City-Business Talks @ Metropolitan Solutions 2015


City-Business Talks @ Metropolitan Solutions 2015
City-Business Talks @
Metropolitan Solutions 2015
20-22 May 2015 in Berlin, Germany
City-Business Talks
@ Metropolitan Solutions 2015
Metropolitan Solutions
is the gateway event
to cross-industry
solutions for urban
The trade show focuses on best-practice
examples and currently available solutions
for the urgent infrastructure problems faced
by cities around the world. Core topics
include pathways to smart cities through
energy, mobility and communication
technologies. Metropolitan Solutions also
brings together a variety of specialized
conferences under one roof creating the
most comprehensive global platform on
smart cities and urban infrastructure.
For more information visit:
As the leading global
association of local
governments, ICLEI
brings together
businesses and
cities for dialogues
on smart and sustainable city solutions.
City-Business Talks enable participants to
network and to develop partnerships and
joint strategies as well as to foster mutual
understanding of the supply and demand
side of sustainable city solutions.
For Metropolitan Solutions 2015, ICLEI will
transition from hosting its Global Town Hall
event series at the trade show to focusing
directly on City-Business Talks with the new
ICLEI Lounge Talks supplementing a rich
conference program.
Partners 2014
Verband kommunaler
Unternehmen e.V.
City-Business Talks
@ Metropolitan Solutions 2015
In a fast urbanizing world cities need
innovative solutions to increase efficiency and
sustainability, effectively use available data in
decision making and planning, and improve
the livelihoods of their inhabitants. Adequate
institutional frameworks, organizational and
business models are needed to implement
technological solutions effectively. Businesses,
as solution providers, and local decision makers
from around the world are key stakeholders that
need to jointly create an enabling, yet wellreflected environment of policies and market
conditions to promote those solutions that truly
make cities more sustainable and livable.
A “City Leaders Survey on City-Business
Engagement for Sustainable Development”
conducted by ICLEI and the World Business
Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
confirmed the importance of city-business
cooperation. City leaders feel that business both
provides input to urban sustainability strategies
and supports their implementation. Facilitated
city-business talks are seen as the most effective
method for improving cities‘ engagement with
ICLEI and WBCSD promote City-Business Talks
and cooperation at Metropolitan Solutions
and beyond through programmes such as the
WBCSD Urban Infrastructure Initiative
“Businesses have had
a long relationship
with cities. They are
part of cities, they are
actors, providers and
we need a new model
of collaboration
between cities and
Monika Zimmermann
Deputy Secretary General,
ICLEI - Local Governments
for Sustainability
“Cities that fight
climate change are
the cities where
people are sitting
together and work
with each other to
find solutions. You
need to get out of
your box.”
Philippe Joubert
Senior Advisor, World
Business Council for
Sustainable Development
“It has become
obvious that
we need more
interconnectivity of
responsibilities within
cities and businesses
to work towards urban
Alexandra van Huffelen
Vice Mayor, Rotterdam and
ICLEI Global Executive
Committee Member
ICLEI Lounge Talks
@ Metropolitan Solutions 2015
Don‘t leave your new contacts up to chance and
coffee break encounters. Join our Lounge Talks!
Does your business offer a solution for urban
challenges? Does your city have a great project
others can learn from or needs cooperation
partners and business contacts? Get in touch
with us to explore your options for meeting your
target audience at Metropolitan Solutions 2015.
In roundtable talks and presentations,
cities, businesses and experts discuss urban
challenges, solutions, cooperation opportunities
and projects with selected participants.
Hosts and participants will:
personally meet the valuable contacts they
are looking for;
interact and exchange ideas and contacts;
create partnerships and cooperation
opportunities in an informal and personal
ICLEI advertises your Lounge Talk to selected
guests at Metropolitan Solutions 2015 and
invites the city and business representatives you
want to meet. To get the best out of the event,
contact us and support the invitation of your
target audience through personal matchmaking.
Conference Program
@ Metropolitan Solutions 2015
ICLEI organizes and supports conferences
at Metropolitan Solutions 2015. We also
facilitate contact between cities and other
conference organizers. Contact us for conference
partnerships, sponsoring opportunities and
speaking slots at Metropolitan Solutions 2015.
Date & time: 20 May 2015, 09.30-18.00
On top of ICLEI‘s own conference, Metropolitan
Solutions 2015 will feature more than 15 parallel
events organized by partners, including:
Smart Lighting and Sensing 2015
(InnovationFab Events BV)
Smart Cities and Communities Marketplace General Assembly (European Commission)
International Conference on Electromobility
(Berlin Agency for Electromobility eMO)
Public Finance Stakeholder Summit (Project
Finance International)
ISOCARP Workshop - Innovative Solutions for
Cities - Between Research and Practice
Business and Technology Conference within
the Asia-Pacific Weeks Berlin 2015 (Berlin
Partner, SenWTF, Asia-Pacific Forum)
In 10 years’ time over 900 million Chinese will live
in urban areas – 250 million more than today.
