Appendix 1 Resurfacing of Multi Sports Games Area (MUGA)


Appendix 1 Resurfacing of Multi Sports Games Area (MUGA)
Proposal investment in the North Belfast Play Forum by Belfast City
Council to upgrade the Waterworks Multi Sports Facility from a
polymeric surface to a 3rd generation synthetic grass.
The North Belfast Play Forum (NBPF) has played an instrumental role in the
delivery and development of sport since 1995. As the management
committee for the Waterworks Sports Facility, the organisation has led the
development of a flagship project within community sport in Northern
In recent years, the NBPF has also contributed to programmes and initiatives
in schools and communities. Most notably, Midnight Street Soccer is
recognised a model of best practice that demonstrates the role of sport in
addressing social issues. Over 1200 young people currently participate in the
Belfast City Council funded programme on, Friday and Saturday nights.
The contribution of Belfast City Council towards the success achieved by the
NBPF has been immense and supports the continued development of sport in
Belfast and the Waterworks Sports Facility.
This proposal outlines an opportunity for Belfast City Council to invest 10k for
a 3rd generation synthetic grass at the Waterworks Multi Sports Facility.
Recently an opportunity has risen for the development of community used
buildings. The grant is available from BIFFA the landfill site company, after a
conversation with BIFFA we discovered the North Belfast Play Forum met all
requirements needed to advance with the application. An immediate
community consultation was started and within 7 days we received over 30
letters of support from schools, community groups, youth clubs and sports
clubs from across the city from all sides of the community. After receiving
an estimate for the project (60k) we decided to proceed with the application
to BIFFA for the maximum 50k. This left us with a deficit of 10k therefore we
are approaching Belfast City Council to make up the 10k.
Expected total cost of project:
Source of funding
Total Cost
70 x 40 synthetic grass
70 x 40 synthetic grass
Total project cost is 60k
We see this as a great opportunity to upgrade the facility to 3rd generation,
and have outlined the benefits of the project.
Maximise Sports Development in North Belfast
Maximise community usage by providing modern facilities.
Create training/employment opportunities
30% increase in facility revenue
Increase participation among under-represented groups
The NBPF has undertaken an extensive consultation with the local community
and has identified the need by the following means.
Statistical need:
As outlined above many of the local schools, clubs and community/youth
group’s facilities are non-existent / not fit for purpose or beyond the
demands placed on them leading to high levels of ‘dropout’ especially
amongst youth and teenagers. 66.4% of young people aged between 14-17
attain low or no levels of qualifications from school (NISRA). This facility will
go a long way in addressing these barriers to participation while acting as a
positive diversionary tool to the youth of the area. The Waterworks ward in
which the facility is located has according to the Northern Ireland Statistics
and Research (NISRA) the 2nd highest levels of crime and anti-social
behaviour domain out of 582 wards, and 4th in poorest living environment.
The need for an all year round facility is high due to low income and low
academic achievement, young people feel welcomed and are encouraged to
learn through many different means including school. The NBPF work closely
with schools and the support for the project is apparent through their
continued usage. With a life expectancy of under 70 in North Belfast average
74 in N.Ireland there is a need for life long participation in sport to help
tackle heart disease, obesity, suicide and healthy lifestyles. With continued
disruption to programmes due to the weather it’s difficult to get continued
participation. North Belfast has the highest density of young people
compared to the rest of Belfast, there is a need for youth provision and
community led sites to provide young people with positive activities. NISRA
also indicate that Waterworks ward is 16th in highest deprivation in the 582
wards; this indicates improved community provision and improved quality of
life is required in the local community. The NBPF believe this can be achieved
by the delivery of quality all year round programmes for the community.
Community / Good Relations / School Need:
For almost 10 years the NBPF has played a pivotal role in the development of
good relations using sport as a tool. The NBPF work with over 50 community
organisations delivering school, community and club programmes to all
sections of the community. The NBPF work closely with all schools in North
Belfast delivering multi-sport programmes throughout the academic year.
Programmes halt during the winter months due to ice because the pitch
freezes creating a slippery surface.
With 29 interfaces in North Belfast these areas are characterised with youth
led violence and anti-social behaviour, the North Belfast Play Forum deliver
activities for young people at the weekends, a time when communities are
vulnerable to anti- social behaviour and youth led violence. With an updated
surface the NBPF would have the capacity to deliver all year round
intervention/crime prevention programmes thus reducing anti-social
behaviour in North Belfast.
With a dedicated Development worker and Outreach team the NBPF deliver
an eclectic range of programmes to the whole community using the
Waterworks Multi Sports Facility as the main focus; programmes are
delivered to people 6yrs – 50+ yrs for 40/45 weeks per year . There is
currently a severe lack of provision in terms of sports facilities available to
the Waterworks, Cliftonville, Cavehill, New Lodge and Tigersbay communities
(Inner North Belfast Neighbourhood Renewal Areas) both in terms of indoor
and outdoor facilities in the areas. There is major evidence to support the
need for a modern facility that will meet the needs of the local clubs,
community groups and schools all year round but also providing the wider
community with a focal point to learn and develop through the medium of
sport and physical activity.
