Welcome to this Service
Welcome to this Service
Notices Iraq and Syria. Please continue to pray for protection, provision and perseverance of the persecuted. St John the Baptist Holywell – Electoral Roll Revision. This year’s revision will conclude on 11 April. If you wish to join the Electoral Roll, please complete a copy of the form available in the church. Those already on the Roll need not complete a new form, unless their details have changed – a copy of the Roll can be found on the blue noticeboard in church. House of Prayer – St Helen’s Church, Colne. Was launched on Tuesday 7 April. W e are launching a House of Prayer, modelled on Ffald-y-brenin in Wales. Some of you may have read the book written by its leader Roy Godwin Grace Outpouring which relates amazing results after prayers of blessing. The church is open during day time hours and people are welcome to go in at any time to pray and bless the area. However, on Monday to Friday there will be specific times during the day when people can meet up together: 10am, 2pm and 6pm. Morning, lunchtime, evening and night prayer will be available. For further information, please contact Revd Sheila. Heartbeat – an evening of worship and listening to God. Commencing Saturday 25 April at 7.30pm at the Rectory, the intention is to meet monthly. It is important that we listen to God to see what he wants to do in our Benefice. Meeting up will give us an opportunity to learn how to hear God, or to hear him more effectively. All are welcome. Holywell Friendship Group. Please note the change in date of the next meeting which will now take place on Thursday 30 April. New Curate. I am pleased to announce that we are getting a new curate who is being ordained 10.30am on Sunday 5 July 2015 at Ely Cathedral. Julia Chamberlin has recently been in the position of Children’s Advisor for Ely Diocese. Julia will be with us for three years on a part time basis as, sadly the Diocese cannot afford for her to be full time. Julia has recently contacted me to ask if our benefice can help her financially to purchase the required clergy attire. It is costing her £1500 and she has had a grant for £1000 towards it. If anyone feels they might be able to help, please can you give donations to the churchwardens or myself. Thank you. Revd Sheila. Meridian Benefice People will come from east and west and north and south, and will take their place at the feast in the kingdom of God. Luke 13: 29 Welcome to this Service Sunday 12 April 2015 Second Sunday of Easter Seek first the Kingdom of God If you are new to the church, please let us have your details – contact Rev Sheila or the Churchwardens. Please join us for coffee afterwards. Hearing Loops are installed at all churches. Further details can be found at www.meridianbenefice.org.uk If you use a hearing-aid switch to T. The churches of Bluntisham cum Earith, Colne and Holywell cum Needingworth Bible Readings Acts 4.32-35 Psalm 133 1 John 1.1 - 2.2 John 20.19-31 Collect Almighty Father, you have given your only Son to die for our sins and to rise again for our justification: grant us so to put away the leaven of malice and wickedness that we may always serve you in pureness of living and truth; through the merits of your Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Risen Christ, for whom no door is locked, no entrance barred: open the doors of our hearts, that we may seek the good of others and walk the joyful road of sacrifice and peace, to the praise of God the Father. Please pray for the following people who need God's healing touch in their lives: Ali Major, Ron and Ruth Bradford, Sue and Ken Addy, Renette, David Clarkson, Vibeke and Rowland Civil, Edward Barrett, Bev Silver, Steve Clarke, Jackie Cox, Edie Dyer, Jane Fenn, Pierre Psaila and family, Patrick Grant, Daphne Protheroe, Lynn Robinson, Gordon Townsend, Steve Wootley and family, Doreen Taylor, the Lowell family, Alfie, Lindy, Jean, Mark, Iain, Kate, James, Guy, Oscar, Glyn, Hugo, Nick, Carol, Stephen, Clare, Margaret Jane and several children with particular needs whose names are known to God. If you would like prayers for someone to be included in the leaflet or Benefice prayer chain please contact Bev Barlow 01487 840223, Mary Clare 01487 479060 If you would like our support in any way please contact Rev Sheila in the first instance. Contacts Rector Rev Sheila Anthony, 01487 740456 sheila@saintintraining.co.uk St Mary BcE St John the Baptist HcN St Helen Colne Pew Leaflet Mike Bateman 01487 843534 mike.bateman@ which.net Ben Peilow 01480 496958 benpeilow@ btopenworld.com Sheila Anthony, 01487 740456 sheila@saintintraining.co.uk Churchwardens Mike Bateman 01487 843534 Phil Marshall 01487 841308 Jill Harvey 01480 460429 Stephen York 01480 465120 Bev Barlow 01487 840223 Robert Major 01487 841900 Further details can be found at www.meridianbenefice.org.uk Events for this week: Bluntisham cum Earith, Colne, Holywell cum Needingworth Sunday 12 April 9.30am All Age Service Holywell, St John the Baptist 11.00am Cafe Sunday Bluntisham, Church Hall 11.00am Family Communion Colne, St Helen 12.30pm APCM Colne, St Helen 4.00pm Messy Church Bluntisham, Church Hall Monday 13 April 7.30pm Holywell-cum-Needingworth PCC Bluntisham, The Rectory 7.30pm 14-90 Table Tennis Bluntisham, Church Hall Tuesday 14 April 2.00pm Create Space Bluntisham, Liz Pinnock’s House 8.00pm Men’s Group Holywell, Hawthorn Cottage Wednesday 15 April 7.00pm Alpha Bluntisham, The Rectory 7.00pm Meridian Singers Bluntisham Church Hall Thursday 16 April 2.15 Holy Communion plus tea Bluntisham, Church Hall 3.30pm Stepz Bluntisham, Church Hall 7.00pm BENCH Bluntisham, Church Hall Friday 17 April 6.30pm Choir Practice Holywell, St John the Baptist 7.30pm Fellowship Group Belinda Eddy’s house Saturday 18 April 7.00am Early Morning Prayers Colne, Church Farm 12.45pm Wedding Preparation Bluntisham, Church Hall Sunday 19 April Third Sunday of Easter 9.30am Sung Eucharist Holywell, St John the Baptist 11.00am Family Service with Baptism Bluntisham, St Mary 11.00am Creative Worship Colne, St Helen 6.00pm Compline Earith, Rector’s Hall 7.00pm Going Deeper Colne, St Helen The churches of Bluntisham cum Earith, Colne and Holywell cum Needingworth