Adventure Camp for Foster Care Siblings


Adventure Camp for Foster Care Siblings
Meramec Adventure Learning Ranch
Let the journey begin
Foster Care Sibling Adventure Camp Information Packet
The Meramec Adventure Learning Ranch uses adventure and wilderness to build relationships and
produce victories that grow efficacy, vision, and hope.
The Meramec Adventure Learning Ranch is one of the most extensive high adventure bases in the Midwest and
the adventure base for all Great Circle Programs. Ranch programs are committed to helping individuals and
groups discover and capitalize on their strengths and inspire changes in their perspective. Using an
experiential approach in conjunction with outdoor and adventure activities, the Ranch helps those it serves
focus on keys that lead to the continued development of character, integrity, positive relationships and,
ultimately, to making even a greater positive impact in the world around them.
Sibling Adventure Camp is a summer camp program that is designed to give brothers and sisters in the Foster
Care system (ages 7-17) a chance to spend time together building strong relationships, sharing incredible
experiences, and creating lasting memories together. All this is done through the transformative power of an
outdoor adventure environment that acts as catalyst to stimulate individual and sibling self-efficacy, connection,
and purpose. Siblings will be part of a group of no more than 10-12 campers who come to the Meramec
Adventure Learning Ranch in Steelville, Missouri to complete a five day adventure experience.
During their time at the Ranch, campers learn basic camping skills, cook over an open fire, and participate in a
myriad of activities such as climbing, swimming, canoeing, kayaking, horseback riding, ropes courses, and
land navigation, as well as traditional summer camp bonfires, games, and activities. Each group is led by two
or three counselors and a guide who works with and facilitates the group through the daily routine and activities.
Each day campers participate in activities throughout the day and evening. Activities are designed to bring the
siblings closer together, and foster the development of belief in their capabilities, grit, purpose in serving each
other, and group interdependence. Daily themes, competitions, and special events led by the camp manager and
guides are conducted to add to the campers’ enjoyment of the experience.
Both formal and informal processing is conducted throughout each day of the trip at critical junctures. The
key to the success of Adventure Camp is establishing opportunities for growth that occur regularly throughout
the entire course of the trip. In this setting, the participants can feel safe and secure while challenging
themselves to break through real and perceived barriers. The goals of the Sibling Adventure Camp program are
two-fold. First, siblings leave camp with stronger relationships, incredible shared experiences, and lasting
memories together. Secondly, and just as important, that each camper leaving the Meramec Adventure Learning
Ranch is more aware of their ability to impact the world around them and their purpose in helping others through
the growth of resiliency, responsibility, and respect. Youth, thus prepared, will leave the Ranch better equipped to
handle life’s daily trials and make an authentic impact on the world around them.
To grow personal and relational efficacy through purposeful, goal-oriented, group-related experiences. We
want our clients to be able to:
1. Develop awareness, respect, and interdependence among the individuals in the group.
2. Recognize and apply their unique design in the service of others.
3. Reconstruct perceptions to nurture hope.
4. Transform brokenness into meaningful purpose and direction.
5. Experience joy in living.
To grow stronger connections between the siblings through shared experiences.
To allow siblings to create lasting memories together.
Meramec Adventure Learning Ranch  a Great Circle agency®  1203 Meramec Wilderness Lane Steelville, MO 65565  573.775.5513 
It is our belief that everyone has a unique purpose and calling in life that can be found and fulfilled through a
life of Integrity, Service, Efficacy, and Vision. We believe that the outdoors and wilderness environments
provide the most inspiring and effective venue for the development of these attributes and to begin the
journey to fulfilling that purpose. Service of others, Integrity of character, and team interdependence is not
an option out here: everyone excels on some days or in some areas; everyone struggles, hits walls, and
reaches their breaking point on other days or in other areas. They must dig deep within themselves and rely
of each other to bring them through. This service grows Efficacy and Vision. Dramatic vistas and star-lit
night skies provide insight and clarity into life situations that is difficult to see within city walls. High
adrenaline activities or miles of walking together bring a depth of conversation that rarely exists in day-to-day
Adventure and Wilderness experiences are not an escape from the daily grind. They are reality where the true
self always, without fail, eventually surfaces, free of the walls and masks built up through time and experience.
These experiences, if paid attention to, can provide the very lessons most needed for each person at the point
where they are in that exact moment of their life. This may be a time of purification, of testing, of building, of
confirmation, of waking, of changing, of envisioning, or even something totally different. However, whatever
is needed is there for the taking if they choose to seek it. At the Ranch, individuals, families, and teams are
given the resources and opportunity to truly determine where they are in life, and what they truly need (not to
be mistaken with what they want) to begin their journey to become the men and women they can be.
