a time of prayer and reflection in preparation for the Resurrection of


a time of prayer and reflection in preparation for the Resurrection of
Mother of God
Greencoat Road
a time of prayer and reflection in preparation for the
Resurrection of Jesus Christ
 (0116) 287 5232
 mogparish@gmail.com
Every Thursday: a decade of the Rosary after weekly Mass
Stations of the Cross: Every Friday after each Mass (In the Presbytery)
NRCDT- Registered Charity
Holy Week Services and Deanery Events
+Wednesday 1st April at 7pm Sacrament of Reconciliation at Blessed Sacrament
+Maundy Thursday: 7pm Holy Mass and Washing of feet - Adoration till 10pm
+Good Friday 3pm passion Reading and Veneration of the Cross followed by
Stations of the Cross
+Holy Saturday: 7pm Easter Vigil Mass
+Easter Sunday 10 am Holy Mass
Malayalam Services
+Maundy Thursday 11am Holy Mass and washing of the feet
+Good Friday – 9 am Stations of the Cross
+Holy Saturday Readings and Blessing of water 9am - 9pm Easter Vigil
+Easter Sunday Holy Mass at 11.30am
Let’s FAST and PRAY this Lent……… Let’s change the WORLD
Scripture says that ‘the prayer of one does much, (James 5:16) therefore the prayer of many
together will be more powerful still
A Prayer for Lent
O my God,
Knowing your almighty power,
And Your infinite goodness and mercy,
I hope in You that, by the merits
of the passion and Death of our Saviour Jesus Christ,
You will grant me eternal life,
Which You have promised to all
Such as shall do the works of a good Christian:
And these I resolve to do, with the help of Your Grace.
Fr. Paul Nellikulam
Blessed is He who comes
in the name of the Lord
McLaughlin’s Family Ints
Thirukudumbam Kuttayma Ints
10 am
Kathy McCreesh: Thanksgiving
Requiem Mass:
Frances Rosemary Graham RIP
Ann Joe &Paul Anderson RIP
Sabu Thomas RIP
Malayalam Mass: Nancy Hynes Ints
Patrick Durkin RIP
Malayalam Service
Passion Reading & Station of the Cross
Malayalam Service
Vigil mass: Bernard Holohan RIP
Malaylam Vigil Mass: Mrudhul Mathews Ints
Elaine Durkin RIP
Malayalam Mass:
29th March
5th April 2015
Is 50:4-7
Phil 2:6-11
Mk 14:1-15:47
Is 42:1-7
Jn 12:1-11
Is 49:1-6
Jn 13:21-33.36-38
Is 50:4-9
Mt 26:14-25
1 Cor 11:23-26 –
Jn 13:1-15
Is 52 :13-53:12
Heb 4:14-16;5:7-9
Jn 18:1-19:42
Rom 6:3-11
Mk 16:1-7
Acts 10:34.37-43
Col 3:1-4
Jn 20:1-9
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 1 hour each day before weekly Mass
Sacrament of Reconciliation after Mass on Saturday or whenever required
Second Collection Today for Sick and retired Priests Fund
Cards with English and Malayalam Holy Week Masses and Services
are available in the church porch. Please take one.
Frances Rosemary Graham RIP. Reception of the body on Monday 30th
March at 6pm. Funeral Mass at 2.45pm on Tuesday 31st March 2015. Gilroes
Crematorium at 4pm. Our deepest and sincere condolences to her family and
Leicester @ the Cross on Good Friday, 3rd April 2015 on Humberstone
Gate at 11am. Following the success of last year, we will follow a similar
magazine format with a few fresh additions. The Easter story will be retold
using film and drama. The Bishop of Leicester will be joined by church
leaders from different churches across Leicestershire to lead this event. And
this year we will be adding a rap artist and a live painting of a piece of art.
All of this in 45 minutes from 11.00am on Good Friday.
