May/June - Minnesota Limousin Association


May/June - Minnesota Limousin Association
Vol. 23 • Issue 3 • May/June 2015
Minnesota News ...
Annual Meeting Held in Litchfield
Members of the Minnesota
Limousin Association gathered
at the VFW Club in Litchfield on
Saturday, March 7, 2015 for their
annual meeting, banquet and benefit auction.
The day began with a social
hour followed by a delicious roast
beef dinner with all the trimmings.
President Roger Wagner welcomed everyone to the meeting
and introduced the special guests,
Bernhard and Kathy Larson and
their family of Hendricks, the
MN “Commercial Producer of the
Year” recipient.
Following the meal, Mark and
Sharilyn Willette, secretary/treasurer, read the minutes and gave
the treasurer’s report.
A report was given on the 2014
state cattlemen’s tour in Redwood
County. A total of thirteen buses
toured five feedlots and one farm.
Over 1,000 steak meals were
served that night.
Don Biscoe reported on the
2014 MN state fair and the 4-H
Minnesota Juniors Wiley Fanta of
Starbuck and Julia Biscoe of Cottage
Grove helped display the benefit items
at the annual meeting in Litchfield on
March 7.
Board of Directors
A motion was made
to decrease the size
of the MN Limousin
Association board of
directors from seven
down to five directors.
The reasons for this
decision were given
and the members voted
in favor of the motion.
Mark Willette of
Dean and Beverly were presented with a cake Delavan was reelectcelebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. ed to the board. We
They have been members of the MN Limousin want to thank retiring
Association for 30 of the 50 years.
board members Kevin
A record number of schol- Bachmeier and Allen Lyon for
arships were given out this past their many years of service on the
year by the livestock committee.
board. We appreciate everything
Kevin Bachmeier reported on they have done for the association
the 2014 MN Beef Expo. Jordan and we look forward to s seeHoover was the recipient of the ing them at upcoming Limousin
Limousin heifer in the MN Youth events.
Beef Experience program. He
Benefit Auction
also stated that we are in need
A wide variety of items were
of a donation heifer for the 2015 sold on the benefit auction inBeef Expo.
cluding semen, cattle supplies,
Anna Johnson, MN junior as- a barn quilt, a box of meat, gift
sociation president and member baskets, dish towels, a quilt, and
of the NALJA board of directors, many other items. We apprecigave an update on the activities ate the support of everyone who
of the juniors this past year. The donated and/or bought items on
MN field day will take place in the sale. Your support helps cover
Fairmont, MN on June 6 following the expenses for the senior and
the Heartland Regional Show. She junior associations throughout the
also said that the NALJA board upcoming year.
is working on hosting a POWER
HLA Regional Show
conference in 2016.
The Minnesota Limousin AssoDean Summerbell, Executive ciation will serve as the host state
Secretary of the Heartland Limou- for the 2015 Heartland Regional
sin Association, gave an overview Show June 5-6 in Fairmont, MN.
of activities of the association for We need lots of hands to help
the past year. He then presented
the “Commercial Producer of the
Year” plaque to Bernhard and
Kathy Larson.
The 2015 Minnesota Limousin Association Board of Directors: Casey Fanta,
Starbuck; Roger Wagner, Milaca (president); Mark Willette, Delavan (secretary/
treasurer); Don Biscoe, Cottage Grove (vice-president); and Merle Anderson,
Minnesota Nalja Board Member
Anna Johnson of Sebeka, MN gave
the Minnesota Limousin Association
an update on Junior activities.
with the set-up, stalling of cattle,
preparing and serving the meals, in
the hospitality area, on show day,
and with the clean-up.
Please contact Mark or Sharilyn
Willette or Dean Summerbell if
you will be able to help in any of
these areas.
Long-time Limousin breeder and
member of the Minnesota Limousin
Association entertained the members
with his “Ole and Lena” jokes as he
auctioned off the benefit items.
Minnesota Juniors Limousin members attending the meeting in Litchfield:
(front) Amelia Schatz, Amber Johnson, Courtney Dohrman, (back) Junior
Advisor Susan Schatz, Reagan Schatz, Anna Johnson, Thomas Duff, Wiley
Fanta, and Julia Biscoe.
Vol. 23 • Issue 3 • May/June 2015
Bernhard and Kathy Larson named
Minnesota “Commercial Producer of the Year”
Bernhard and Kathy Larson of
Hendricks, MN were selected by
the Minnesota Limousin Association as their 2015 “Commercial
Producer of the Year”. They were
honored at the Minnesota Limousin Association annual meeting in
Litchfield March 7, 2015.
The Larson’s started on the
farm where they presently live in
1965. They have spent 50 years
in the cattle business. They began
using Limousin bulls in the 1970’s
purchasing their first bull from
Bruner Limousin of Winfred SD.
They have remained committed
to raising the best product using
Limousin genetics that they can.
Since then they have bred their
cows up to a purebred Limousin
herd. Following their tradition of
buying only red bulls, the Larson’s
have purchased bulls from Potterosa Limousin, El Cedar Ranch,
Lund Limousin, Symens Brothers
and Treftz Limousin.
The Larson calf crop is marketed each year in January at the
calve easy and display great docility. The main reason they like
Limousin is that they are simply
“Good Eating”.
Congratulations to Bernhard
and Kathy Larson for being selected for this prestigious award.
Mark Your
2015 HLA
Regional Show
June 5-6
Congratulations to Bernhard and Kathy Larson of Hendricks, MN on being
selected as the MN “Commercial Producer of the Year”.
Madison Livestock Auction in
Madison, SD following a 90 day
backgrounding program. The
same feedlots have purchased their
calves each year. The Larson’s
have cut back in recent years to
a 60 cow herd as they near retirement.
Bernhard states his case for
raising Limousin cattle, “They
Martin County
Fairgrounds in
Fairmont, MN
Proven Performance
& Superior Calving-Ease
Black • HOMO Polled • PB
S: COLE Thunder 110T
D: DLVL Sky 605S (ROMN Justice)
CE: 15 (.68) BW: -4.2 (.79) WW: 63 (.72) YW: 89 (.68)
MA: 22 (.49) CM: 5 (.50) SC: 0.2 (.43) DC: 35 (.45) CW: 16 (.53)
RE: .59 (.17) YG: -.35 (.25) MS: .05 (.19) $MI: 53
Bosch Farms
Bob and Mary Bosch
16864 Fulton • Indianola, Iowa 50125
515/491-9163-Bob, cell
Xerox will
make the
right copies
in your herd.
Xerox progeny have been topping sales across this country!
…Calving-Ease, Growth, Scrotal, Docility & Carcass Figures
…Quiet, easy-going offspring—ranks in the top 5% for DC
…Proven to work on heifers—ranks in the top 3% for CE and top 1% for BW
…Progeny are sound, have solid growth & are loaded with thickness
…Adds carcass value, ranks in top 10% for YG & top 20% Marb
Grassroots Genetics
Tom & Rita Vaughn & Sons
9741 142nd Ave. NE Tom cell: 701/520-0110
Cavalier, ND 58220 David cell: 701/520-2556
H: 701/265-4097 Craig cell: 701/520-1624 e-mail: