PDF - Mellinger Mennonite Church
PDF - Mellinger Mennonite Church
To prepare for next Sundays message, the scripture readings are: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Exodus Exodus Exodus Exodus Exodus Exodus 19:1-6 19:7-15 19:16-25 20:1-17 20:18-21 20:22-26 To know Jesus, to be like Him, to make Him known. John and Joanne Martin have moved to 1139 Pennsy Road, Pequea, PA 17565. 8:30….Coffee & Fellowship 9:00….Sunday School 10:00….Worship Service Jason and Meghan Martin have moved to 773 Marticville Road, Pequea, PA 17565. All phone numbers remain the same. May 10, 2015 Prayers and Praise of the Congregation Ken Denlinger has been at Hershey Medical Center this week for a slight rejection of his heart. Lets continue to remember Ken & Bev in our prayers. Honoring Mothers Welcome ............................................................ Jared & Kim Erb We continue to pray for the people and country of Nepal who have been impacted by the recent earthquake and for organizations, like MCC, who are endeavoring to respond to this crisis. Announcements We are thankful for our mothers and other important women in our lives who have given love, offered wisdom, and challenged us to grow in faith. Congregational Singing Offering and Congregational Prayer ..................... Joanne Kuniholm Ministry Team Joe Miller....................................... 808.2417 Lead Pastor Ministry of Mission and Evangelism Joanne Kuniholm………………………….381.7938 Minister of Congregational Life Leon Oberholtzer………………………….393.7747 Minister of Congregational Life Andrea Brubaker…………………….......665.7696 Minister of Worship Brenda Weaver………………………… ..725-9800 Interim Youth Coordinator Lynelle Kreider ................………......283.7986 Minister of Christian Education Jared Erb ...................................... 490.6888 Preaching Team Roger Weaver ............................... 725.2984 Preaching Team Ray Leaman - Deacon .................... 392.7745 Durelle Leaman ............................. 471.2541 Music Assistant Dorothy Nickles…………………………...209.7156 Administrative Assistant Jane Mininger……………………………...397.1772 Secretary Video ......................................................................... God’s Story Scripture .................................................................. Acts 7:23-26 Message ........................ Remember…………………..Pastor Joe Miller Song of Response Mellinger Mennonite Church 1916 Lincoln Highway East, Lancaster, PA 17602 717.397.9360 email@mellingerchurch.org - mellingerchurch.org email@mellingerchurch.org www.mellingerchurch.org Benediction This Week: Today: Happy Mother’s Day Tuesday: 7 pm - Preschool Board Meeting 7-8 pm - Lifetree Café - Can God Love a Mess Like Me? Friday-Saturday: JGAs Bonfire/Sleepover at Livengoods Saturday: 7-10pm - Emmaus Road Café - The Sweet Sorrows Upcoming Events: May 17 May May May May May May 18 20 22 24 30 31 Nolan Livengood sharing with conversation during our Fellowship Meal 5:45 pm - Sr. High Graduates Appreciation Banquet 3-5 pm - Elders’ Council Meeting 7 pm - Congregational Meeting 2:30 pm - Landis Homes Bible Fellowship 6-8 pm - Family Game Night/Fellowship Hall MYF356 Car Wash/Pork BBQ Sale Vote for calling Nolan Livengood as Associate Pastor for Youth & Young Adults. Save the Date: June 4 June 22-25 July 13-16 3-8 pm - Blood Drive 9-11:30 am - Vacation Bible School Children’s Music Camp May 3, 2015 Offering: Congregational Ministries Online Giving Missions Online Giving Sharing Fund Total Received $ 1,325.00 535.00 7,326.28 70.00 50.00 $ 9,306.28 This morning our offering will go toward congregational ministries unless otherwise designated. Congregational Meeting Plan to join others from Mellinger on Wednesday evening, May 20, for a time of working together at hearing updates and setting direction for our Mellinger congregation. Minister of Administration Elders have asked a committee to work at reviewing the Job Description for Minister of Administration and making a recommendation on next steps to calling a new Minister of Administration. The committee is Nelson Risser, Dorthy Livengood, Dave Kobie, and Michele Heller. During this interim period, the trustees are overseeing the building and grounds needs and Steve Ober is giving leadership in the area of finances. The Building Renovation Listening Commission needs and values your input! We would like to hear from everyone, so please share your ideas, concerns and insights with any one of us: Sally Jo Hess, Mindy Hoover, Wilmer Nolt, or Jack Shenk. SAVE THE DATE! The 2015 Camp Hebron Weekend is scheduled for July 3-5. The registration forms were placed in your mailboxes last week and extra forms are on the table in the foyer. Registration will begin next Sunday, May 17. If you have not attended the Camp Hebron Weekend, please consider joining us this year. It is a beautiful casual setting in which we can get to know each other better, and have a lot of fun! If you have any questions, please ask Fred Bube, Joanne Kuniholm, or Brenda Weaver. Delegates Needed for the MCUSA Convention The Elders are extending an invitation to members of the congregation to volunteer as delegates to the MCUSA biannual convention. The convention is scheduled for June 30 – July 5 with travel days on June 29 and July 6. Mellinger Mennonite Church is eligible to send 3-4 delegates to the convention. The Elders will consider single person candidates and also married couples that could attend together as two delegates. Please prayerfully consider this invitation. If you are interested in being a candidate, please contact Josh Leaman by the morning of May 18 at 717-682-2540 or email JOSHL@CCABINSURANCE.COM. After we receive names of potential candidates, the Elders will go through a process of discernment in selecting persons to attend. The cost of airfare, food, lodging, and convention registration will be funded by the church. MEDA Lancaster’s Spring Business Tour and Dinner at Spooky Nook Sports with Sam Beiler. May 21, 2015 at 4:30 pm. Everyone is welcome. RSVP by May 15 to MEDA: chapters@meda.org or (717)560-6546. $25, payable at the event. An aide and a Kiddie Korner staff person are needed for the 2015-2016 school year at the Parent and Preschool Center. Contact Christine Stahl at 397-5717 if you are interested.