⢠Pressure sensitive releasable adhesive for EcoFlex ICT backing
⢠Pressure sensitive releasable adhesive for EcoFlex ICT backing
ENPRESS® PSA • Pressuresensitivereleasableadhesivefor EcoFlexICTbacking • Warrantedupto80%RHand9pH • Comesin4gallonbuckets QUICKTACK AGGRESSIVEBOND SUPERIORSHEAR STRENGTH Mohawk Group EnPress® PSA modular pressure sensitive adhesive is specially designed to install Mohawk Group carpet tiles with EcoFlex ICT backing. • Spreadrateis140-160syper4gallonswith a3/8”naproller,or100-120sywitha1/32"x 1/16"x1/32"U-notchtrowel • 48bucketsonapallet EnPress® PSA pressure sensitive adhesive is nonflammable and has low odor and “zero” calculated VOC’s, which makes it ideal for use in schools, health care facilities, public buildings, and anywhere odor is a concern. EnPress® PSA pressure sensitive adhesive is CRI Green Label Plus™ approved. This adhesive also meets or exceeds California requirements as specified in Rules 102 and 443 as well as California SCAQMD Rule 1168. This adhesive contains MicroSept™ broad spectrum antimicrobial protection. Adherence to Mohawk warranty requires all Mohawk tiles to use Mohawk brand or Mohawk recommended adhesives. In Australia Mohawk adhesives are distributed by Mapei Group. For further information refer to below contact. Contact Info: The recommended alternative is Ultra-bond ECO Tack TechnicalServicesDepartment Mapei Contact Info: 508EastMorrisStreet Dalton,GA.30721 Jim Creswell |National Product Manager Resilient Line 800.833.6954 M. 0407 964 400 CustomerService:800.622.6228 email j.creswell@mapei.com.au M001