Air pollution, water and resource scarcity as
well as a lack of public social services jeopardize
cities as suitable places to live and work. Europe
is internationally renowned as a forerunner
in sustainable urban development with vast
experience in the field, but still faces serious
challenges that need to be addressed.
The conference starts off with plenary sessions
on urbanization in China and city partnerships
for sustainable urban development. This is
followed by designated Lounge Talks and an
afternoon full of workshops on themes such as
green buildings, building information modeling
and education for sustainable construction.
The Sustainable Urban China Conference is
organized by ICLEI in cooperation with the GIZ
(German Federal Enterprise for International
Cooperation) on behalf of the German
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature
Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety, and
supported by HEXUN Consulting and other
partners, as part of Metropolitan Solutions 2015.
Impressions from 2014
Video recordings of 2014 sessions and more information at
Cities need shared-use vehicle systems, multi-modality
and to move beyond just vehicles. Suwon, as host of the
last EcoMobility Festival, Bremen with their successful
carsharing scheme and Taichung City’s goal to become a
low-carbon demo city were among the progressive city
examples. Companies like Tünckers and Constin presented
car alternatives that offer easy mobility for longer distances.
Urban cable cars by Doppelmayr Seilbahnen demonstrate
that the future of urban mobility could be above our heads.
Janez Potočnik
EU Commisioner, DG Environment (2010-2014)
“Green infrastructure approaches can
bring multiple social, environmental
and economic benefits to our
citizens. For this to happen, efficient
coordination across administrative
boundaries will be needed. “
Owe Petersson
COO, Plantagon International
“Everyone wants to
live in cities, so we
should grow food in
cities too.”
Bristol, European Green Capital 2015, works
on “independent food“. Plantagon and the
young start-up Agrilution offer vertical farming
solutions for food production on limited space.
Urban Agriculture is both an emerging market
and an integral part of productive, sustainable
and resource efficient cities.
Pekka Sauri
Local leaders push actors in their cities
towards reducing the use of fossil fuels while
promoting renewable energies. Be it the
‘One Less Nuclear Power Plant’ campaign of
Seoul, the cap-and-trade program of Tokyo or
sustainable action planning in Hannover and
Hamburg – greenhouse gas reduction targets
translate into concrete actions.
Deputy Mayor of Helsinki and ICLEI
Regional Executive Committee
“It is crucial to combine
sustainable procurement and
innovative procurement. They
are the same thing. And add
ethical procurement to that
so that we look at the whole
chain of production.“
Impressions from 2014
Video recordings of 2014 sessions and more information at
Berlin integrates renewable energies
within the city and within mobility. A smart
thermostat in Amsterdam‘s SMEs reduced
their energy consumption. As cities move
towards smartness, the complex intricacies
of networking, public involvement and
innovation become clear. Solutions no
longer work in a bubble but across urban
George Ferguson
Mayor, City of Bristol
“I steal ideas from other cities. I want other cities
to come steal ideas from us too.”
Kay Hartkopf
Smarter Cities Leader, IBM,
Hamburg, Germany
“Smart city means doing
more with less, increasing
systemic efficiency.“
From subsidies given to citizens who install
green garden roofs in Rotterdam to taxreductions and “green mortgages“ for green
building construction and renovation in
Romania: some great examples were presented
on how cities tackle the average one-third of
carbon emissions coming from buildings.
Barbara Hendricks
As the global climate is changing, cities
need to increase their resilience. Hannover
integrates flood and urban heat control
in a single masterplan. Sydney recycles
waste water to secure its water supply,
and Rotterdam‘s floating pavilion shows
that it is possible to develop and construct
buildings on water.
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation,
Building and Nuclear Safety
“A climate-friendly
approach does not mean
restrictions on citizens.
Town planning and
transport planning need
to set the stage for smart
urban planning.”
City-Business Talks
@ Metropolitan Solutions 2015
20-22 May 2015 in Berlin, Germany
Participate and work with us
Save the date and stay tuned
Metropolitan Solutions 2015 is
scheduled for 20-22 May.
Contact us for more information
and updates on the paramount
platform for City-Business Talks
and explore how you can partner
with us.
New venue in Berlin
Metropolitan Solutions 2015 will
take place at Berlin‘s exhibition
grounds at the CityCube.
The new venue unites multiple
conferences and the tradeshow
under one roof, creating the
world‘s largest smart city event.
Design and Layout: ICLEI WS
Photos © ICLEI e.V. 2014,
SAS Orange Verte; Deutsche Messe AG; iStock; Shutterstock
All rights reserved © ICLEI e.V. 2015.
This brochure is available online at
ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability
World Secretariat
Roman Serdar Mendle
Smart Urban Infrastructure Team
Tel.: +49 228 976299-00