While it is exciting to see individuals, hike mountains, climb sheer rock faces, paddle down rivers, complete
challenge courses, learn how to make fire with nothing but what is found around them, and the multitude of
other activities offered here, the real reason the Ranch exists is not just to give individuals a once-in-a-lifetime
experience to tuck away in their back pocket. Every experience on these trips, be it an activity, hiking,
cooking, packing, or something totally different is only a catalyst designed and used to help bring individuals
to a greater understanding of themselves, where they are in life, and the path that they can and should travel
from here. By using a variety of techniques to allow conscious processing of the experiences, interactions,
and reactions that happen throughout each day, participants are able to maximize the impact these
experiences can have on lives.
While some of the programs have a certain amount of perceived risk, the safety of our participants is our
foremost concern at all times. In order for individuals and groups participating in the program to be
successful, they must be both physically and emotionally safe at all times. Each activity and event is tirelessly
researched, trained on, and evaluated to ensure the physical safety of each participant at all times. Activity
Supervisors are certified through nationally recognized bodies of experts. The emotional need for safety and
security is just as important as physical safety, and staff constantly monitor and maintain a positive
environment for the feelings, perceptions, cultures, relational interactions, and other intangibles so vital to
healing and growth.
“To find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others,”-Mohandas Gandhi.
The Ranch exists to serve individuals, families, and teams. Our staff is here to serve those who journey
through our programs. While conducting adventure and wilderness events, participants soon realize the
necessity of serving each other, and the primary need for respect towards others, oneself, and the
environment around them that precedes a life of service.
Participants are expected to take charge of how they are involved in the group during their time here and
commit to challenging themselves to push past their own perceived limits.
Meramec Adventure Learning Ranch  a Great Circle agency®  1203 Meramec Wilderness Lane Steelville, MO 65565  573.775.5513 
This is a semi-primitive camping experience. Campers camp in individual tents that are provided or group teepees. Campers cook their meals over a campfire (with help from an expert guide). There is no electricity or
running water at the campsites. Hand-pumped water and vault-style toilet facilities are in close proximity to
each campsite. There are no shower facilities, but the campers have a chance each day to wash off in the lake
or river.
Send old clothes they recognize as their own, and that they don’t mind getting dirty.
Label everything and pack light! The packing list has everything that your camper will need.
Complete all of your forms and return them early.
Your camper may come home tired and may need extra time to rest after a week high-energy activity.
It stays warm at night; if your child sleeps best with a cover, you may want to pack a sheet and/or light
at Please create an account, and
then fill out the application in its entirety (You must fill out the application to start the enrollment process).
Once we receive the application, we will contact you to confirm enrollment. Applications are accepted on a first
come, first serve bases based on occupancy and mandated staff ratios. Once enrollment is confirmed, please
submit the necessary attachments: copies of insurance cards, current physical or licensed physician’s
signature on our health history form. If you do not have a way to attach these files, you can mail them to the
Ranch prior to the camp session.
There are two drop-off locations for Camp:
1. Adults in the St Louis area may drop their campers off at the Walmart Supercenter parking lot in
Kirkwood, MO at 7:00 a.m. (Address: Kirkwood Commons, 1202 S Kirkwood Rd, Kirkwood, MO 63122)
2. Adults throughout the rest of the state may drop their campers off at the Meramec Adventure
Learning Ranch at 9:00 a.m. Follow the directions provided and park at the Learning Center. Camp
staff are here to facilitate your child’s transition to camp.
TIME: All campers should arrive at the designated time on Monday morning of your camp session.
Campers must be registered and “checked in” at the Learning Center or Kirkwood Walmart. Parents/Workers
are asked to notify the camp if a child is ill or will not be attending as expected. If any camper is unaccounted
for by one half hour after the designated drop-off time, the Lead Staff will contact the parents/workers of the
absentee camper. If the parents/workers cannot be reached, the Lead Staff will notify the Director to inform
him of the change. The Lead Staff will attempt to call and email parents/workers/guardian again that day and
document the names and times of the person/s called on the camper’s registration form. No refunds will be
given for no-shows. Campers receiving financial assistance who are no-shows may be responsible for repaying
the amount of financial assistance awarded.
Note: Please ensure that you arrive on time. The first day’s schedule is very tight, and we want all campers to
be able to fully participate in the activities. If the camp schedule must be changed in any way due to
unforeseen circumstances (outbreaks of illness, natural disasters, etc.), each camper is contacted individually
by camp staff immediately.
