Legend for Motions M-âMotion S
Legend for Motions M-âMotion S
Bayshore Beach Club, Inc. Board of Directors Meeting March 21, 2015 In attendance: Marcella Brodowy, President Walt Goodin, Vice President Mary Lou Morris, Director Maren Taylor, Director Terry Pina, Director Max Metcalf, Director Division 3 Division 1 Division 1 Division 2 Division 2 Division 4 Absent: Judi Swift, Corp. Sec. (recovering from surgery) Division 5 President Brodowy called the meeting to order at 12:57 pm, and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mary Lou Morris verified that a quorum was present. Approval of Minutes MSP President Brodowy made a motion to approve the minutes of the January 17, 2015 Board of Directors meeting. Walt Goodin seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. MSP President Brodowy made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 21, 2015 Board of Directors meeting. The motion was seconded by Max Metcalf. Motion passed unanimously. President Kudos and Comments Thanks to Jesse for having installed the stop sign at the end of the Clubhouse driveway; to the Communication Committee for providing a thorough survey for our members; the Nominating Committee for their hard work; the Road District for helping us to resolve a safety issue at the Clubhouse driveway and moving the stop sign on Oceania. The Road District will be painting the Beach Access lines on Oceania, moving and replacing street signs, and paving selected streets very soon. The ADA ramp has been completed by Vision Builders, with only a few minor items to be addressed. The suggestion box has been set up and is working well (suggestionbox@peak.org), thank you for your suggestions. I spoke to Mr. Bartoldous (Bayshore’s attorney) and we are making good progress on becoming tax exempt on our community properties (common areas). I will know more within a month or so. OLD BUSINESS Twyla Coakley resignation President Brodowy announced Twyla Coakley’s resignation. Legend for Motions M-‐Motion S-‐Second P-‐Passed F-‐Failed 1 Selling of lots on Admiralty Circle For now Bayshore will keep the lots on Admiralty Circle, and maybe use them as common areas in the future, since they are unbuildable. Vote to approve Physical Assets/Long Range Reserve budget requests Review of budget and items moved and/or increased. MSP President Brodowy made a motion to approve for presentation to the Budget Committee the request from the Committee. Maren Taylor seconded the motion. The amount requested for Beach Access poles and flags was questioned as the amount seemed too low. The motion by President Brodowy was modified to increase the amount for Beach Access poles and flags from $500 to $1200. It was asked if the Board was approving the 2015-2016 budget year requests. Clarification was made that the motion is procedural, since the budget request (on Approval) is going to the Budget Committee to be presented for approval at the April Board of Directors Meeting. The Board is voting whether to approve the proposed budget requests. Motion passed unanimously. NEW BUSINESS Donate tables and chairs to Lincoln County Resources MSP President Brodowy moved to donate the tables and chairs to Lincoln County Resources in two weeks. Members who would like some of the tables and chairs can pick them up before the two week deadline. Mary Lou Morris seconded the motion. After discussion, the motion was amended to donate the tables and chairs after we have received the new tables and chairs. Motion passed unanimously. Update to Policies and Procedures, Social Committee description MSP Marcella Brodowy made a motion to remove the statement “The next meeting of the committee is Thursday, September 24th, 11:30 AM at the Waldport golf course restaurant new members are very welcome to join!” from the Policies and Procedures description of the Social Committee. The motion was seconded by Walt Goodin. Motion passed unanimously. Volunteers needed for the May elections (stuff envelopes) April 25th and April 26th have been set as the dates for stuffing envelopes for the Annual Members Meeting and election in May. One member has already volunteered to help. Office Manager Kathi Loughman will send out an email to members asking for more volunteers. Posting of Bayshore financials to website MSF President Brodowy moved to allow the balance sheet to be posted to the website on a quarterly basis. Motion failed for lack of second. Legend for Motions M-‐Motion S-‐Second P-‐Passed F-‐Failed 2 MSF President Brodowy moved to allow financials to be posted to the website and to have them password protected. Mary Lou Morris seconded the motion. It was asked why the financials need to be on the web page since they are available on request in the office. Yay votes: None Nay votes: Unanimous MSP President Brodowy moved to remove the currently posted financial information from the website. The motion was seconded by Walt Goodin. Motion passed unanimously. Memorial Service Rental Fee MSP Maren Taylor moved to not charge a rental fee for memorial services for Bayshore members. Max Metcalf seconded the motion. After discussion the motion was amended to waive the rental fee for the Ruth White Memorial and to make