Careers, Leadership and Volunteering


Careers, Leadership and Volunteering
2015 Sponsorship agreement
Date of this agreement:_____________________________________
Student Group
Student group name
Student group
Campus(s) active on
Associated Faculty
Website address
Facebook URL
Student Group representatives
Phone number
Monash e-mail
Other (preferred email) –
if applicable
Phone number
Monash e-mail
Other (preferred email) –
if applicable
Representative three
Phone number
Monash e-mail
Other (preferred email) – if
For office use only
Sponsorship amount
Careers, Leadership and Volunteering
Submission from Student Group
Please submit a brief (approximately 100 words) outlining the career focus of the Student Group for 2015 and
whether you plan to hold career-related events. If so, please provide details. Please also include the support you
would like from Careers, Leadership and Volunteering.
Careers, Leadership and Volunteering
Monash University, through its Careers, Leadership and Volunteering (CLV) office, offers sponsorship to eligible student
groups in order to enhance the working relationship between CLV, clubs and societies, and student associations at Monash
The sponsorship aims to:
support connection between students, employers and the University with a focus on promoting employment and career
development opportunities;
maximise career outcomes for Monash students;
increase ways of working together on career-related activities at Monash; and
increase student awareness of the annual careers festival and to promote the services and other events of CLV.
In order to be eligible for sponsorship, student groups should:
have an interest in improving career outcomes for their members or a mutually beneficial reason for collaboration
with CLV;
be proactive in connecting with CLV and committed to working with other student groups who are sponsored by CLV;
submit a brief submission (approximately 100 words) outlining:
the career focus for 2015;
whether you plan to hold career-related events; and
the support you would like from CLV.
Contact for more information
Csilla Papp
Employer Relations Consultant
Careers, Leadership and Volunteering
Phone: 03 9905 1525
Careers, Leadership and Volunteering
Sponsorship package
Sponsorship is tailored to each student group in negotiation with CLV. Agreements must include a minimum commitment to
assisting with the Careers Festival at the start of semester one and Monash Battle of the Brains in semester two and a
combination of, however not limited to, the following:
Careers Festival involvement in brainstorming ideas and contributing to the Careers Festival concept, promoting to
current sponsors and employers, promotion to student members. Providing at least one representative of the
Student Group to attend planning meetings. Each group will commit to a unique set of arrangements appropriate
for their members;
Avoid holding large events with employers in the weeks leading up to the 2015 Careers Festival and Monash Battle
of the Brains:
o Careers Festival – semester one March 2015; and
o Monash Battle of the Brains – semester two August 2015;
Provide, update and share details of all Student Group related events for 2015 with the aim of avoiding clashes.
CLV will provide an online central location where all student groups can enter and access information;
CLV flyer and merchandising used on Orientation Week Stall &/or show bag;
Promote at least 4 activities per semester that CLV offers via printed or electronic material in addition to the
Careers Festival;
Opportunity to advertise positions within the Student Group on Career Gateway (volunteering/paid);
CLV to contribute an article and/or a full page advert in Student Group’s publications where applicable;
Permanent link to CLV webpage on Student Group website or Facebook. Alternative “like” CLV Facebook via
Student Group Facebook account;
Collaborate with CLV to support other events that the Student Group is running throughout 2015;
Outgoing 2015 committee members to introduce (by phone, e-mail or in person) CLV to their new committee
members after 2015 AGM; and
Invoice CLV for first instalment of sponsorship funding by 26 June 2015 and second installment by 23 October
Sponsorship funding will be payable in two instalments. Payment of these instalments is conditional upon CLV receiving the
invoices on time and completion of tasks during each semester, as negotiated and agreed to by the Student Group and
CLV, to CLV’s satisfaction. Supporting evidence of completion of tasks where possible will be requested by CLV of the
Student Group.
Sponsorship termination
CLV reserves the right to cancel the Sponsorship Agreement and withhold payment at any stage for any reason. Student
groups should be aware that CLV may, at its discretion, cancel the sponsorship agreement where the Student Group does
 achieve the sponsorship conditions by the due dates;
 submit progress reports on time;
 meet the eligibility requirements any longer for any reason as deemed by CLV.
The Student Group may at any time notify CLV that it does not wish to continue with the Sponsorship Agreement in which
case the Student Group will not be entitled to receive any payment.
Careers, Leadership and Volunteering
PURPLE TEXT = negotiable/remove if not applicable to the Student Group
Semester one activities
Sponsorship conditions
Due Date
Provide a representative to attend planning and de-brief meetings
CLV to invite employers nominated by the Student Group to the
Careers Festival – if requested. List provided by Student Group
1-2 Committee members to attend networking related to relevant
exhibition session for employers
Careers Festival –
semester one
Provide Student Group content for employer flyer
Provide 5 or more committee members/student members to assist
with the Student Group Careers Festival promotions across
 Lollipop promotion
 Lecture bashing
 Facebook promotion of the event
 Other marketing activities decided at the first planning
CLV to contribute an article and/or a full page advert in relevant communication(s).
