8 May 2015 Dear Sir/ Madam NOTIFICATION OF


8 May 2015 Dear Sir/ Madam NOTIFICATION OF
Johannesburg Office:
Cape Town Office:
Durban Office:
8 Greenstone Place
Block C – Ground Floor
Stoneridge Office Park
Greenstone, Edenvale
Johannesburg, 1609
Tel: +27 11 201 2029
Ground Floor,
Liesbeeck House
River Park, River Lane
Cape Town 7700
Tel: +27 21 680 5209
6 Spencer Place
South Africa
Tel: +27 31 764 3851
Company Reg. No 2011/127726
8 May 2015
Dear Sir/ Madam
INFRASTRUCTURE (DEA&DP REF: 16/3/1/5/B5/16/1022/14)
We have identified you as a Registered Interested and Affected Party (I&AP) in the original
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process and the subsequent Amendment Application
process for the proposed establishment of the Wolseley Wind Energy Facility (WEF) and its
associated infrastructure and therefore endeavour to draw your attention to the following notification
and opportunity to participate.
Amendment Application process
Notice is hereby given, in terms of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations published in
Government Notices (GN) 543, 544 and 546 of 02 August 2010 and in terms of the National
Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998 (as amended) that SAGIT Energy Ventures (Pty) Ltd
propose to amend their Environmental Authorization (EA) issued on 11 June 2013 and the
subsequent amended EA that was issued on 29 April 2014 for the establishment of the Wolseley
WEF and its associated infrastructure near Wolseley, Western Cape Province. The proposed
amendments include:
Change in wind turbine blade length to a maximum total rotor diameter length of 150 m from
blade tip to blade tip i.e. each blade is a maximum of 72 m in length with the nacelle being 6
m across
Change in hub height to a maximum of < 120 m hub height
Removal of the total Mega Watts expected to be generated per turbine from the original EA.
The development footprint will remain as approved.
Lithon Project Consultants (Pty) Ltd (Lithon) has been appointed to undertake the Amendment
Application process, as well as the associated Public Participation process. Ms. Jaana-Maria Ball is
the appointed Independent Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP).
AJ Grobler Pr Eng, B Eng (Civil)  SW Bezuidenhout Pr Eng, B Eng (Civil)  JE Grobler Pr Eng, B Eng (Civil), MBA  BC Suckling B. Iuris, MBA, PhD
Registration as an Interested and Affected Party and opportunity to comment
You have been registered as an I&AP for the Amendment Application process. Should you not wish
to remain a Registered I&AP please contact Lithon’s Public Participation Office, the details of which
are provided below.
You are also invited to comment in writing on the Amendment Report and the technical specialist
assessments that inform this Report. These Reports will be available for review from 14 May to 12
June 2015 (30 days) at:
SAGIT website: http://www.sagitenergy.co.za/
Lithon Office: Ground Floor, Liesbeeck House, River Park, Mowbray (08h00 to 17h00 M-Fri)
SAGIT Office: Second Floor, Oakdale House, The Oval, Claremont (08h00 to 17h00 M-Fri)
Wolseley Public Library, Essel Street, Wolseley (09h00 to 17h00 M-Fri and 09h00 to 12h00
on the first and last Sat of the month)
Lithon Public Participation Office Contact Details
Written comment on the proposed Amendment Application process and its documentation can be
sent to the:
Lithon Public Participation Office
Ground Floor, Liesbeeck House, River Park, Mowbray
Fax: +27 21 680 5011
Email: jaana.ball@lithon.com
Comments should reach the Office no later than close of day 12 June 2015. Should you require
further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Your participation will be appreciated and valued.
Yours faithfully
for Lithon Project Consultants (Pty) Ltd
Environmental Assessment Practitioner
Enclosed: Comment Sheet
P5015 Wolesley Letter to I&APs FINAL 150506.docx
Lithon Project Consultants (Pty) Ltd