Club Need
There are very few sites where clubs and organisations could potentially
share facilities. The proposed project however will be a shared facility for all
the user groups.
The facility will be sports development driven and will endeavour to provide
the local communities with a first class sporting facility offering opportunities
for all to participate.
Strategic fit:
Sport Northern Ireland, the leading governmental agency for sport in NI have
the Sport Matters Strategy 2009-2019, the strategy has 3 main themes,
Participation, Performance and Places.
The proposed project would increase participation by 20% instantly due the
fact of longer playing time (through winter months)
The project would update the facility providing ‘better places to play’ for the
young people of North Belfast.
Terms and conditions of grant.
Funding of £5,000 - £50,000 is available for community projects. Biffaward
will give preference to applications where the amount requested from
Biffaward will make a significant contribution towards the total project costs;
therefore ensuring that the impact of the grant on the local community or
biodiversity is maximised.
The following list is not exhaustive but contains important details about what
we are unable to fund under the regulations of the Landfill Communities
BIFFA cannot fund:
a) Core costs of an organisation
b) Organisations that will not be able to register with the regulator
ENTRUST as an Enrolled Environmental Body (please visit the
ENTRUST website for details on eligibility, or call
its helpline on 01926 488 300.)
c) Retrospective funding – work that has already taken place before any
grant has been awarded
d) Projects more than 10 miles from a Biffa Waste Service operation (25
miles for rebuilding biodiversity projects registered under the DA
category) unless your project is based in Northern Ireland
e) Projects more than 10 miles from a licensed landfill site (owned by any
f) Improvements to car parks, offices or services, or alterations to
buildings in order to meet Disability Discrimination Act requirements
g) Enhancement of town or village centres, e.g. street works, signage and
seating – things that may be the responsibility of a statutory
authority to provide and maintain
h) Portable items, because these could in theory be moved away from the
i) Projects in school buildings or grounds, or on allotments
j) Events, CDs and websites
k) Coaching costs
l) Projects that are purely for fencing
m) Storage containers
n) Feasibility studies
The North Belfast Play Forum will be applying for the grant category:
Community Buildings
Biffaward aims to provide and improve community buildings to act as
mechanisms for recreation, sporting achievement, and community
involvement. Priority is given to those projects that can demonstrate an
innovative use of a community amenity to enhance, maintain or introduce
real community led social, economic or environmental improvements.
We must show what we have done to find out about the needs of the people
who will benefit from the project. For example, how has need for the project
been established, how do you know that there is a problem with the building,
and can you demonstrate that the fabric of the building is currently
The North Belfast Play Forum must also give details of any community
consultation carried out. This could be in the form of letters of support, a
village design statement or parish plan. The evidence should include
consultation and analysis of the results as well as priorities for improvement
in the community. The community involvement should be widespread and
include the full diversity of possible beneficiaries.
Biffaward will not fund work to help an existing facility meet the Disability
Discrimination Act. Applications for repair or maintenance of churches must
be able to demonstrate wider community benefit.
The BIFFA Board will give priority to projects that include energy saving
measures or green technology within the project plans. It will not, however,
fund projects that are purely to add green technologies to a current building
or to replace a current system that is fully functional, as the direct
community benefit is limited and there are other grants available specifically
for that purpose.
The North Belfast Play Forum sees this as an opportunity for the
Belfast City Council to invest in a quality, modern sports facility.
Current Activities managed by the NBPF
Current activities that are developed and managed by the NBPF include the
Bookings at the Waterworks Sports Facility;
Coaching centres at the Waterworks Sports Facility;
Sport NI Active Communities Coaches based at the Facility
Sport 4 Schools;
Detached outreach worker based at the facility
Children in Need intervention activities
Midnight Street Soccer;
Belfast City Council Wildcats
Soccer 6’s;
Summer Sport Programme;
Belfast Diverse (BCC good relation programme)
Newington Girls Academy
Multi Sports Camps;
Marion de Frinse Cup.
Girlz Sport on Sunday
Old Firm Alliance
BCC Support 4 Sport Workshops
Belfast City Council Clubmark
The role of the Waterworks Multi Sports Facility (WMSF) is integral to the
development of sport in North Belfast. The Facility has become a hub for
sports initiatives and sports development in the North of the city and beyond.
The NBPF would like to take this opportunity to thank Belfast City Council for
considering investing in our project, and therefore, investing in the
development of sport and communities throughout the city.
An investment by Belfast City Council will allow our organisation to
flourish and we feel that your investment will be rewarded with the
management and delivery of quality initiatives which will increase
participation in sport, supporting the development of performance
pathways, and addressing pertinent social issues.
We look forward to working with you in the future.
For more information please contact:
Billy Wylie
Project Development Manager
A: c/o 185 Cliftonpark Avenue, Belfast BT14 6BW
T: 07788155834