Motilal Nehru Public School ENGLISH LITERATURE HINDI
Motilal Nehru Public School ENGLISH LITERATURE HINDI
Motilal Nehru Public School Jamshedpur Yearly Syllabus(IX A, B, C) : 2015 - 2016 ENGLISH LITERATURE UT-1 Merchant of Venice-Act-Iscene1 Poetry- The Bazaars of Hyderabad FIRST TERM Merchant of Venice-Act -I,Scene -I to III Prose: The Tiger in the Tunnel,God Lives in the Punch Poetry: Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening,Where the Mind is Without Fear. SECOND TERM UT-2 Project- Animal Farm(Self Study) Merchant of Venice-Act-II Scene-I,II,III,IV,V Prose: The Kabuliwala,My Lost Dollar Poetry: A Psalm of Life,The Professor UT-3 Merchant of Venice-Act-II Scene-(I to IX) Prose:Hunger FINAL TERM Merchant of Venice-Act-II Scene-VI to IX & Act III Scene-I Prose:Hunger,The Bet Poetry:In the Bazaars of Hyderabad,I Believe ENGLISH LANGUAGE FIRST TERM UT-1 Speaking & Listening skills Letter -Letter to an Editor,Friendly letter,Transformation of sentences 1 & II Sequence of sentences,Direct Indirect Test Paper 1-4 Proverbs : Letters 'A' - 'C',Art of Effective writing Essay : Argumentativel,Comprehensive Passage and Preci UT-2 Project SECOND TERM Letter : Persuation, Essay :- (1). Discriptive 2. Picture composition Proverbs : Letter 'D' ,'E'and 'F',Art of Effective writing Test Paper 5-8,Active Passive, Agreement of subject verb Tenses,Comprehensive Passage and Precise Personal,Official Letter FINAL TERM UT-3 Listening & Speaking skills Letter :Invitation ,Apology,Proverbs : G-I,Test Paper 9-12 Preposition,Articles,Synthesis of sentences Comprehensive Passage and Precis All Terminal exams incude the entire portion completed till then HINDI FIRST TERM UT-1 Apathith Gadyansha - 2, Nibandh - 2, Patra-2 Vyakaran sambandhi Prashana, Sahitya Sagar- Sakhi, Swarg bana sakte hai, baat athanni ki, kaki UT-2 Akanki Sanchay - Sanskar aur Bhaavana SECOND TERM Project apathith Gadyansha - 2, Patra - 2, Nibandh- 2 Vyakaran sambandhi Prashana Chitralekhan -1, Sahitya Sagar- Giridhar ki Kundliya, Wah Janmbhumi meri, Mahayagya ka Purskar, Netaji ka chashma. Akanki Sanchay - Bahu ki Vidai (Vinod Rastogi) FINAL TERM UT-3 Apathith Gadyansha - 2, Nibandh -2, Patra-2 Vyakaran sambandhi Prashana Aatmkatha - 1, Soor ke Pad, Bade ghar ki beti Sahitya Sagar- Megh Aaye, , Apna Apna Bhagya, Akanki Sanchay - Matrabhumi ka maan (Harikrishn Premi) Soor ke Pad, Bade ghar ki beti Motilal Nehru Public School Jamshedpur Yearly Syllabus(IX A, B, C) : 2015 - 2016 HISTORY & CIVICS FIRST TERM UT-1 (Rural) ,Local self government (Rural),Local Localself selfgovernment governmenturban), (Rural),Local self government (Urban), Renaissance Industrial Revolution,The First World War SECOND TERM UT-2 Project Work Rise of Dictatorship,World war II,UNO and its organ,The Union Parliament FINAL TERM UT-3 The 1857 revolt UNO agencies,President & V.P.,The 1857 Revolt Factors promoting nationalism,The Union Judiciary, Unit test portion to be included in all terms GEOGRAPHY UT- 1 Motion of the earth FIRST TERM Structure of the Earth and Internal Process Landforms of the Earth,Rocks,Volcanoes,Earthquakes,Earth Movements folding and Faulting UT-2 Project work SECOND TERM Weathering ,The hydrosphere,Movement of Ocean Water Pollution and its Sources,Effect of Pollution,Abatement of Pollution,Equatorial Region(Natural Region) UT-3 The Atmosphere,Map of India FINAL TERM Natural Region- Mediterranean Regions,The Atmosphere The Insolation,Pressure