Information - Cruikshank Realty, Inc
Information - Cruikshank Realty, Inc
AUCTION LOCATION: From Lamar, CO and at the Ports-ToPlains Travel Plaza 2¼ miles north on Road 7. From Wiley, CO at the C-Store, 5 miles east on Hwy 196 to County NOTICE: Mr. Mauch and Mr. Gilbert are retiring from farming. This equipment is in very good condition and has had excellent maintenance. Tractors, swather, combine and Ford pickup have been shedded. TRACTORS – COMBINE 2013 MF 4610 tractor, cab, diesel, 287.6 hrs, front wheel assist, 3 pt, quick hitch, dual hyds, 540 PTO, wts, 18.4 -30 tires, has DL260 loader w/72 inch bucket and bale fork. 1995 Case 5230 tractor, cab, diesel, 4565 hrs, 16 spd PS, 3 pt, adj arms, 3 hyds, Darf rake remote, 1000 PTO, 18.4 – 38 tires w/duals. 1983 JD 4250 tractor, cab, diesel, 7338 hrs, 15 spd PS, 3 pt, 3 hyds, 540-1000 PTO, Darf rake remote, wts, 18.4 – 38 tires. 1982 JD 4440 tractor, cab, diesel, 7630 hrs, 8 spd PS, 3 pt, 3 hyds, wts, 540-1000 PTO, 20.8 – 38 tires. 1972 JD 7700 combine, cab, diesel, 893 hrs, 20 ft head. HAY EQUIPMENT 2011 MF Model 9435 swather w/Model 9125 16 ft auger hay head, conditioner, cab, diesel, Tractor 529 hrs, header 451 hrs. Hesston 60B stack wagon. 2010 Darf 917 full hyd control 17 wheel rake. Farm hand stacker on Chev truck chassis, 6 cyl, 4 spd, 14 ft basket, steel teeth. 17 ½ Farm hand basket. IHC Model 100 - 7 ft 3 pt sickle mower. TRUCKS – PICKUPS – TRAILERS 1978 GMC 6500 truck, V-8, 5 spd, saddle tank, 18 ft grain bed w/hoist, steel floor. 1963 GMC 4000 truck, V-6, 4 spd, 2 spd, 15 ½ ft grain bed w/hoist, steel floor. 2000 Ford F-250 ext cab pickup, super duty, 5.4 liter Triton V-8, auto trans. 1977 Chev 20 Silverado pickup, 454 V-8, auto trans, 5th wheel. 1976 Taylor 6 ft X 20 ft gooseneck stock trailer, front compartment, full top, center and side gates, tandem axle. 1984 Hale stock trailer, 6 ft X 16 ft, full top, center and side gates, tandem axle. 1970 Hale trailer, open top, 5 ½ ft X 16 ft, center and side gates, tandem axle. 7 ft x 10 ft single axle trailer. FARM IMPLEMENTS – FUEL TANKS Bush Hog 2010 – 10 ft rotary mower, twin blade, 3 pt, 1000 PTO. 12 ft Killefer, front ripper shanks, hyd lift. Meyer 3 pt ditch A, hyds. JD 8 ft 3 shank ripper, 3 pt, 32 in. Glenco 20 ft spring shank chisel, 3 pt, gauge wheels, back tine harrow. JD 960 folding field cultivator, 3 pt, 3 row harrows. IHC 140 – 4 bottom spin over plow, 16 in shears, new bottoms, packer hitch. 2 Plow packers. Muth 16 ft furrower, 3 pt., 14 ½ in space. IHC 5100 grain drill, alfalfa seeder box, double disc, 6 in space, hyd lift, adj back wheels. 2 JD LZB grain drills, steel packers, hoe type, 10 in, hyd lift, 1 is parts only. Miller 16 ft offset disc, hyd lift. Holcomb 14 ft X 50 land float. 18 ft wooden land float. JD 4 section harrow. Big Ox 8 ft – 3 pt blade, hyd adj. 2 – 18.4 – 38 duals w/wheels. 2 – 20.8-38 duals w/wheels. Pull type weed burner, hyd boom, double head, 2 – 4 in augers w/elect motors. 250 gallon LP. 2 – 1000 gallon skidded fuel tanks w/ 100 volt pumps. 150 gallon fuel tank on stand. 150 gallon sprayer, 3 pt w/pump. LIVESTOCK AND FENCING EQUIPMENT – HAY - COLORADO BRAND My-D Handy cattle chute. Powder River calf table. 