2015 ATC Flyer - Missouri Chapter - International Association of
2015 ATC Flyer - Missouri Chapter - International Association of
CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS HOTEL MAY 29-31, 2015 ANNUAL TRAINING CONFERENCE The Resort at Port Arrowhead is located at beautiful Lake Ozark, Missouri. The Chapter has secured a special rate of $85 Plus Tax. When booking your room use the registration code IAAI15. Friday May 29 8:00-8:30 am 8:30-9:00 am Registration Welcome Missouri Chapter IAAI President Tim Cudd 9:00 am-Noon Investigation Photography Detective Jennifer Dussold has been a police officer with the Bridgeton Police Department, in St. Louis County for 21 years. She has served as a patrol officer in the Bureau of Field Operations, 12 years in the ID unit conducting crime scene investigations, and is now assigned to the Bureau of Investigations. Det. Dussold is a Missouri certified Fire Investigator. 12:00 pm-1:00 pm Lunch on Your Own 1:00 pm-5:00 pm Suburban Fire Tactics related to Fire Investigators Battalion Chief Jim Silvernail of Metro West Fire Protection District of St. Louis County is international accredited as a Chief Fire Officer (CPSE). He has over 18 years of operational experience and is a lead instructor at the St. Louis County Fire Academy. He is the published author of the textbook Suburban Fire Tactics and has authored numerous articles for Fire Engineering. Chief Silvernail serves on the NFPA 1710 technical committee and is a regular speaker at the annual Fire Department Instructors Conference (FDIC). REGISTRATION Member $130 Non-member $150 Member, plus renewal $150 SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS: Ed Roehr Safety Products Schaeffer Engineering, Inc. Saturday May 30 8:00 am-Noon Interview & Interrogation Techniques Patrick Kelly, Special Agent (ret.) served as a Lieutenant in the US Army special forces from 1965 until 1969 when he began a distinguished career with the FBI. During his time with the FBI, he worked with the CIA, DEA, DOD and other federal agencies on polygraph matters. Mr. Kelly, has served as primary instructor for the FBI Interview and Interrogation and Statement Analysis programs and has trained investigators, prosecutors, and polygraph examiners across the US and overseas. 12:00 pm-2:00 pm Lunch Provided at Business Meeting 2:00-5:00 pm Interview & Interrogation Techniques, Continued 8:00 am-Noon Interview & Interrogation Case Studies Sunday May 31 Payments payable to: MO-IAAI, Inc. Mail to: Brian Nettleton, 154 Hughes Lane St. Charles, MO 63301 or email bnettleton@semke.com GO TO OUR WEBSITE moiaai.org for more information!