future decisions regarding the fee for memorials on a case by case basis. Motion passed unanimously. REPORTS Financials MSP Marcella Brodowy made a motion to approve the financial reports for February 2014. Mary Lou Morris seconded the motion. It was noted that we are still being charged for power to the tsunami siren. Kathi Loughman to follow up on request to PUD to turn off power to that pole. Motion passed unanimously. Planning Committee STATS from 2/11/2015-3/10/2015 TREES 1 response CONSTRUCTION 5 Approvals 2 Completions Physical Assets/Long Range Reserve Bobbie MacPhee reviewed the written report by the Committee. Budget Committee Oral report from Liz Goodin stating that the Committee is “rolling right along, the budget is almost done and will be ready in time for the April meeting.” Nominating Committee Mary Lou Morris was pleased to announce that they now have a candidate from every division, including Directors Walt Goodin and Terry Pina, who are both running again. She then introduced two candidates who were attending the meeting; Susy Blankenship and Patti Pipes. Legend for Motions M-‐Motion S-‐Second P-‐Passed F-‐Failed 3 She also wished to thank fellow Committee members, Margaret Partlow and Jane McMillan for their hard work and diligence. Safety Committee Maren Taylor informed the Board that the Committee had met and created a goal and objectives. Goal: to create a system to gather and disseminate information to protect the health and safety of Bayshore Beach Club members and guests. Objectives: Bayshore property owners and residents will receive information about health and safety issues relevant to our community, including actions they can take to contribute to both. Immediate Priority: Neighborhood Watch signs, Tsunami and Emergency Preparedness Preparation. The Committee also requested that funds be approved for the purchase of Neighborhood Watch signs (two sizes) and Window Clings. MSP Maren Taylor moved to approve the request for $750 for the purchase of signs and window clings. Mary Lou Morris seconded the motion Motion passed unanimously. There followed a discussion on the necessity of having clearly posted house numbers to ensure that emergency responders can find your house quickly in case of an emergency. MEMBER COMMENTS Member Vivian Mills made the following presentation: Bayshore Beach Club Inc Board of Directors This is a request to have the following Proposed Bylaw Change mailed out with the Annual Meeting material as a separate ballot. The Bayshore Bylaws now read in part as follows: Article IV, Directors, Section1, 4th sentence. “All Divisions shall be represented on the Board if possible, with not more than two Directors from any one Division.” The proposed rewrite: “All Divisions shall be represented on the board if possible, with not more than two representatives FOR each Division.” Justifications: 1. This amendment addresses the primary focus of this section which is to ensure representation for all Bayshore Divisions, if possible. 2. Which Division the representative is from becomes not as important as each division having a representative. 3. This change would give members who live in fully represented Divisions the opportunity to serve on the Board rather than deny them that opportunity due to geographical restraints. 4. Would provide a possible way to maintain a functional board when the number of board members has fallen short of the required minimum of seven. Legend for Motions M-‐Motion S-‐Second P-‐Passed F-‐Failed 4 A discussion followed. MSP Mary Lou Morris moved to appoint a sub-committee, consisting of at least one (1) Board Member and two (2) members at large, to determine whether or not to investigate the pros and cons of having more than two (2) members from each division, which would result in a change in the By-Laws. The motion was seconded by Max Metcalf. Motion passed unanimously. Volunteers from the audience to sit on the sub-committee were: Vivian Mills, Norman Fernandes, Susy Blankenship and Bobbie MacPhee. Board Member Walt Goodin also volunteered. MSP Mary Lou Morris made a motion to have the sub-committee determine whether or not the membership has the authority to request a change to the By-Laws. Max Metcalf seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Member Norman Fernandes had a question about staggered terms. He was informed that each newly elected Director would have a three (3) year term, but Directors filling a vacancy would serve only until the next election. This could result in a Board with all new Directors, but that will not happen at the next election, since two Directors have terms that won’t expire until 2016. MSP President Brodowy moved to adjourn to Executive Session. The motion was seconded by Mary Lou Morris. Motion passed unanimously. Adjourned at 2:30 pm. Board reconvened at 2:40 pm. MSP Max Metcalf moved to approve the revised Policies and Procedures changes. Maren Taylor seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. MSP Marcella Brodowy moved to adjourn. Max Metcalf seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 2:42 pm. Minutes prepared by Kathi Loughman Legend for Motions M-‐Motion S-‐Second P-‐Passed F-‐Failed 5