CLV flyer used on Orientation Week Stall &/or show bag/first member activities
Promotion of 4 activities that CLV offers (in addition to the Careers Festival) via printed
or electronic material in semester one:
Events for first semester entered into shared Google Calendar including:
 Event name
 Location/venue; time and campus
 Brief description
 Employers attending
 Targeted student cohort (faculty, year level, nationality)
Request support from CLV if needed/appropriate.
Avoid clashes and look for collaborative opportunities where possible with other student
groups and CLV.
Permanent link to CLV webpage on Student Group’s website or Facebook. Alternative
“like” CLV Facebook via student group’s Facebook account.
Attend 2 individual catch ups with CLV for semester one:
 April mid semester break
 End of May
Invoice CLV for first instalment of sponsorship funding
26 June 2015
Careers, Leadership and Volunteering
Semester two activities
Sponsorship conditions
Due Date
Provide a representative to attend planning and de-brief meetings
CLV to invite employers nominated by the Student Group to the
Battle of the Brains – if requested. List provided by Student Group
Monash Battle of
the Brains –
semester two
Provide 5 or more committee members/student members to assist
with the Student Group Battle of the Brains promotions across
 Promotional merchandise distribution
 Lecture bashing
 Facebook promotion of the event
 Other marketing activities decided at the first planning
Promotion of 4 activities that CLV offers (in addition to the Battle of the Brains) via
printed or electronic material in semester two:
Events for second semester entered into shared Google Calendar including:
 Event name
 Location/venue; time and campus
 Brief description
 Employers attending
 Targeted student cohort (faculty, year level, nationality)
Request support from CLV if needed/appropriate.
Avoid clashes and look for collaborative opportunities where possible with other student
groups and CLV.
Invoice CLV for second instalment of sponsorship funding.
23 October 2015
Outgoing 2015 committee members to introduce incoming committee members (by
phone, e-mail or in person) to CLV after 2015 AGM
Careers, Leadership and Volunteering
Sponsorship Agreement
We agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the sponsorship package set out in the agreement above:
Student Group
Nominated Liaison Person 1:
Nominated Liaison Person 2:
Monash University
Authorised Officer:
Careers, Leadership and Volunteering
Sponsorship conditions
Provide a representative to attend
planning and de-brief meetings
1-2 Committee members to attend
networking related to relevant exhibition
session for employers
Please provide
Please provide name(s):
Please provide name(s):
24 March 2015
CLV staff member to complete:
Provide Student Group content for
employer flyer
Careers Festival –
semester one
Please provide dates; times; lectures;
Facebook screen shots (attach):
Provide 5 or more committee
members/student members to assist
with the Student Group Careers Festival
promotions across campuses:
Lollipop promotion
Lecture bashing
Facebook promotion of the
Other marketing activities
decided at the first planning
CLV flyer used on Orientation Week Stall &/or show bag/first
member activities (if applicable)
Please provide
date of
promotion for
each activity
Promotion of 4 activities that CLV offers (in addition to the
Careers Festival) via printed or electronic material in
semester one. Please provide a list of activities:
Please attach screen shots of
promotion (Facebook; website;
newsletter; etc)
CLV staff member to verify:
Events for first semester entered into shared Google
Calendar: Please provide a list of events shared in Google
Calendar with dates:
Permanent link to CLV webpage on Student Group’s website
or Facebook. Alternative “like” CLV Facebook via Student
Group’s Facebook account.
Report and invoice sent to CLV for first instalment of
sponsorship funding. Please note: due date is 26 June 2015
Please attach screen shot evidence:
Please attach invoice
Careers, Leadership and Volunteering
Sponsorship conditions
Provide a representative to attend
planning and de-brief meetings
Please provide
Please provide name(s):
Please attach Facebook screen shots:
Provide 5 or more members to assist
with the Student Group Battle of the
Brains promotions across campuses:
Please provide dates; times; lectures;
Monash Battle of
the Brains –
semester two
Promotional merchandise
Lecture bashing
Facebook promotion of the
Other marketing activities
decided at the first planning
Please provide
date of
promotion for
each activity
Promotion of 4 activities that CLV offers (in addition to the
Battle of the Brains) via printed or electronic material in
semester one. Please provide a list of activities:
Please attach screen shots of
promotion (Facebook; website;
newsletter; etc)
CLV staff member to verify:
Events for second semester entered into shared Google
Calendar: Please provide a list of events shared in Google
Calendar with dates:
Report and invoice sent to CLV for second instalment of
sponsorship funding. Please note: due date is 23 October
Please attach invoice
Outgoing 2015 committee members to introduce incoming
committee members (by phone, e-mail or in person) to CLV
after 2015 AGM
Careers, Leadership and Volunteering