File - Michael J. Cerroni Memorial 5K Run/Walk


File - Michael J. Cerroni Memorial 5K Run/Walk
Dear Sponsor,
The Michael J. Cerroni Memorial Foundation is now preparing for the 5th Annual
Michael J. Cerroni
Memorial 5K Run/Walk
This year’s run will be held on June 28th, 2015 in the Village of Black River, New York.
Carthage Central High School Graduate and USMC Captain Michael J. Cerroni lived every day to the fullest. In
his short life, he continuously personified great fortitude and drive. Following the loss of Michael in a 2006
snowmobile accident, The Michael J. Cerroni Memorial Scholarship was established in his honor.
Thanks to the generosity of organizations such as yours, The Michael J. Cerroni Foundation, Inc. annually awards
two graduating Carthage Central High School Seniors (one male & one female) with a $1,000 scholarship each to
assist with post-high school plans (college, military, vocational, etc.). Award recipients are decided based on a
variety of criteria including an explanation of what the word “Fortitude” means to them.
Please join in our efforts by becoming a Sponsor and making a donation to benefit the Michael J. Cerroni
Scholarship fund. Full details of all Sponsorship options available are included with this letter. (Donations and
Logo must be received prior to print deadlines in order to be included on promotional products as outlined in the
Sponsorship tiers.)
Please make your donation payable to “The Michael J. Cerroni Foundation, Inc.” and mail to:
The Michael J. Cerroni Foundation, Inc.
c/o Patricia Strife
24945 County Route 37
Carthage, NY 13619
We hope that you will consider making our event a priority for your support. As a Sponsor, you help the Michael
J. Cerroni Foundation make a difference in the lives of young members of the community who are looking to
improve themselves through higher education or military service.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
Warmest Regards,
Patricia A. Strife, President
The Michael J. Cerroni Foundation, Inc.
24945 County Route 37
Carthage, NY 13619
Phone: (315) 493-4023
Visit our Website:
The Michael J. Cerroni Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.
Your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Michael J. Cerroni
Memorial 5K Run/Walk
Sponsorship options
Platinum - Donation of $1,000
Name displayed on 3-Mile Marker Banners
Prominent recognition as Platinum Sponsor with Name/Logo on:
o T-Shirt (Approx. Qty. 500)
o Media Recognition
o Website
o Runner Registration Packets
o All event advertisements
Thank You recognition throughout race festivities
Placement of company provided information (giveaways, coupons, flyer's, etc.) in the participant
goody bags
Sponsor provided banner displayed near the Start/Finish line (Sponsor responsible for delivery and
Donation/Logo must be received prior to print deadlines in order to be included on
promotional products as outlined above.
Gold - Donation of $500
Name displayed on 1-Mile Marker Banner
Recognition as Gold Sponsor with Name/Logo on:
o T-Shirt (Approx. Qty. 500)
o Website
o Runner Registration Packets
Thank You recognition throughout race festivities
Placement of company provided information (giveaways, coupons, flyer's, etc.) in the participant
goody bags
Sponsor provided banner displayed near the Start/Finish line (Sponsor responsible for delivery and
Donation/Logo must be received prior to print deadlines in order to be included on
promotional products as outlined above.
Silver - Donation of $250
Recognition as Silver Sponsor with Name/Logo on:
o T-Shirt - size will be 1/2 when compared to the Platinum & Gold Sponsors (Approx. Qty. 500)
o Website
Thank You recognition throughout race festivities
Placement of company provided information (giveaways, coupons, flyer's, etc.) in the participant
goody bags
Donation/Logo must be received prior to print deadlines in order to be included on
promotional products as outlined above.
Bronze (Age Bracket Sponsor) - Donation of $100
Recognition as Bronze Sponsor with Name/Logo on:
o Website
Thank You recognition at awards ceremony
Placement of company provided information (giveaways, coupons, flyer's, etc.) in the participant
goody bags
Goody Bag Sponsor - Donation of $750
Name & Logo displayed on goody bags handed out to race participants
(Bag selected by Sponsor/approved by MJC5K)
Prominent recognition as Goody Bag Sponsor with Name/Logo on:
o T-Shirt size will be same as & Gold Sponsor (Approx. Qty. 500)
o Website
Thank You recognition throughout race festivities
Placement of company provided information (giveaways, coupons, flyer's, etc.) in the participant
goody bags
Sponsor provided banner displayed near the Start/Finish line (Sponsor responsible for delivery and
Donation/Logo must be received prior to print deadlines in order to be included on
promotional products as outlined above.
Water Station Sponsor (2) Mile 1 & Mile 2 - Donation of $350
Recognition as Water Station Sponsor with Name/Logo on:
o T-Shirt - size will be 2/3 when compared to the Platinum & Gold Sponsors (Approx. Qty. 500)
o Banner placed at Water Station
o Website
Exclusive promotion of your business at designated water stops with sponsor provided decorations,
cups with logos, logo-attired volunteers, etc.
Thank You recognition throughout race festivities
Placement of company provided information (giveaways, coupons, flyer's, etc.) in the participant
goody bags
Donation/Logo must be received prior to print deadlines in order to be included on
promotional products as outlined above.
In-Kind – Donation of Services / Products
Website recognition
Thank You recognition throughout race festivities
Placement of company provided information (giveaways, coupons, flyer's, etc.) in the participant
goody bags
Sponsors at any level are encouraged to donate:
Gift certificates to be given to the overall male & female winners (qty. 6)
Gift certificates to be given to the winners of the age brackets (qty. 42)
Giveaways, coupons, flyers, etc., to place in race day registration packets (any qty. / approx. 500 pkts.)
Other Ways to Participate:
Team Spirit Award: Given to the team showing the most spirit. Expressed by choice of clothing,
costumes, expression of team unity, etc.
Patriotism Award: Given to the most patriotic home in the Village on race day. Expressed by décor,
cheering for race participants, etc. Judging takes place on the day prior to the race at noon.
Important notes:
** To be included on promotional materials as outlined, your donation/logo must reach us prior to print deadlines.
**Items for Goody Bags must be received no later than the Wednesday prior to the race. No Exceptions!
**T-Shirts / Race Registrations are not a part of Sponsorship packages.
The Michael J. Cerroni Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.
Your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.