Memorial service for the late Delaine Takunda Mukopfa RIP is planned for
Saturday 11th April 2015. Mass at Mother of God Church at 12noon. Followed
by food and drinks in the church hall. All are invited.
Feast of Divine Mercy: Sunday 12 April at Our Lady of Good Counsel,
Rushey Mead, Leicester. An afternoon of Devotions. Full schedule is
displayed on the notice-board.
English Martyrs’ Catholic School: 50th Anniversary Celebration (1965-2015.
Saturday 2nd May from 9.30am (open morning), 12.30pm Celebration of the
Mass of thanksgiving and blessing of the new school building. 7pm Jubilee
Concert. Ticketed event only. Please see poster in church porch.
Pope Francis' events for Holy Week includes plans for a traditional Stations
of the Cross, Easter Masses and a universal blessing given on Easter Day.
The week preceding Easter begins with Palm Sunday, which recalls how the
inhabitants of Jerusalem laid palms along the road where Jesus entered on a
donkey, hailing him as king.
Pope Francis will be celebrating Mass at 9:30
am in St. Peter's Square, after blessing palm and olive branches handed out
to attendees.
Palm Sunday also marks the 30th World Youth Day, which was
established by St. John Paul II in 1984. This year's theme – the second in a
series on the beatitudes – is “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see
On Holy Thursday – the day commemorating the Last Supper – Pope Francis
will celebrate a Chrism Mass inside St. Peter's at 9:30 am, during which he
will bless the holy oils to be used for the sacraments during the coming
Later in the day, he will visit a prison in Rome, where he will wash the
feet of inmates and celebrate the Mass of the Lord’s Supper.
On Good Friday, the Pope will keep in line with papal tradition and celebrate
a service for the Passion of Our Lord at 5pm in St. Peter’s Basilica before
heading to the Colosseum, where he will lead thousands in the traditional
prayer of the Stations of the Cross. Afterward, he will give his apostolic
blessing before returning to the Vatican.
The Roman tradition of holding the Way of the Cross at the Colosseum on
Good Friday goes back to the pontificate of Benedict XIV, who died in 1758.
On Holy Saturday, Pope Francis will preside over the Easter Vigil in St.
Peter’s Basilica starting at 8:30pm.
After blessing the new fire and the
large, beeswax candle that will burn throughout the year, known as the
Easter candle, in the atrium of the basilica, the Pope will administer the
sacrament of baptism to certain individuals before concelebrating Mass with
the other bishops and cardinals present.
On Easter morning, Francis will celebrate the Mass of Our Lord’s Resurrection
in St. Peter’s Square at 10:15am before giving his 'Urbi et Orbi' blessing –
which goes out to the city of Rome and to the world from the central balcony
of St. Peter’s Basilica.
St John Fisher Catholic Voluntary Academy, Derby are looking to appoint a
full-time Key Stage 2 Teacher from Sept 2015. For more information and an
application pack please call the school office and speak to Mrs Harlow 01332
572154 or email admin@stjohnfisher.derby.sch.uk
Holy Trinity Catholic Academy, Newark - Head Teacher required for
September. Visits welcome. Please contact school on 01636 689177 or email
office@holytrinity.notts.sch.uk for CES application form and details. Closing
date 23 April 2015 at 9 a.m.
Christ the King Catholic School is also looking for an Assistant Premises
Officer and a Cleaner. Further details from posters in church porch.
Financial details: Loose Plate £117.51. Envelopes £198.88. Malayalam
£181.45. CAFOD £99.00.Thank you very much for your generous donations!
300 Club: 22nd March £50, E. Morton (292).
Please keep in your prayer all the sick and housebound people of the
parish. If you know of anybody who would like a visit from Fr. Paul,
please let him know.
PS: We need volunteers for Washing of feet on Maundy Thursday. Please
put your name on the list in the church porch. Thank you.
Please bring your Red Boxes (Missio) / donation to Church to
be emptied and collect your free magazine.
Thought for the week: “Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your
values.”~ Dalai Lama