4 ft X 5 ½ ft metal gates. 4 ft X 9 ½ ft metal gates. 14 – interlocking pipe panels, 5 ft X 16 ft. 5 ft X 16 ft wire panels. Vitalix #3 tubs. Metal feed bunk. 2 – 8 ft water tanks. Approx 150 4 in – 6 in wooden posts. 15 rolls smooth wire and hand roller. Approx COLORADO BRAND: 300 elect steel posts. Post drivers. Railroad ties. Approx 40 - 3 in X 8 in treated planks. 600 gallon poly water hauling tank. Vet supplies. Approx 8 ton second cutting hay. 25 straw bales. 20 – 3 ft X 3 Dues paid ft X 8 ft bales of second cutting hay. 2 Parmak 110 V fence chargers. 3 Solar fence chargers. to 2016: 4 WHEELER – RIDING MOWER – SHOP TOOLS 2003 Polaris Trail Boss 330 4 wheeler. JD 125 riding lawn mower, auto, 20 HP, 42 in. 2 Troy Built push mowers, 6.75 and 7 HP. Forney 250 amp welder. Honda 160 power washer. Air Boss Model 135 upright air compressor, 60 gallon, 220V, like new. 10 to 100 amp battery chargers. Craftsman 15 ½ in drill press. Makita 14 in chop saw. Wissota 2 wheel grinder. Work benches w/ 6 in vices. Gas chain saws. Craftsman 7 ¼ in circular saw. 3 – 6 ft aluminum step ladders. 25 gallon Poly sprayer w/12 V pump. Sickle grinder w/elec motor. 2 ¼ ton floor jack. 3/8 and ½ in elec drills. Shop stands. Bull Dog ½ in elec impact. Milwaukee hand grinder. Jig saws. Tap and dye set. JD ½ - ¾ in drive sockets 7/16 to 1 ¾ in. ½ in drive 15 pc socket set. Bale moisture tester. Hammers. 3/8 in to 1 ½ in open and box end wrenches. Various sixed pipe and crescent wrenches. Pullers. 7/16 in to 1 in standard and metric impact sockets. Inventory cabinets. Chisels. Punches. Hand saws. Sickle servicer. Brace. Bits. Shovels. Forks. Welding cable. Transit and tripod. Log chains. JD quick hitch. Boomers. Jacks. Small tool boxes. Tire tools. Battery tester. 16 Gallon shop vac. 3 HP gas pump. Tractor chains. Chain hoist. Bottle, cart and torch set. MISCELLANOUS ITEMS 8.25, 9.00 and 10.00 X 20 truck tires. 295-75R 22.5 tires. 11L-15 implement tires. 10 in irrigation plastic plugs. Parts. Metal dams w/gates. Cement ditch dams. ¾ in plywood. Iron rack. Good, useable iron, Chevron 15-40 motor oil. Trans fluid. 18 in – 24 in culvert. 6 in PVC pipe. Approx 60 cinder blocks. Pioneer hay, feed, milo and sedan grass seed. SELLER: Richard Mauch and Ray Gilbert Farms TERMS: Full settlement the day of the auction with cash or good and sufficient check. Farmer-Stockman Realty and Auction, LLP and the Seller’s make no warranties either expressed or implied. Announcements at the auction shall take precedence. AUCTION CONDUCTED BY: Larry J. Lusher, Real Estate Broker In CO and Kansas and CO Champion Auctioneer Susan A. Lusher, Associate Real Estate Broker in CO Licensed Real Estate Brokers in Colorado and Kansas FARMER-STOCKMAN REALTY & AUCTION, LLP Under all is land, our professionals will lend you a hand. 30876 C ount y R oad 19, Gran ada, C O 81 041 (719) 336 -2675 FARMS - RANCHES - RESIDENTIAL CLERK OF THE SALE: CRUIKSHANK REALTY, INC. GENE CRUIKSHANK, ALC/Broker 20 S. Main St. Lamar, CO 81052 719-336-7802 Road 7 then ¾ mile south. Watch for signs.
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