THE TETRAGON - Montgomery Square Citizens` Association


THE TETRAGON - Montgomery Square Citizens` Association
Newsletter of the
Montgomery Square
Citizens Association
A Community Full of Enthusiasm & Pride
Spring 2015
Sunday, May 17th, 12:00-3:00 PM
Sign up request will go out in early April
ANNUAL MEETING with Guest Speaker
Monday, May 18th, 7:30-9:00 PM
All-Purpose Room, Beverly Farms ES
ICE CREAM and Elvis w/Montgomery Square’s own
Elvis E Sunday, May 31st, Time TBD
4 Old Canal and Old Canal Ct.
JULY 4th ACTIVITY and Bike Parade
Please consider volunteering to run this event
Message from the President
MSCA Officers & Chairpersons
Bob Gross, President
Steve Schuck, Vice President
Tom Hall, Secretary
David Grossman, Treasurer
Roger Hahn, Membership
Tony Primerano and Kaksha Merchant,
Communications/Web Site
Vacant: Social Chair (someone please sign up for
this. You will be given a sizeable budget to work
Vasilia Contos, Fall Festival/Block Party Chair
Meraj Rahimi, Roads and Safety
Mike Leshner, Education
Michael Simon, Acting Improvements Chair
David Barr, Improvements
Last year was a great year for our Citizen’s Association,
and with your help this year promises to be even better.
We have a lot to look forward to. With Spring just around
the corner, planning is already underway for the Annual
Yard Sale, Ice Cream Social and other fun events.
MSCA’s landscaper will be planting fresh flowers soon at
all our main entranceways.
We are also excited that the County is continuing to work
with us in our beautification efforts by planting flowering
trees along the streets in our neighborhood. Some residents who have signed up for the FREE trees have not yet
received them, but we have been communicating with the
County and hope that additional plantings will happen in
the near future. If you have not already signed up for
FREE trees, please do so by checking off the box for
FREE trees on the enclosed dues and info form. More
information about this endeavor can be found at www. and in the enclosed flyer.
In 2014, well over 100 residents participated in both the
Ice Cream Social and the October Block Party/Fall Festival. These events featured a DJ, clown, magicians and
other activities. Siena’s pizza was enjoyed by all at the
Fall Festival. Later in the year, a volunteer Santa and his
helpers made the neighborhood rounds. Our landscaper
took good care of all our entranceways and planted a variety of flowers in the spring, summer and fall. Our website
was kept up-to-date with Board meeting minutes and other
community information. Thanks to all who helped out!
MSCA also continued with its advocacy function and, in
addition to its tree planting efforts, convinced the County
to install several speed limit signs on Post Oak Road.
The neighborhood e-announcements continue to be a
good source of information, so please take a minute to
make sure your email information is correct on the enclosed dues and information form. MSCA needs more
volunteers and ideas, so come out to the meetings or contact any of us if you want to help.
We look forward to making 2015 another spectacular year!
Communications — Did you know that MSCA
members can make requests that MSCA send
out e-announcements to advertise a local event
or other function? To request an eannouncement, contact Steve Schuck at 301580-0177 or
Be a Good Neighbor — Life is busy, but taking
the time to Be a Good Neighbor not only helps
make Montgomery Square a great neighborhood
in which to live, but it is also good for all of us
and helps with property values.
Tips On Being A Good Neighbor —
Board Meetings — MSCA holds periodic Member Meetings at people’s homes or at local
schools. Everyone is welcome and encouraged
to attend. This is your Community Association
and your ideas, thoughts and participation are
needed to make it successful. The times and
dates of the meetings are posted on MSCA’s
website and also sent out in e-announcements.
The meetings are easy-going and a good way to
meet your neighbors, develop relationships, and
share information.
Montgomery County Services — Please call
311 to report pot holes, request replacement
recycle bins, ask for bulk trash pick ups, report
street light outages, report possible code violations, etc. The 311 line is open Monday-Friday
from 7am-7pm. You can also make service requests using the County’s 311 website:
FREE Trees - Don’t Miss Out! As you may
know, the County Arborist has agreed to plant
beautiful, flowering trees along the right-of-way
in our neighborhood for no cost to MSCA or individual homeowners. This program has already
started in the neighborhood. These trees will
enhance the entire community in a variety of
ways, including:
They will add to the beauty of the neighborhood.
They increase property values.
Street trees cut traffic noise.
Residents walk more on streets with trees.
Trees improve air quality and consume
greenhouse gases.
Please add your name to our tree list on the enclosed 2015 Dues and Information Form or by
contacting Michael Simon at 301-838-7483,
Introduce yourself.
Check in with neighbors and find ways to
Communicate and be nice.
Consider your neighbor’s lifestyle.
Be careful driving around the neighborhood.
We love our dogs, so please help others
love them by cleaning up after them and
making sure they aren’t causing a nuisance.
Keep your yard and garden tidy.
When snow is forecast, move your cars onto
the driveway to make plowing easier.
Clear your sidewalk within 24 hours of the
end of a snowstorm.
Make arrangements to clear snow from your
driveway and/or sidewalk if you are going to
be out–of- town, especially for an extended
period. Otherwise, it’s an indication to
thieves that you are not at home.
Discourage thieves and lock your cars.
Be aware of your surroundings and your
neighbors as well.
If you’re able, home maintenance is important to your home and improves property
values in the area. Replace or fix broken
light posts, walkways, windows, driveways,
and fences. Replace old and tired landscaping. Paint and maintain home exteriors.
Encourage your neighbor to join MSCA, help
out at events, sign up for trees, and become
a board or committee member.
Call 911 if you see any suspicious activity.
Call 311 to get the County to help.
MSCA Directory & Dues
Please return the 2015 Dues and Information
Form included in this mailing. Dues continue to
be only $50 per year. Please fill out and return
the enclosed form. Dues are used for community events, landscaping, the directory (printed
every two years), the website, e-news, insurance
and related matters. All Board members volunteer their time and efforts. Please show your
support by paying dues and becoming an MSCA
member. Many thanks to all for your support
and participation!