden \u-rden Oas ;ism Sicherheitss\ stem hdmdtt Mch hei dk^en Gunen im tiuienlioijeiiden Sihuiurgurl Bei •fPunkt-Gurten olint- u-.m koniien ht-i einem fFoiitaljutprall ^t'ahriiche \еги-1л!П^еп auftrett-n. Dahcr weitU'n SCHRO"! II Gurte, dk- im StraKen\ i-rkdii1 < FC \ CIMI чк-n } oder aiith. ah -t-Punkt-(iurtc em^ei/( \\crdcn, i m m e r m i t i b u i .ui^m^i-utn Webbing that makes the difference! The webbing we use is especially designed and manufactured for SCHROTH. Each lot manufactured must pass our stringent quality control procedures SCHROTH only uses Polyester material. Polyester has advantages over Polyamide (NYLON")webbing Advantages, such as lesser degradation under light (see figure 1) and a resistance against acids like battery acid. In addition Polyester does not absorb moisture so the performance of SCHROTH harnesses do not change whatever the climate may be. Polyester also has a better force/elongation ratio so a welt designed webbing can convert more energy during an accident. Da> Gunhand madil den LimTsciik'd! Das Gtirtband ш SClfROTH Gurten \vnrde aul tine optimaJeHerfiffmancehinspezidlvonunsaitwidwIi und jiefcrtigi. lede Prnduktuinsdiargt- umtriicgt Die hmorniKendi' Vtirkweiw der SCHROTH ,i4?n "-Gurtt koiintf Jtich im l-iibat?imr Xirbag-. ihii.!iL;t j \\ if>en uerden. Kopi uiu! \ai.'kenSchut/-SyMeme(HA\S I k.ui \tid Nock Support) erl;uilxjn cincgtite Ruckh;dti]ii« dt."- Kopifs mil irdu/iertcr Nackenbeujping Da das ,;-.i-|i ч\ 41 'in inn 4(>ldiL'ii S\ stemcn nidil konipatthtl Unique to SCHROTH is the „memory effect" we have designed into our webbing Special mono filaments laterally woven in, perform like small leaf springs and keep the webbing flat This results in better load spreading over the full width of the SCHROTH webbing. An additional advantage of the SCHROTH webbing: The special weaving technology forms round edges for additional comfort (see figure 2) iM. \\erdt-n alle SCHROTI I (lurtc, die /usammen mil Racing harnesses without asm' must be worn with an anti-sub strap! diirtf ohne ,t--m imiw.:n im t-igcnen lni«vssf immer niii t-inem Sthridi'iirl getni^en werdfii! kofliinuieriiclicn und peniMen QualitiUskontrollrn SCHROTH \erwendei aiiv^hlk'Khdi Fuhesttr weil diestr \VerbtotT im Gegensai? /u Pol> amid INVLON HJurtband исм-ntlKliuenigfrkcht empfindfich (s tjrufik 1 l i s t Daruberhinausbestkhl Polyester mil seiner Rcsjstcm gescnuher Saurt- n f / 1! Ваиепечаиге.) und dtr Tats,u:h.e. da>> so giii v, ie ki-ine rt-udnigkeit aufgenummen v\ii'd Soniit Itabcn \ erhallen \on SCHROTH Gurten PoKeMtT/ekhnci sichauch durth bes^rt- KiaftDehnungstigensdiaAen aus und kann somii wahrendeinesUnfaDs inehr Еиегфе wandeln. Л1>- i-mmalig ^ilt der .Memor\ hffekr . den \\ ir m da*. SCHROTH (iurtband integriert haben Sptvitlk\iomt-Fasern. in Querriditungeingewebt, \virken \\ie kleine Blatifedern und haltt-n das Gu riband fladi Djdurch лл-ird erne bessi-re Lastvetteilun^ u her die gesamleGurtbandbreiteerreidit Usbesonders ant-i-nehmen Ni-heneffekt dt-s SCHROTH (iurtbandfs uerden Sie die mnden Kanien nm ihren angHirfMnen Trageeigenschaften (s Grafik 2} 4Jj £J Fit» Bell" into the anti-sub straps and vice versa in case of a rear impact is achieved. This direct load transfer is important for optimal restraining performance. 31 Engineering in Action! Typical Formula (Dfling) restraints display high upper torso trajectory during a crash. To reduce this trajectory, the crotch straps have to be routed backwards and to be worn extremely tight. Some drivers complain of reduced blood flow in their legs In addition, this configuration does not help during a rear impact to keep the buckle and the lap belt in the correct position In particular in typical open-wheel race car seating positions the driver is not kept firmly in his seat but is likely to move up exceeding the roll over protecton bar The so called T-bar 6-point belt design provides a better