Diagnosis and Management of Concussion 2015 conference brochure
Diagnosis and Management of Concussion 2015 conference brochure
Third Annual Diagnosis and Management of Concussion: Advances from Bench to Sideline Saturday, May 9, 2015 Joseph Stokes Jr. Auditorium at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia www.chop.edu/cme Course Information Course Overview This one-day conference is intended for clinicians and school personnel who are involved in the management, the return to school and return to physical activity of students with concussion. Sessions will provide guidelines for the evaluation and diagnosis of concussion, including the latest developments in clinical, imaging and neurocognitive research and clinical management. Models for managing student athletes in the academic setting from elementary school through college will be presented. Therapeutic strategies for managing concussions with prolonged symptoms will be reviewed in depth, including vestibular, and aerobic rehabilitation, as well as vision therapy. There will be case discussions to enhance the learner’s understanding of the multi-faceted approach to managing concussions. General Information The conference will be held in the Joseph J. Stokes Jr. Auditorium on Saturday, May 9, 2015. Registration will begin at 7:30 a.m. The registration fee includes breakfast, lunch, breaks and syllabus materials. Registration Preregistration is required. The deadline for registration is Friday, May 1, 2015. Those wishing to attend may register by mail, fax or online at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia CME website, www.chop.edu/cme. Instructions for mailing or faxing registrations are on the registration form included in this brochure. If you have not received a confirmation letter within 15 days of sending your registration, please contact the Continuing Medical Education Department at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia at 215-590-5263. Course Objectives Upon completion of this course, attendees should be able to: 1.Recognize the signs and symptoms of concussion 2.Evaluate, diagnose and initiate appropriate management of acute concussion 3.Understand the role of neurocognitive testing within a comprehensive treatment plan for concussion 4.Implement academic accommodations and classroom management of the concussed student 5.Understand rehabilitative approaches in managing a concussion with prolonged recovery Accreditation The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. AMA Credit Designation The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia designates this live activity for a maximum of 7.75 AMA PRA Category 1 credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Nursing Accreditation This activity has been submitted to the Pennsylvania State Nurses Association (PSNA) for approval to award contact hours. PSNA is accredited as an approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Athletic Training Continuing Education This program has been approved for a maximum of 8 BOC approved CEUs. Certified Athletic Trainers are responsible for claiming only those hours actually spent participating in the continuing education activity. Physical Therapy Accreditation Continuing Education Credits have been applied for: PA Physical Therapist. Cancellation and Refund Policy The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia reserves the right to cancel or postpone any course due to any unforeseen circumstances. In the event of cancellation or postponement, the Hospital will refund registration fees, less a $40 service fee, but is not responsible for any related costs, charges or expenses to participants, including cancellation charges assessed by airlines or travel agencies. In order to process refunds, cancellations must be received in writing by Friday, May 1, 2015. No refunds will be issued thereafter. Services for People with Disabilities If special arrangements are required for an individual with a disability to attend this meeting, please contact the Continuing Medical Education Department at 215-590-5263. Program: Saturday, May 9, 2015 7 a.m. Registration Breakfast 7:25 a.m. Welcome and Introduction Christina L. Master, M.D., F.A.A.P., C.A.Q.S.M.; M. Sean Grady, M.D. 7:30 a.m. Concussion Update 2015 Matthew F. Grady, M.D., C.A.Q.S.M. 8:15 a.m. Protective Equipment and Concussion: Does It Make a Difference? Kristy B. Arbogast, Ph.D. 9 a.m. The Use of Exercise Testing in Adolescents with Sport-related Concussion John J. Leddy, M.D., C.A.Q.S.M. 9:45 a.m. Break 10 a.m. How Animal Studies Can Inform Concussion Research Susan Margulies, Ph.D. 10:45 a.m. Mechanisms of Concussion: How the Brain Breaks Doug Smith, M.D. 11:30 a.m. Eye Tracking as a Biomarker for Concussion Uzma Samadani, M.D., Ph.D. 12:15 p.m. Lunch and Keynote Speaker Investigating Military-related Repetitive Blast Exposure and mTBI Joshua Duckworth, M.D., M.C., U.S.N. 1:15 p.m. Rehabilitation of Concussion: Vestibular and Oculomotor Therapy Wendy Webb Schoenwald, P.T. 2 p.m. Vision Rehabilitation for Concussion-related Vision Problems: A Retrospective Case Series Mitchell Scheiman, O.D.; Michael Gallaway, O.D. 2:45 p.m. Break 3 p.m. Breakout Sessions Return to Life (sign up for one track): School age: Debbie Foley, R.N., M.S., C.R.N.P. Sarah Krusen, M.A., C.C.C./S.L.P., C.B.I. Roni Robinson, R.N., M.S., C.R.N.P. Tom Yabor, M.S., A.T.C. 4:30 p.m. Panel Discussion; Questions and Answers 5 p.m. Adjourn College and above: Eric Laudano, M.H.S., A.T.C., C.S.C.S. Nicole