Weekly Prayer List - Victory Baptist Church


Weekly Prayer List - Victory Baptist Church
July 1, 2015
Prayer Scripture:
“Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Humble yourselves
in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.”
James 4:8, 10
Missionaries in Mexico:
Arnold & Jeanette Woodard
Shelby & Ethan
1016 West 5th Street
Weslaco, TX 78596
Phone: 706 982-9244
Email: arnold@forcristo.com
Nursery Workers
1 PM Angie Parker & Debbie LaVigne
5 AM S.S.—Melissa Welch/Arlene Davis/*Chelsea McMahan
AM Kassie Kessler/Wilani Wahl/*Lynzy Drinnon
PM Boomer & Sarah Rish/*Sarah Stallings
Children’s Church Workers
Ages 3, 4 & 5
Samantha Fitzgerald/Harriet Angel/Leah Woodring/Kaitlyn Wolfrey
1st Grade – 4th Grade
Steve & Cheryl Southard
Church Cleaning
Jay Pavey, Ken & Polly Crunkleton, Harriet Angel,
Mag McMahan & Ethel McMahan
VCS News
7:00 PM Prayer & Bible Study
VBS Worker’s Meeting—Adult S.S. Classroom
Ages 3-5—Pre-School Children’s Church Room
Ages 6-12—Gym
*Sunday— Patriotic Sunday
10:00 AM Sunday School
11:00 AM Morning Service—Evangelist John Neal
5:00 PM Choir Practice
6:00 PM Evening Service—Evangelist John Neal
Pastor broadcasting on WRGC 540 at 8:49 AM
Fundraisers for Mission’s Trip:
Ripe strawberries dipped in white chocolate and sprinkled
with blue sugar crystals. Cost is $15.00 per dozen.
Sign-up at the Welcome Center tonight!
*Donation Box for Missions’ Trip will be at The Welcome
Center Sunday.
*Monday, July 6th from 4:00-9:00 PM eat at Bogart’s.
Bogart’s will donate 10% of all sales to help with Missions’
*Rent-a-Teen” to do yard and/or housework.
Sign-up at The Welcome Center.
VBS July 26-30th with sign-up sheets at
The Welcome Center. Please fill out the form and place
SATURDAY, July 18th--You’re invited to the wedding of
Justin Castle & Hannah Butler in Alabama. A Household
Shower will be held August 16th.
Part of our mission statement says, “The
primary purpose of Victory Christian School is
to partner with families as they strive to train
their children to conform to the image of the
Lord Jesus Christ and to pursue God’s calling
for their lives.”
In these evil days, the Biblical family unit is
under heavy satanic influence and attack!
Please pray for God to protect the families
of both our church and our school ministries.
Praises: We have two new students enrolled in first grade.
We are very grateful for some awesome volunteer help with one of our renovation
We are grateful to Brother Bagwell for the tremendous work he did with the golf
tournament again this year! The tournament raised $12,326.29 for the school.
The profits from this tournament go directly to support our operating expenses.
The following people are dealing
with Cancer related illnesses:
Lynn Kennedy
Gary Griffin (J. Foxx friend)
Butch Wolfrey
Kevin Lever (friend of T. George)
Pam Parks (Coffey’s friend)
Wanda McCoy (D. Lambert’s friend)
Joe Fulmer (Barry Fox father-in-law)
Sam Lanpher (D. Lanpher’s Dad)
Maxine Rogers (Grant Rogers’ Grandmother)
Leonard England
Roy Haskett (friend of D. Greene, melanoma)
Brent Bostic (former student of Bro. Bagwell)
Manuel Ross (Trina’s Dad, prostate cancer)
Marylee Mills (friend of S. Howell)
Joan Bishop (radiation treatments, friend of Diane Ridley)
Kevin Southern (friend of June Foxx)
Quincy Wildcat (T. George)
Roger Rehm (Hardy’s son-in-law)
Carter Oswalt (11 years’ old, B. Morris)
Gaynee van Cleve (Rick’s stepmother)
Jennifer Brown (SCC Student, Dor. Castle coworker)
Jack Jones (co-worker Modesta Kinkaid)
Bill Wolfrey (dialysis, lung cancer)
Howard Beasley (E. Hardy’s cousin)
Larry Payne (co-worker Modesta Kinkaid)
Shirley Gunter (J. Foxx friend)
Gloria Rogers (Michael Rogers’ mother)
Kevin Lever (friend of T. George)
Danny Cannon (bone cancer)
Dean Price
Billy Cummings (Beth Bagwell’s father)
Carl Woodbury
Eddie Wang (colon & prostate cancer)
Benny Bagwell
Doug Moore (colon cancer)
Howard Southard (prostate cancer)
Alton Dendy
Wayne Phillips (cancer)
Ricky Bishop (brain aneurism)
Wilson Wahl
JC Parks (pneumonia, heart/lung problems, Coffey’s former pastor)
Edna Schoolcraft (Petersen’s friend)
Kay Evans (A. Ridley’s mom)
Lynzy Davis (Danny Davis’ niece)
Buck Stewart (prostate, friend of D. Greene)
Amy Jenkins Anthony (Polly Crunkleton)
Bill Chandler (pancreatic cancer, 1 stage)
Amanda Wall (D. Robinson’s friend)
Expectant Mothers
Alex Fenoglio
Kassie Kessler
Jeannette Woodard
Put on bedrest and when she’s OK to
travel will be heading to TX
Ann Hill (Skyland Care)
Tommilee George
Eddies Mizelle (open heart surgery, cousin C. Leonard) Dean & Dot Price (major test for Dot starting tomorrow)
Sherrie Bates (recovering from surgery)
Nancy Hensley (Bobby’s Mom)
Leah Holland (heart attack, T. Drinnon)
Eloise Stallings
Billy Mottola (heart transplant needed)
Anna Rish
Pray for:
Katie Holbrooks (Rita Weyh’s niece)
Elizabeth Bryson (D. Lambert’s mother)
CAT Employees
Melissa Rogers (R. Wells’s daughter)
Jack Bryson (D. Lambert’s brother)
and decisions they
Ken Crosby (infection in spine)
Barbara Lane (friend of J. Weaver)
need to make.
Christine Waters (N. Kirkland’s sister, hip surgery) Jack James (Tricia Suttles’ step dad)
Kurt Crume (Lisa Ashe’s father, stroke)
Wanda Dills (stroke, L. Ashe’s friend)
Jim Petersen (healing in back & legs)
Angela Stevens (Tim & Elaine Case’s daughter, kidney’s shutting down)