restraining function since the anti-sub straps can be routed downward following approximately a chest/crotch tangential. This keeps the buckle in place and provides direct load transferfrom the shoulder straps into the anti-sub straps During a rear impact the anti-sub straps keep the buckle and lap belt in place and restrain the driver much better in the seat Tbe disadvantage of this type of harness: the T-bar should be wide enough to properly separate the antisub straps but is then likely to stick into the upper thighs. To increase tbe comfort, the buckle is often not worn as low as it should for best lap belt positioning The solution: the revolutionary SCHROTH Hybrid™ Restraint The crotch straps are not routed through [kings or attached to a T-Bar but are held directly by the specially developed lap belt latches Thanks to the patented SCHROTH RFR™ rotary buckle the load tranter from the shoulder belts through the buckle Fedinikin \kuun! h pisdie l-ormeUrtine /ageii hei einem I romalaulpral! write OberiforpervorverlagerungeR I m dit.4 smu'iUMe moglidi/u redu/ieren. mubsendie Selmttmirte nach hiiuen verlautemi und extrem eng getragenwenien. Fl-Fahrerklagen fiber abgestorbene FuKe. da die BlutTirkulation redurier! uird. Dieser fkiuitlgiirtverlaufhffitaberbeieinem Heckaulprall mint, den \ersdiluss unten /u halten Dadurth kann der Fnhrer in u pischerFormel-SiGposition niLht sicher im Sit/ gehalten werden - er kann nach ohcn uberden I berrolFschul/ hinausrulschen BesstTeSuckhalbuigbietenT-bar-Ourte DieSdiritt i;tir!e knmien bier in etu :i entlang dor Tangente Oberkorper Ц-iste nadi unten \eriaufend befestigr uerden Da.shalt den \ersdilussm Position und erlaubt direkten Kraftfluss \on drn Sdiulten}tirlen durdiden \erschluss bis in die Sdlrittgiirte. \\ alirend ernes Heckaufpraijs halt dt-r Sdirmgurt den \tTsihfuss und damit den Beckengurt in Position und ikit Fahrer somit deutlidl besser im Sitz. Nathrt il dieser Gurtc. !)er T-bar muss eine Mindesl groKe hahcn. um die Schntt«urte aasreidiend /u st-pannx n stidit dann aber inak/eplabel in die Oberschenkel. I niden Komfort/n erhohen. werden lui si)klien Gurteii die \ i-i'' ofl nicht tie) ftir einc pile Bcckengurtffihrung getragtn Die Lnsun;^ des Problems: Der revolntlonare SCHROTH H>bnd l 4 I Gun. Die Minttgurtf werden radii mehr durdi Imlcnker ш den Schuttergurten gefuhrt oder an eiiu-m I bar b< fesligl, Minderndirekl mil den darur rnn\ ickelu-n Beckengurlzungen gehalten Dank des fM patentierten R H R Drelnersehlusses kann die Kraft der Sdiulleraiirle durch den \crschluss in die Bedcengurtzungen und \on (fort in die Schnttgiirte ^eluhrl \\eiden Bei eineni Heikaufprallverhalt MI h ^enau uni^ekehrt. Dieser direkte Krafttluss enlsdieidet uher eine guu- Ruckhalteinnktion Flexi-Belt™ - one harness, many variations! Length adjusters in lap belts come as „pull-ups" or „pull-downs". In addition they often have to be positioned differently to achieve optimal operation. SCHROTH has developed the solution which covers your different needs with just one lap belt model: the "Flexi-Belt™". The lap belt latches and brackets supplied with the harness can be assembled to the lap belt with a two-bar sliding bracket allowing you to change the configuration. With this you decide on pull-up or pull-down versions and if applicable, different for the left and right lap belt portion. You may also vary the lengths to optimize the adjuster position depending on your car, your seat and seating position. Even exchanging mounting hardware is possible (e.g. a bolt-in bracket for a snap-on bracket) „Flexi-Belt™" is only available with 50 mm (2") lap belts, SCHROTH "-II" models. Photo shows "Flexi Belt™", individual components and assemblies: "pull-up" and "pull-down" /Гпш и-\-лА\<- f k л 14 fSeli kimipom-nk'i) scp;inerl unil die niimiicrlen VTSKWU •|H]|J-iip lind puli-dflWD Hexi Belt 1 ' 1 ' iin(iurt.