Otto, M.D., C.A.Q.S.M. Michael Rhee, M.D. Danielle K. Sandsmark, M.D., Ph.D. Course Faculty Unless otherwise noted, faculty is from The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Course Director Nicole Otto, M.D., C.A.Q.S.M. Primary Care Sports Medicine Chief University of Pennsylvania Student Health Service Clinical Assistant Professor of Family Medicine and Community Health Christina L. Master, M.D., F.A.A.P., C.A.Q.S.M. Attending Physician, Center for Performance and Sports Medicine Division of Orthopedics Associate Program Director, Primary Care Sports Medicine Fellowship Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics Course Faculty Kristy B. Arbogast, Ph.D. Co-Scientific Director, Director of Engineering The Center for Injury Research and Prevention Investigator, Division of Emergency Medicine Research Associate Professor of Pediatrics Matthew F. Grady, M.D., C.A.Q.S.M. Attending Physician, Center for Performance and Sports Medicine Division of Orthopedics Program Director, Primary Care Sports Medicine Fellowship Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics Roni L. Robinson, R.N., M.S.N., C.R.N.P. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Sports Medicine and Performance Center Divisions of Orthopedic Surgery and Trauma Surgery Guest Faculty Joshua Duckworth, M.D., M.C., U.S.N. Assistant Professor of Neurology F. Edward Hebert School of Medicine Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Bethesda, Md. Deborah Foley, R.N., M.S.N., C.R.N.P. Coordinator of Health Services/Faculty William Penn Charter School Philadelphia, Pa. Michael Gallaway, O.D. Associate Professor of Optometry Pennsylvania College of Optometry Salus University M. Sean Grady, M.D. Charles Harrison Frazier Professor and Chairman Department of Neurosurgery Professor of Neurosurgery Sarah Krusen, M.A., C.C.C./S.L.P., C.B.I.S. Speech Language Pathologist Bucks County Intermediate Unit #22 BrainSTEPS Team Leader Eric Laudano, M.H.S., A.T.C., C.S.C.S. Head Athletic Trainer University of Pennsylvania John Leddy, M.D., C.A.Q.S.M. Associate Director State University of New York at Buffalo Sports Medicine Institute Clinical Associate Professor State University of New York at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Susan Margulies, Ph.D. George H. Stephenson Term Chair in Bioengineering Professor, Department of Bioengineering University of Pennsylvania Michael Rhee, M.D. Director of Brain Injury Services Penn Institute for Rehabilitation Medicine Assistant Professor of Clinical Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Uzma Samadani, M.D., Ph.D. Co-director of the Steven and Alexandra Cohen Center for Veteran Post-traumatic Stress and Traumatic Brain Injury at New York University Assistant Professor, Deptartments of Psychiatry, Neuroscience and Physiology, and Neurosurgery New York University Langone School of Medicine Danielle K. Sandsmark, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Departments of Neurology, Anesthesia and Critical Care, Neurosurgery The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Mitchell Scheiman, O.D. Director, Pediatric and Binocular Vision Programs Professor of Optometry Pennsylvania College of Optometry Salus University Wendy Webb Schoenwald, P.T., O.C.S. Director, WWS Physical Therapy and Vestibular Rehabilitation Doylestown, Pa. Doug H. Smith, M.D. Director, Penn Center for Brain Injury and Repair Robert A. Groff Professor of Neurosurgery Vice Chairman for Research & Education Department of Neurosurgery Thomas Yabor, M.S., A.T.C. Head Athletic Trainer William Penn Charter School Philadelphia, Pa. Registration Diagnosis and Management of Concussion: Advances from Bench to Sideline Saturday, May 9, 2015 – Registration Deadline: Friday, May 1, 2015 Name ____________________________________________________________________________ Credentials ________________________________________________________________________ Institution/Hospital/School District _____________________________________________________ Home Address ______________________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________________ State ________ ZIP ________________ Phone ______________________________________ Fax __________________________________ Email ____________________________________________________________________________ q Special Dietary Needs: ______________________________________________________________ Breakout Sessions Please refer to the program and select one session below: q School age q College and above Conference Registration Fees q Physicians: $125 q Nurses:$100 q Educators: $75 Registration will not be processed unless accompanied by full payment. Faxed registrations will be accepted for credit card payments only. Method of Payment q Personal check q Institutional check (Please make check payable to The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.) q Discover q MasterCard q American Express q VISA Credit Card # ______________________________________________________________________ Exp. Date __________________________________________ Mail/fax the completed registration form and payment to: Ms. Micah Holliday • Continuing Medical Education Department The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia 34th Street and Civic Center Boulevard • Philadelphia, PA 19104-4399 215-590-5CME • Fax 215-590-4342 • hollidaydm@email.chop.edu Register online at www.chop.edu/cme ©2015 The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, All Rights Reserved. 15CME0009/WEB/02-15