TIME: 3:30pm on the Friday of your camp session for campers being picked up at the Meramec Ranch.
Campers getting dropped off at the Kirkwood, MO Walmart Supercenter will be dropped off at 5:15pm.
Meramec Adventure Learning Ranch  a Great Circle agency®  1203 Meramec Wilderness Lane Steelville, MO 65565  573.775.5513 
There is a closing ceremony starting at 3:00pm and campers are dismissed after the ceremony. If someone
other than the camper’s parents/workers/guardians is picking the camper up at the end of the session, a form
to authorize camp to release the camper to select individuals must be completed.
We invite all parents/workers and siblings to join us at noon for lunch and swim time at the Meramec Ranch.
After swim time, a closing ceremony is held at the Ranch. Please RSVP for lunch one week prior to your camp
Even though Adventure Camp is based in a semi-primitive setting, the health of campers and staff is our
foremost priority. An abundant supply of well-cooked, healthy, and wholesome food, plenty of sleep, daily
water activities, hygiene time, and constant supervision are coupled with exciting and vigorous activities to
promote healthy habits. Campers will conduct a daily swim and bathing time in the river and lake. Medical
staff are present at all times as well as at least one Wilderness First Responder to meet any health needs that
may arise.
Very rarely do we have sick campers who are kept at the nursing station for more than 24 hours. However, if
we feel the camper will get better, we will keep him/her at the nursing station. We ask that
parents/workers/guardians of campers who are ill for more than 24 hours with no signs of improvement care
for their camper at home, and see their personal doctor. Since many communicable diseases begin with coldlike symptoms, A CAMPER WHO IS SICK BEFORE CAMP BEGINS SHOULD BE KEPT HOME FOR HIS/HER OWN SAKE
All medication brought into camp must be either in the original container or accompanied by written orders,
signed by a physician. They must include the camper’s name, dosage, and time. All medications, including
over-the-counter (vitamins, creams, etc.) must be turned in to the camp nurse as required by Missouri laws.
Regardless of who the medication belongs to, minor or adult, the medication must be kept in the
nursing station. Camp stocks most routinely needed over-the-counter medications needed at camp (aspirin,
Ibuprofen, tums, etc), so it is not necessary that you bring those. You may call us anytime if you would like to
know if we stock a particular item. Do not pack medication in luggage because upon arrival to camp, the
family will check in all medications.
Ensure all medication has been picked up from the nursing station before departure.
Due to the short nature of the program, no mail should be sent for campers during their stay. Because of the
semi-primitive environment of the program, phone calls to or from campers are not available. We do ask that
minors do not have their phones or other electronics at camp.
Emergency calls to campers should be done through the camp office 573-775-5513. If there is a situation
where our phones are down, call the Great Circle St. James office at 573-265-3251. We will make sure that
the message is relayed and that you are able to response however is necessary.
SUMMER YOUTH CAMPERS. Parents/workers/guardians or, if applicable, the referring agency, must include
their personal Health Insurance information in the space provided on the Camper Health Form. This
information is only used to facilitate outside medical treatment, if required. (Parents/workers/guardians are
responsible for prescriptions and charges incurred for outside medical treatment of their child, should services
be required while in attendance at camp.) Services rendered by the camp medical staff are at no additional
Meramec Adventure Learning Ranch  a Great Circle agency®  1203 Meramec Wilderness Lane Steelville, MO 65565  573.775.5513 
Parents/workers/Guardians are financially responsible for intentional damage to equipment and facilities
caused by their camper.
Please let us know if your camper is celebrating a birthday at camp! Birthdays at camp are a cause for great
celebration and our staff ensure that it is a birthday that your camper will never forget. We provide a birthday
cake for the camper and their campsite.
The waterfront program at Camp is a camper favorite. All campers take a swimming assessment before
participating in waterfront activities to demonstrate their ability level and establish the safest areas in which
the camper may swim. Campers may re-take the swim test throughout the week, if necessary. All campers
wear PFD’s whenever doing activities out of the shallow swimming area. There must be a Ranch Lifeguard
present anytime anyone is in the water.