\iele\aridjUen! \\t i rlfosfiiira«ergurtemit7t.dervvt'il'iun)iJicBes^riffe pull up" und pull-do\\ir in liecken.mirteri Oftnub \\t-rden {iiH^ngemi/rsri'lliinjieri/iiroptmuk'n Bedienung nut imtersdiiedlkhen Рочиогм-п bz\\ Vu^richumgen btnotigt. SCHRO1 H hat ji/i/t ditI.OMmymniiremfmGurtenuvkkelt ,Flc\i B e l l 1 4 1 DK- \ erdilusvuiigrn und Ikstlila^- lasst-п MI h hitrbei mil absolut 4'hlupffrden Klemmeii .in dni gewunschten (.iurienden btrfe^iii'i-n Sic tiviert'ii I hi mdividuelles .pull up und puil-doun . ^m/iuiti Bdieben links .mckrs ab rtthts und daiin nodi in dfii 1 .uitifn. dit- Sie branchial. Sogar <ler 'liiusch i-ines -n Au-^kliuklit.^chlaguird nwghdi Hi-ckeu^urEcn, nb SCHROTH \Ые1! II mdi/ien Adjusting ranges oi racing restraints Adjusting ranges Ve-iMelllxTt'kht'vunRenn^urten Shoulder belt Schutepfl 3" lap belt per side 1 " mm B«-kei>Kun к Still- 2" lap belt Flexi Belt™ per side v si > mm Reekenyuil Flexi Belt' je 4ile 18 -75 cm 2" lap belt per side ilimiiiBnVimunirSnv Single crotch strap bnlMin Dual crotch strap ОорреЬслгМцил 23 • 56 cm 20 - 60 cm Profi Snap-on/ hull tusklink 51 - 165 cm 26 - 67 cm Profi Bolt-on/ Pniti Я-hraub 53 -167 cm 28 - 69 cm 25 - 78 cm 24 -76 cm 24 -74 cm Hybrid 51 - 165 cm 26 -67 cm Profi II/III-6FH 36 - 90 cm 21 - 70 cm 21 - 7 0 cm 30 - 7 0 cm Profi II/III-6F 53 -80 cm 21 -70 cm 21 - 70 cm 30 -70 cm Titanium Profi 11-6 51 -165 cm 22 - 7 5 cm 15 - 55 cm Titanium Hybrid II 51 -165 cm 23 76cm 20 -70 cm 31 FIA Tested and homologated in accordance to the standards of the Federation Internationale de I'Automobile IwiAiw.fia.coinl liemaK den St:uid:mb der Federation Internationale tie I \iitomohile (цлуцпа.сот! шлеме! mul homolo»iert Patented SCHROTH anti-submarining technology (see page 29) Patenticrtt'SCHKOnianti-suhmarinmgl nichimiierdenlk'densimtauchen TTedmoloinelsiehe Seiie29) ECE Tested and approved in accordance to the ECE R-16.04 standard Gem.lK Sundard LCE R K> (Й geteslet und ™»e!assen Flexi Belt™ SCHROTH s versatile racing belt system (see page 30) \\ andlungslahiiii^ Kennsui ls\ мет чт SCHKOTH (siehe Seiti- 30) 2"/3" HANS2 specific shoulder belts FIA standard 8853/98 homologated for HANS" use only I) A\S ^pe/itbeiie Sdiulteri<[irte geinaK H \ Shimlard Ss4 i 4S mir fur NutziiiiBmil HANS' Systemen hoinologieri Snell Snell SA 2000 approval ( Snell S \ M« I /и!а>лилц (\п HANS FIA standard 8853 homologated for use with HANS ' (!em;Us FU St;md.lld SS^S homolopen tur die Nlitzum; mil HANS T38 Simpson's advanced materials and helmet manufacturing process that substantially reduces overall helmet weight Simpson Teclmoioifie /ur wesendfchen GevvichLsredu/ienm^ von Heimen duah ttochentu ickelte Materkilien und tortichrittliche I lerstellprozesM.Sfi A non-profit organization established to issue and administer standards far specialty/performance automotive and racing equipment Iwww.sfifnundation.coml Gemeiimut/ige Organisation gegnindei /nr Htraussulie untl \er\ulliine \nn stitmlarJ-- fur Smuler Funktionsausrusnmg im \iitomohil iintf Hennsport Kercie-h (u\\^ sfiioiiiidaii4ii.t()ni ) Neue W. Printed: Fall 2004 ГУ РосНИИИТ и АП Ассоциация МВТК Федеральный информационный фонд отечественных и иностранных каталогов на промышленную продукцию Каталог был представлен на выставке «Спорт мотор тюнинг — 2004» Каталог включен в базу данных «Федерального информационного фонда отечественных и иностранных каталогов на промышленную продукцию» Россия,105679, Москва, Измайловское шоссе, 44, Тел./факс (095)366-5200,366-7008, 365-5445. e-mail:;, Электронная копия издания изготовлена с целью её включения в базы данных Федерального информационного фонда отечественных и иностранных каталогов на промышленную продукцию, которые формируются в соответствии с Постановлением Правительства РФ от 24 июля 1997 г. № 950 и Постановлением Правительства РФ от 31 декабря 1999 г. № 2172-р и зарегистрированы Комитетом по политике информатизации при Президенте РФ под №№ 39-50. 2005 год