beltsand Types of winds Portion covered in 1St & 2nd Term,Precipitation *MATHEMATICS UT-1 Expansion,Factorisation,Indices compound interest(1x) FIRST TERM Portion covered in Ist UT-1, Compoud Interest(IX &X) Irrational no.Ex1.1-1.3(no proving sums),Linear equation-Ex-7,Logarithm(ex11.1 & 11.2), Theorems on Area(only theorem),Perimeter & area of triangles-ex 18.1 congruency of triangles UT-2 on profit or loss percentage SECOND TERM Profit and loss,Simultaneous linear equation(Ex 8.1- 8.3), Changing the subject of a formula, Mid point theorem-ex-13,Triangles( Isosceles triangles,Inequalities of Triangles) Ex-12.1-12.3 , area & perimetre of quadrilaterals , Construction of triangles UT-3 Standard angles of Trigonometry Trigonometric Ratios,identities, height &distance(9&10) FINAL TERM Portion covered in 3rd Unit Tests, Rectilinear figures-Ex16.1 & 16.2,Word Problems on Linear equation & Simultaneous equation-9.1 & 9.2,Construction of quadrilateralas-Ex-16.3 Area & volume of solids-Ex- 18.4, Compound Interest(IX & X) Similarity(IX),Statistics-22.1-22.3 PHYSICS UT-1 Motion in One Dimension FIRST TERM Motion in One Dimension,Pressure in fluids & atmosphereic pressure Upthrust in Fluids & Archimedes' Principle force - (Xth Std.) Practicals:-Use of Vernier Caliperse, Use of Screw Gauge UT-2 Project work on Current Eletricity SECOND TERM Floatation & Relative Density,Static Electricity,Propagation of sound wave Sound- Xth Std. Practicals:-Verification of Archimedes' Principle & Principle of moments UT-3 Current Eletricity(IX &X) FINAL TERM Current Electricity(IX &X),Motion in one Dimension Propagation of Sound Wave, Sound- Xth std., Force- Xth std. Practicals:- Verification of OHM's Law Motilal Nehru Public School Jamshedpur Yearly Syllabus(IX A, B, C) : 2015 - 2016 CHEMISTRY UT-1 FIRST TERM Study of Gas Laws , chemical formulae and balancing of chemical equations Study of Gas Laws,Periodic Table,,Periodic properties & variations of properties- UT-2 project(PeriodicTable & properties) SECONDTERM Chemical bonding physical & chemical ,Study of the first element hydrogen UT-3 Ammonia FINAL TERM Study of compounds,HCl,Ammonia,Analytical chemistry,HNO3 Study of Gas Laws, Chemical bonding BIOLOGY FIRST TERM UT-1 Digestive system Digestive system, Movement & Locomotion Skin- The jack of all trades,Waste generation UT-2 Practical Assignment SECOND TERM Diseases,Respiration in plants,Circulatory system(class X) UT-3 Respiratory System,Hygeine FINAL TERM The respiratory system,Hygeine, Cell: The unit of life Excretory system(from class X) Entire final term Syllabus & Digestive system, Circulatory system. COMPUTER UT-1 Concept of objects, Introducing classes Simple programs in Java FIRST TERM Access I ,Concept of Objects, Introducing classes, Classes as basis of all computations(till operators), Introducing Java on BlueJ environment Simple problems on DataTypes & If-else programming in JAVA UT-2 If -else Programs & Switch Case Programs SECOND TERM Classes as basis of all computations, Simple For loop programs,The entire portion covered so far. UT-3 All For loop programs/Nested For loop FINAL TERM All types of loops,While Loop,Do-while Loop related programs with it. The entire portion covered so far. GK FIRST TERM Telekids- April, May,Current affairs,logical and reasoning test SECOND TERM Telekids-July,Aug Current affairs,logical and reasoning test FINAL TERM Telekids-Nov,Dec, Current affairs,logical and reasoning test