Camp staff are trained extensively in a behavior management system that is strength based and focuses on
caring, respect, and responsibility. We emphasize reducing participant’s anxiety by being clear on rules and
expectations, confronting problem behavior in a clear and direct manner (after all, discipline means “to teach”
and our primary mission is to help young people grow in character and integrity), and by using positive and
preventative intervention models. While discipline techniques will vary, at NO time does the Ranch permit
the following to be used as discipline measures or consequences:
o Deprivation of food or sleep
o Placing a participant alone without supervision
o Subjecting a participant to ridicule or threat
o Corporal punishment or excessive physical exercise
o Using excessive restraint
Our staff truly care about campers’ welfare and try every way possible to help campers genuinely help
themselves and make restitution for any harm that has been caused. Problems are an opportunity for children
to grow. In the event of any serious problem, parents/workers are promptly notified. If behavior problems put
others or the program at risk, campers may be sent home. Contact us before camp to discuss known,
significant issues. There are no refunds for children sent home due to behavioral or psychological issues.
All meals, except for the final evening meal, are cooked by the campers over their campfire. Guides expertly
train and supervise each group in cooking and cleaning procedures for each meal. Meals are hearty, wellbalanced, and healthy. A full menu for the week is available upon request.
Our camp Dining Hall can provide limited special diets if your camper has uncomplicated dietary needs (i.e., if
he/she is a vegetarian or has certain food allergies). Please inform the camp of any special needs on the
application packet. If a camper has specific dietary needs, parents/workers may opt to bring necessary food
Meramec Adventure Learning Ranch  a Great Circle agency®  1203 Meramec Wilderness Lane Steelville, MO 65565  573.775.5513 
If you have any questions about the meals provided or your child’s special diet needs, please contact us prior
to the start of camp.
Our staff is trained to handle bed wetting discreetly. Please notify your guide upon arrival if your child may wet
the bed and notify your guide if it happens during the week. The camp does have an emergency laundry
facility for this reason.
We appreciate your immediate comments and feedback about our staff and program. If you see or hear of a
concern with any part of our program or staff, please contact the Meramec Adventure Learning Ranch
office so immediate corrections can be made. Our Director is available at any time to answer your questions
or concerns. Please do not hesitate to call. At the end of the week, you are given a feedback form; your
sincere response is requested and appreciated.
We make every effort to return lost and found items while your camper is at the Ranch. Please mark all items
with a permanent marker or laundry label for easy identification. There is a lost and found table at the
Ranch office. Items found after your session are placed in our office and may be claimed by description. Please
be especially thorough during check-out to make sure all items, as well as medication, are taken with you. If
you discover something is missing upon your return home, please call immediately. ALL ITEMS RETURNED
up the item at the Ranch office. The Meramec Adventure Learning Ranch is not responsible for lost, stolen, or
damaged clothing or equipment.
Meramec Adventure Learning Ranch  a Great Circle agency®  1203 Meramec Wilderness Lane Steelville, MO 65565  573.775.5513 
Please bring appropriate clothing, taking into consideration the weather forecast and the camp activities. We
encourage you to pack old clothing to camp as your camper is camping out, sleeping on the ground,
participating in many different activities, climbing, and hiking through the woods. We have provided a packing
list below. These are the basic items needed for a camper to live comfortably through the week. It may help to
label all items that are being brought to camp so they are easily identifiable. Luggage should be compact and
easy to carry: duffle bags or backpacks are preferred. It is a good idea to pack belongings in plastic trash bags
in case it rains prior to securing them in a dry tent. Please follow the appropriate camper clothing guidelines.
NOTE: There are no public laundry facilities. Please pack enough clothing for your camper’s entire stay.
Each camper needs (at a minimum):
 1 pair swim trunks or one-piece swimsuit
 1 towel
 1 wash cloth
 Hygiene items (toothbrush, deodorant, etc.)
 Journal and Bible (optional)
 Tennis/hiking shoes
 Water shoes or old tennis shoes that can get wet
 1 belt
 Lightweight jacket/fleece
 1 hat
 1 pair shower shoes/ flip-flops
 2 long pants
 2-4 pairs of shorts
 Undergarments
 3-5 light weight short sleeve shirts
 1-2 long sleeve shirts
 5-7 socks
 Pillow
 Optional: Camp provides these supplies, but you can bring your own
- Rain coat (camp does provide ponchos if it rains)
- Flashlight (camp does provide two per campsite)
- Water bottle
- Sleeping pad
- Sleeping bag (camp provides a fleece sleeping bag)
Meramec Adventure Learning Ranch  a Great Circle agency®  1203 Meramec Wilderness Lane Steelville, MO 65565  573.775.5513 
Length of shorts must be mid-thigh. No short shorts, mini-skirts, or skin-tight shorts. They should not
have holes in them and should be worn at waist level.
Shirts should at no time be sheer, low cut, or mesh. T-shirts should cover the stomach and should not
contain graphics or language that is vulgar, abusive, or otherwise inappropriate. Tank tops must cover the
entire stomach, and straps must be at least an inch wide (no spaghetti straps).
Swimsuits should be 1-piece or athletic style 2-piece (modest tankinis only. No bikinis or sheer). The
waterfront director has discretion to require a change of suits.
Shorts and pants should remain conservative (all pants will be worn at the waist level and not below). They
should not be overly tight or have holes in them.
Shirts should remain on unless it is very hot and sunny. If the camper does remove his shirt, sunscreen
should be applied, and it should not be left off for too long to help prevent sunburn.
Swimsuits should not be tight fitting; the waterfront director has the discretion to ask a camper or staff to
change a “speedo style” swimsuit.
No Tank Tops
Any spandex/compression clothing should have another layer worn on top (including leggings)
Certain activities require closed toed footwear
No inappropriate logos or brands on any clothing
Camp is a natural setting to retreat from today’s busy world and to get more in touch with people.
 Jewelry, except for watches, is not recommended. It is something that is easy to lose and becomes a
danger to the participant in many of our activities.
 Radios, electronic games, cellular phones, i-Pods, MP3 players, CD players, & other electronic devices do
not fit into this setting. (We ask that minors do not bring their phones or other electronics to camp.)
 All food and snacks are provided. Please do not bring extra food or snacks as they can cause problems
within the group. If your child has a specific dietary need, please contact the camp office before camp
 Please also leave hair dryers, curling irons, firearms, matches, lighters, knives, tobacco products,
expensive items, illegal drugs, money, and bad attitudes at home.
We are not responsible for any lost or damaged items.
Unapproved items (except for weapons and drugs) will be returned to at the end of the week.
We look forward to serving you this year in what promises to be an incredible time of excitement,
growth, and challenge. Please contact us at any time with any questions or concerns.
Meramec Adventure Learning Ranch
1203 Meramec Wilderness Lane
Steelville, MO 65565
Office Phone: 573.775.5513
Fax Number: 573.775.5523
If you are interested in learning more about the Ranch and the programs we offer, our website is
Meramec Adventure Learning Ranch  a Great Circle agency®  1203 Meramec Wilderness Lane Steelville, MO 65565  573.775.5513 
Directions to the Meramec Adventure Learning Ranch:
the West or St. Louis:
Take I-44 to exit 208 (Cuba)
Turn off the exit ramp onto 19 South
Follow 19 South for approx. 9 miles to the stop sign in Steelville
Go straight thru the stop sign on Hwy 8 East for 1.75 miles to TT
Turn Left on TT (at the top of the hill outside town)
Follow TT for 1 mile to Trails End Road
Turn left at the “Meramec Ranch” Sign (on your left) onto Trails End Rd. for 1.3 miles
At 1.3 miles, the road makes a 90 degree turn to the left, but go straight through the gate at
the corner on Meramec Wilderness Lane
- You will see the Meramec Wilderness Learning Ranch sign
- Follow the gravel road straight for 1 mile until it dead ends at the Learning Center.
the East:
Take 1-55 to Missouri exit 150 (St Genevieve/Farmington).
Go Left on SR-32 for 24 Miles
Stay straight on 67 north for 3.5 miles
Take ramp right for US-67-Br / MO-32 West toward Leadington / Park Hills for .2 miles
Turn left onto US-67 Bus for 1.6 mi
Take ramp right for US-67-Br / MO-32-Br toward Park Hills for 0.1 mi
Turn right onto US-67 Bus for 0.3 mi
Turn left to stay on US-67 Bus / E Main St for 0.5 mi
Turn right to stay on US-67 Bus / Coffman St for 1.0 mi
Turn left onto SR-8 for 50.3 mi
As you get near Steelville, you will pass a lumber mill on your left. Turn right onto SR-TT for
1 mile (If you pass the big black “Bass River Resort” bus, you’ve just missed it!)
Turn left at the “Meramec Ranch” Sign (on your left) onto Trails End Rd. for 1.3 miles
At 1.3 miles, the road makes a 90 degree turn to the left, but go straight through the gate at
the corner on Meramec Wilderness Lane
You will see the Meramec Wilderness Learning Ranch sign
Follow the gravel road straight for 1 mile until it dead ends at the Learning Center
Meramec Adventure Learning Ranch  a Great Circle agency®  1203 Meramec Wilderness Lane Steelville, MO 65565  573.775.5513 